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The Oracle

Page 23

by Jonathan Cahn

  “Trump was the Cyrus of America but a Cyrus to Israel. His significance to America would follow another paradigm.”

  “The cylinder in the tomb and the cylinder on the ram would represent the Jubilean declaration.”

  “Yes,” he replied, “the king’s proclamation and the president’s proclamation. Note, the king’s proclamation spoke not only of the return of the Jewish people to their land but of their sovereignty over their Holy City, Jerusalem. Note the words in Cyrus’ declaration:

  Jerusalem which is in Judah . . . 5

  “‘Jerusalem which is in Judah . . . ’ means Jerusalem is part of and belonging to Judah. Judah is the Jewish nation. So the president’s declaration likewise recognized Jerusalem as part of and belonging to the Jewish nation. Cyrus’ proclamation recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish nation. The president’s declaration did the same.

  “Cyrus’ proclamation decreed that the Jewish people were now permitted to ‘go up to Jerusalem.’ 6 Thus it specifically affirmed their right to return to their Holy City. The president’s proclamation likewise affirmed the right of Israel to return to its Holy City. And therein lies another mystery behind the president and that declaration. Listen again to the Scripture:

  Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation . . . ” 7

  “What was the word,” I asked, “that Cyrus fulfilled?”

  “It was a prophecy given to Jeremiah revealing how long Israel’s exile would last:

  For thus says the LORD: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will . . . perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return . . . 8

  “‘After seventy years,’” said the Oracle. “The key is seventy years. It was the king’s proclamation that allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem after seventy years. So Cyrus is connected to an interval of seventy years. Is it possible, then, that the same interval of time, seventy years, could have a part in the replaying of the mystery in the American president and his declaration?

  “Cyrus ascended to world power at the end of the seventy years. When Donald Trump ascended to world power, how many years had he lived? For seventy years. Thus, as with Cyrus, he ascended to world power after seventy years. And that rise began as he announced his candidacy for the presidency just two days into the start of his seventieth year. His life was, itself, the embodiment of the seventy years. And as for the ancient Cyrus, the period of seventy years would likewise be central to his life. He would live for seventy years.”

  “So the modern Cyrus began where the ancient Cyrus left off.”

  “You could say that.”

  “What about Israel?” I asked. “The seventy years of the prophecy were connected to Israel. So could the president’s proclamation be connected to a seventy-year period having to do with Israel?”

  “If the seventy-year period,” he replied, “ends with the proclamation, then we would have to go back seventy years from that proclamation to see if it brings us to any significant event. The proclamation took place in 2017. So going back seventy years would lead to . . . ”


  “1947. The year that Israel was voted into existence at the United Nations. So the seventy years began with Israel’s conception. In the ancient case it was at the end of a critical seventy-year period in Israel’s history that Cyrus ascended to world power. So the template would reveal that after a critical seventy-year period in Israel’s history we would see the rise of a world leader who would issue a proclamation concerning Israel. So the modern seventy-year period ended in the year 2017, the very year that a new Cyrus, Donald Trump, rose to world power and just happened to issue a proclamation concerning Israel . . . ”

  “Which has to be issued in the seventieth year.”

  “And when he issued that declaration, he made special mention of another president. He spoke of the other Cyrus, Harry Truman. And his declaration contained the phrase that would link the modern declaration to the ancient—the phrase seventy years. He said this:

  It was 70 years ago that the United States, under President Truman, recognized the State of Israel. 9

  “So the proclamation itself makes note that the proclamation is itself going forth at the end of a seventy-year period.”

  “And there’s another connection,” I said. “The two presidents who walk in the template of Cyrus are connected not only to a critical seventy-year period in Israel’s history but a seventy-year period with regard to each other. The two presidencies take place seventy years apart from the other. Trump leads America seventy years after Truman led America. And as the reign of Cyrus framed the seventy-year period, so each of the two American presidents frame the modern seventy-year period, the first at its beginning and the second at its end. And the seventy-year period they frame has to do with Israel’s restoration.”

  “Very good,” said the Oracle. “Now, note the parameters of the Scripture. The declaration goes forth at the end of the seventy years, and, at the same time, in the first year of the king’s reign as world leader. In President Trump both parameters converge; the seventieth year with regard to Israel is also the first year of his presidency . . . and on top of that it all converges in the year of Jubilee.”

  “And for all of it to converge as it did,” I said, “Trump had to assume the presidency at the end of the seventy years—at the exact time he did. And for that to happen, an American presidential election had to take place at the end of seventy years—the exact time it did. And the election had to result in his victory. The timing and the voting, everything, it all had to be part of the mystery.”

  “Yes,” said the Oracle, “presidential elections and their outcomes are also part of the mystery.”

  The Oracle got up from his seat. I did as well. He led me over to the steps of the ancient building.

  “I’ll speak of an ancient king,” he said. “And you’ll speak of a modern president.”

  I didn’t say anything, as I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do.

  “And so it came to pass that at the end of Israel’s seventy years, a new king came to power . . . ”

  “And it came to pass at the end of Israel’s seventy years,” I replied, “that a new president came to power.”

  “And in the first year of his reign he issued a proclamation . . . ”

  “And in the first year of his presidency he issued a proclamation.”

  “The king’s proclamation recognized the right of the Jewish people to Jerusalem . . . ”

  “And the president’s proclamation recognized the right of the Jewish people to Jerusalem.”

  “And of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital . . . ”

  “And of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

  “The king’s proclamation granted legal authority and sanction to the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem by the greatest power of the ancient world . . . ”

  “And the president’s proclamation granted legal authority and sanction to the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem by the greatest power of the modern world.”

  “Well done,” said the Oracle with a smile. “Soon you’ll have no need of me.”

  “What was the next mystery?”

  “One that would go back further than Cyrus . . . and in which the law of Jubilees would determine a presidential election and an American president . . . and a word appointed for the day of his birth.”

  “And how was it revealed?”

  “Through an angel and a boy on a hill.”

  Chapter 49


  I RETURNED TO the ruins of the ancient house. The Oracle was standing beside one of the pillars. I approached him.”

  “Look at that,” he said, gazing up at one of the ornamental curves on its capital. “It almost looks like a ram’s horn. ‘You shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound. . . ’ 1 The tr
umpet, the ram’s horn, lies at the center of the mystery. Without it there’s no return and no restoration. Without it there’s no Jubilee. In fact the Hebrew word for Jubilee is Yovel. And Yovel, or Jubilee, literally means the trumpet, or ram’s horn. For the Jubilee to come, the trumpet must be sounded.”

  “And it was actually sounded,” I said, “in the Jubilee of 1967, at the moment of Jerusalem’s return.”

  “Yes, by Rabbi Goren,” he said. “It was the central act of that Jubilee, and he was its central figure, its embodiment. But what about the following Jubilee? What was its central act?”

  “The Jerusalem Declaration.”

  “And who was its central figure?”

  “It would have to be the president.”

  “In your vision of the boy and the angel, the boy represented the president. And the race up the hill was the race for the presidency. In each of your visions of the two angels and the boy, the boy represented the central figure of that Jubilee. Do you remember the mystery of the rabbi’s name?”

  “Yes, Goren. It means threshing floor.”

  “And the central ground of that Jubilee was the threshing floor, the Temple Mount. But the name Goren was of European origin, and in its original European context it held a different meaning. And yet in Hebrew, the language of the land in which the Jubilean event took place, it meant threshing floor. So what about the central figure in the next Jubilee? Is it possible that his name also holds a mystery?”


  “In his ancestor’s native language the name has been taken to mean drum. But in English, the language of America, where the Jubilean event would take place, the name holds another meaning.”


  “He who sounds the trumpet.”

  “The Jubilee!” I said. “Trump was the one who made the declaration, who sounded it . . . It was Trump who sounded the trumpet in that year of Jubilee!”

  “‘You shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound. . . ’” 2

  “So the central figure in the Jubilee of 2017 was Trump, which means he who sounds the trumpet. And the central figure of the Jubilee of 1967 was he who sounded the shofar, the ram’s horn . . . which is also a trumpet.”

  “And the president’s name,” said the Oracle, “holds another meaning, similar, but slightly different. The word trump refers not only to the one who sounds the trumpet but to the trumpet itself. In the King James Bible the last trumpet is called the ‘last trump.’ 3 And when speaking of the Messiah’s second coming, it prophesies that it will come about with the ‘trump of God.’ 4 Trump means trumpet.”

  “What’s the word in the original language that the word trump stands for?”

  “Trump is the biblical translation of the Greek word salpinx. When the Jubilean ordinance in Leviticus was translated into Greek, the word salpinx referred to the shofar, the ram’s horn, the trumpet of Jubilee. In other words, ‘In the year of Jubilee you shall sound the shofar, the salpinx, the trump.’ So in which year does the trump sound?”

  “In the fiftieth year,” I replied, “the year of Jubilee.”

  “And the fiftieth year was 2017. And the year of Jubilee must be the year of the trump. The year must be marked by it. And so 2017 was the year of the Trump. It was the year especially marked by the Trump, the year he came to power. In the Jubilee the trump sounds. So in the year 2017 the Trump sounded. And the law of Jubilees specifically commands that the trumpet ‘shall sound throughout all your land.’” 5

  “So the Trump sounded throughout the land.”

  “And what kind of sound does it make? The sound of the shofar is loud and jarring.”

  “And so the sound of the Trump was loud and jarring.”

  “Think about it,” he said. “In the year of Jubilee the trump leads all things. So in the year of Jubilee America’s leader and the world’s most prominent leader was named Trump. In the year of Jubilee the Trump must lead.”

  “And the Jubilean event of 2017 would begin in America . . . So in the year of Jubilee Trump led America.”

  “Yes. And when does the Trump begin to sound?”

  “At the beginning of the Jubilean year.”

  “The presidential election took place at the end of 2016. So Trump was given the platform of the presidency to sound in January of 2017, at the beginning of the Jubilean year. The ancient law ordains, ‘You shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound. . . ’ 6 So America had caused the Trump to sound in the year of Jubilee.”

  “It’s almost a play on words.”

  “Such things are used in the Scriptures. And the names people are given often reveal the purpose for which they were born and appointed. The president was appointed to be a trumpet to sound in the year of Jubilee.”

  “A most unlikely instrument,” I said. “And he had no idea.”

  “So in your vision,” said the Oracle, “the angel told the boy that the trumpet doesn’t need to know it was appointed to sound . . . that it wasn’t about the vessel but the One who sounded it. It’s not even about what the vessel does before or after its appointed time of sounding.”

  “And so it only matters that the trump sounds at the appointed time . . . and the appointed time was 2017.”

  “More specific than that,” he said. “Do you remember what the United States Senate did in the middle of that year?”

  “The Jubilean resolution.”

  “They passed a resolution recognizing the fiftieth year and the return of the original owner, Israel, to the ancestral possession and that, as in the Jubilee, official sanction be given to that return. But according to the law of Jubilees, for that to happen, the trumpet must sound. So on the exact date that marked the Jubilee, fifty years to the day the Six-Day War began, the Senate called for the president to recognize the right of the Jewish people to their ancestral possession, Jerusalem. They called for the Trump to sound. For when the trump sounds in the year of Jubilee, the original owners receive the right to their ancestral possession. So the Trump sounded in 2017, the year of Jubilee, and the original owners, the Jewish people, received the right to their ancestral possession, Jerusalem.”


  “Shall I tell you another mystery?” asked the Oracle.


  “Do you believe that God weaves together every event with every other event?”

  “I’ve come to believe in that,” I replied.

  “Donald Trump came into the world on June 14, 1946. It was a Friday, sealed with the setting of the sun, the Sabbath.”

  “So there was a portion of Scripture appointed for the day of his birth.”


  “And was there anything in that portion that was significant?”

  “There was.”

  “What was it?”

  “It was the section of the Bible that focuses on . . . the trumpet.”

  “So Trump was born on the day the Scripture spoke of the trump?”

  “Yes,” said the Oracle. “And the Scripture specifically speaks of how to produce the trumpet.” 7

  “How to produce the trump,” I said. “So on the day when the appointed Scripture spoke of producing the trump . . . the Trump was produced!”

  “It wasn’t that the Scripture was appointed for that one sole event, but all events and words are woven together by the hand of God.”

  “So the Scripture ordained the birth of the trump on the day of the Trump’s birth.”

  “And the appointed Scripture went on to speak of the different times and ways the trumpet was to sound. It would sound to call the people, to summon its leaders, and to move the nation forward.”

  “And at any other times?”

  “It was to sound during the appointed and sacred times of God.”

  “One of those appointed and sacred times of God,” I said, “is the Jubilee. So on the day of Trump’s birth the appointed Scriptures spoke of the trump being made to sound at God’s appointed times . . . Trump was born to sound at the ap
pointed time, in the year of Jubilee.”

  “The very year he came to power and began sounding.”

  “Does it say anything else about the trumpet?”

  “Yes, that it would also sound to call for God’s help, for the nation’s deliverance. It would sound the call to war. In fact it was this very passage of Scripture, the ordinance of the trumpet, that led Rabbi Goren to sound the shofar on the day of Jerusalem’s liberation.”

  “So the Scripture of Trump’s birth led to the central moment in the Jubilee of 1967. And that key moment was the moment Israel returned to Jerusalem. And Trump’s key moment in the next Jubilee was connected to that same moment. Trump’s declaration would be the sealing of that return and that moment.”

  “Yes,” said the Oracle, “the sounding of the second trump would seal the sounding of the first.”

  “Speaking of Rabbi Goren,” I said, “you told me that in Hebrew his name meant threshing floor, but you never told me what his name meant in the original language.”

  “His family’s original name was Gorenchik.”

  “So what does Gorenchik mean?”

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” asked the Oracle.


  “Horn . . . Gorenchik means horn.”

  “Horn!” I replied. “As in trumpet?”

  “Yes, as in ram’s horn, shofar, trumpet. . . and trump.”

  “So the man who sounded the horn at the Western Wall was named Horn?” I almost shouted.


  “Rabbi Horn? So the central figure in the Jubilee of 1967 was Rabbi Horn! And fifty years later the central figure in the Jubilee of 2017 was President Trump!”

  “And in biblical Hebrew horn and trump are the same word: shofar. So you shall cause the shofar of Jubilee, the horn of Jubilee, the trump of Jubilee, to sound.”

  “So one Jubilee is ushered in by a rabbi named Horn, and the other by a president named Trump! It’s too much!”

  “Are you surprised?” said the Oracle. “Did you not think that God had a sense of humor?”


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