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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

Page 11

by Bonnar King

  Then I focused my attention to the room.

  Everyone was looking at me curiously, so I didn’t waste time any longer. I made an introduction by thanking everyone for the hard work that they’d done and the work that they’ve continued doing as the holidays season approached. Then I proceeded to read the latest revenue, eyes focused on Leo. Because of this, I was able to see his expression change from curiosity to wonder, then to delight.

  My words lit up his beautiful face. It lit up his entire body language—he was now standing tall and proud, and I almost stumbled on my speech as I watched him transform and glow in front of my eyes, telling me just how much he loved this magazine. He had a radiance and glow I’d not seen before. A surge of pride settled inside me as I finished the meeting and wished everyone a good day.

  Cheers rose before everyone dispersed, and Walter gave me an approving nod before leaving, which meant a lot more to me than he’d ever know. I wanted to do right by him, because he had dedicated his life to this company, and I wanted to prove to him that I was the alpha for the job. To him it may have just been an approving nod, but for me, it symbolized the passing of the torch.

  As everyone left the conference room, it was just me and Leo left, and I could see his body practically vibrating as he turned twinkling eyes at me.

  “I’d like to see you in my office in five minutes, Leo,” I said calmly, in case someone overheard us from the open door. “There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

  He stifled a cute chuckle. “Of course. I’ll be there.”

  Five minutes later, the door to my office opened. Leo stepped forward, positively giddy.

  “I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed. He laughed, and it was the most infectious thing in the world. In his simple navy-blue pants and white shirt, I thought he was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

  “This is amazing, Lucas. And in just three months!”

  I smirked. “You can thank me now.”

  I held out a sealed envelope to Leo. “Here, I have something for you.”

  “Is it a bonus for my hard word?” Leo joked.

  “No. Just, please open it and see.”

  Leo took the sealed envelope from my hand and placed it on my desk without taking his eyes off me.

  The sparkle in his eyes turned to a gleam. “I’m sure that can wait. For now, you can tell me how you’d like me to thank you.” he teased.

  In response, I pulled him in for a kiss. It was a celebratory kiss, but it prolonged into something deeper and hotter, one that had our breathing going erratic and our bodies pressing against each other. I delved into him, diving into his familiar, wonderful taste and feeling something different this time.

  It felt like home.

  When I pulled back, I stared at him in wonder, the new feeling rolling around me strangely. It fluttered and settled as I kissed him again until we were both lost in each others arms.

  I was about to tease him this time when I noticed the happy look on his face disappear, to be replaced by a somber expression. I stepped back and placed my hands on his shoulders, tilting my head. “What’s wrong?”

  He bit his lip. “I… I need to tell you something. I should have told you sooner.”

  Suddenly there were tears forming in Leo’s eyes, which alarmed me. I took him to the nearest wall where I had him lean against my chest as I kissed his forehead. Was he just being emotional about the good news?

  Instead, Leo stood on tiptoe and kissed me again, making me forget about everything but his tongue on mine. He distracted me until my mind was blank and my body was happily aroused, my dick already semi-hard the moment he’d entered the room. But it only grew harder as he sucked on my tongue, and I wondered if we could get away with a quickie in my office again before my next meeting.

  I was feeling pretty high on my sex drive when Leo broke the kiss again. I made a move to follow his mouth—

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I froze.

  My ears rang with the words, and I wondered if I was hearing things. But one look at Leo’s serious expression told me he wasn’t kidding.

  Like a flash, all that was happening these past few months suddenly came back to me. His so-called flu, the vomiting. The way he didn’t look that well some days as if he was about to collapse on his feet. Him avoiding me like I had a plague one day, then coming onto me horny as hell the next. It all fit like pieces of a puzzle, making sense more than anything had ever made sense.

  How could I have been so clueless? An alpha like me should have been able to sense something like this. Maybe I was too focused on my businesses to pay attention to all the signs.

  I swallowed. Panic bloomed in my chest, settling down and sliding toward my stomach. My erection dwindled, and I knew he noticed as dread mixed with his somber expression.

  I swallowed again. Then I cleared my throat as he slowly backed away.

  “Is it mine?”

  It was the absolutely wrong thing to come out of my mouth. I didn’t know what made me say it. I was a complete asshole. A bastard of the highest degree that didn’t know when to be sensitive to someone’s feelings. Of course, it was mine. He hadn’t been with anyone else, but I just relied on a default reaction without thinking.

  And I’d just hurt the only omega I’d ever cared this deeply about.

  He took another step back—a bigger one this time.

  “If you didn’t want it, you could have just not insulted me,” Leo said quietly. “I would have understood, you know.” Tears streamed down his face, and I could have killed myself for being the cause of it.

  Then he was slipped out of the door, while the tears ran down his face.

  “You bastard,” a voice yelled.

  I reeled back as his punch hit me on the nose. I saw a white flash, unable to believe what was happening. I touched my nose and saw it was bleeding.

  Walter was staring at me with cold eyes.

  He’d heard everything.

  I inwardly winced at the thought, even while horror filled me as everything happened too fast.

  Then his next words had me stumbling to come up with a decent explanation as to what had just occurred in the office

  “Get out of here. You better fucking resign from this position right fucking now,” growled Walter, in full protective father mode.

  “Please, let me explain,” I pleaded.

  “No! You’re done. You’ve betrayed me. Don’t ever come back.”



  My father was furious.

  I couldn’t exactly blame him because it wasn’t only Lucas who betrayed him. I did, too, for keeping a secret so big from someone who’d been nothing but good to me and had provided me with everything I needed while growing up. My omega dad had died during childbirth, and I only had my alpha dad to raise me. He didn’t want his only son to just be knocked up in this way. He wanted me to be married to a nice, respectable alpha that would look after me.

  Knowing my father wasn’t going to talk to me right off, I decided to give him space and deal with my own emotions.

  God knew I had lots of it.

  I knew my dad had told Lucas to get out and never return. I’d heard enough to hear that part, but didn’t stick around due to my own shock and hurt. To my further shock, when I returned in the office after a long walk outside to clear my mind, Lucas was gone—and my father was tight-lipped, only expressing how disappointed he was in me before refusing to speak to me for the rest of the day.

  Lucas didn’t come back the next day, nor the next. But he hadn’t terminated his contract with Think Train, either. I didn’t know what that meant, and the dread of having to deal with it had me up on edge for the rest of the days.

  One week in, and my worry turned to resolve. I went to my father’s office and knocked firmly, waiting for him to tell me to come in. When he did, I swooped in instantly, watching his surprised expression as he looked at me.

  “I have a meeting—”

; “Your meeting can wait,” I clipped out. Then I sat on the available chair and kept watching him before taking a deep breath. It was now or never. “I’m sorry for keeping it a secret.”

  Silence filled the room. Finally, my father sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, too. It was just a shock.”

  I nodded my head. And just like that, we were both standing up and hugging each other affectionately. When he stepped back, he looked at me in a scrutinizing manner.


  “Did he seduce you? Force you?”

  Despite the situation, I managed a laugh. “God, no. I’m adult enough to make my own decisions. It was completely mutual.”

  “Was it just an affair, then?”

  I could have lied and eased his mind. But I didn’t want to anymore. I shook my head. “It started off that way. But things changed. Now I… I have someone growing inside me.”

  Automatically, my hand went to my belly, which was still flat. But love surged at the thought of the baby inside. I had vowed to take care of it and to love it fully, alone or with someone.

  “I love him,” I blurted out. “I’m in love with Lucas, dad, and it’s not going to change.”

  My dad only looked at me quietly. Sadly. Then he nodded.

  “Whatever happens, I’ll be here for you,” he murmured.

  And that was that. Despite the heaviness I was feeling, a small sliver of happiness came at his sincere words.

  Two weeks later and Lucas still hadn’t shown his face, turning my hurt into anger. Was he so scared of the responsibility that he’d just disappear like that? I wasn’t going to force him. The idea that he thought I would turn the anger back to hurt, and soon the back and forth of the two emotions drove me nuts. But I tried to be calm and do some yoga classes, something I hadn’t done in a while. It kept the roller coaster of emotions in check, leaving only peace and relaxation behind.

  As much as I tried to focus on work and running the company in Lucas’ absence, I missed his smile, I missed his laugh. I missed him. Curiosity got the better of me and I found myself wondering into his office, which to my surprise was not locked. I knew he wasn’t going to be there, but I wanted to smell his strong masculine scent again, which was so enchanting in its own alpha way.

  I noticed the envelope Lucas tried to hand me after our meeting, still sealed and on the desk. I had been so busy with the life drama and work that I had forgotten all about it. I rushed over to it and ripped it open like my life depended on it.

  The letter from Lucas, for me. The letter stated that he felt very happy he was able to help turn the business around, and now it was time for him to step down and appoint the person who knew the business better than anyone and was more than capable. He was handing it over to Leo. Me.

  I read on. The letter stated that this was all part of his plan from the beginning and is what he always liked to do—acquire companies, make them profitable, sell them on or keep them in this case, but step away to move onto the next project.

  All this time my father thought he had kicked Lucas out of the company, but Lucas was always intending to step down from the role of CEO and give the company to me.


  By the start of the third week, some more shocking things happened in the office. Max was involved with another omega employee, Jake—and getting caught cheating on him. Unlike me, Jake didn’t take it sitting down, lashing out at him in a spurt of insults and tears until our other work colleagues had to pull them apart. It gave my dad enough of a headache to be preoccupied, and I kept out of it, relieved that I’d dodged that bullet early.

  By the end of the third week, another shock came—this time in the form of a note left at my desk, directing me toward Lucas’ office. I walked toward it with nerves and heart pounding, not really sure what to say.

  He was back.

  Lucas was back.

  When I entered, the office had no Lucas. Instead, there were flowers.

  Lots and lots of flowers that practically filled the room.

  They were colorful and exotic, with notes that they were for me. That was it. No explanation, nothing. I knew I should have appreciated it, knew I should have just smiled and thought positive about the whole thing.

  But like a dam bursting, my emotions went all over the place.

  All I could think about was how he wasn’t here. In his place were flowers—beautiful, exotic, expensive flowers—but it simply couldn’t replace his presence. Anger rushed at me and so did tears, and suddenly I found myself stalking inside and reaching out for the nearest bouquet arrangement. White lilies, mixed with red poppies. I smelled it.

  Then I tore at it.

  Shame followed the anger. I knew it was my hormones making me act like this, but I couldn’t stop it even if I tried. Five minutes later, I finally noticed a rectangular, gift-wrapped box resting on a chair. I went for it and tore open the wrapping paper, muttering under my breath as I did so—

  My hands trembled with excitement.

  In an instant, the anger I felt disappeared to be replaced by shock… and wonder.

  It was a painting—not just any painting, but a painting of my favorite place in the world. Prague. Charles Bridge was painted in shadows and smoke, with the city as its background and a spectacular combination of colors as its night sky.

  It was beautiful.

  My eyes welled up again, and I had to blink the tears away. The intensity of my feelings for him—for this painting—threatened to break me apart, and I didn’t know if I could handle it. I fisted my hands and tried to control my breathing.

  But I ended up freezing when I heard a voice.

  His voice.

  “I’m glad you didn’t tear up the painting.”

  I whipped my head around and found Lucas standing there by the door, his hands in his pockets. He was wearing black jeans and a black sweater, and now I wanted to tear the sweater off because I suddenly missed looking at his hot body and tattoos, too. Oh, God. I was an emotional mess.

  But nothing was more powerful than those stormy eyes looking at me with an unreadable expression. My stomach dropped at the thought that the flowers and the painting were an offering—a peace offering.

  For his rejection. For his final goodbye.

  My knees weakened. My hands trembled.

  I locked them in place and steeled myself.

  “Thank you for the gift, Lucas.”

  There was silence for a long time. I looked down on the floor when he finally responded. “You’re welcome.”

  I took a deep breath, fighting the tears. “If this is your way of apologizing and telling me goodbye, then there really is no need to—”

  “Leo. Look at me.”

  I shook my head, overwhelmed.

  “Leo. Look at me. Please.”

  I took another deep breath. I looked up.

  And the emotions on his face, visible now, had me staggering.

  His eyes devoured me hungrily in the span of a few seconds, a raw need that I saw as clear as daylight. Then he was pulling me closer, those huge hands before sliding up to cup my cheek—a possessive move.

  “I’ve missed you,” he groaned out. “So much, Leo. I’ve been a mess without you.”

  Then he was kissing me.

  I would have fought, except the kiss was desperate and frantic—and in it, I could feel what he didn’t say.

  All that I felt for him came back, stronger and deeper than before. I kissed him back for all I was worth, letting him know exactly how I felt, too. It was hot and tingly and melted me in an instant, and I had to break the kiss to get my breath back. His breathing was just as shallow as mine.

  He didn’t let go. Instead, his lips settled on my hair, a strangely gentle move. I stared at him in wonder.

  “So that wasn’t a goodbye gift?”

  Lucas merely looked at me like I was crazy. He vehemently shook his head. “Why the hell would I be saying goodbye to you?”

  “Because you were gone for w

  Realization dawned on his face, followed by remorse. “I was selling some of my condos so I could get one here. Or a house. Whatever you want. And I wanted to give you and your dad from space.”

  Stunned, I could only gasp. “A house. Here?”

  “You’re here,” he said simply. “And so is the baby.” Frustration rolled off him in waves. “I’m sorry, Leo. I’m so fucking sorry for everything I’ve put you through. It took me a while to understand what I was feeling for you, and I’m the biggest idiot in the world for panicking and reacting the way I did. I wasn’t upset. I was just taken by surprise and needed some time to process the news. My own father was always so tied up in his business and I was pretty much raised by nannies. I never really learned what real parenting was like. This doesn’t justify my actions, but I just want you to know how sorry I am and how much I love you.”

  “You love me?”

  “Hell yeah, I love you. I’m in love with you, Leo. I love everything about you. I even love you when you’re being difficult and we’re fighting. I want to be with you, and with our baby.”

  “Oh. Wow” I was in shock. Lost for words. Lucas hardly ever apologized for anything in the part. And he was never this open with his feelings.

  Then, before I could react any further, he pulled away again and kept talking. “I also wanted to get that painting done as soon as possible, so I went to the artist in Prague for a rush painting. And I wanted to get you this. To apologize and to show you that I mean everything I’m saying.”

  Suddenly he was tense, his body locking into a rigid stance. Hope and uncertainty warred in his gaze. He took something out of his pocket. He knelt down.

  Oh, God.

  On his palm was a beautiful silver ring with a green gemstone on the center.

  It matched the exact color of my eyes.

  “Marry me, Leo. I’ll do my best to make you happy every day of your life, and to love and protect you and our baby.”

  My heart fluttered. His voice sounded firm, full of love, but also full of uncertainty—like he wasn’t sure I was going to accept. Lucas—the arrogant, always certain alpha—now uncertain.


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