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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

Page 7

by Bonnar King

  “What’s wrong?”

  He turned that frown at me. Then he gulped his glass empty and held it out for a refill.

  “Just pour me another one.”

  I did. But I wasn’t letting it go so easily, so I asked again by the third glass.

  “Seriously, what’s wrong?”

  He treated my question with silence for the first few minutes. But finally, he sighed and crossed his arms, then turned to me.

  “My flirting techniques didn’t work on you, huh?”

  I stared at him. Then a laugh came out of my throat, which had him glaring at me.

  “You just wait. I’ll knock your socks off,” he promised, then tossed back his drink again. I told him to take it easy, but couldn’t stop my own amusement. Loose and carefree Leo was the most fun omega I’d ever met, and I knew this was the real him under all that proper exterior.

  I wanted more of it. Unrestricted Leo.

  By the time we reached the building where my condo was located, he was verging on tipsy and talking a mile a minute. We rode the elevator, and he pouted when I pressed the top floor button, then told me that I needed to keep him distracted again if we got hit by another blackout. I promised him I would, then watched as his hands started moving toward his stomach area.

  It took me a while to register what he was doing.

  Stunned, I watched as unzipped his pants, then began to slide it down. He was wearing cotton white boxer-briefs that looked plain and ordinary—except my dick didn’t care about that.

  It was already hard, weeping with bursts of lust.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I growled at him.

  “It’s hot,” he complained. He began pulling his tank-top off, and every single inch of his skin that showed had my mouth going dry. Shit. I reached out a hand to stop his, but fisted it back beside me when I realized I couldn’t touch him—not now. I had a vow—not celibacy, but almost close, because I hadn’t had sex with anyone since that night in the elevator. Work had kept me busy.

  It was okay. This elevator led straight to my suite, and we were near. I just had to hold out and stay on my side, then—

  All my intentions were shot to hell when Leo threw himself at me. My hands instinctively wrapped around his ass so as not to let him fall, and his legs wrapped around my waist. I staggered on the elevator wall with a grunt.

  Leo’s mouth fused to my lips, kissing passionately.

  “I have a point to prove. Need to—” His kisses trailed down my neck, and my eyes crossed. “—knock your socks… off.” Then he was sucking softly on my skin, and whatever resistance I had was instantly sucked away with it. I wanted him alright, but not like this. Not while he was too drunk to remember this in the morning.

  “Leo—what the—goddamn it, Leo.”

  Fuck it. I was only human and couldn’t resist this sexy as fuck omega.

  Leo’s name was a prayer on my lips. And then I was yanking his mouth up and kissing him with everything I had—all the pent-up frustration and desire that I felt, all the need that came raging out in a mix of fire and lust. It wasn’t a slow kiss, nor was it an experimental one—we were both too desperate for that, and it only grew as our tongues collided and I felt him moan vibrate in my throat.

  I began kissing him back. Then I moved my way down and licked his chest with my hungry mouth, while squeezing his tight ass.

  He moaned my name, and I felt my cock jut out in response. His hands tugged at my hair as I sucked and licked and teased, enjoying the taste and feel of his soft flesh. His dick was hard in his underwear, and pressing against my waist as I held him up by his ass, with his legs wrapped tightly around me.

  I sucked harder on his nipple, while Leo rubbed his crotch against my body—gyrating vigorously. Suddenly, Leo cried out, his body bucking—then, shaking. Stunned, I realized that he was already climaxing from the friction, and the image of him doing so embedded in my memory to last for many jerk-off sessions. Damn it.

  It lasted so long, which indicated to me that it had been a long time since he last had an orgasm. I watched it all, devouring the sight of him falling apart before he finally came down from his high and slumped against me. After a few seconds, I heard the definite sound of snoring, which had me barking out a laugh so hard that I had to lean against the wall to keep holding him up.

  Fucking great. Another night of blue balls.

  The elevator dinged and opened, showing my suite. With a sigh, I rearranged Leo in my arms so I could carry him inside without his feet touching the floor. Then I stumbled in the bedroom and gently placed him on the bed, ignoring the sight of his flushed, half-naked body and covering him as fast as I could. Damn, he smelled so good, and my self-control was on thin ice. I turned off the lights and stumbled back out, getting a long gulp of cold water to ease back the hotness I was feeling inside.

  It didn’t work.

  I looked down at the ever-growing bulge inside by pants.

  Then I cursed at the complication this was going to be.



  Waking up to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling with a beautiful crystal chandelier had me feeling disoriented, relaxed and dreamy—all at the same time. Maybe I was having a dream about just resting, and this was the best representation of it.

  Five seconds later, everything came back to mind.

  I sat up in an instant, then groaned as the action sent my back into a spasm. I stretched for a bit, then froze when I realized I was down to my underwear. With a shriek, I scrambled in the covers and frantically looked around, where I found my clothes and my travel bag on a chair beside the bed.

  Had Lucas decided to undress me? Did we have sex?

  I opened the bag and rummaged around until I found something new to wear. Then I made a quick dash for the shower, where it only took me a few minutes to freshen up and get dressed. Although I did notice my underwear had a dried semen stain on it. I put it down to maybe having a sexy dream.

  Feeling relatively more alert, I finally opened the bedroom door a sliver, peeking out and gawking just a little as I got a full glimpse of Lucas’ luxurious pad. There were more crystal chandeliers outside the bedroom as well as state-of-the-art furniture and electronics that were the most current in the market.

  I mean, I knew the alpha was a billionaire… but this was ridiculous. What didn’t he own?

  The alpha himself wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity, which gave me the confidence to get out of the bedroom. I looked around, deciding to rummage in the fridge and find something to eat. Just as I was about to cross toward that direction, something stopped me.

  There was a door slightly ajar in the corner just before the kitchen, and there was a sound inside. I paused, inching just a bit closer until I heard it again.

  It was a groan—a very male, very familiar groan. The groan was followed by several grunts.

  I froze, my eyes widening.

  Did Lucas bring an omega in while I was in the other room?

  The thought filled me with shock and jealousy. The emotions were replaced by anger, so raw that I almost reeled back at the charge it brought. Then the anger was gone, to be replaced by a morbid curiosity that filled me with horror.

  As if I was being dictated by an invisible voice in my head, I took a step forward. Then, another.

  I rationalized it—in my mind; I knew that if I saw him having sex with another omega, it would be the end of it. I wouldn’t fantasize about him again. Ever.

  Call it a purging.

  The grunts continued, the sound so low and full of desire. I peeked in. I gasped in shock.

  There was no omega.

  Lucas was all alone—and he had his hand on the biggest, most erect cock I had ever seen in my life. His cock jutted straight up in the air, smooth all over, with the mushroom-shaped tip leaking pre-cum. He was naked on the waist up, his abs hard, chiseled ridges. He was wearing a pair of jeans, which rode low on his hips and showed off a light trail of dark hair that arrowed down.r />
  His hand was stroking his dick in swift, hard jerks.

  Something pooled low in my belly, and I knew without a doubt it was no longer horror—nor was it anger. I also knew I was supposed to back off, but my feet were rooted in place, and my eyes devoured the sight. Lucas’ eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open, and the sounds coming out of them suddenly made sense. One of his hands was gripping the bathroom sink counter, almost as if to steady himself.

  It was like watching the hottest porn, only better. Sexier. It was like witnessing something so forbidden you couldn’t tear your gaze away, and all you could do was hold on for the ride. His groans steadily increased, even while he did his best to stifle it by biting his lower lip, and the action alone had what was pooling in my belly slide further down until it was throbbing in between my legs. His movements increased, until his hips were thrusting, and his hand quickened its jerks on his long, hard cock. He was larger than I imagined, and so much longer—and when his thumb pressed over and over on his tip, an almost animal sound came out of his throat and reverberated in my omega-hole.

  What I would give to have him push that alpha meat into me!

  My knees shook. I was so afraid I was going to stumble in place—which was the trigger I needed. Stifling my own gasp, I backed away as quietly as I could, then raced toward the bedroom to sit back on the bed and brace myself. My heart was racing a mile a minute… and my dick was solid as a rock. I was so, so horny. Oh, God.

  I closed my eyes to forget the scene.

  But there was no forgetting something like that.

  Instead, I ended up imagining how it would have ended—with his seed spurting everywhere and that big, powerful body shaking with his release.

  The plane ride back home was quiet and subdued, mostly due to me. Lucas was doing his best to converse, but I avoided him like the plague and sat on the other chair—the one that had the most distance between us—afraid that he was going to see the truth in my eyes and there would be consequences. The truth that I couldn’t stop thinking about the amazing sight of Lucas masturbating. I just kept hoping it was me he was thinking about while he did it.

  When we finally landed, we immediately made our way to the office to check up on everything. Then I was already escaping for the nearby coffee shop, still trying to get myself in order.

  Coffee was going to get me back on track.

  Ten minutes later, I was sipping in peace.

  “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  My head jerked up in shock. I stared at Lucas, who was standing in front of my table and eyeing me almost patiently. An image of his impressive shaft flashed in my head, turning my face hot and making me almost choke on my drink.

  I recovered pretty quickly, shooting him an innocent look.

  “What do you mean?”

  His unwavering gaze told he wasn’t buying it. “What are you doing here?”



  I frantically scanned my mind. “My date,” I blurted out—then inwardly cursed myself. What the hell?

  Disbelieving, that stupid brow rose. “You’re dating someone?”

  “Yes,” I said, forcing my voice to sound cheerful. The gleam in his eyes and his stance told me he wasn’t going to leave until he saw it before his eyes, so I stood up and thought ahead. “I was actually just getting coffee. I’m meeting him somewhere else. I’ll be back in the office once I’m done. See you.”

  Then I was out of there before he could say another word.

  Once outside, I kept walking and breathed a sigh of relief. Lucas wasn’t an idiot—I knew he didn’t go after attached omegas. They were too complicated in his mind, and he liked things easy. All I had to do was keep up the pretense until he left it alone—or at least, until the images of him beating that huge cock of his got erased from my brain and fantasies, whichever came first—

  “Where are you meeting him?”

  I turned around and faced Lucas, not letting my disbelief show. There was a smirk on his lips, which only served to infuriate me.

  “A nearby store,” I said, flipping my hair. I smiled impishly. “We’re going shopping.”

  “A shopping date,” he mused. “An alpha after your heart, I’m sure.”

  I threw him a look. “He’s dreamy. You can leave me alone now. Bye.”

  To prove my point that I didn’t want him around—and that I really was meeting someone—I entered a nearby boutique, which looked as good a place as many for a meetup. I didn’t even glance at what type of shop it was. I just barged in, not caring as long as he was out of my hair.

  Lucas followed me. Damn it.

  He glanced at me, then at the store interior. His eyes widened. Then he looked back at me, his eyes darkening into that dangerous territory. An answering spark filled my bones.

  Lucas cleared his throat as if something was stuck there.

  “So… you’re trying to seduce this new alpha, then?”

  “What makes you say that?”

  Before he could respond, another voice was greeting us—a cheerful, welcoming one. “Good morning! Welcome to our wonderful store. Please feel free to browse to your heart’s content.”

  I looked up at the salesman, giving him a smile. Then I glanced as he indicated toward the shelves behind him.

  The smile died on my face when I finally registered what they were.

  Sex toys. Lube. Porn DVDs.

  With a jerk, I looked back at the entrance glass and read the name. Horror filled me.

  I had just entered a hardcore sex shop.

  “So… there is no new alpha boyfriend, huh?”

  It was the certainty in his voice—and the arrogance. The fury came back in spades, and it was all I could do not to glare at him. What, did he think I couldn’t get an alpha on my own? Was he laughing at me?

  I snatched the nearest skimpy outfit from the rack before the question could fully form in my mind.

  “Yes, there is,” I said through gritted teeth. Then I walked away, but not before seeing the completely shocked expression on his face.


  Maybe now Lucas would finally leave me alone. Even though my body wanted him more than ever, I knew it was best for the survival of the business if we kept our hands off each other. So, if I needed to invent a fake boyfriend in order to accomplish this, then so be it.



  I sat on the dressing room’s waiting couch and tried not to brood.

  Leo had another alpha? Big fucking deal. He was seeing someone while giving me all these mixed signals, and I only found out now. Maybe it was just as well. It would stop me from thinking about him too much, or hanging around him so much, or even teasing him the way I had. That’s what I get for giving an omega attention.

  However, it certainly wouldn’t stop me from jacking off to thoughts of fucking his sweet ass.

  Except I didn’t believe a single word about the secret boyfriend for one second.

  If he had another alpha, he wouldn’t have tried to kiss me like that earlier.

  And surely, he would have mentioned it earlier.

  I’d never done friendship before with an omega. But being friends with Leo certainly wasn’t bad. Our time in Los Angeles had been… invigorating. Hell, it had been more fun than I’d ever had with any omega, and we didn’t even fuck! Now that was saying a lot. I just didn’t do friendships much, because omegas only liked two things about me: getting filled by my cock and spending my money. It got old real fast, and I found out through a lot of past mistakes that I just needed to put up a barrier to see who was genuine and who wasn’t.

  Leo was one of the most genuine people I’d ever met. I didn’t know how to define how I felt about him, but it was… intense.

  Maybe too intense.

  He was smart, sarcastic, tough and clumsier than most omegas who were my type. He was also all sorts of forbidden, from being in a position directly under me to being the old boss’s son. I touched all
sorts of single omegas, but never that. Never committed ones in relationships, too. That was the unspoken alpha code I always lived by.

  But surprisingly enough, it didn’t stop me from wanting Leo—in bed, against the wall, at every available surface I could find.

  The want for Leo was so intense, it was all I could think about during my waking hours. I wanted his body against mine, wanted him in my arms. I wanted my cock inside his tight cock-palace, and fucking him hard. I wanted him moaning my name as I made him come over, and over again. He had me tied up in knots, and he didn’t even know it.

  And now, here we were at a standstill—and he was seeing some stupid, random alpha guy. I refused to believe it until I saw it… which I had a suspicion was never.

  And now he was almost half an hour inside the dressing room, and it was starting to worry me. Maybe he was embarrassed to be caught lying. I knew the easiest way to get him out of there was to goad him. I decided to start with teasing.

  “Come on, Leo. Cut the act and just come out of there. We can have a laugh about this new mystery alpha nonsense later.”


  I stood up and strode directly outside his dressing room, knocking softly. The Leo I knew would have a sarcastic barb thrown at me already. “Leo? You okay in there?”

  More silence. Then…

  “Can you ask the salesman to come here?”

  His voice was a bit strangled, and not at all right. An alarm went in my head as it registered what that emotion was: panic.

  I knocked harder. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Rustling came from inside, then a bump and a mutter.

  “Can you get the salesman?”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Can you just get the damn salesperson, sales assistant, any of the staff?” he hissed.

  “I will if you tell me what happened,” I countered.

  Silence. Then his voice trembled, turned more panicky and more vulnerable.


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