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Satan's Gift

Page 8

by Everly Taylor

  A dark-haired female figurine scaled his pant leg, clinging tight as he attempted to shake her loose. “Oh no, you don’t!” She yelled up at him, “You’re gonna face a beat down!” He tried to brush her off with no success as he was distracted by another figure making a racket from the tree.

  The tanned wrestler that had initially distracted me now stood at the top of the tree, the star glowing crookedly behind him. It appeared he had dislodged two popsicle sticks from one of the ornaments and was banging them together, to draw attention.

  “When I say MISEL, you say TOE!” His little voice carried across the small room, cheers erupting from his group of plastic peers below.

  “MISEL,” he shouted, and as instructed the little group of wrestlers called back, “TOE!” their fists pumping in the air.

  They chanted it several times, before he cried out a cheer and lifted a popcorn strand from the tree. He swung out using it like a rope swing toward a disbelieving Luka, “I will end you Hot Head!!!” he cried out as he arced through the air.

  Suddenly, the miniscule figurine froze mid-swing, his face still contorted with his battle cry as the air began to sparkle around us. A very disgruntled looking Nick and amused Bernard filled what little space remained in the room.

  “Really, you just couldn’t leave well enough alone?” Nick asked disdainfully.

  “Nick,” Bernard scolded.

  “Fine, but I’m not happy about it,” Nick mumbled.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked Bernard, surprised to see them after Nicks clear disapproval of helping us.

  “He decided to help after all,” Bernard shrugged.

  “More like I was guilted into it,” Nick stated flatly, scanning the room.

  “Eh, not my fault you felt guilty for being an ass.” Bernard sent me a wink making me grin.

  “Pft,” Nick scoffed. “Well let’s get this show on the road, there are cookies to eat and presents to deliver.”

  I watched wide eyed as everything began to glow a soft blue, sparkles filling the air before it gently started to swirl through the room. The current swept through the space, collecting the figurines as it passed them, their faces still frozen in determination, ready to take on their opponents. The mess they had made was caught up in the gentle tornado as well, the ornaments that had been dislodged were rehung, the popcorn garland repaired and restrung and the star set straight again. Gently the toys were set back in their places in front of the tree, their faces returning to their factory expressions of happy or angry.

  “Really, Nick?” Bernard rolled his eyes. “That was a little showy, even for you.” He strolled over to an end table, finding a cookie and taking it to Nick, he thrust it at him. “Eat the damn cookie.”

  He left Nick standing in the middle of the room with a chocolate chip cookie in his hand and came over and took my hand, “Come on, Holly.”

  “Uh, okay?” I let him lead me outside. Luka didn’t seem to be concerned with it, and if you couldn’t trust an elf, who could you trust?

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” I asked when we were in the hall.

  “Nick is being an ass and it’s pissing me off. Not to mention his little showy tantrum in there is going to get him fucking hurt. I don’t want to deal with him right now, they can deal with each other for a minute.” He blew out a frustrated breath and I noticed in his agitation the tips of his ears had grown red. How cute.

  We stood in silence for a minute before he spoke up, “Hey, wanna see something?” he asked shyly.

  “Sure,” I responded hesitantly, not sure exactly where he was going with this. Bernard reached down and took my hand again without asking and led me to the elevator. Instead of going down as I had expected he pressed the button for the top floor.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Shh, you’ll see,” he instructed as the elevator dinged our arrival. Bernard guided me from the elevator to an open window at the end of the corridor. “Come on,” he grinned, ducking through the window ahead of me.

  I followed him through the window and found myself standing on a small ten by ten, flat section of the roof. By myself. “Bernard?” I called out, peering into the darkness trying to see if I had missed a section in the roof where it turned or something. Where the hell did he go? Damn it.

  Suddenly he dropped down in front of me and I let out a small squeal. “Don’t do that shit!” I demanded making him laugh.

  “Trust me?” he held out his hand.

  I glanced up trying to see how he had dropped down in front of me like that. He would have had to jump away from the roof above us a good distance. It wasn’t impossible, but still it was a whole two stories. Weird.

  “After that stunt you pulled, I shouldn’t.” Mockingly, I frowned at him as I took his hand. Without warning we were sailing upward through the air landing on the roof above us.

  “Holy shit, Bernard! Warn a girl next time!” I smacked his arm. “Are you trying to make sure I don’t live to see Christmas?” I chided.

  “Would you have done it if I had asked?”

  I thought about it for a second, “I don’t know.” Probably not.

  “Well, here you are unharmed. Come on, you don’t want to miss this.” He grinned like a kid in a candy shop. I had to admit, the glee on his face had me more than a little curious about what he wanted to show me.

  We crossed the roof and I heard it before I saw it. The soft jingle of bells. “Holy shit, no way Bernard!” I gripped his arm, rushing forward with him to the other side of a utility box.

  A bright red sleigh sat waiting, beautifully scrolled filigree covering the side panels, its gilded edges glinting under the moonlight. I was surprised seeing the front panel of the sleigh as it was a bit more technical than I would have expected. There were brightly lit lights blinking steadily as they sent out their updates-whatever they were.

  Eight reindeer waited patiently tethered to the front, eyeing us curiously at our approach. Seeing Bernard and recognizing him they began pawing the rooftop. It seemed more out of excitement than out of agitation though as they sent the bells jingling in anticipation.

  “Can I touch them?” I whispered in awe.

  “Of course.”

  I shuddered out a small breath of excitement, this had been my dream since I was a little girl. One I hadn’t realized I had held onto this whole time. The reindeer watched me from behind wide, curious eyes as I approached them slowly, careful not to spook them. Their light cream coat darkened to brown and was so stunning, I itched to run my hand down it to see what it felt like.

  I stood next to them for a moment, giving them time to get used to me near them. The antlers, while stunning in the way they arched over their backs, also looked like they could do some damage, and I didn’t really want to find out.

  “Go ahead,” Bernard chuckled.

  “I was just giving them a minute to get used to me,” I told him.

  As if making the decision for me, the one nearest me nudged my hand, startling me and making me laugh. “Well then.” I stroked his head. He was unexpectedly soft. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but it wasn’t the soft, downy hair that passed under my palm.

  He leaned into my stroke, a rolling grunt escaping him as I giggled. “He really likes you.” Bernard said, thickly making me look at him curiously. Why did he almost sound jealous?

  “He’s even more beautiful than I imagined.” I told him, my voice filled with wonder.

  “Have you imagined them often?”

  “More times than I can count.” I strolled to the next one in line, pushing aside the intricately carved leather strap from behind his ear to scratch him there. “As a young girl my Mom and Dad would tell me fantastic tales of Santa and his reindeer at the North Pole. Not just the average ones, of them delivering presents on Christmas Eve. But extraordinary ones of them playing games, or stealing cookies from the kitchens, getting lost in the mountains. Stories that made me feel like they actually
existed,” I chuckled. “I guess they do.”

  I walked to the lead reindeer and grinned, “You know you’re the boss don’t you.” He seemed to nod, knocking his head against my chest, bells jingling furiously. I glanced up as Bernard stared at me slack jawed. “What?” I asked.

  “Who are you?” he breathed out.

  I was saved from an answer to his weird ass question as Nick and Luka appeared at the side of the sleigh.

  “Wanna go for a ride,” Luka wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  I glanced at the other two, not sure exactly what he meant.

  “Not like that you perv,” he laughed, seeing the look of skepticism on my face. “In the sleigh,” he clarified.

  “Really? Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, he agreed to help us.” He nodded, a grin on his face.

  “Hell yes!” I exclaimed as I jumped in the air and rushed toward him, jumping in his arms in my excitement. I was going for a fucking sleigh ride! On Christmas Eve, it didn’t get better than this.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Slowly Luka released me and looked down at me, his eyes filled with heat. There was no mistaking that he still wanted me as much as I wanted him. I just didn’t understand why he had pushed me away at the lake. I backed up from him and cleared my throat, “Uh, sorry about that. I was just excited.”

  “It was nothing. Holly, I-” he started but was interrupted by Nick.

  “Let’s get going you two,” Nick demanded. I swear that one would never lose his dick status.

  Bernard agilely leapt into the front of the sleigh, and began inputting information about our changed flight. Luka left me standing next to Nick to take Bernard’s side, firing off questions about the instruments on the panel.

  “Looks like I’m stuck in the back with you, asshole,” I stated dryly to Nick.

  “Oh joy,” he said sarcastically, as he turned his back on me and vaulted into the back seat, leaving me to fend for myself.

  “I didn’t need your help anyway,” I muttered, gripping the edge of the sled, trying to jump over the edge as they had and failing miserably, bouncing off the side and barely hanging on. The guys looked over at me as a mix of humor and concern marred their faces. “There was a patch of ice, I’m good,” I lied, thankful I hadn’t fallen on my ass. I righted myself and climbed in the back seat of the sleigh, crossing my arms and sitting as far from the asshole as possible.

  “Ready back there?” Bernard called, and not waiting for a response the sleigh started forward, knocking me back in my seat.

  We glided smoothly across the flat roof top, the bells jingling as the reindeer picked up speed and we sailed past the small roof vents. I watched ahead of us as two by two the reindeer dropped out of sight as we sped toward the edge of the roof. Suddenly the sled plummeted off the edge of the building, lodging my heart in my throat.

  Luka let out a thrilled holler, clearly enjoying the excitement the ride was bringing us. His laughter was contagious and I let myself relax into the delight of the ride, my pulse finally settling from the death-defying drop.

  The chilly night air rushed through my long hair blowing it back away from my face, the cold brought a sting to my cheeks and I could see my breath as I exhaled. It was so cold at this altitude. The night was magical as we flew in and out of the clouds, the moonlight illuminating the white puffy clouds in the dark.

  Bernard glanced back at us seeing my shiver, “Sorry about that Holly,” he called back to me. “I forgot to turn on the heat shield, we normally don’t have passengers back there.” He flicked a switch on the dashboard and instantly I warmed back up.

  “Thank you!” I shouted back to him.

  “Patch of ice, tell me why I doubt that.” Nick spoke up from next to me.

  “Go to Hell,” I said vehemently.

  “I believe that’s your little boyfriend’s job, isn’t it?” he scoffed.

  “I fucking hate you,” I leered at him.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” he slid across the seat and pinned me in the corner of the sleigh, his face mere inches from mine, “You would do best not to anger me, Holly,” he warned his eyes blue eyes locking on mine.

  “Or what?”

  Without warning he descended on me, his lips crushing against mine in a fervent kiss. My mouth opened as I sucked in a breath of surprise and he took that as an invitation to delve in for more. His tongue warred with mine as they met fiercely and passionately.

  My mind registered what was happening and I reached up to push against his shoulders, kicking out with my legs. Nick grabbed my arms and pinned them at my sides forcing me to stay still and meet his intense blue eyes. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop right now,” he said harshly.

  For a moment I met his gaze evenly, I couldn’t stand this bastard. He was responsible for Christmas, but he was essentially Scrooge in the flesh. At the same time, I was undeniably attracted to him and wanted to fuck him almost as bad as I do Luka, and hell even Bernard.

  I glanced at the front seat, what would Luka think if I were to have sex with Santa? Luka turned around and seeing Nick pinning me to the seat, grinned. Well then, it seemed he approved.

  “I still fucking hate you.” I said in a half whisper as I narrowed my eyes at him, relaxing my legs in invitation at the same time. That was all it took, Nick released my arms and closed his hand roughly over my breast. He kneaded it and pinched it through my shirt, bringing it to a hard point as little shockwaves of pleasure shot through me.

  He moved his hand lower and dipped it into the line of my pajama bottoms, not taking time to ease his way in. Finding me already turned on from the sudden turn of events, he thrust a finger inside me hard and fast, the walls of my pussy closing around him as I grew wetter and more wonton. “Nick,” I groaned as I arched my back, my orgasm just seconds away.

  “Oh no, you will take what I give that pussy of yours,” Nick pushed my stomach back down and held it there, denying me my orgasm.

  “You fucking asshole,” I glared at him. Who the fuck did he think he was? I gripped the seat of the sleigh as pleasure coursed through me, Nick adding a second finger and driving them deeper inside me.

  For a moment he stopped, slipping his suspenders from his shoulders, and dropping his pants to his knees. He turned me on the narrow bench of the sleigh and slipped my pants off, dropping them on the floorboard.

  He held my knees and in one smooth, fast move he entered me fully, his thick cock stretching me and making me cry out. The sleigh dipped down, careening out of control for a moment and the feeling of weightlessness took me. “Sorry!” Bernard called out as the sled straightened.

  Nick continued to pump his dick the full length in and out of me as fast as he could, his relentless pace building my orgasm building strong and fast. “Don’t you dare finish yet, Holly,” he demanded, slamming his cock hard into me. “I’m going to show you exactly how much you hate me.”

  I don’t know why, but his words turned me on, the fact that he was going to take me and teach me a lesson while giving me pleasure all at the same time spurred me closer to the edge. His hands bit into my knees as he pushed them further up to drive himself deeper made me hotter than fuck.

  “Holy shit, Nick.” I cried out. I could feel the walls of my pussy starting to tighten around him, my orgasm imminent any second now as we began our descent.

  His grip tightened on my knees and he pushed forward with his thighs, keeping an unrelenting and feverish pace as he moaned out, “Come all over my dick, Holly. Now.” His cock jerked inside of me and filled me with warmth. With that I came undone, lost in waves of pleasure as the sleigh hit the ground, jostling us from side to side.

  With a final kiss he smirked down at me, “Exactly how much do you hate me now?”

  “You’re still arrogant,” I rebuked with a small grin.

  “We’re here,” Luka called happily from the front seat.

  “Where’s here? I asked sitting up as I slid my pants b
ack on to have a look around and the guys climbed out of the sled.

  “Why the fuck are we at my dad’s house?” I asked in shock. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My head shot around, “What do you mean your Dad?” I asked stunned as I watched her climb from the sleigh.

  “Exactly what I said, this is my parent’s home, only my Dad lives here now though,” she stated, her irritation with our lack of answers growing.

  “Oh, for the love of Christmas cookies, you have got to be kidding me,” I exclaimed. “How in the North Pole did this happen?”

  “How did what happen?” Holly asked, her voice growing dark.

  “I think it’s best we talk to your Dad first on this one and let him explain,” Luka chimed in finally.

  “Yes lets,” Holly stated firmly, stomping toward the back door, swinging it open and letting herself in. I glanced at Luka and Bernard, who each had equal looks of trepidation on their faces.

  “Did either of you have any clue?” I questioned. They shook their heads, and by the look of shock on their faces, I knew they were telling the truth.

  What in the world was Reginald thinking, setting us up like this? With his daughter of all people?

  My level of attraction to Holly had surprised me, and surpassed anything I had ever experienced. Even though she irriated me to no end, I found myself wanting to take her again and again. Already I was thinking about being inside her soon. The fact that she was our old friend’s daughter could certainly complicate things.

  I thought back to the fiasco in the apartment. Yet again I had found utter chaos erupting in the small space and Luka struggling to regain control. I was ready to explode I was so furious with him. He knew better than to risk exposing our world, but he was being careless, all for his pride and to show off for this woman.


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