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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

Page 15

by Bonnar King

  Fascinated, I kept watching as Sam eventually gave up and awkwardly excused himself, then before he could even turn back to thank the alpha for the polite conversation, the alpha had already made his way to the corner of the bar, flirting with some new and flirty omega.

  Watching all this at a distance made me feel like a bit of stalker, as I was far too engrossed in Sam’s activities to pay any attention to the constant omega’s approaching me. It was almost as if I was looking through them in order to keep my eyes firmly fixed onto Sam.

  I watched, as disappointment crossed Sam’s face. He crossed his legs, distracting me for a bit, then frowned into his drink. He gulped it down and ordered another one.

  “You look pretty lonely out here.”

  The soft omega voice interrupted my watch, and I glanced to my side and found a cute brunette omega eyeing me flirtatiously. He was gorgeous and wearing those fuck-me tight leather pants that highlighted his round ass, making it clear exactly what he was in this bar for. I raised a brow at his statement.

  “Are you here to provide me some company?” I asked.

  He smiled, flashing brilliant white teeth. He then leaned closer, showing a view of his tight ass. I waited for my body to respond, but there was none, and I was about to politely dismiss said omega when I looked up and found Sam frowning in my direction. Was he jealous or just concerned I would get into trouble again?

  An idea popped in my head. I found myself smiling at the omega as he responded, “Depends on what type of company you need,” he breathed out seductively.

  “Oh, I have many…needs. Big needs,” I murmured. I leaned in and placed my mouth near the slutty omega’s ear, as if to whisper. But I kept my voice in its normal volume, so someone else could hear what I was saying. “What type of company are you open to?”

  “I can be any company you want,” the omega responded, the huskiness heavy in his voice. He placed a hand on my knee, then slid it lightly up my thigh when I didn’t protest. I waited for a stirring to happen down there, but still felt nothing. All I felt was the same restlessness and boredom whenever I tried to do something fun, and suddenly I missed going for a fast ride in my car or flying in an airplane again so I could skydive.

  I tried to flirt some more, telling the omega—who introduced himself as Robbie, despite me not asking—to tell me more. To my amusement, Robbie began detailing all the things he wanted to do with me, starting with taking me up to his hotel room so he could peel off my clothes and proceed to lick me all over. He then spent special details about my cock and how he wanted to lick it like a lollipop, then about how he wanted to ride my stiff rod like some naughty cowboy. He even mentioned something about how he was willing to bend over on the balcony so I could fuck him from behind, and I could tell by his hardening bulge beneath his tight leather pants that he was already turned on by the possibility of getting fucked by me.

  But me? I felt nothing. Not even a slight stirring, not even any sign of heat, and I was torn between boredom and irritation.

  I did know someone who wouldn’t be amused, and he now just happened to be sitting right beside the omega—and yes, that amused me more. Eager to see Sam’s scandalized or disapproving expression, I looked up above the brunette omega’s head toward Sam.

  I froze.

  There wasn’t disapproval or anything resembling a scandalized expression on Sam‘s face. In fact, he was concentrating on his orange juice like it was the most fascinating thing in the world, and the thought crossed my mind that maybe he hadn’t heard what we’d been bantering on about.

  Then I saw it—Sam clutching the glass so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Robbie said something else—this time something about needing to swallow me whole—and I watched Sam bite his lower lip and grip his glass tighter.

  Something in my belly stirred now.

  I kept watching Sam, the omega’s murmur beside me becoming a faint, distant buzz. As if feeling my gaze, Sam turned his head in my direction, and I saw those bottle green eyes—except they were darker than their usual color, as if he was…aroused.

  The stirring in my belly intensified, and I felt an erection building up inside my pants.

  Shocked, we both broke gazes right away, and I abruptly turned my attention back to Robbie. He was looking down at my pants, with a pleased and eager expression on his face, and I knew he misunderstood my reaction to his teasing.

  “Want to go somewhere more private?” Robbie asked.

  I didn’t want to, really. But I couldn’t stay here while having this weird reaction to Sam, because that was just… a no. While I slept with pretty much anyone I was interested in, sleeping with him would just be a complication I didn’t need because he was practically my shadow at this point, so I couldn’t just pump and dump him. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sam stand up and go toward the bathroom, his walk a little funny. To my shock, the sight of his tight butt swaying sent a shot of heat inside me and had my cock’s full attention.

  Damn, Sam looked hot as fuck.

  I couldn’t have that. I nodded my head at Robbie. “Let’s go,” I bit out. Then I stood up and took the lead, pulling him along with me.



  Justin was gone by the time I returned from the restroom, and I wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or relieved. On one hand, I was relieved because…well, that was just an awkward moment altogether when our eyes met, and I was pretty sure he saw my reaction to him and that other omega’s flirting—my inappropriate, embarrassing reaction that I should have controlled better.

  Fine, so I was aroused. It started as a tingle down my spine that spread throughout my body as that slutty omega began to describe all the things he wanted to do with Justin. He wasn’t really responding besides the usual innuendo, but the descriptive way the omega went on caught my attention. Before I knew it, my mind was already drifting to putting pictures into words, and image after image of Justin shirtless flashed in my brain and had me shocked beyond belief. What was innocent to begin with became more sensual as I imagined someone licking every inch of Justin’s skin, then going down on him as he groaned out in pleasure.

  And that someone was me.

  It was so preposterous that I had to get away from there for a quick few minutes, just so I could keep my composure and banish the sexy images that were bombarding me. It didn’t help that Justin and I gazed at each other by accident while said images were currently on my mind, only adding fire to my already heated state. In the restroom, I tried to rationalize it in my head as me only reacting to an omega teasing an alpha—a good-looking alpha, I could admit reluctantly—because…well, I hadn’t been with anyone in so long. The last long-term relationship I was in was right after I graduated from college, and that didn’t even end with a bang. It ended when I just couldn’t picture myself with him in the long run, and we broke it off amiably and never saw each other again.

  My last sexual encounter? It was after said long-term commitment, when I’d been stupid enough to go nuts over a hot alpha in the workplace who only wanted to get in my pants. We did it in his car, and it had been so awkward, with only him coming in the end. After that, he avoided me like the plague, and I’d sworn off casual sex since then.

  It wasn’t that I was repressed. I was just cautious, which was why I couldn’t imagine Justin’s lifestyle of just having sex with whomever he wanted. I wasn’t judgemental by any means, but it just seemed too mindless, and I wondered how they could build any kind of connection with any of his partners, especially during one-night stands. Sex was fine, but it wasn’t as mind-blowing as I thought it would be. I guess I just hadn’t found the right chemistry with the right alpha for me to consider doing it again. Plus, there was work to consider, and work often kept me busy enough that dating and sex was often put on the back burner.

  Speaking of work.

  Now that I’d managed to work through my embarrassment, frustration slammed into me as I stared at the long bar and didn’t see Justin ther
e anymore. A quick look around determined that he wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity, either, and neither was the omega he’d been flirting with. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together, but a part of me wondered if this was another one of his games just like the first day—ditching me out of the blue so he could do whatever he wanted.

  Grumbling, already working my way into a grumpy mood, I stalked toward the long bar again, intending to order a third glass of orange juice as I took out my phone. If he put me on voicemail, then he was going to receive the most scathing voice message in his life.

  Voices drifted in my ears, and they perked up when I heard Justin’s name mentioned. I sat beside the two omegas gossiping about him, realizing this was an opportunity for me to find out what those he didn’t flirt with thought about him.

  Five minutes later, I rolled my eyes into my drink as the omegas gushed about Justin’s manly looks and wealthy status.

  I tried not to groan in frustration as they went on and on about his hot aura and how sexy he was when he did all his dangerous activities, and how arousing it was when his naked pictures were splashed everywhere online. Oh, please.

  There was some talk, too, about how it was irresponsible and sometimes too reckless, but that there was no resisting Justin no matter what he did because he was the epitome of a walking, talking sex and bank machine. He was pretty much considered the ultimate prize for these slutty omegas. In the last two weeks, though, he’d been lying low, and the omegas then gushed about his fundraisers and charity events—the ones I arranged—and how amazing it was that such a sweet man was under all that tough façade.

  Now I wasn’t sure if I should be delighted that my efforts were paying off or irritated because these omegas adored Justin no matter what he did. Not only that, but I knew that other alphas also admired him. He was an alpha man’s man—they all wanted to be like him and live vicariously through him.

  “But now I saw him pull that omega out the back, and I swear I get so confused if he’s a bad boy or a good one. It doesn’t matter though, because I’d still take him home to my mom for being so charming.”

  The other omega shook his head. “Are you kidding? I want to take him to my bed so he can fuck me raw and put a baby in me.”

  “Haven’t you heard? He’s never taken an omega home. He thinks it’s boring, and doesn’t want clingers.”

  “You’re probably right. And I bet they’re doing the dirty deed right now somewhere public. Lucky omega bitch.”

  Oh, my God.

  I knew Justin had sexual exploits, but I didn’t realize it was this extreme. No wonder he hated me for putting a stop to his activities. He lived for thrills like this.

  But the more I heard about Justin from these slutty omegas, the more disappointment I got with how he treated sex like some casual game and didn’t care who saw it, or how it affected the reputation of his company. Suddenly I was mad and I couldn’t stay here anymore. I also couldn’t very well stalk him, because I didn’t want to witness something scandalous that might take me years to forget—like him and said omega going at it naked in some open bathroom. Or the back alley.

  Forgoing the drink, I slipped out of the bar as fast as I could.

  I had some waiting to do at home…and some scolding.

  Justin came home around midnight, and I stood up from the couch and faced him head on.

  “You have got to be the most irresponsible, selfish person I’ve ever known.”

  He didn’t blink. He merely looked at me through sleepy eyes, his hair wind-tossed like he’d just taken a fast ride in his convertible. I had been checking and rechecking every social media site, worrying the board would be up my ass about his shenanigans and I’d get fired if something out of hand got posted online. I was also worried it would be the last straw for Justin and the impact it would have on his company and some of his employees…his family.

  When Justin didn’t speak, I went on. “Do you even realize how stupid it is to risk your health and your life like that? And for what? Some cheap, quick thrill? A quickie in some bathroom with a nameless omega? I saw the way you treated him, and it was frankly insulting. Is that how you want to be remembered? How you want to live your life until you get old? You’re wealthy but you waste it on partying and drinking and doing nothing substantial. You’re a disgrace.”

  I realized my litany had turned to insults. I realized I was crossing the line, but I couldn’t stop. I watched Justin’s reaction, bracing myself as I expected him to lash out at me and throw a tantrum right then or there—or worse, kick me out. But instead of doing that, Justin simply looked at me with hooded eyes.

  Then he nodded his head.

  “You’re right. I’m a disgrace. I’m disgusting. But has it ever occurred to you that this is my life I’m living? That maybe I’m fed up with people trying to control me so they could benefit from my life? My company that I built from the ground up with my own blood and sweat?”

  A sinking feeling entered me. No, it had never occurred to me. My frustration was gone, and I tried to find the right words next.

  “Why not do it in private? Why are you so determined to keep your life public that you’re pretty much feeding the sharks already?”

  And then I realized something—it wasn’t Justin who was making his life public. It was the people around him who couldn’t get enough of him, and he’d simply been dealing with it by going with the flow and moving on.

  “I can’t get it up in private.”

  The words hit me like a lightning bolt. I met his gaze in shock.


  “You’ve probably heard rumors about me never taking an omega home or to my bed before. It’s not commitment-phobia. I simply can’t get aroused. The only way I can seem to have sex is when we’re somewhere that’s unusual and risky.”

  I stared. No, I gasped. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’m not,” he said calmly. “And I never, ever take an omega against his will.”

  “I never said you did,” I said, my mouth dry. “I just…”

  “And that omega in the bar? I never had sex with him. I couldn’t get it up, either. He didn’t really do anything for me.”

  “Oh.” I gulped.

  Justin took a step forward, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “You look like you don’t believe me.”


  “Do you want to test that theory?” he asked.

  His eyes turned hot. Dark. My breath stopped, and my heart pounded a mile a minute. Something inside me darkened, too.

  Yes, my mind said.

  “No,” I whispered.

  “Are we good?” he asked, his voice soft.


  Then I nodded.

  Justin looked at me for a long time, and I watched something flicker in that gaze before he backed it down. Then he nodded back—and instead of walking toward me like his body language indicated, he stepped back. Then he went to his bedroom.

  Goodnight floated in the air before he shut the door. Staring, I sat back down on the couch, my heart still beating.

  And my body trying not to run after him.

  It must have taken so much courage for him to admit that to me. Had I misjudged him?



  It was amazing how one night of weird tension and a few words could change everything between Sam and I.

  After said night, he’d been more pleasant the next day. More considerate. It made me suspicious at first, wondering if he had some kind of hidden agenda that I should be wary of. But it was consistent enough and felt genuine, and I found myself softening up toward him enough to stop walking around the house shirtless. He also asked for my opinion on things, his face all serious and expectant that I couldn’t help but tell him exactly what I thought instead of just teasing him.

  By the time the third week rolled, our awkward routine became comfortable, and we both forgot about that eventful night when I felt…something for him. I wasn’t an idio
t—it was desire, and I couldn’t mistake it for anything else. But it was probably a glitch, something that I was relieved about because at least it didn’t mess with whatever professional relationship we had right now. Whatever he felt back then must also have been a glitch for him, because he hadn’t looked at me that way since. Maybe he didn’t see me as a true alpha after my confession. If I was honest, I didn’t know why I told him—I hadn’t told another living soul about my intimacy issue. It definitely wasn’t a physical problem. I had myself checked out medically, and it was all in my mind. Still embarrassing nonetheless.

  There was no denying that Sam was a good PR rep, with his organization skills and an uncanny ability to determine which activities were good for me and which weren’t in terms of the publics’ perception. Due to the fact he now asked my opinion before making major decisions, I was also better prepared for what he had planned for me, causing me to no longer lose my patience and allowing me time to get used to the idea of having somebody look after my best interest, even if I didn’t always like the answer—something I wasn’t used to when surrounded by so many yes-men all the time.

  One such example of Sam’s positive influence on me, was that he made me actually attend the charity events I would donate to, rather than just send them the money without attending. I had to admit that it was absolutely different from having to donate and just be done with it. It made me feel more involved in the matter and even gave me a sense of community by knowing how I was actually helping those in need. For years I had grown detached from those in need, and Sam had now opened my eyes to this. I had to admit, it did feel good to do something for people other than myself.

  Sam’s other words also hit me. While I wouldn’t admit that to him, maybe I could admit it to myself just a little bit. Me not finding out an omega’s name before sex had often been because it made everything seem a lot simpler, but Sam was right in the sense that maybe some of them felt insulted and I just didn’t care to know. I vowed to treat my next liaison better, even if it was casual.


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