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Alex: Beauty and The Greek (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 5)

Page 5

by T. C. Clark

  “Well, we need you to heal up and we will escort you back home. The laptop is going back to our station to be reviewed by our IT team. I’m sorry, Tara,” Dan said, looking away from her terror filled eyes. She forced herself to calm down. Dan was only trying to help and he’d been doing that long before this was an official case.

  “Thank you for helping me, Dan. I know it hasn’t been easy,” Tara said earnestly.

  “Don’t worry, it’s my job. Just give us a little more time and I promise we will get him. Oh, and your friend is outside. Intense fella and a good fighter for a suit,” he admitted.

  “Can you send him in?” Tara asked twisting her hands in her lap. She didn’t know what to say but she knew they needed to talk. “Oh, how much does he know?” she asked as he moved to the door.

  “Wasn’t my choice to tell him, but he knows everything,” Dan said, walking out. She grimaced; well, this was going to be fun.

  A few seconds later Alex walked in. He looked so out of place here with his navy suit and Armani glasses.

  “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier,” he said before she could speak. Tara could feel the tension coming from him.

  “You’re forgiven. After all, you probably saved my life. Thanks for that.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair.

  “Does Bella know that you’re in trouble?” He moved to the side of her bed and looked down at her.

  She slowly shook her head. “No I’ve kept this under wraps for a while now.”

  “I’m guessing you want me to keep quiet too?” He sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes, please, I will tell her when the police say it’s okay.”

  “The same police that let Josh get his hands on you,” he said, his jaw twitching in anger. She had forgotten how handsome he was.

  “Don’t be like that. I’ve been working with them for a while now. That department has gone above and beyond to keep me safe.”

  He ignored her defense of them and pulled out his phone. “I’ve contacted my own investigators to look into this. I’ll stop by later this week and we can go over what to do next.”

  “Alex.” She opened her mouth to argue but he forestalled her.

  “Listen, if you want me to keep quiet then I will, but only if I can help you with this. I’m not going to sit by and wait for something else to happen to you. And unlike you, I have zero faith in the Chicago PD,” he said, slipping his phone into his pocket.

  “You don’t owe me anything,” she said.

  He picked up her cold hand and brought it to his face. “I do. I should have been here protecting you. If you’d given me a chance, I would have. That night between us was not meant to be a one-night stand and you know it. We could be much more than that. You feel it too; it’s in your eyes, Tara. But Josh the psychopath is holding you back. I’m a man who likes to face his problems head on. I’m not letting you deal with this on your own and I’m not asking for your permission to get involved.” He leaned down and kissed her on her lips. It was light and sweet. Undemanding, if she had to describe it, and she knew that wasn’t in his nature.

  Alex demanded everything of someone. He wouldn’t walk away even if she told him to. Something about the grim set of his jaw told her that and as much as she wanted to deny it, she could use his help.

  “They said they will release you tomorrow. I figure it will take you at least a day to get back home. So I’ll see you at 8pm on Wednesday. Dan assures me that you will have a police escort. He better be telling the truth. Call me if you need anything at all. I should have everything set up before you get back home,” Alex said huskily. He handed her a card with his number on it. The heat from his body called to hers. His unique scent lingered in her nose. This close, she could see how much effort it was taking him to stay in control. It was funny; she’d thought she imagined the crazy chemistry between them. In a few seconds, she’d forgotten all about Josh.

  * * *

  On the plane, Alex called Leslie and let her know that there was a change of plans and he needed her to come in on Monday. She would have to run the firm while he was gone. He knew she could do it, because she’d done it on multiple occasions before. She once said that they spent too much time together because they thought so much alike. He could trust her to keep the place running smoothly until he returned.

  Alex got to his office late. But the rage on his face warned everyone around him not to mention it even jokingly. How the hell had this happened? Tara was dealing with a psychopath on her own. All thoughts of the previous weeks were wiped away as he realized what he needed to do.

  If the police couldn’t protect her, then he would. He walked into his office and found his assistant working through a pile of contracts. When she saw his expression she got up and followed him to his desk.

  “What’s going on, Alex?” Leslie asked when she sensed his mood. Today she had on another one of her shapeless suits.

  “Close the door,” he said as he logged onto his computer. She walked to the outer office and did so. When she came back, he explained everything to her. He trusted her as much as he trusted his family and was satisfied when she was just as outraged as him.

  “Okay, so what are we going to do?” Leslie pulled out her black notebook and sharpened a pencil.

  “Well, first we need to contact Demson Investigations, the PI we use to investigate our cases.”

  “He’s really good,” Leslie said, writing down the task. “What about her house, is it protected?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m going by there on Wednesday. I’ll check on it then.”

  “I’ll go with you,” she said.

  “No, this man is obsessive; I don’t want him to see you. I’m not underestimating him. From what I’ve learned so far he is a former marine and he’s killed at least twelve people that we know of. The report on him says there are more bodies out there; they just haven’t found them yet.”

  “Well then I want you to pick up a phone to take with you. I still want to let her know who I am and that she can call me if she needs me. If we are the only other people who know, then she must feel pretty lonely.”

  “Thanks, Leslie. You’re in charge for now. I need to go home and get some stuff ready.”

  “So do you want me to cancel your date with Marsha the PR Barbie Doll?” Leslie asked.

  “Who, oh yeah, do you mind doing that for me?” He had forgotten all about her.

  “Oh, it will be my pleasure,” she said with a sweet smile. If he hadn’t been worried he would have laughed at how happy his assistant was at being charged with the task. Marsha had never been particularly nice to her, especially after she realized Leslie worked for him.

  “I know you can handle things while I’m gone. Just call me if anything comes up that requires my special touch,” he said, heading to the door. “And tighten security up around here. Tell them it’s a direct order from me. No one gets in or out without going through security. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because I’m helping Tara.”

  “Gotcha boss, you can count on me,” she said. Her hands were already busy typing away on the computer. He was glad he had Leslie; he knew taking this time away would be impossible otherwise.

  Alex went home first and grabbed some things before he visited the Private Investigator his firm used. Ben was waiting for him at the office door when he walked up.

  Ben didn’t look like your typical PI, with his long blond hair and flip-flops. But he was the best in the field. If you needed someone found, he could do it. If you had a problem, he could solve it. If anyone could figure out what was going on it was him. His office was messy with files everywhere and mounds of books piled on top of each other against the wall.

  “I read through Josh Boehm’s case files,” Ben said looking at him with concern. “If he’s her stalker, she’s in trouble. His IQ is off the charts and he is good, one of the best serial killers I’ve ever seen. His methods are unique and effective. He killed seven people before the police could figure out that t
he cases were linked.” Ben looked at him with concern. Looking at him now you would never guess he was a former navy seal. .

  “They caught him once,” Alex said, taking the seat across from him. He grimaced as he felt something sticky on the bottom of his shoe. As good as Ben was he definitely had some areas of his business he needed to work on.

  “No, the only reason they got him there was because of the planted evidence. Trust me, this man is a force to be reckoned with.” Ben walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee. He offered one to Alex, but he declined. He could tell by the stained glass that it hadn’t been washed in a while.

  “Can you help me or not?” Alex asked, tired of hearing Ben praise the psycho.

  “Of course I can. I’m not saying this because I’m impressed. I’m saying this because you need to be scared. I don’t think you should get involved with this. Let me setup the security for Tara and I will go to her house and explain everything.”

  “No. Tara is my responsibility. I want you to look into Josh. I want your full and undivided attention on him. I’ve talked to a police officer who was helping her. Dan McCoy, he’s a bit of a prick but he’s a solid cop. I want him to be your point of contact.” Alex leaned forward to place a card on his desk. His tone told him that he was serious. Ben threw both hands up in defeat. Like most people, he knew that once Alex’s mind was made up there was no changing it.

  “Alright, I’ll talk with this Dan. We should have an idea of what’s going on soon enough. Until then, keep her inside. Josh was in the military before he was a professor. He was a sniper in the marines with 52 confirmed kills, so don’t take any chances.”

  “I won’t. If you need me call my cell. I won’t be working from the office for a while.”

  After their conversation, Alex went home and set up every security protocol he could think of for Tara’s home. He also made sure everything was in place so that he could stay closer to her house. He wanted to be just seconds away if anything happened. He waited patiently for news of Tara’s arrival. Once he confirmed it he finished up at his house and headed her way. At least they had police around, he thought as he pulled up to her house.

  It took him almost thirty minutes to get cleared to enter. Tara let him in and he followed her to the living room. Her home was exactly as he thought it would be: elegant and classy. Her oversized white couch looked inviting, with a gold-colored cashmere throw hanging off the back. A glass of red wine and a plate of crackers sat on her art deco style coffee table.

  “Please tell me you’re eating more than that, and I know you aren’t supposed to be drinking,” he said as she sat back down on the couch and snuggled under the throw.

  “How did you find my address so fast?” she asked, ignoring his statement. She picked up her wine glass and took a sip. That’s when he noticed her shaky hands. She must have come straight home after the hospital. She had her hair wrapped up in a silk scarf, and she was wearing a thin cotton tank top on and yoga pants. She looked adorable.

  “I found it easily enough once I had your full name.”

  Tara sighed. “Alex, why are you here?”

  “You know why I’m here,” he said, placing his briefcase and another bag on the floor and heading into the kitchen. She sat up then and watched him. He smiled when he turned around and saw her leaning over the back of it to see what he was doing.

  “Why are you in my kitchen?” she asked as he pulled open the fridge and shook his head.

  “Do you even eat here?” he asked with disgust. He’d never seen a kitchen so clean or so bare.

  “Don’t judge me. Eating out supports the local businesses,” she said, standing up and joining him in front of her empty fridge. He pulled out his phone and made a call to someone named Leslie.

  When he hung up he said. “My assistant Leslie is going to get some groceries and have them delivered. Do you mind telling your bodyguards that?” He was referring to the two hulking men on her front porch.

  “Listen, Alex, I never asked for your help. Just because we slept together once doesn’t give you any rights here.”

  “I agree it doesn’t give me any rights. But you want me to keep quiet, right? Well then, my brother is marrying your sister and that makes you my responsibility as well. So you either let me help you or we bring your family in. Oh, I almost forgot, I got this for you,” he said, walking over to his bag and pulling out a file folder.

  “What is this?” she asked as he handed her the file folder.

  “This is everything Leslie could find on me. I wanted you to feel safe,” he said quietly.

  She opened the folder and flipped through it. He was surprised that she only skimmed it. After everything she’d gone through she should be more careful. He needed to explain to her the importance of that.

  “Thank you. But Dan already ran an extensive background check on you after you left the hospital. It felt like he was trying hard to find something but he said you were clean. So, what do you think you can do that the police can’t?” she asked seemingly resigned to his interference.

  “Well, after you eat something and I mean eat real food, we can figure out how he’s been getting so close to you without anyone seeing him. I know the police are here tonight but they won’t be back after today. I saw your security guard out there sitting in his car. He seemed okay. But I’m going to bring in my team.”

  “Alex, he hurt the first two people who tried to help me. Trust me; you don’t want to get involved. He typically only hurts the men who try to help his victim, and you are starting to fit that profile,” she said.

  “Better me than you. What the fuck were you thinking, Tara keeping this kind of shit to yourself?” He pulled out a pot and a strainer. She followed him around as he worked. He checked each cabinet methodically.

  “You only have three plates?” He shook his head, again disappointed. He put a pot of water on to boil.

  As he worked Tara examined him. He looked at home in her kitchen. She took a seat at the kitchen table. “What can I say? I’m a minimalist,” she said. She had a couple of remote therapy sessions she needed to prepare for tomorrow. She really didn’t have time for distractions.

  “I’m not going anywhere unless you want to call my bluff. But don’t worry, I’m not stupid enough to think you’d let me stay here. I rented out a room at one of the condos across the street,” he said.

  “What, how in the hell did you pull that off?”

  “It’s amazing how much money can do. Speaking of money, where is that delivery?” he asked out loud, pulling out his phone. He smiled when a new message popped up.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Leslie, my PA, doesn’t like to be rushed. She sent me a meme that basically tells me to stay in my lane,” he said ruefully.

  “I think I like her,” Tara said, pulling out her vibrating phone. She answered it and confirmed they could put the package through. They walked to the door and collected the overflowing boxes from one of the police officers. Tara wondered how it had gotten here so fast, but she knew better than to ask. He would probably spout some nonsense about money.

  Alex wasted no time and started making dinner. Tara tried to ignore him but it was impossible. He turned on a jazz station through Pandora and started singing along to the song. Tara’s mouth watered as the smell of garlic, onion, and basil hit the air. She smiled as she realized he looked like a fantasy come true.

  He had on a light gray suit that fit his athletic frame to perfection. He’d removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. When he caught her staring at him, he winked at her. It took him thirty minutes to complete the pasta dish. She made up place settings for them and poured up two glasses of wine.

  They sat down together. Tara relaxed under the easy silence. She had to be honest; it was nice to have someone here for a change. Every time she talked to Bella she had to lie, and recently she’d been putting some distance between her and other people.

  “Alex, this is delicious,” she admitte
d after eating half of her plate. She hadn’t realized she was so hungry. Her appetite had disappeared because of stress. Lately she’d taken to drinking meal replacement shakes and eating peanut butter jelly sandwiches, which was why there was nothing in her pantry.

  “Thank you. When I was younger I did the cooking for my family. I figured out how to make a lot of things for ten dollars or less. You can’t really forget that skill. I take it you’re not into cooking?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” She laughed. “A homemaker, I am not. What is your plan exactly?” she asked, taking another bite of the fragrant pasta dish.

  “Well, I plan on spending most of my time in your living room working. I have a PI looking into Josh, so if he gives me his movements I’ll be able to react quickly. I’ve also hired some private security that will continuously watch you while I’m gone. From what I read, once Josh is done stalking he escalates quickly to killing.”

  “I know, I’ve just been waiting. He used to send me things every day and now he’s taken to sending me letters. According to his journal we are still in his courtship phase.”

  “What the hell is that?” Alex asked, putting his fork down. She explained the phases of Josh’s typical killings.

  “So we need to figure this out before he starts the marriage phase,” he said firmly.

  “There is no we, Alex. You need to go before he realizes you’re here. Do you have a death wish or something? The police are handling the case. He’s hurt everyone I’ve turned to for help and I don’t want anything to happen to you too,” she said, trying to get him to understand just how dangerous this was. When he’d first offered to help, she had been grateful, but the more she thought about it, the more she was sure she needed to push him away.

  “Everything you just said only makes me want to stay with you more. I will protect you. I just need time for Ben to gather some information. I’m not leaving so stop asking.” He reached inside of his bag and pulled out Monopoly.

  They played for two hours. It was interesting watching his brain work. Alex was very tactical and efficient.


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