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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

Page 43

by Bonnar King

  His words had me frowning some more.


  I know this isn’t customary, and we promised never to see each other again. But this is an emergency. I need you to come to this address right away.

  He signed it, and below the signature was an address that I recognized. It was just fifteen minutes away from our area.

  My heart pounded in my chest at the thought of him getting hurt. Because what else could the emergency be? Before I knew it, I was walking back down the stairs and passing by Charles and the mailman, who were clearly flirting with each other. Charles glanced at me with narrowed eyes.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Be right back!”


  But I was already out the door.

  I arrived at the address a few minutes later, looking around. It was an empty lot that might have been a carnival once, and it puzzled me why I was asked to come here. I finally spotted the silhouette of a large man standing under the shade of a tree, making me cautious at first. But then I recognized the shape of him, and caution turned to relief. Nicholas spotted me, and relied intensified as I watched him approach me normally—no limping or anything of the sort. The light sun also intensified his healthy pallor, as well as his body encased in jeans and a black shirt.

  Relief was now gone, to be replaced by sheer desire and an aching that I had to brace myself for. Still, I kept my face blank as I looked at him head-on. He had sunglasses on, and I couldn’t see his expression yet. He stopped a few steps away from me, nodding his head.

  “I’m glad you could make it.”

  His tone was pure no-nonsense, and I tried to swallow the disappointment.

  “What is this about?” I asked, my voice thankfully steady.

  He turned in the direction of the abandoned lot, and I followed the movement. We stood almost side by side as we looked at it, and I tried to figure out what he was trying to tell me. In the end, I just kept my mouth shut and tried to enjoy the scenery, determined to keep things civil despite my breaking heart.

  After a while, he finally spoke. “I bought this property just recently.”

  Why was he telling me?

  “Good for you,” I said instead.

  “This is where I’ll be building my luxury apartment.”

  I blinked, not sure I was hearing it right.

  “Excuse me?”

  His hand took mine, and I almost resisted. But I held still as he uncurled my fingers one by one. His calloused palm felt warm, and electricity tingled down my spine at the simple touch. A hundred unspoken words settled in the air, and I wanted to reach out to each and every one of them and say them out loud.

  I’m in love with you.

  I don’t want to lose you.

  I miss you.

  But this time, I stood firm on resisting.

  He planted a gentle kiss on my palm, and I closed my eyes to block away the emotions surging inside me. We didn’t speak any more words. But I felt something cold and hard settle on my palm, right before he closed it into a fist again. Then I heard footsteps sounding fainter and fainter by the second until it was completely quiet.

  When I opened my eyes, he was gone. I opened my palm and stared at the key that was there, along with a folded note. Trembling, I opened it, not sure what to expect.


  This is the key to the library. It’s yours. I’m putting up my luxury apartment in the place you’re standing in right now, and funding the library for public use. It’s the only gift I can think of that I know you won’t refuse.

  You’re right. The library is your life. And I want to make you happy.


  I crumpled the note in my fist, gripping the key hard.

  Then I was already turning around and walking away.



  Walking away from Robin was probably the hardest thing I’d ever had to do in my entire life, and that was saying something. I’d dealt with hard asses who treated me no better than street trash, and businessmen who thought bullying and threatening me would make me quit. I’d dealt with fistfights and tense board meetings, even with omegas who stalked and lied to try winning me over.

  But it felt nothing like this.

  A hollow feeling came at my chest, even while I tried my best not to turn around. I already told myself it was for the best, especially when Robin wanted nothing to do with me. I was determined to make him happy.

  Even if that happiness didn’t involve me.

  If this was how that thing called love was, then damn it all to hell if I was ever going to take a chance again. But then again, I had never expected to do so with Robin, of all people. He was stubborn. He was opinionated, and it was a fact that his opinions were the complete opposite of mine. He was argumentative and difficult, to the point that his pride often got in the way.

  He was also positive, funny and perhaps the warmest person I’d ever known.

  And I was in love with him.

  His contrasts were what made him unique—unfortunately, they were also what made him unforgettable, and it was such an inconvenience when all I wanted to do was forget him.

  I had tried, really. After purchasing the library and finding a new location, I had done my best not to think about Robin by drinking, partying and doing business with more clients. But none of it helped. It felt emptier than when I was alone on the streets, and it left an ache inside me that I had a feeling wouldn’t go away for a long time.

  For the first time in forever, I had no purpose or direction in my life.

  I was so preoccupied with my own thoughts that it took me a while to realize my name was being called—twice. My eyes widened at the familiar voice, and I stopped walking. Footsteps sounded.

  “Nick,” Robin repeated.

  Just because he was calling me didn’t mean it was good news. I finally turned around, affecting a casual expression. “Yes?”

  Robin didn’t speak. Instead, he stepped forward and took the sunglasses from my face, studying it. The move was surprising, but again, I pretended to act all casual.

  “Is this expensive?” he asked.


  His presence and voice alone were killing me, and I needed to get away. It was already hard enough to talk to him earlier and not touch him, and I wasn’t a masochist by nature. I needed to get this over and done with and get my self-preservation up before I crumbled.

  “It’s pretty cheap,” I said, shrugging. “Why—”

  His response was to throw the sunglasses to the ground, where it broke with a faint shattering sound. I stared at it in shock, then stared at his.

  “Okay, I was lying,” I ground out. “That wasn’t cheap.”

  Robin bit his lower lip, distracting me. Then he glared, those blue eyes darkening. Damn.

  Not. A. Masochist.

  “But it’s okay,” I continued. “I can always buy new ones.”

  He glared again. “Promise you won’t lie in the next few seconds.”



  What the hell was he on to?

  “Fine,” I said.

  “Do you love me?”

  Holy fu—


  “Do you love me?” he repeated.

  I sighed, suddenly frustrated. I ran a hand through my hair, looking down at the glasses. Then I sighed again. “Robin…”

  “Yes or no.”


  “Yes. Or. No.”

  “You know I do. What sort of question is that?” I asked.

  Robin took a moment and the next words he said rocked me to the core.

  “Would you still love me if I was pregnant with your baby and keeping it?”, Robin muttered.

  Robin was wincing, waiting for me to answer. I knew it took a lot of courage for him to say that to me. I didn’t even suspect he was lying, because I knew Robin too well, and his integrity wouldn’t allow him to pull such a stunt. Meanwhil
e, here I was looking at the omega I was madly in love with. And surprisingly, I hadn’t run for the hills. I could feel a tidal wave of emotion brewing inside me. I had so many questions.

  “How long have you known?” I asked.

  “For a while now. Are you angry with me?”

  How could I be angry at this beautiful omega standing in front of me? Only earlier I felt like I had no direction or purpose in life, and now he was telling me that I was going to be a daddy.

  “No, damn it!” I finally blurted out, glaring back at him. “You just rocked my world with that news, but I am not angry about it.”

  “Would you still take me if I was pregnant with your baby?”

  “What sort of question is that, Robin? I love you and I will love our baby. You have made me the happiest alpha in the world,” I yelled, holding back the tears of joy.

  “OK, just checking. Because I am pretty sure both me and the baby love you, too!” Robin clipped out.

  Then he launched himself in my arms.

  I was stunned. I was flabbergasted, but yes, more stunned than I’d ever been as I caught him by the waist and tried to hold him steady. He fused his mouth to mine, and before I knew it, I was already groaning out his name. It was like being so thirsty for so long and taking a sip of water for the first time in a while—it was refreshing, addictive and so, so hard to let go. He kissed me like he meant it, and he kissed me like…he loved me.

  I kissed Robin back for all I was worth, my hands running over the body I’d missed and his little baby bump that had started forming. Then, before I could so much as breathe, he was suddenly pulling away again and hitting me on the chest. Pain singed.

  I didn’t care.

  “That was for walking away,” Robin yelled. “You idiot! What were you trying to do?”

  “I was trying to be unselfish and letting you go,” I growled. “To find your happiness and all that jazz. Isn’t that what the modern alpha is meant to do these days?”

  “And you thought I was just going to let you walk away after all that grand gesture?”

  “Why not?” I said, puzzled.

  “I love you, you idiot! People who love this much don’t walk away from each other!”

  “If you call me an idiot one more time…” I began as a warning. Then my words died off when my mind finally absorbed exactly what he said.

  My body rejoiced and so did my mind, and my heart pretty much soared then and there. I pulled Robin in and kissed him again, this time more desperately. My hunger for him knew no bounds, and apparently, so did his as he gave as good as he got.

  When we finally pulled away this time, he was giggling like a school boy. I smirked.

  “You’re a weirdo and I’m an ass,” I declared. “That makes us the perfect partners.”

  Robin smiled. “You know, normally I would say you’re delusional, but this time…you may actually have a point.”

  I smiled back. This omega wasn’t just my weakness, after all.

  He was also my salvation.

  And I wasn’t about to let him or our baby go.

  The End

  To my wonderful readers

  I love you all dearly, because your support allows me to keep writing about these sweet omegas and sexy alphas.

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