Whisk'er Away: Cruising with Alphas (Meet Your Alpha Book 4)
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And now, we stood crammed together in one of the ship’s studios, awaiting the safety demonstration. Seemed it was common practice to wait until everyone was on board, uncomfortable, and testy before leveling us with instructions on how to escape should the ship decide to sink.
Which led me back to my first thought—bloody insane, this was.
To think, I could be at home right now, cuddled up in my comfy bed, tucked into a nest of pillows I’d long since broken in, enjoying my misery. People said misery loved company, but I called that bullshit. I didn’t want any of this company. I thought I’d enjoy being surrounded by strangers, but instead, I felt more out of place than ever.
“Stop it,” Brittany hissed under her breath.
“You’re growling. People can hear you.”
I was…growling? I cleared my throat, and sure enough, felt a familiar scrape. Those surrounding me had given me a wider berth than most, their attention clearly on me instead of the safety demonstration.
“Sorry,” I mumbled.
I hadn’t meant to growl—but I wasn’t the only uncomfortable one. My damn wolf was pacing circles inside my head, ready to lash out at the first person who dared look at me the wrong way.
“Pay attention,” Brittany murmured. “This is important info.”
Sighing, I forced my wolf back into the recesses and focused on the woman standing on the stage in front of me. She’d slipped on a life jacket and was demonstrating how to inflate it and blow the whistle should we need it.
Once she felt she’d driven the instructions home, she slipped off the vest, tossed it aside, and crossed her arms over her chest. Adopting the alpha stance, as I called it.
“Now, from all of us aboard the Crimson Jewel, we’d like to remind you that while this is predominantly a shifter cruise, we do have humans present. We ask that you treat them kindly and keep them in consideration at all times. As for shifting, we allow controlled shifts everywhere aboard the ship, except the dining rooms. Uncontrolled shifts will be handled swiftly and precisely—I cannot stress this enough. We take no chances with uncontrolled shifting. Everyone’s safety is our main priority. The security team has been authorized to use any means necessary in these instances. As such, dominance fights are not permitted at any time. We keep it clean on the Crimson Jewel, and I’ll ask that you remember that. We won’t be held responsible for any punishment meted out.”
My mouth flattened. I didn’t like the sound of this. They’d clearly had previous experience with troublesome shifters—had they ever killed one? I hadn’t spent a shit-ton of money for someone to try and kill me.
“Otherwise, have fun! Enjoy yourselves, and do remember to have a look through all the excursions. They tend to book up fast, so don’t miss out. You don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t get to go snorkeling or hike a volcano.”
Brittany nudged me, a teasing grin curling her lips. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
I shrugged, trying to downplay my sudden interest. I’d always loved volcanoes, and the thought of hiking one definitely perked my mood.
“There’s also an excursion to Akaka Falls, though you might not be able to do both. So, I recommend you go through the entire booklet and see what catches your eye. So, yeah, get on that. A lot of these events sell out fast.” The woman flicked a glance at her watch and nodded. “Your staterooms should be ready now. Remember, some rooms might not have received their luggage yet. But don’t worry, it won’t take much longer to get them if you’re one of the unlucky few. Have fun!”
Dismissed at last, Brittany and I followed the throng toward the door, carefully easing our way through the narrow corridor behind the massive drove of people.
“Wanna check out our room before we do anything else?”
I nodded. I wanted a chance to change out of these clothes. Brittany had opted to drive to L.A. from Billings instead of flying—to save money. After the nearly twenty-hour drive, the hour and a half wait in line, and two hours wandering the ship while waiting for the safety demonstration, I was bagged. There were only three things I wanted right now. A shower, clean clothes, and food. In that exact order.
“Come on, cheer up,” Brittany teased, nudging me again. “We’re gonna have a blast. Think about the volcanoes.”
Despite my surly attitude, I grinned.
Clean at last.
I stepped out of the shower and breathed a sigh of relief. There really wasn’t anything better than a hot shower after a long day of endless travel. My mood had improved the second I’d stepped under the spray. Add in the clean clothes, and I was finally a happy wolf. Mid-shampoo, I’d felt the boat start to sway, and I’d felt a teeny bubble of anticipation pop within me. We were on the move. Out on the water. Heading toward Hawaii.
My grumbly wolf had settled and now I was simply excited. This was my first cruise, and I had high hopes. It’d started out a tad rough, but most vacations did. Traveling as a whole always sucked the life and energy out of people.
“Hey in there! Hurry up, will you! You’re not the only one who wants to shower before dinner.”
Chuckling under my breath, I toweled off and threw on whatever clothes I’d dragged in here with me. I hadn’t much paid attention when I’d grabbed them out of the suitcase, but I could see now I’d chosen a pair of jean capris and a flowy, open-shouldered shirt. Black, of course. Once dressed, I threw on a gold necklace and dusted my face with a bit of color. Nothing overly dramatic. It was only dinner, after all.
I pushed open the door to find Brittany hovering just outside, her arms full of her own clothes and a sour expression on her face. “Finally!”
“Have at it.”
She dove through the door and I headed toward the balcony. I stepped out, a small smile pulling at my lips the second I caught sight of the setting sun reflecting off the ocean. According to the itinerary, we had a few days of sea travel before arriving in Hilo. When I’d first read that, I’d worried I’d grow bored, but after looking through everything the ship had to offer, I was convinced Brittany and I would manage. The ship came packed with a theater, casino, multiple pools and bars, multiple dining rooms, a greenhouse that definitely caught my interest, and plenty of shops to keep a girl busy. Rumor had it that the shops were less expensive on the ships and exempt from duty-free taxes. Both sounded like bonuses to me.
I leaned against the railing, closed my eyes, and exhaled. For the first time in a year, the weight on my shoulders lessened. Almost like I’d left it behind on shore. Like Brittany had said, this vacation could give me a chance to rediscover life and have fun. And even though all I’d done so far was stand on the balcony, the salty sea air and the cool breeze made that feel possible. I could leave all my troubles in Montana. And right now, that sounded amazing.
“I like seeing you like this,” Brittany murmured.
My eyes snapped open to find her standing next to me, clothed, but with damp hair. “How long have you been standing there?”
“A minute. Not too long.”
I glanced back into our room. “That was a quick shower.”
She chuckled and shook her head. “Fifteen minutes, at least. I think you got lost there for a bit.”
My gaze wandered back out to the ocean. “I feel…light.” Almost too light. Like I would float off the ship if I didn’t hold onto the railing. The feeling almost frightened me. I hadn’t felt so…unburdened in forever.
“That’s good.” She rested her hand on mine and nudged me with her shoulder. “I’m really glad you decided to come with me. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun out here.”
A faint smile tugged at my lips. “Me too.”
“Good! Now, let’s eat. I’m starved.”
“Me too,” I repeated with a chuckle, then added with a wink. “Feed me, Seymour.”
Laughing in unison, my sister quickly ran a brush through her hair, and then we were off. After navigating our way through narrow corridors and down four decks, we arrived at the dini
ng room. For the first night, we’d chosen the buffet. Neither of us felt like waiting for our orders. But when we entered the room, I had to admit, it was a little intimidating.
People as far as the eye could see. Shifters weren’t known for their delicate appetites—which was obvious when one stopped to inspect the lines. Some carried upwards of three plates, heaping with piles of food. Thankfully, the staff seemed prepared for this onslaught of hungry shifters, and were constantly churning out fresh food.
“Pizza,” Brittany said with a content sigh. “It’s calling me.”
I laughed and drew in a deep breath myself. The first scent that came to me was beef—and I was off, following my nose toward a freshly carved rump roast. The chef sliced off a healthy portion, slapped it on my plate, and I was on my way. Next came the potatoes and gravy, because you couldn’t have rump roast without those.
At the sight of the little baby potatoes all roasted and glimmering with flavor, my mouth started watering. I had a feeling I was going to gain at least five pounds if this was how they intended to feed us. But hey, that was what vacations were for. So, I drowned my potatoes in gravy without any remorse.
Brittany caught my eye and pointed toward a random free table. I nodded, gathered my utensils, turned—
—and slammed into something solid.
Gasping, I clutched at my plate, but watched in horror as the entire meal splattered against something blue. A collective groan rose from those surrounding me, confirming my worst fears.
That something blue was a shirt. A shirt that clearly belonged to a chest.
Oh, my God. What did I just do?
“I—I’m so sorry,” I stuttered. “I wasn’t looking. I had no idea you were there. Let me…” I abandoned my plate and snatched a handful of napkins. Without waiting for permission, I started blotting at his chest, tenderly picking off the chunks of smooshed potatoes while trying not to smear the gravy.
Not that my efforts were appreciated.
I barely caught the sound of a growl before two massive hands grabbed my wrists and forced them down. The heat from his fingers seared my flesh and I stared at his hands, stunned by the sight of them against my own. So large and tanned. My gaze started to travel upward, over his bare forearms—thanks to his folded sleeves—to the massive swell of his chest, up his neck, until finally settling on his face. His deliciously gorgeous face that put all other faces to shame. A face that lit every womanly nerve in my body and set fire to the pit of my stomach. A fire I’d thought burned out long ago.
And just like that, I forgot how to breathe.
My head started to swim before I remembered to release the breath I was holding. My chest expanded, and I exhaled with a fluttery sigh—you know the kind, the sort that sounds almost…erotic. The sort that often follows the most intense orgasm you’d ever experienced. And now my cheeks were burning.
You’re staring, a little voice warned in my head.
Of course I was staring! Hard not to when he was downright handsome. And not in a pretty-boy way. Every inch of him was hard lines and rough angles. But it was his dark eyes that set me back a few paces. I’d never seen eyes like his before. Midnight blue. A blue so dark, they could easily be mistaken for black. Add in his broad shoulders, muscular arms, and cut waist, and I was done. Who the hell wouldn’t stare?
The heat from my cheeks spread throughout my entire body—a startling sensation that left me reeling. I forced myself back a step, then another. Thanks to his overwhelming presence, I needed to put some physical distance between us.
I’d never reacted so viscerally to anyone before.
Not even Daniel.
A thought that pierced right through my heart.
I wasn’t here to meet a new man. I wasn’t here to flirt or play or whatever else everyone had come for. I was here strictly for some sunlight and time away from home.
That was it.
No. Boys. Allowed.
Not even mouth-wateringly gorgeous boys who made my head spin.
Thinking about Daniel doused the flames within, and finally I could speak again. “I’m so sorry. Please, send me the bill for your laundering. I’ll cover it.”
He tilted his head, as though studying me as I had him. A wide grin spread across his face, rendering me absolutely silent. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. It’s only a shirt.”
“A sh—shirt I spilled gravy on.”
His grin morphed into something more predatory. “I have others.”
“But that needs to be washed before the stains set in.”
“I’m sure the staff can handle it.”
“And then send me the bill.”
His smile grew wider, a sight that sucker punched me right in my center. “I assure you, Miss—”
“Mrs. Daye,” I instinctively responded, then winced. I’d reclaimed my maiden name a long time ago. Why had I given him Daniel’s name? This was ridiculous. I was being ridiculous. Just because this man was downright sexy didn’t mean I needed to hide behind a different name.
“Mrs. Daye,” he repeated. And was it my imagination or did he sound disappointed? “Like I said, it’s not a problem. Mistakes happen.”
He held up a hand, a gesture I used to hate when my mother had used it on me. But coming from him, it didn’t feel insulting.
“I insist,” he told me. “Now, how about we get you another plate of food? I might have to try that roast myself. It smells delicious, at least.”
Nervous laughter bubbled out of my throat. “I thought the same thing.”
He grabbed two fresh plates, handed me one, and led us back toward the server. I couldn’t help but notice the way everyone instinctively moved out of his way. And he either didn’t notice, or didn’t care.
An alpha, I realized. Daniel had once had that effect on people. Alphas always exuded this presence about them. And this stranger oozed strength and power. Something I hadn’t noticed until now. Granted, I hadn’t paid attention to pack dynamics in a year. I was bound to be a tad rusty.
The server loaded up my plate first upon the alpha’s insistence. But this time when I stepped back, I took the time to study my surroundings—including his backside. I had to admit his rump roast (aka: his ass) looked far more delicious than the actual food.
Lock it up, that little voice snapped at me again.
“So, Mrs. Daye—”
My head snapped up before he could catch me checking out his butt. “Please, call me Kendra.”
That crooked smile claimed his mouth again, and for a brief moment, I struggled against the temptation to climb his excessive height and plant a heated kiss against those lips.
My God, I’ve truly lost my mind.
“Kendra,” he repeated. “Beautiful name.”
I flushed. “And you are?”
“Leo. Just Leo.”
“Well, just Leo. My sister is waiting for me, so…”
“Of course.” He stepped back and gestured me onward. “It was great meeting you, Kendra.”
A shiver feathered down my spine. The sound of my name on his lips was too much. Almost sensual. What the hell was going on here? Maybe it was because I hadn’t really spoken to a man in a year. My body was now making up for the long absence? Well, my body could stow it. It didn’t control my actions. And now was the time to rein it all in. Say goodbye, and focus on the rest of the cruise with Brittany.
“Kendra?” Speak of the devil.
I lifted my head, grateful my sister was here to save the day. “Brittany. Right. I…made a mess.”
My sister’s eyes grew wide the second she spotted Leo. After a moment’s hesitation, she cleared her throat and nodded. “So I see. I’m Brittany.”
She thrust out her hand, her smile a little too bright for my liking. She’d have to be a fool not to notice him. The entire dining room had noticed him. Everything about him screamed alpha, and not simply an
alpha, but the alpha. The man on top.
“Leo,” he rumbled, his deep voice doing unspeakable things to my heart.
“Leo.” Brittany cast me a glance, her brows slowly rising as though asking a silent question. A question it didn’t take a genius to figure out. I was about to shake my head when she turned back to the man in question and gestured toward the table we’d found. “Would you care to join us for dinner? Least we can do is provide you some entertainment since my sister ruined your shirt. Unless you’re meeting someone?”
Amusement sparked in Leo’s eyes, a spark of interest if I wasn’t mistaken. In my sister? Or in her offer? And why did I care so much?
“I’d love to.”
“Great!” Brittany spun on her heel and led the way.
Leo paused and for the second time, gestured for me to go first. A gentleman—I liked that. So, then, why was my wolf pacing circles in my head, growling anxiously in the darkness? And why did I suddenly feel like shedding my clothes—and skin—and shifting? And lastly, why the hell were my cheeks still burning?
I wasn’t stupid. I knew how my body worked. I knew the classic signs of attraction and lust. The question was why? Why now? Why Leo? And why in God’s name did my sister have to be here? I understood her modus operandi better than most. The woman showed little restraint when it came to men. Much like her dancing, she often threw caution to the wind and let her hormones lead the way. I’d always been the cautious one.
“Kendra?” Leo asked when I didn’t follow after my sister.
Shaking off those thoughts, I nodded and braved the first step. Having dinner with a stranger was easy. All I had to do was make small talk, plow through my meal, and then vanish. And once gone, I could put Mr. Alpha out of my mind and never think about him again. The ship had a few thousand people on it. Surely, it would easy to forget about him.
With that game plan in mind, I took a seat next to Brittany and focused intently on my plate. I had a date with a rump roast—and I didn’t mean Leo’s.