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Speak No Evil: A Secret Society Student Teacher College Romance (The Society Book 3)

Page 32

by Ivy Fox

  The soft laugh that leaves her lips settles my anxious heart.

  She’s safe.

  Our baby is safe.

  That’s all that matters.

  “Em, do you remember anything at all of what happened? The doctor only told me that you fell back at the school.”

  “You know those stairs that lead up to my classroom? I fell from the first step all the way down.”

  “Jesus, Em. That was quite a fall.” It’s a fucking miracle she’s here in my arms. A fall like that should have had a different outcome. Thank God it didn’t. “Did you trip or something?”

  She shakes her head, biting her bottom lip.

  “Em?” I lean back to cup her face in my hands, her gaze falling to the blue hospital sheet instead of looking me in the eye. “Em? What is it? Talk to me.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure what happened. One minute I was walking down the stairs, and the next I was falling.”

  “There’s more to it, isn’t there? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I think I was pushed.”

  “Pushed? Pushed by who?” She malls at her lip, trepidation keeping her silent. “Em, pushed by who?”

  “I think… I think it was Kennedy.”

  My heart stops.

  “What?” I gasp in horror.

  “I can’t be a hundred percent sure, but I think it was her, Colt.”

  My whole body shakes at this revelation, and suddenly another one slaps me across the face.


  I kiss Em’s temple and run out into the hallway, calling Linc and then Kennedy, terrified that neither one of them answer.

  “What’s wrong? Is it Emma?” Easton calls out when he sees me.

  “East, get Finn and find Lincoln!”

  “What? Why?”

  Just as I’m about to explain, Finn and Stone appear, both hyperventilating like they ran miles to get here. But my gaze doesn’t latch on them for too long since it’s fixated on the black envelope in Finn’s hand.

  I snatch it away and fall to my knees when I see that I’m too late.

  She has him now.


  My teeth bite down on the pillow so hard I almost suffocate. When I feel my incisors rip through the silky Egyptian cotton, that one small act of defiance has me grinning into the pillow like a damn fool. I concentrate on the idea that somehow I ruined his perfect world—even in such an insignificant way—as he continues to grunt in my ear. He keeps to his ruthless thrusts as the sweat of his chest slicks down my back. I shut my eyes, wishing I could shut off the sound of his heavy breathing just as easily, but it’s of little use.

  Teddy wants me present to endure his vileness. Proof of that is when he grabs my hair, pulling my head up from the pillow so that he can hear my painful cries.

  “Shut the fuck up. You know better than to make a sound,” he sneers vehemently, as he slams himself into me.

  I bite my tongue, drawing out blood as he keeps to his merciless tempo. No matter how many times he takes me, it never gets any easier. Teddy has no sense of giving pleasure—only pain. That’s how he enjoys it.

  Better it be me than.

  “I like that you let your hair grow out.” He snorts, forcefully pulling it in such a way my scalp is on fire. “But that’s the point, right?”

  I don’t dare say a word in return because anything I do say will piss him off. He might be delighted with the pain he’s inflicting on my body now, but all it would take is one wrong word from me, and it could get so much worse. When his cock begins to swell inside me, I know he’s close, and I mentally start counting down the seconds until he’s finally done with me.

  “Do you like my cock inside you, Ryland?”

  No. I hate it.

  “Yes,” I lie.

  “Tell me the truth. I want to hear you say how much you like me fucking your ass like this.”

  ‘I hate it. But not as much as I hate you,’ I think to myself while lying beneath him, sucking in all his wrath as if it were my own.

  “You fucking Rylands are all the same. Good little liars. But I’ll tame you. I’ll tame all of you,” he belts, slamming his shaft into my tight hole until blistering light blinds me.

  To my utter shame, I always cum.

  Even when he takes what’s not his, so brutishly, so violently.

  Even when he humiliates and belittles me, intent on making me feel small.

  In the end, no matter how grotesque the abuse, I always cum.

  And that realization is worse than anything he could ever conjure up in his twisted mind of doing to me.

  When he sees that I’ve given him what he wanted, he buries himself to the hilt, muffling the sound of his cry by biting down on my shoulder.

  That’s another thing about Teddy. He’s only truly satisfied once blood is shed.

  After he cums, he falls to his side, perfectly content that he’s ruined me physically, mentally, and emotionally with such ease. I lie still for a minute, not wanting to turn around and see his triumphant smirk on his face. He slaps my ass hard, with no care that it’s sore from the way he’s just brutalized it.

  “You can go now. You’ve served your purpose for tonight.”

  I bite my inner cheek and get out of his bed as quickly as I can, hastily picking up my discarded clothes off the floor. I head to the bathroom to wash up, but before I’ve even made it inside, Teddy is already opening his nightstand drawer, preparing his second favorite vice of the evening.

  It’s definitely time to leave, alright.

  Teddy is cruel sober.

  But when he’s high, he morphs into something completely inhuman.

  I wash myself off and put on my clothes at a rapid speed, praying that I can get out of this fucking house before the drugs reach his bloodstream. Once it does, it will summon the living, breathing demon that resides inside of him. I’ve learned my lesson long ago to be out of arm’s reach when that happens.

  My fingers are on the light switch when a loud crash from inside the bedroom grabs my attention. Ever so cautiously, I open the bathroom door, stunned at what I discover. Teddy’s lamp is shattered in small pieces on the floor, his whole body convulsing on top of his bed. I’m about to go to him when a knock on his bedroom door stops me in my tracks. Stepping into the darkness of the bathroom, I vigilantly watch Lincoln step into the room.

  “Teddy?” he asks, slowly coming closer to his older brother.

  By the way his expression pales a ghostly color, there is no question he understands what’s happening in this precise minute. Teddy is laid flat on the bed, swallowing on his own puke, turning an ugly shade of purple. Lincoln doesn’t move an inch and instead keeps staring at his brother’s almost lifeless body. Each second that passes by is another taken away from Teddy’s life.

  He’s going to watch him die.

  Do it, Linc. Let him die! Do it!

  But as I’m mentally ordering Asheville’s golden boy to go against his basic instincts, the fucker shakes his head and hurriedly rushes to his brother’s aid. He turns Teddy to his side so that the vomit spews all over the bedspread, instead of letting Teddy suffocate on it.

  “I’m going to get help, Teddy! I’m going to get help!” he shouts frantically, leaving the room in a mad dash.

  I slide the bathroom door open and bridge the gap between my tormentor and me.

  “He was going to let you die, Teddy. You’re own fucking flesh and blood was perfectly happy to watch the life drain from your body. Isn’t that something?” Sitting by his bedside, I stare at the waste of human space I have been dealing with for longer than I care to remember.

  “You’re not worthy. I thought you were, but you’re not,” I continue to explain. “I’ll find another way, Teddy. You’re not it, unfortunately.” I shrug before picking up the pillow beneath his head.

  “I’ll find another way.”

  Seeing as time is running out before the cavalry arrives, I place the pillow over his mouth and nose, ecstatic a
t how his dilated pupils go wide in terror. His entire body begins to shake again, struggling to gasp for air. He stirs so vehemently beneath me, his arms swaying left to right in panic, and yet somehow, I manage to keep my strong hold on the pillow. When his body stills, I let out the first relieved breath I had been holding back for years.

  It’s done.

  I place the pillow back beneath his head, giving the fallen god one last look. I fix the bangs away from his eyes but don’t close them. The sick satisfaction of seeing his panicked eyes stare back at me, with unshed tears in them, feels like a warm, comforting blanket wrapped around my very soul.

  When I hear loud footsteps running toward the room, I rush to his closet, opening the false door within it. I get inside just in time to watch Lincoln call on his fallen brother from the two-way mirror.

  “You should have been the one to kill him, Lincoln. You wanted to. I saw that you did, which means you are just as unworthy. Teddy didn’t hide who he was. Everyone knew he was a villainous bastard. You, on the other hand, play the part of the good brother. But you’re not, are you? You’re just as vile and wretched as he was. You just hide it better, which means you’re not the way either.”

  But one day, I’ll find it.

  I have to.

  I wake up in a daze, sweat pouring down my forehead, the memory of Teddy’s bile stench invading my room. My body lifts from my bed, leaning against my headrest, trying to take in shallow bursts of air into my lungs. I get up and walk over to my ensuite, splashing cold water on my face to clean the heavy sweat off my brow. Holding onto the sink, I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  I did find a way.

  It was right there in my grasp, but Lincoln took it from me.

  I don’t care about the others.

  It was never about them.

  Only him.

  Because of him, I lost everything I worked so hard to obtain.

  Years of plotting, sacrifice, humiliations, I suffered them all in silence, knowing that victory would be mine sooner or later.

  And Lincoln fucking stole it from me.

  I can’t let that go unchecked. He will suffer, and when he thinks he can’t go on any further, I’ll erase the light from his eyes in the same way I did his brother’s.

  The knot in my chest begins to loosen, my shoulders relax, and a true sense of calm settles inside me as my reflection smiles deviously back at me.

  Judgment day has arrived for you, Lincoln.

  No more games.

  No more riddles.

  No more.

  It ends with you.

  Just as it was meant to.

  To be continued in

  Do No Evil

  Thank you so much for reading Speak No Evil.

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  By writing a small review, you are opening the door for my love stories to be enjoyed by so many others.

  I’d also love it if you would check out my author page, and I invite you to join my Facebook group, Ivy’s Sassy Foxes.

  Much love,



  Ivy Fox Novels

  The Society

  See No Evil

  Hear No Evil

  Fear No Evil

  Speak No Evil

  The Privileged of Pembroke High




  Rotten Love Duet

  Rotten Girl

  Rotten Men

  Bad Influence Series

  Her Secret

  Archangels MC

  After Hours Series

  The King

  Co-Write with C.R. Jane

  Breathe Me

  Breathe You


  There are certain people in my life that I’d be lost without.

  My husband and my kiddo—my crazy life wouldn’t make sense if you were not a part of it. I love you guys so much and I thank God every day to have been blessed with you both.

  A huge hug goes out to my incredible PA, Courtney Dunham. These last few months have been super intense and I’m so glad I have you in my corner to deal with all my chaos.

  To the wonderful women in my life, friends and author friends alike, who fix my crown when it sometimes tips over, thank you for always having my back and inspiring me to go after my dreams.

  This book would have not been a reality without the assistance of my magnificent beta readers—Richelle Zirkle, Heather Lunt, Emma Brooks, Jesse Adler Wheeler, and Marjolein Van Laere. I adore you all, and will be forever in your debt.

  To all the bloggers and instagrammers who have shared their love for The Society series and spread the word out about my new labor of love—thank you so much. You have no idea how thankful I am for having your support.

  A huge thank you to my ride-or-die tribe—my Sassy Foxes. You know I love you, but I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face. You beautiful women make all my days shine and I’m so happy to have you all in my life.

  And last, but never least, my last thank you is to you, my readers.

  Words fail me in demonstrating just how much I appreciate all your support and love. As long as you pick up to read my book babies, I’ll continue writing them.

  With lots of love and gratitude,



  About the Author

  Lover of books, coffee, and chocolate ice cream!

  Ivy lives a blessed life, surrounded by her two most important men—her husband, and son—and also the fictional characters in her head that can’t seem to shut up.

  Books and romance are her passion.

  A strong believer in happy endings and that love will always prevail in the end.

  Both in life and in fiction.




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