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The Gaia Effect

Page 9

by Claire Buss

'I need to see to Grace,' she said taking the baby into the bedroom.

  Neither Martha or Jed spoke. They watched Ruth until she bowed her head and conceded.

  'I'll sign whatever I need to sign.'

  Satisfied, Jed stood up.

  'I have to go back to the office – see you later ladies.'

  'I have to go too,' said Ruth. 'Give D a hug from me Ma, I'll check in later. Bye Kira honey.'

  If she hurried, Ruth would have time to delay the feed from her internal recorder and Victor would never learn about the real rape victim or the pregnancy or the miscarriage.

  If she hurried.

  Kira came out of the bedroom and saw Martha looking rather forlorn on the couch.

  'Would you like to hold Grace?'

  Martha smiled and nodded.

  'I'll get some milk sorted,' Kira said. 'She's ready for a feed. Shall we order in tonight? I don't feel much like cooking, so I'm pretty sure you won't feel much like it either.'

  'Sounds like an excellent idea to me. Should we check on Dina? She might want something.'

  'No, let's leave her be. She needs to rest. I don't think any of us can do much for her right now. If she wants us, I'm sure she'll come through.'

  Dina heard the murmur of voices through the apartment wall. It had sounded heated out there but now it seemed most people had left. She was curled up in a ball on the bed, feeling wrung out. She couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her face. She thought she had wanted to be on her own, but now that she was alone, her thoughts were all over the place.

  How had this happened?

  Why had it happened?

  What did she do so wrong?

  Dina tried to think back over the past three months. As far as she could remember, she hadn't been involved in anything detrimental to her health. The aftermath effects of excessive alcohol and drug abuse could be eradicated through regular Corp Medical check-ups, so nearly everyone had tried one substance or other to excess. But since she'd graduated, Dina hadn't seen much of her old friends and had split her time between Ben and Kira's group.

  The only odd thing that had happened to her in the last three months had been that weird encounter with the blue lady, if she had even seen her at all. She hadn't seen the bee like the others. But there had been dreams. Dreams of Dina floating in the warm embrace of her mother, watching tears roll down her beautiful face and hearing her whisper 'I'm so sorry, so very sorry.' Dina had few memories of her parents and although the image capture she had of her mother didn't match the beautiful face in her dreams - who else could it be?

  Her chest constricted and she thought she might not be able to breath with the weight of the grief pressing down upon her. It wasn't in her plan to apply for Collection anytime soon, so why did it hurt so much? Why did the thought of her body rejecting the tiny fetus fill her with such misery? It should never have been possible in the first place.

  Dina thought about Kira's belief in Gaia and the concept that the Earth had it's own spirit. She wondered at how such a peaceful idea could be responsible for the intense pain and loss she felt. I need to know more, she thought, and as soon as the idea began to grow, Dina felt a little bit stronger, filled with a purpose. This would make her feel better. She would get to the bottom of the blue lady, and she would find out why she and Martha had been made to suffer so much. But right now she needed someone to hold her, breathe with her, stroke her hair and tell her everything was going to be alright.

  She touched her ear comm and called for Ben. There was no answer.

  ANTIC: Splash out and join Anti-Corp in today's protest – free water for all.

  Ruth hurried round the corner to her apartment, and apologised as she ran into someone.

  'Oh, it's you.'

  'Ruthie baby!' Bobby Travelli, a skinny man with greasy hair blocked the entrance to her apartment. He gestured for her to open the door.

  'Frag it,' thought Ruth.

  She only had a small window of opportunity to stop the auto-download of the days conversations, and she wasn't sure yet whether she wanted Anti-Corp to learn about Dina's miscarriage, or that Martha Hamble was the rape case victim.

  'What do you want Bobby?' she snapped.

  'Inside,' he replied, and followed her through the doorway.

  Bobby sat himself on the only chair in the compact front room, leaving Ruth standing. She glared at him and stood over by the small window, leaning against the wall.


  'Victor is very disappointed, Ruthie. You haven't sent any newbies our way for a couple of weeks. We haven't heard anymore about the martyr's daughter. Some of us think you've gone soft.'

  Bobby smiled and began to clean his fingernails with an old fashioned pocket knife. He looked more ridiculous than intimidating.

  'Get to the point, Bobby.'

  'We need someone in at Science Division. Victor has heard interesting things through the wire and he needs a body. He told me to let you know that your debt would be repaid in full, if you can put the right person in place.'

  Ruth snorted.

  'As if I'd believe that coming from you.'

  'Believe or don't believe darling, I speak the truth. Victor said and I quote, Quentin will finally be laid to eternal rest.'

  Bobby watched closely as a flash of pain crossed Ruth's face.

  'You've given me your message, now get out!'

  Bobby frowned at the viciousness of her tone.

  'We need them in place as soon as Ruthie.'

  'Out! Now!'

  He put an info jack on the table as he stood up.

  'All the details are on here. I'm going, I'm going,' he said quickly as she took a step towards him.

  After Bobby had left, Ruth sat down heavily. This was it. This was the last job, the job she never thought would come. After this, Anti Corp would finally return Quentin's remains to her and she could lay him to rest, and it would all be over. She smiled, eyes brimming, at the small image capture on the table. Her laughing in the sunshine with a tall, dark haired man with beard and glasses. On their wedding day.

  Shortly after that photo, Quentin had disappeared - a bad deal gone worse with Anti Corp. She had never found out what it was. She had been so desperate to lay him to rest she'd stayed with Anti-Corp, working for them in the hope that one day she'd have his remains returned to her. Victor had promised her he would find them. No-one understood why she had to have him back, but she wanted to say goodbye.

  Feeling sickened by the whole situation, Ruth went into the bathroom, wiped her auto-record chip, and threw up.

  Chapter Nine

  CORP: National Antique Cake Day – visit the VR kitchen experience and receive a free taste-bud sample, just don't try baking at home!

  Ingrid should have been concentrating on the figures in front of her. There was an important presentation coming up and if she wanted to be considered for promotion she needed to shine in front of the attending Board members. Glancing at the cute teddy sitting on the corner of her desk she smiled despite herself, and thought of Pete. Her Pete. Pete, Pete, Pete.

  He was a pleasant distraction, and if Ingrid could relax enough to go with the moment she was certain she would enjoy herself. But she had worked so hard to get to where she was, and she didn't have time for a boyfriend – especially if it meant blowing her chances of promotion. Ingrid tried to push her focus back onto the technical specifications she should have memorised, but Pete's saucy grin kept invading her thoughts. In the end, she decided to call him.

  'Hello - Pete?'

  'Ingrid! Hi, how are you? Is everything alright?'

  'I'm fine Pete. I was wondering, are you available at all this weekend?' Ingrid could feel her face getting hotter and hotter. 'I thought maybe we could do something together. If you want? If you're free?'

  'This weekend, huh? I'm free, we can go out or stay in, whatever you like.'

  'Let's stay in. I'll cook.' Ingrid felt happier than she had expected. 'See you Friday, at eight.'

te confirmed the details and clicked off.

  'Right woman, time to focus,' she told herself, and bent over the data again.

  INJEN: Excellent sales forecast for the next quarter.

  The following day, the day of the presentation, Ingrid woke up feeling miserable. It felt like she'd spent the night downing shots and forgotten to take the hangover remover - yet she hadn't touched alcohol in months. She barely had enough energy to get out of bed, let alone complete her usual morning workout, and the thought of food had her running to the bathroom. Inviting Pete over now seemed a terrible mistake. Ingrid requested a mini health scan from her apartment, which had the complete health and well being programming installed.

  'Anomaly detected. Referral to nearest medical centre advised.'

  'Negative.' Ingrid paced her bedroom floor. 'Expand please.'

  'Anomaly detected. Unable to determine exact specifics. Referral to nearest medical centre advised.'

  It seemed this wasn't a random bug she could shake off with a health tonic. Ingrid felt a twinge of worry.

  'Negative,' she replied looking at her diary for the day. If she hurried she could pop in to the on-site medical office at Corp Tech where she worked and still make it for her early morning presentation. Making sure she was impeccably groomed, Ingrid left her apartment mulling over in her mind whether or not to cancel Pete's visit.

  Half an hour later she sat on a chair in the medical office while a fresh faced technician stammered apologies for inadequate equipment and alternated with excitement for her unique condition and assurances that a top level Consultant was on his way, and would be here soon. Ingrid wasn't listening. She was stunned. This was simply not possible. Not for her. Not for anyone. Not now, not today, not ever. A green shimmer waved its way across the room. Ingrid watched entranced as she picked out motes of gold and red. Then something warm embraced her deep inside and stretched to the ends of her being.

  Before she had a chance to enjoy the feeling, her bosses neural network invaded her head shattering the colours into a myriad of rainbows.

  Ingrid, where are you? We are ready to start and I need that presentation now!

  A jolt went through her body. This is why you didn't call in sick she thought.

  'I have to go. Tell the Consultant to make an appointment with me through my diary and,' she paused and looked directly at the Technician who appeared more shaken than she was. 'I assume this does come under medical discretion?'

  'I'm not sure,' the technician replied. 'I have to tell my superior and then I expect they will tell yours – procedure, you understand.'

  Ingrid nodded, gathering her things, and left the office. She wasn't sure whether it was a good idea for her bosses to be informed about her medical anomaly yet, but she also knew there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

  Right now she had the presentation of her career to sail through, provided she was able to avoid vomiting everywhere.

  ANTIC: Communication blackout at Force HQ – upload your feed and spread the sweep.

  There was a lull in paperwork at Force, and Pete was whistling.

  'You're in a good mood, Pete,' remarked Jed, leaning back in his chair and watching his friend in amusement.

  'That I am, Jenks, that I am.'

  'Care to elaborate?'

  Pete grinned and sat on the corner of his partners desk.

  'Ingrid called me,' he said. 'She wants to get together this weekend, just hang out, me and her.'

  Jed was surprised, Ingrid never called anyone. Before he could say anything else, the Chief stuck his head round his door.

  'Barnes, Jenkins, my office!'

  Jed and Pete let out a collective sigh, and walked over.

  'Sit down,' the Chief barked as they entered the doorway. They sat, exchanging glances.

  'Now, you would tell me if this was some kind of joke wouldn't you? I mean one is unusual – two is unheard of but three! Three! And it's your fragging sister this time.'

  'Ingrid? What's she supposed to have done?' Jed asked, a little startled whilst Pete half stood.

  The Chief shot him a fierce look and Pete sat back down.

  'She's only gone and got herself a fragging medical anomaly. The next thing you'll be telling me is that it's something in the water and everybody is going to have one.'

  'Have one what, Sir?' Jed asked, frowning in confusion.

  'A baby! A fragging naturally conceived bundle of fragging joy. The Board is going to have a fragging field day, and Hamble is breathing down my neck at the two revelations we've got already down at Corp Medical.'

  Pete had grabbed Jed's arm whilst the Chief was speaking and appeared to be in some sort of shock.

  'Pull yourself together Barnes, it's not the fragging apocalypse. At least not on my watch. Jenkins, you kept the file open on the rape case didn't you?'

  'Yes, Chief.'

  'And you added the rape baby and the miscarriage?'

  'Those too, Chief.'

  'Right, get the fragging paperwork completed for this other one and get to the bottom of this whole fragging debacle. I can't have babies springing out everywhere, there'll be uproar.' The Chief stopped, breathing hard and red in the face. He glared at both men. 'And if Anti-Corp gets hold of any of this, you two can kiss your shields goodbye. You find out what's going on and you put an end to it. I don't want out of control riots like those last century – too many people died. I won't have it. This ends now.'

  Jed responded with a smart 'Yes Chief,' and dragged Pete out the office, through the department, and into the locker rooms. He chose an empty pod, and shoved Pete inside.

  'Pete! Pete – buddy! Snap out of it.'

  Jed clicked his fingers in front of his friends face and was about to resort to slapping his face when Pete spoke in a low voice.

  'I'm going to be a Dad.'

  He raised his eyes to look at Jed, and began to laugh.

  'I'm going to be a Dad.'

  Ingrid trembled as she made her way to the Managing Director's office. It was the first time she'd been officially summoned and she was desperately thinking back to the presentation to see if she could figure out what mistake she made. That could be the only reason for being summoned – a colossal mistake that would cost her her entire career. But she could not think of anything she had said or done out of place. As far as she was concerned everything had gone smoothly and management had listened to her projections with interest.

  The light on the outer door glowed, confirming her identity. She tried to remain calm as she pushed the door open. A tall, thin man stood by the window, hands clasped behind him, looking at the city laid out below.

  'Do you know why Corporation is so successful Miss Jenkins?' The Managing Director spoke without turning.

  Before Ingrid could think of a response he continued.

  'Because we create the demand, and we supply the demand.'

  He turned to face her and pursed his lips.

  'What you appear to have done, Miss Jenkins, is find a niche market. I am not sure whether we can allow that niche to survive.'

  Instinctively Ingrid's hand flew to her still flat stomach. She took an involuntary step backwards. The Managing Director walked back to his desk, sat down and gestured for Ingrid to do the same. She did so, wondering what he would say next. The Managing Director stared across the desk at Ingrid for a few moments.

  'It appears you have powerful friends in high places, Miss Jenkins. You can thank them for your continued employment here at Corp Tech. You will remain in your current position until it becomes impossible for you to continue. You will submit to any and all medical investigations deemed necessary. You will not speak to the news sweeps. And when it becomes clear that you have a condition your only response will be 'No Comment'. Any questions?'

  Ingrid shook her head, then remembering where she was, replied, 'No Sir.'

  'Good. Dismissed.'

  Once Ingrid had reached the outer door, she let out a huge breath and sagged against the wall
as the door closed behind her. Clearly, she had Mr Hamble to thank for the intervention, but it looked like her dream of promotion was well and truly over.

  'Thanks for nothing,' she spoke to her midriff, wishing the whole thing would go away. Unwilling to linger outside the Managing Director's office, Ingrid hurried down to her floor, and the relative sanctuary of her office. As she sat down, she wondered whether it would be possible to terminate the child. Having a baby now would be so …... inconvenient. She hadn't planned for Collection anytime soon. Looking up at the Employee of the Month awards that lined her office wall, she felt swamped by a surge of helplessness. Pete would never forgive her. Ingrid picked up the teddy on her desk and fiddled with the old fashioned button on it's nose. She didn't think she'd be able to forgive herself either. This way at least she could test all the latest baby products first hand and drive that product area forward – promotion could always come from a different corner.

  INJEN: Submit your ideas for new baby tech and win the opportunity to tour Corp Tech and learn how new tech is developed.

  Dina held Martha's hair away from her face as she knelt in front of the toilet. Martha groaned and dry heaved again.

  'Are you okay Ma?'

  'I think so.'

  Martha put a hand up to pat Dina's, and moved away from the toilet bowl. The two women sat on the bathroom floor and looked at each other.

  'I am so sorry you have to deal with this,' Martha said, with one hand on her chest. 'It is probably the last thing you want.'

  'Don't be silly. I'm happy to help you.' Dina tucked her hair behind her ear. 'Besides, if it happened once – who knows, maybe it will happen again and then I'll need your help.'

  'Believe me Dina, I feel like I am dying. I would not wish this on anyone.'

  Dina stood up and offered Martha a hand, helping her to her feet.

  'Don't you have a Med Check today?'

  'Yes,' Martha said, grimacing. 'I would rather not be poked and prodded by Corporation but if they can remove this morning sickness, then I will live with it.'

  'I wish I could do more for you.'

  'Oh Dina – you are already being the best friend I could ask for.'

  And Martha leaned over to hug her before the two women went through the adjoining door to Kira and Jed's apartment.


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