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Mad Toffad's Keep

Page 14

by Zack Finley

  We ducked under the gate and entered a flat open area. I tossed up a light flare. This area was sized to accommodate long haulers. The ceiling was about 15 feet high.

  Tobron confirmed the area immediately to our right was a barnta stable. It had six stalls with food and water troughs. As well as a petrified manure pile. A few broken tools and remnants of ancient straw completed the picture.

  The rooms to our left were much more official looking. The ones nearest the door looked like they had once housed security and clerks. The furnishings involved a few broken chairs and stone ledges. The walls ended at less than four feet. I suspected the walls were there to keep the barnta separated from the warehouse workers.

  A little removed from this area was a small office complex. It had once had large glass panels, now shattered. The doors had been scavenged. Signs of small bonfires were scattered around.

  There didn't seem much to pursue there, so we continued walking within. I set off two more flares to fully illuminate the entry hall.

  There was a type of turntable in the middle of the floor with a series of depressed metal rails radiated from it. The rails continued down the main corridors, disappearing into the darkness. It looked like some kind of railroad or cable car switching system.

  The inside surprised me. For some reason, I expected the flat area would transition to a long steep ramp leading to sea level immediately after the entranceway. Instead, the sea air in the room was coming from a large corridor I assumed went to more warehouses.

  There were parallel sets of the sunken rails in that corridor as if someone expected traffic to be going both ways. The angle was similar to a car parking garage and disappeared into the darkness to what we assumed would be the next floor down. Estimating each floor was 15 feet tall, there were at least five total floors in this complex.

  Tobron spotted the stairs while I was still puzzling over the rails. The stairs zigzagged down into the darkness. A shiny metal pole was suspended near the center of the stairwell. We assumed it was a worker shortcut.

  I dropped a flare and had it float to the bottom. I offered a levitation lift to Tobron. We descended slowly beside the pole. I trusted my levitation spell more than I did the integrity of either the steps or the fire pole. At least until we had time to inspect them closely.

  I used force magic to keep the flare near enough to have light to navigate but far enough ahead to illuminate possible obstacles.

  The bottom floor mirrored the top floor with the gate on the ocean side. The barnta barn had only three stalls. The security area was much bigger. Whoever designed this area was worried about intruders entering the keep through the ocean portcullis. It was closed, and I couldn’t see how to open it.

  The sea air blew in through a small personnel door to its side. This door provided a good defensive bottleneck. It would allow a few defenders to hold off a much larger force. The small door was missing, and the floor was pockmarked.

  In this area, the rough rock of the cliff gave way to the pristine white rock of the city perimeter wall.

  The bottom floor had the same turntable and sunken rails as the top floor. Two parallel sets of rails dead-ended into the portcullis. A similar design disappeared into the darkness of the up ramp. Single sets of rails radiated outward, disappearing into the gloom of what we assumed were warehouses.

  I was very curious about how the rail system worked, but I knew it wasn't a priority for today. I already knew we could get goods into the port complex and we could get them out. Improving efficiency would have to wait.

  We slipped out to look at the wharf and causeway. We both felt it when we crossed the guild's ward line. We set a new teleport location.

  More than 100 years of storms, weather and corrosion had not treated the wharf well. Several piers had collapsed into the water. Everything of even marginal value had been scavenged. Looking toward the cliff wall, all the natural rock was pockmarked and chipped from what looked like cannon fire. The portcullis had received similar treatment and was discolored and covered with small dents and scratches. Despite the superficial damage, there was nothing to suggest it was too damaged to open.

  Tobron spent his time looking at the breakwater, "I was always very impressed with the port design. I hear the harbor is man made with the breakwater protection being a month's work by a host of earth mages."

  While the inlet was natural, Toffad had extended the northern natural promontory with an artificial reef to provide protection from Jaloan storms. If he had been "mad," he wouldn't have taken such care.

  Everything I saw at Toffad's Keep suggested Toffad was a visionary. Whether he ran out of money or died before he could finish didn't make him crazy.

  We consulted our partners. They had seen enough for now. They were impressed with the palace. Inoa and Argon urged us to check it out, though they agreed higher priority issues were facing us today.

  Argon and I agreed to 'port back to the Klee warehouse for Tobron to show us something.

  Cleon said he was headed back out on his recruiting trip and Inoa was going home to work on a tough generic mind shield to provide our new mages.

  She was going to experiment with oso hide after seeing how much magic our armor was absorbing. Inoa warned us protecting our mundanes from strong mind mages was going to be a difficult challenge.

  Tobron and I teleported into the warehouse moments before Argon joined us.

  His two mage recruits, Jofi and Bolon, were there waiting for us.

  "Jofi and Bolon have brought you some presents," Tobron said. "I messaged them our needs last night. They came through admirably."

  Argon and I looked at each other trying to imagine what errand Tobron sent them on.

  "Those stacks behind you are 40 outdoor sani-units. One side handles elimination needs and has a small sink. The other side is a shower unit. The unit also has an external water tap for filling basins, pots, pans, and barrels. These were popular years ago with the Klee King’s Guard. The guard now uses more efficient units on deployments. These were just sitting around taking up space. They are all used, and none has any magic charge left. Jofi and Bolon got them dirt cheap. We bought all we could find. Take what you need to the camps, just charge them first," said Tobron.

  "Can you help us distribute them?" Argon asked the two new mages.

  Both hesitated to answer. Argon suspected they'd already dipped into their force magic reserve.

  "You'll need to do better than this," Argon snapped. "We don't want you overtaxing your magic. If you are already low from getting these units here, you must tell me. That is not a weakness that is a fact. The same applies if you are hurt. Be honest, own your body. Am I clear?"

  "Yes mistress," they both said in unison.

  "Can you help distribute them?" Argon asked again.

  Bolon stepped forward. "My force magic is down to half. If it is an emergency, I have sufficient magic to deliver one unit."

  Jofi took strength from his response saying, "I depleted my force magic by more than half. I would be hard pressed, even in an emergency to deliver a unit of this size. I see now why my teacher kept pushing us to maximize our force magic. I will train on it until I have much more ability."

  "Excellent briefing, thank you both for your honesty," Argon said. "Mages never have enough force magic. You owe yourselves to push it and optimize the spells that use it every day. Tobron is an expert on techniques to quickly cap your magic skills. I urge you to take advantage of his tutelage."

  Tobron wished us luck with the freed slaves, as he grasped both juniors with his hands to 'port them back to headquarters. He planned to give them some serious training assignments and then he was off to take possession of a keep.

  "Start charging these units," Argon said to me. "I'll help you after I find out what Findot has been up to all day. If she has saved any force magic, I'll have her deliver a few of these units and take their camp leaders to wait at the Augun Keep. I'll warn Olive we may begin bringing some of them in earlier
than planned."

  Each sani-unit needed charges of a little force, fire and air magics plus a whole lot of water magic. After charging four units, I told Argon to concentrate all her efforts on charging the water magic. I concentrated on the other three magics. Whoever got done first would help charge up the remainder.

  Findot 'ported in while I was finishing my last batch. I messaged Argon that Findot was all hers and I'd finish up with the charging if she wanted to start delivering. We agreed to drop off one unit in each place. At least for now. If we needed, we could bring another unit.

  Argon made Findot show her magic supply situation. Findot was immediately grounded.

  I left them having a tense master-to-apprentice discussion.

  Delivering porta-potties was a whole lot easier.

  It took a lot longer to deliver a unit, get the leader ready to go and deliver him or her to Augun than I had imagined. I had to demonstrate how to use the units because most had never seen a mage bathroom before. The leaders all wanted to shower before leaving.

  I warned Argon my original plan to drop off the unit, grab the leader and scoot wasn't working. I called an audible.

  The new plan was to deliver a unit, demonstrate it and leave while the leader got cleaned up. Once all the units were delivered, we'd 'port in and take the leaders to Augun.

  Argon was okay with the plan change and said it was a good excuse to get away from Findot.

  We gave the camps around Asme first priority for deliveries and assessed how bad a hit our force magic had taken. I was still in the three-quarters range, but Argon was at half. Teleporting the sani-units was a bigger drain on force magic than we'd expected.

  I figured the last four would put me at half level. Argon was still at the site of her last delivery and said she'd wait for the leader and take him to Augun. She'd then return to the other Asme sites until I delivered my last unit. We'd check in again.

  We agreed we would stop when we dropped to one-quarter force magic.

  It took long enough for me to deliver the next four units that I was still slightly above 50 percent force magic. Argon was grounded on her last trip to Augun, leaving me one leader left in the Asme area to collect.

  I answered questions and tried not to show my impatience while the leader cleaned up. She was very prompt, so I had no reason to complain. I dropped her off and headed out to pick up the last four leaders.

  I picked up one leader and 'ported to the next camp and then took both leaders to Augun. It only took two teleports rather than three and may have saved a little magic. It did save some time.

  When we had all the leaders gathered, I updated Olive and Ramda. We also told them all our transporting around the nine camps had our force magic too low for comfort. These people would be sleeping in Augun tonight.

  Olive arrived within moments and herded the group into a large meeting room to await the king and Lt. Valso. They'd been given refreshments in the ballroom and Olive had provided clean tunics for them to wear.

  I asked Olive and Ramda to have as many tunics for them to take back to the camps as they could scrounge up. I described that a lot of the women had their clothing ripped off when they were raped. Ramda said she would make getting sufficient clothing ready her personal mission.

  King Rufix arrived first. He went around the room and listened to their needs and many times consoled them on their losses.

  Lt. Valso came in at a dead run. Seeing the king was still making the rounds he stood next to me and caught his breath.

  Valso was struggling with his ever-growing role. I monitored him and learned he had not promoted anyone to help him and the burden of command was burying him. He was frustrated because he knew he was becoming the bottleneck but he had no one he thought he could delegate to.

  King Rufix noted all the parties had arrived and gently disengaged from individual discussions. He asked everyone to be seated so the meeting could commence.

  The king led the meeting and asked Olive to document the outcome.

  Each leader was asked to describe conditions in their camp and what they needed to sustain life for the next week. All were grateful for the new sani-units and said they fixed two of the biggest health issues, water and sanitation.

  “What sani-units are these,” the king asked Olive.

  “Your Highness, Argon and Steve delivered units to each camp this morning.”

  King Rufix looked at us with a smile, “Thank you once again for your help. My kingdom is very indebted to you.”

  Argon had to mentally poke me to keep me from rolling my eyes. "The king is being careful to give credit where it is due. He wants this group to trust us. Remember most have no idea we killed their guards and most of the raiders."

  The leaders reported all had sufficient food for at least a week. All noted some bedding and clothing would be very much appreciated.

  Some asked the king to confirm everyone in the camps could leave today if they wanted.

  The rest wanted to know more about the other options.

  Olive told the king Ramda was already gathering clothing to send to the camps. The king asked for Ramda to add bedding to her list as well.

  "Everyone in the camps is a free citizen of Augun. You may leave the camps whenever you want," the king began. "As you consider that option, you should be aware powerful foreign forces have brought our nation to its knees. They killed my son, nearly killed me, killed most of the king's guard, executed or imprisoned thousands--including my entire staff. As you have experienced, they unleashed hordes of marauders across our land. As dire as your situation has been, you now have safety, water, sanitation, and food."

  All of the freed slaves were shocked to learn the scope of the problems in Augun. Between the groups, they represented about 800 people with nowhere to go.

  Each leader wanted to speak, but the king waved them to silence.

  "The raider hordes destroyed every village and most homesteads around Asme and Flom. Our country faces famine and a generation of hardship. Even now the crown is purchasing food from other countries. I've been forced to issue harsh proclamations to encourage planting food crops wherever they will grow."

  The king paused to ensure no one doubted his words. "There are no villages for you to return to. If you go back there, I won't be able to send you food or help you rebuild. Keep your weapons handy. If you rebuild, some criminal group may try to steal it from you. And the king’s guard will be powerless to help.

  "I am not proud to be telling you any of this. I do not have a safe place for you all to go. There are too many of you for Augun to absorb. We do have an immediate need for farmers, king’s guards, and bargemen. There may be fallow fields available around Asme and Flom for you to claim. The crown will provide the seeds. I'm hoping most who choose this option will be successful. They will need resolve and weapons to defend their claim from the lawless. Those who leave the area patrolled by the guard will be on your own for the immediate future.”

  "Our nation is better off today than we were yesterday. Every foreign raider has been found and executed. Those who instigated the coup have been killed, captured or have left the country.

  "We need soldiers for the king's guard. Lt. Valso will provide details for those wishing to join their ranks.”

  "We have a generous offer from our allies to provide you with a new start. You should consider it seriously. They were both gravely wounded freeing you and killing the raiders. I can say with no hesitation without them Flom and Asme would be in ruins. Everyone in your camps would be dead or on a slave ship traveling up the coast.”

  "They received no payment; they just helped because I asked them. Argon and Steve are offering you a chance to join their new keep out of compassion. I assure you they will have no problem populating their new keep, even if no one in your camps joins them. That will be your loss, not theirs." The king stood up and bowed toward us to show his thanks.

  He looked at the leaders and said, "For those who do not choose the other avai
lable options, we will arrange transport to Asme or Flom. Travel to Augun will be available once river traffic is restored."

  The king turned and left, despite the outrage and distress voiced by the camp leaders. I knew why he didn't stay for the recriminations and anguish. He was helpless to fix it. These people were in a bad place. The sooner they realized that and faced their limited choices the better off they would be.

  I did not envy the camp leaders either. Imagine explaining to a group of brutally abused survivors they couldn't go home and their nation had no other safe place for them to go.

  Argon and I decided to leave them in Augun overnight. We announced we needed to regenerate our teleport magic overnight and would take them back in the morning.

  Olive said she had arranged for dinner to be brought in and the camp leaders were welcome to stay in the barracks overnight. She urged them to work together so they could provide the people they represented with the best information possible. Olive said she'd see them over breakfast and answer any questions she could.


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