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The Gaia Effect

Page 7

by Claire Buss

  She was sure Ingrid had seen the blue lady and was desperate to apologise but all her efforts had met with a busy tone and Ingrid's sweep feed was full of work related posts.

  INJEN: Latest development update – neural nets designed for colleagues to interface seamlessly in the workplace and increase efficiency.

  'Are you still pinging Ingrid?' Ruth asked.


  'Don't bother K. She's so wrapped up in Corp these days, she probably thinks the blue lady is some kind of rival advertising.'

  'A rival? To Corporation?' Dina was intrigued.

  'I wish,' Ruth said.

  Ruth, Dina, Martha and Kira had been meeting up regularly since Grace's homecoming party. The four women found they had a lot in common and enjoyed each other's company. Initially Dina had been Ruth's shadow, but gradually she had begun to express her own personality and individuality.

  'Do you know why Martha wanted to see us all Kira?' Dina asked as she shook an old fashioned rattle at Grace.

  'I do.'


  'I'm not telling,' Kira grinned at Dina. 'Ma will be here soon, you'll just have to wait.'

  'I hate waiting,' Dina grumbled.

  Martha came through the door five minutes later, a huge box in her hands.

  'Oh good, you are all here.'

  The others called out hello and Dina pointed at the box.

  'Is that for me?'

  'Yes Dina,' Martha said. 'Let me show you what I have brought you.'

  She took off her shoes, coat and bag and brought the box over to where the others were sat in the lounge.

  'It's awesome you're part of the gang D,' Ruth playfully punched Dina in the arm.

  'And it has been wonderful to talk to you about what I do at the Hydroponics Lab,' Martha said.

  'I find it fascinating though Ma.' Dina was beginning to wonder where the conversation was going.

  'You and Ben make such a cute couple,' Kira said. 'You're like the little sister I never had.'

  'Okay, now you're going to make me cry,' Dina said as she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear.

  Ruth and Kira watched as Martha opened the box she had put on the floor beside her. She gently lifted something up and held it out to Dina.

  'Is that...' Dina spoke in hushed tones. 'Is that.. an actual tree?'

  'It is a fern,' Martha said.

  Kira got up and went over to the small altar in the corner of the room. She bent down and retrieved a small pot with a slightly bigger fern growing within it.

  'This is George.' Kira looked fondly at her small plant.

  'Mine lives in the bathroom,' Ruth said. 'It gets nice and steamy in there.'

  The others laughed as Dina took the tiny fern from Martha and stroked the delicate fronds.

  'This is amazing,' Dina said. 'It is real – isn't it?'

  'Yes,' Martha replied. 'It is my personal project at SCID – I will have several to give away soon, but I wanted you to have one first.'

  'Welcome to our family Dina.' Kira beamed down at the young girl who was still in awe of the small plant in her hands. 'I have something for you as well. Something for all of you.'

  Kira put her fern back and picked up a small blue bag. She settled herself back down on the floor. Grace had rolled over to her tummy and was kicking her legs frantically.

  'I've got her.' Martha picked the baby up and started bouncing Grace on her knee.

  'Okay,' Kira said. 'I know you tease me about her, but with everything that we've seen and now that Dina is part of our extended family, I wanted you all to have one.'

  She fished into the bag and pulled out three miniature female figurines, all painted blue – a match for the one on her altar.

  'Oh Kira, thank you.' Dina peered at the statuette. 'She's beautiful.'

  Martha and Ruth also looked curiously at the small yet exquisitely painted lady.

  'I guess we can't blame the sightings on Corp anymore,' Ruth said.

  'It's Gaia,' Kira said.

  'How can you be so sure?' Martha asked.

  'The blue lady experiences are too personal for them to be Corporation.' Kira reached over to take Grace from Martha. She was trying to eat the blue lady figurine. 'I don't believe they are adverts. And adverts for what exactly?'

  As each of the women put away her tiny goddess, the conversation moved on to where they were headed for lunch that day.

  DING: Nature is beautiful.

  SCID – Scientific success in the hydroponics lab. Real ferns will be available to collect soon. Limited availability so register your interest with MAHA.

  Chapter Seven

  DING: So excited - touring Archive today!

  MAHA: Thank you for the overwhelming response to the ferns. A new batch will be available soon, please register your interest with SCID.

  Kira hummed as she made the morning synth-caf. The past three months had flown by, Grace was growing so fast. Now she was smiling and grabbing fingers, wide-eyed and interested in everything around her. Life as a family had certainly taken some adjusting to, and the sleepless nights had been so difficult they had come close to turning on the Nan-Nan, but Kira was glad they had stuck to their ideals.

  But today - today was going to be a good day. Kira was going to meet Dina at Archive for their first official interview, although they'd spent lots of time together since meeting at the party. She would be introducing Grace to her colleagues for the first time and then give Dina the grand tour. Kira enjoyed taking people round Archive. Not only was it a grand building, it housed carefully preserved film, books, scrolls - even Egyptian papyri spanning thousands of years of history. It was awe inspiring to walk through the hallowed corridors of Archive, pointing out items of special interest to visitors and generally breathing in that delicious book smell. Jed used to laugh at Kira when she tried to explain the smell to him. He claimed she was imagining the whole thing, but everyone else who worked in Archive knew exactly what she meant. It was a truly special place.

  Glancing at the wall, Kira realised she was going to be late. She hurried to get Grace dressed and assemble all the baby paraphernalia she would need to travel the few blocks down the road. That was the one thing she missed about being a non-parent - the ability to walk out the door on time.

  Martha poked her head round the inner door at the end of the apartment.

  'Is it safe?'

  Kira laughed.

  'Of course it is, Ma.'

  Since Mr Hamble had organised the addition of the next door apartment to Kira and Jed's it had made sense for Martha to move in straight away. Especially as she had no inclination to go back to her parents. Being around her friends and baby Grace had helped her forget some of the awfulness that had happened to her.

  'Are you seeing Dina today?'

  'Yeah. We're meeting at Archive, I'm taking Grace with me too. Should be good. What about you?'

  Martha grimaced.

  'I have got a med check. I would rather not attend but if I do not go..'

  'I know sweetie.'

  That was the problem when your father was on the Corporation Board. There were good points like being able to live next door to your best friend, but it seemed your life was forever being scrutinised.

  'May I cook for you both tonight?' Martha asked. 'I want to thank you again for letting me stay here.'

  'Of course you can – especially if you can work your magic with what's in the cupboard.' Kira gave her friend a big hug. 'And we love having you next door.'

  Grace began to babble over the wireless baby monitor.

  'Time to get going.'

  Martha gave Kira a little wave as the two women separated, each one intent on the day ahead.

  Dina winced at the pain in her lower back. It had been eight weeks since her last period. She had eventually agreed to make an appointment at Corp Medical in case it was the result of something sinister. She would be able to have the treatment straight away and not risk any complications. Usually she made every atte
mpt to avoid Corporation officials but Martha had been insistent that she have a check up, the appointment was booked for tomorrow. Dina looked in the mirror at how pale and tired she looked.

  'Nothing a bit of make-up can't improve on,' she thought. She activated the 'truly natural' option on her mirror and closed her eyes whilst the make up was applied.

  Dina was looking forward to today. Not only would she get to spend some time with Kira and Grace, but she was going to be able to record the first part of her interview with Kira and, best of all, she was getting an insiders tour of Archive. She was sure not even Ruth had been in there. At least not officially, she thought, recalling Ruth's tales about adventures beyond the city walls. Now that she had left the comforting embrace of the Academy, Dina felt lucky to have found such a welcoming group of women who didn't treat her like a small child. It was so interesting to be able to have conversations about how life used to be, even if Kira's devotions to Gaia were a bit on the unusual side.

  Dina checked herself in the mirror, turning her face from side to side. Much better. She applied a med-patch to her back, double checked her notes were in her bag and left the apartment.

  The skimmer to Archive moved quickly through the airway. Dina struggled to find a comfortable position. She began to feel pain low down, deep inside her, like a hand was squeezing and tightening her womb rhythmically. She bit her lip at an intense cramp and started to worry. It had been a long time since she'd experienced severe period pain like this. She tried in vain to make herself think of something else and was so relieved when she arrived at Archive.

  Dina saw Kira standing outside with Grace and hobbled over, hunched up to ease the pain in her abdomen.

  'Dina! Are you okay?'

  Dina gave a small nod.

  'Bathroom?' she asked.

  Kira led her through the doors and to the right.

  'I'll be outside,' said Kira. 'Call me if you need me.'

  As Dina went through to a cubicle, she gasped in pain and bent doubled. Half collapsing on the toilet she felt fluid leaving her body, and with some trepidation she wiped herself and looked to see what had happened. There was lots of blood. It wasn't the usual dark period colour, this was brighter, as if something had cut her inside. Dina searched frantically in her purse for her period pen hoping that it would be sufficient to stem the flow. After inserting the pen and finishing up, she stood and turned to see into the bowl. There were lots of clots and more blood. No wonder she had felt it leaving her body. She felt sick as she opened the cubicle door, then crunched her body up as the cramps returned.

  'Kira,' she called weakly, then managed to repeat it louder.

  The door to the bathroom opened, and Kira's face peered in.

  'Yes sweetie?'

  Dina couldn't speak, she pointed behind her. As Kira wheeled Grace's pram cube into the bathroom she wondered what on earth she was going to see. Looking into the cubicle Kira gasped when she saw the blood, and looked at Dina.

  'This is your period? Tell me that isn't normal?'

  Dina shook her head and said 'no' in a small voice before more cramps made her cry out. Kira touched her ear comm.

  'I need medic transport for a young female from Archive.'

  She continued speaking to the operator, calmly answering questions as she put her arm around Dina. When Kira finished the call she pulled the young girl in for a hug.

  'They'll be here in five minutes Dina. Do you want me to call anyone?'

  'No. There's no-one. Just you and Ruth and Ma. Will you come with me?'

  'Of course I will. Can you make it outside to wait for the Med Van?'

  Dina shook her head in misery.

  'Okay, sweetie, it's okay. We'll just wait here, it's fine.' Kira tried to soothe her friend while they waited anxiously for the medics to arrive.

  Martha frowned at the two medical staff having a heated discussion behind the glass, something must have gone wrong with the body scan but so far they weren't talking to her. At last they seemed to come to an agreement and a voice told her she could gather her things and go through to the waiting area.

  'What about my results?'

  The two medical agents looked at each other before one replied.

  'If you could just wait next door we will ask the Senior Consultant to speak with you shortly.'

  And they dimmed the partition preventing any further conversation.

  Martha huffed, it was probably nothing but because her father was who he was, they had to make a fuss. If they made her wait around much longer she wouldn't have time to go and gather supplies to cook for Kira and Jed. She walked through to the outer office as the other door opened and an older man walked into the room.

  'Miss Hamble?'


  'It appears we have a rather unusual set of circumstances. Your medical scan revealed an anomaly, of sorts.'

  The consultant cleared his throat and rubbed his forehead as he struggled to find the right words.

  'Am I sick?' Martha asked, suddenly worried.

  'That remains to be seen,' the Consultant muttered, then realising he spoke aloud he coughed again and continued. 'To be blunt, you're pregnant.' He raised his hands and shoulders in a slight shrug. 'It's unclear as to how this has happened. Some genetic mutation perhaps. We'll have to run tests and keep you here, private rooms of course.'

  'No. I will not be examined.'

  The Consultant made sympathetic noises.

  'It's quite a lot to take in my dear. Once your father arrives, I'm sure you'll begin to understand that staying here is the best course of action.'

  Martha stood and stared at him in growing horror.

  'You called my father? You had no right...' She broke off as the door banged open and they both turned to look at Mr Hamble entering.

  'Good you're still here. What's going on? What's the emergency? Why couldn't I be informed over the phone?'

  'I want to know why you were called at all.' Martha berated the Consultant. 'Don't you have any concept of patient confidentiality?'

  'Martha, what confidentiality? What are you talking about?'

  She held her hands to her stomach protectively.

  'Apparently, you are going to be a grandfather.'

  The consultant rushed to fill in the details in the surprised silence that followed, but trailed off when Mr Hamble held his hand up and looked directly at him.

  'Who knows about this?'

  'Myself and the two medical staff who carried out the scan.'

  'I want them memory wiped, now. And you, you will sign a confidentiality disclosure and have all medical files relating to my daughter redacted immediately.'

  'But the medical implications!' The Consultant pleaded.

  'I don't care for implications!' Mr Hamble roared making Martha and the Consultant jump. 'Do it. Now!'

  The Consultant fled the room stammering affirmatives.

  Martha sat down, knees drawn up, hugging herself, looking up at her father.

  'I suppose you think I am abnormal too.'

  'Martha. We need to keep this quiet while we decide what to do.' Mr Hamble began pacing the floor. 'I think you should move back home so I can have our personal medical staff see to you.'

  'No Father. I need to process this in my own space, in my own time. I am not your little girl anymore – you do not control me.'

  She stood up, moved past him and left the room.

  'Martha!' Mr Hamble took a step after her but stopped when she allowed the door to bang shut behind her.

  She walked numbly through the medical centre corridor and became aware of a voice calling her name. She looked around and saw Kira sat outside Emergencies.

  'What are you doing here? Is Grace okay?' Martha asked looking around. Spotting the baby she put her hand to her chest in relief then frowned as she saw how worried Kira looked.

  'It's Dina. She didn't feel well, and then there was an awful lot of blood and I didn't know what to do so I brought her here, and now they won't let
me see her because I'm not family! I tried to explain to them that her family has passed and I'm listed as her emergency contact, but they wouldn't listen.'

  Kira looked at the closed door and bit her lip, then looking back at Martha realised her friend looked ill as well.

  'Are you alright Ma? You look pale - sit down, sit down.'

  Kira helped Martha to a seat. Martha began to cry as the realisation that her rape three months ago had left such a permanent mark. She felt incredibly vulnerable and lost as to what to do next.

  'Kira,' she half whispered. 'I'm pregnant.'

  Kira stared at her friend but before she had time to respond, Pete and Jed walked into the lobby.

  'Are they here for me?'

  Kira put a protective arm around her friend.

  'What's going on?' Kira asked her husband.

  'Why are you always in the thick of things my love?' Jed said, running his hand over his head. 'We got a call from Medical, we came. I don't know anymore, but I'm guessing it has something to do with us?'

  Martha clutched Kira's arm tightly while Kira tried to explained.

  'They won't let me in to see Dina. Something bad has happened, I told them she didn't have any family. We are her family for gods sake.'

  Glancing back at Martha, Kira shook her head slightly as if to say it wasn't about her. Martha felt confused and then stiffened when she saw her father and the consultant coming down the corridor towards them.

  'Do not let them take me Kira,' she whispered.

  Mr Hamble eyed his daughter then spoke to Jed.

  'Why are you here Jenkins?'

  Jed was about to speak, but before he could say anything the Consultant cut in.

  'I called him. We have.. another situation. It's nothing Corp Medical can't handle but I thought it would be prudent to involve the Force in case of any difficulties. The young woman in question has no family..'

  'We are her family,' Kira said in a loud voice. 'I've been trying to tell you people that for the past half an hour!'

  The Consultant looked startled at her outburst, but before he could continue Mr Hamble barked at him.


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