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Erika: Modern Filthy Vikings

Page 4

by Moore, M. K.

  Though my pussy, the greedy bitch, is soaking herself and panting for what she knows will follow. I feel gross.

  “Thane, I feel disgusting. There is nothing remotely sexy about me right now.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Petal. Everything is always sexy about you all the fucking time. Now raise your arms.” Well ok. Fine then. I do as he says and because I didn’t sleep with underwear on I am completely bare before him.

  “You are fucking beautiful. Knowing my son or daughter is inside you right now makes me feel powerful. Knowing, I did that to you.” He plays with my nipples as he speaks to me. Both of his hands are occupied pinching and pulling on them over and over. My knees begin to shake as I moan and cry out his name. Begging for him to ignite the fire and distinguish it all at once. My body is a live wire waiting to be lit by him.

  “Thane. Please.”

  “Not this time baby. I am going to love you slowly. The woman nurturing my seed deserves to be revered. Like a Goddess. Starting with sucking these nipples into my mouth that are going to be the nourishment for our kids. I can see it now. Milk leaking down because you need to pump. Breasts that are sore because they are too full. What do you think I am going to do to help ease the pain baby? Tell me.”

  “Suck them Thane. Take them in your mouth and use them for your own nourishment. Make me your personal milkmaid. Oh god. I need you. I need you.” I don’t know when his cock got out of his pants, but suddenly I am impaled on top of him. Sitting on it like my own personal bronco and its still not enough.

  “Shit! Fuck Erika! I need to go slow with you god damn it. But picturing you so swollen up top and tummy rounded with our baby is too much for me. I bet it's going to be as sweet coming from your tits as it is coming from your pussy. Fuck I have to move you.”

  Finally with bruising force, he grabs my hips and starts lifting and dropping me on and off his steel plated cock. It feels very full like this. I can feel him everywhere. My skin prickles with every movement. Just more evidence that he is lodged far enough inside of me, that not just our bodies, but our very beings are connected to one another. There is nothing more beautiful or erotic than that.

  “Yes Thane. Take me. I’m yours. Oh shit. Fuck me harder. Harder. It's coming. I can feel….please...I love you. I love you. Yes. Yes……” I cry out. His grip, anchoring me, his cock rubbing against everything in me. With as much love as I can feel circling around me, the hardness of every movement is intoxicating. Over and over, he bounces me up and down. His cock, hits the rough spot inside of every time, burning every nerve in me. Carrying me to the peak of the very thing, I crave. HIM.

  “I love you too baby. CUM!!!” And like the beautiful harmony I hear buzzing in my head right now, we come together. He falls back on the bed breathing in and out with my head on his chest, as I hear his heartbeat. It is in perfect unison with mine.

  Like it was meant to be.



  The second she told me about the baby everything changed for me. Erika has been my top priority for years only she didn’t know it. Our baby changes everything even further. I’ve seen how the Jorgensen’s do weddings and I don’t want my girl to be stressed out.

  After I fucked her to sleep this morning, I made our travel arrangements. I’m taking my girl to Vegas and making her my wife tonight. I pack for us while she sleeps.

  “What are doing?” She asks stretching from her place in our bed.

  “We are going to Vegas,” I say going over to her and kissing her swollen lips.

  “Vegas? Oh my God. Yes! I’ve never been. Have you? Is it gonna be warm there? No sixty million feet of snow?” She asks excitedly getting out of bed and heading into the closet. I chuckle.

  “I’m not real sure about the weather, but no I’ve never been there before. Not really my scene, but I want to marry you stress free.”

  “Is it wrong to be secretly glad about that? These weddings were draining me. Oh God. I feel terrible for saying that out loud.”

  “Don’t be. Weddings are stressful.”

  “I figured I’d always be a bridesmaid. I never thought about my own wedding day. If it wasn’t you then it wasn’t happening.”

  “You should’ve been first. You’ll never understand how sorry I am about that.” She reaches her hand out and touches my cheek, standing there shirtless and in a pair of tight jeans.

  “Hey, hon. I’ve forgiven you. You explained, not that you really needed to. Here. Now. The future. That’s what matters most. The past is in the past. You did what you had to do. Don’t you think it’s time to forgive yourself?”

  “How are you so amazing?” I ask in awe of her.

  “It’s a gift,” she says as she finishes getting ready.

  Before I know it, we are in Vegas standing before Elvis pledging our lives to one another. After spending a week soaking up all that Vegas has to offer, including Erika winning $15,000, we head back to Minnesota. As soon as we get back to Bleak, Hayley calls Erika.

  “Hey noodle. Yeah we can be there is just a few minutes. Is everything okay?” I can only hear Erika’s side of the conversation, so I keep quiet until she hangs up.

  “What was that about?” I ask. I already know, but I’m keeping up the pretense.

  “Hayley needs us to come to UTGARD. She has something she wants to tell me and doesn’t want to do it over the phone. That’s weird, right?”

  “Maybe,” I say smiling to myself. I’ve set up a little surprise for my girl. Her family is really big into Norse legend and Vegas didn’t exactly offer a Viking Package.

  I pull up to UTGARD and there’s cars lining the entire street. Torran and Hank set this whole thing up for me.

  “What’s going on?” She asks looking around at all the cars. She looks beautiful in the new pastel purple dress I bought her in one of the many Vegas shopping establishments. My suit is a bit wrinkled from the plane, but it’ll do. I told her I wanted to travel dressed fancy like people did before. She loved the idea, just like I knew she would.

  “Come on, wife. I think we should go inside,” I say climbing out of the car. I walk around and help her out. Holding her hand we walk in together.

  “SURPRISE!!” All of our friends shout as we walk into the dining room.

  “Did you do this?” She whispers.

  “I had a little help from our friends.”

  “I love you,” she says before her girls drag her off to parts unknown.

  “How’s it feel to be a married man?” Hank asks, while handing me a cold bottle of beer.

  “Amazing. It’s been long wished for on my part,” I respond, shaking his outstretched hand that turns into a bro hug.

  “I bet man. That’s great,” he looks wistful. I follow his line of sight over to the girls. He’s staring at Acadia, the waitress from Missy’s. I get it now. He’ll claim her soon. It's written all over his face.

  “Why don’t you do something about that?” I ask.

  “About what?” He asks, but he doesn’t look away from her.

  “Little Miss Acadia.”

  “That’s not a thing,” he denies.

  “Isn’t it?”

  “It’s not.”

  “Then you don’t mind that Sheriff Larson is chatting her up right now,” I say pointing in the direction where that very thing is happening.

  “Son of a bitch. If you’ll excuse me,” he says moving away from me.

  “No problem.” I say, chuckling before taking a pull from my beer. I watch my beautiful bride come up to me.

  “Having fun?” I ask.

  “So much. You are the best. They are trying to get me to drink, so I think I am going to make an announcement. Are you okay with that?”

  “I am okay with whatever you are,” I say. She grins.

  “Hey everybody. Can I have your attention,” she shouts and all eyes are on us. “Thank you much for coming out tonight. Thane and are super ready to start the next adventure of our lives, and as such in about seve
n months we will be parents.” There is cheers and applause all around.

  “Alright, everyone. Thane expressed interest in handfasting with Erika, so now would be a perfect time to do that,” Bill says stepping forward, Bible in hand.

  “Really, Thane? I didn’t think you’d want that,” Erika says, tears in her eyes.

  “It’s important. We are definitely doing it.” We move to stand in front of Bill.

  “This traditional Norse handfasting ceremony is sacred to our family and many other Scandinavian families. I am honored to bestow the ancient blessings of our ancestors on my sweet baby sister and her brand new husband. This will consecrate your love on a spiritual level. Please interlace your hands together,” he says producing a very frayed piece of rope. Man, that thing has seen better days, but I am convinced that is a part of it’s magic. It’s completely unsuspecting yet so fucking powerful.

  “This rope has been in our family for generations. All lasting marriages in this family for the last one hundred years have used this rope. Look into each other's eyes and remember all you have experienced together, both the highs and the lows. The years it’s taken to bring us all to this point in your journey. Think of the joys to come as well. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership and ready to support each other through both the joys and the sorrows. It's now time to fasten your hands together in our deep-seated tradition. This act symbolizes your commitment to your union.” Bill places the rope around our hands several times. Just as your hands are bound before us now, so too will your lives become. While this rope will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness” He removes the rope from our hands, but I could swear it still feels like it’s there, like we will be joined together forever.

  “Wow,” I say rubbing my wrist.

  “It’s powerful, isn’t it?” Erika asks and all I can do is nod.

  As the Bible reminds us in First Corinthians chapter thirteen verses four through eight that Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. I think for Thane and Erika, we can safely attest to just how patient love is, how it cleanses the soul, how it brings you always back to the one. I, for one couldn’t be happier that God has chosen this time for you to be together. It seems our entire family is finding it at once. We are full to the brim with love and happiness. I wish you guys a lifetime of happiness together.”

  Man, he’s a good pastor. Erika and just about every other female in the joint is tearing up. I am being nice when I say Erika is tearing up, she’s sobbing like a baby.

  “Well, with that let’s get this party started! Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Thane Collins.” Daisy shouts from beside her husband. More cheers go up and I pull Erika to me for a kiss. Behind my closed eyes, I see a camera flash and know that this moment will be captured for all time.

  “Are you ready?” I ask my wife.

  “Born ready,” she says before kissing me again.

  Yeah, this life just got about a million times better.



  4 Months later

  This pregnancy has been surprisingly easy. The morning sickness, though gross as hell, lasted for only a month and a half and then it was like a total reversal. I was full of energy and horny as fuck. Now, the energy has waned the further along I have gotten. But the need to feel my husband inside of me at least three times a day has not changed. It’s so bad, that sometimes in the middle of the day I call him to come and sate the ache that has been building, since the last time he touched me. Like right now.

  My panties are sticking to my pussy, cause I have been sitting here thinking about the hot shower sex we had this morning. Shit!!! It's been like four hours and I need him again. Scratching my stomach because all the stretching is making my skin itchy, I grab my phone to call him when the chimes above the door sound.

  “Hey big sis. How are you feeling today? How’s my niece?” Everyone is so excited about the explosion of girls in our family. And apparently, Thane and I are adding to it. We found out last week it was a girl. I was over the moon. Wasn’t sure how Thane would feel about a girl, but he was more excited than me if that was possible.

  “She is fine, Hank. Active this morning. Thanks for asking” I say chuckling. This little girl moves more than an acrobat at the circus.

  “Did you guys pick a name for her yet?” I turn to look at him with my eyebrow quirked. Don't get me wrong, my family visits me here all the time. But, Hank is not one for small talk. He has always been the most laid back of all of us, but also the most quiet. So, if he is here it is definitely not to ask me about the baby.

  “Yes. We did. But that is not really why you’re here. What’s up?”

  “Fuck sis. I don’t know what to do. Acadia is driving me up the damn wall. I know she feels what is between us. No one can fake the emotion in her eyes. But, she won't commit and she is like a fucking faucet. Hot and cold. I don’t know what else to do. I am about a pushback from flinging her ass over my shoulder and tying her to the bed. I feel so out of control.”

  I know my mouth is hanging open right now. But I can’t help it. This is so not the Hank I know. To see him so unglued is a shock to say the least. I mean wow. Cadi really got to him.

  “I’m sorry that you are going through this, but I can tell you from experience that sometimes things aren’t as they seem. Try coming at it from another angle.”

  “Thanks sis. I love you. Hey, you never told me the babies name.” Thane and I decided to not tell the family until the day she is born, I only smile at him.

  “And I’m not going to. Now go get your girl.”

  “I’m wounded. You hurt me. Keeping secrets.” He says laughing and shaking his head as he walks out the door. I finish up the order I was working on. And now. Time to call my husband to come fuck me. I love my life.

  * * *

  2 months later

  Oh my goodness. The baby shower is so freaking awesome. My family decided not to do a traditional one. It is a celebration of family and love with all of my friends and family. Men included. Taryn baked a kick ass cake, five tiers tall and it's my favorite. Covered in lilies and orchids it's a beautiful masterpiece.

  The games are in full force and I am covered in pins, ribbons, and bows for one reason or another. I can’t stop smiling. We gave in last month after being relentlessly hounded by our family for the baby’s name. In less than six weeks, we will welcome Valencia Elin Collins.

  It’s important to me to keep the tradition of Norse names in my family, and Thane was more than onboard. He seems to have taken to our family traditions and heritage as if they were his own. Whenever I ask him if he is really ok with all of it, he always says, “Our kids are lucky you have so much to pass on to them. I would be an idiot not to partake.” I love that man. Speaking of.

  “Hey Petal. How are you feeling? Not too tired?”

  “I’m perfect. This is all perfect. I love you, Thane. Thank you for finally making both our dreams come true.”

  “Oh baby. It was always going to happen. Nothing was going to keep me from you forever baby. I love you and our daughter so much. Thank you for waiting for me.”

  If I knew then, what I know now, I wouldn’t change a thing. Life happens when you least expect it. And this life, is pretty damn perfect.


  First, I would like to thank my family for being so supportive even though I am often checked out when in the zone. I love you.

  To MK Moore. Glad we jumped back
on the rollercoaster. So much more to do. So excited!!!!

  To Melinda. Your awesome. I love you lady.

  Trisha. Keep kicking ass in school. But I am still going to keep you busy.

  To Siobhan Royle. I am glad I found you on Facebook. I am excited for our friendship and business relationship to grow. You’re an awesome PA.

  ARCangels. You are always ready when the time comes, and your honest feedback is vital to my growth. Thank you so much for your words and willingness to read, review and spread the word.

  Last but not least, LIFERS!!!!! Your continued participation, support and fun, is the light for my sometimes dark soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  Birds of Paradise Series

  The Life She Left Behind: My Book

  The Life She Wished For #2: My Book

  Part of the ScentSations Empire Series

  Cinnamon: My Book

  Part of Cupid’s Aim Series

  Love’s Lost Embrace: US: My Book

  UK: My Book

  AU: My Book

  CA: My Book

  IN: My Book

  Works written with MK Moore

  Moosehead Minnesota Series

  Marry Grinchmas: My Book

  Sterling and Kennedy: My Book

  A Rose for Max: My Book

  The Time Between Us: My Book

  Queen of Hearts Ink Series

  Inked Heart: My Book

  Inked by Him: My Book

  Inked By Her: My Book

  Ink My Soul: My Book

  The Jorgensen’s


  BILL(written by MK Moore)


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