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The Gaia Effect

Page 18

by Claire Buss

  'Lead on Detective.'

  Jed touched his ear comm, intending to call through to the Chief, but remembered the defunct network.

  'Do you have call access?' he asked the professor.

  'Yes - we run on a separate grid. In case of student pranks. It seems to have worked rather in our favour today, eh.'

  Jed went over to the touchscreen on the Professor's desk, and used his Force chip to log in and override the system. The connection was grainy with no picture.

  'Ah,' said the Professor, peering over his shoulder. 'You'll probably only get sound working if it's down at that end. No power, see.'

  Jed nodded. 'Chief? It's Jenkins.'

  'Jenkins?' The Chief's voice sounded tinny and far away. 'Report.'

  'We've got one so far, Sir. Fourth on the list.'

  'Where the frag are the first three?'

  'Dead, Sir.'

  'Hmmph. Who's left?'

  'Well, you Sir. And the Surgeon General from Med Centre. We're going there next.' Jed scratched the side of his head. 'Is there anyone else I should round up, Sir?'

  'No. Get back here, ASAP.'

  'Sir.' Jed clicked off and cleared the screen down. Operative Ash and Professor Kamir followed him out of the office, and back to the skimmer.

  At Med Centre it looked like something out of an old disaster movie – harassed medical staff flitted from corridor to corridor, emergency lighting cast an eerie glow over everything with muffled shouts and various machines beeping erratically in the background. People milled about, some groaning, some holding their injuries close, whilst others looked vacant - in shock. They'd all come for answers.

  The desk warden leapt to his feet as Jed approached. 'You've bought a squad for us then?'

  'No. Sorry. I'm here for the Surgeon General. Do you know where he is?'

  'But we need you here – we can't cope.' The desk warden spluttered. 'People just keep showing up.'

  Jed gave a small shrug, then pointed at Operative Ash.

  'You can have him. I'll let HQ know you need more bodies. The Surgeon General?'

  The desk warden scowled at Jed and pointed to a corridor on the left. 'He's in surgery.'

  Jed left Ash in the foyer and headed down to surgery. There were people everywhere. Jed had to fend off several persistent citizens begging him for answers. At this rate, it looked like Jed might have to fight his way out of Med Centre.

  Reaching the surgical wards, Jed cast about for a med tech who might be able to point him in the right direction. The consultant he'd seen at Med Centre before came out of a side room, his sandy brown hair looking dishevelled and his medical tunic crumpled.

  'Detective,' he said, greeting Jed in the corridor.

  'I'm looking for the Surgeon General.'

  'Well, you've found him. Your men will just have to wait like everyone else. We're doing this on a first come, first served basis – apart from emergencies of course.'

  'You don't understand. You need to come with me to Force HQ. Now.'

  'Well, I can't leave now,' the Surgeon General replied, and tried to walk past Jed. But Jed stood his ground. The Surgeon General was red in the face. 'Don't you people realise what's happening out there? It's mass panic. I have a duty of care to look after these idiots whether I like it or not. I don't have time for your emergency.'

  The consultant attempted to brush past Jed again who continued to block his way and took out his magno-binders.

  'I charge you as a city representative to take part in the protection of the city,' he said. 'I will take you to Force HQ where you will begin the protocols that will end this crisis. We can do it with magnos, or without – your choice.'

  The Surgeon General glared at Jed. 'I want a Force unit in place to back up my people.'

  Jed tucked the magnos back into their holder. 'I've left one operative in reception and requested back up,' he said. 'We're stretched thin ourselves. It's the best I can do.'

  The Surgeon General's shoulders slumped in defeat. 'Can I at least get my jacket?'

  Returning to Force HQ with two city representatives had Jed on edge, contemplating what the consequences would be if anything should happen to the skimmer. He scanned the streets ahead for any signs of a mob, but the skimmer made it to Force HQ with only one detour. Jed herded the two men into meeting room one. As he entered, Jed was reminded of the last interview he had conducted in this room. It felt like a hundred years ago.

  'Make yourselves comfortable. I'll send in some refreshments.'

  'You can't keep us here indefinitely,' the Surgeon General shouted, as Jed left the room to inform the Chief he had two city representatives.

  'I think you'll find that until city protection protocol is completed – he can,' Professor Kamir said, smiling as he sat down in the most comfortable chair in the room.

  Jed secured the door on his way out of the room. Walking over to the Chief's office, he snagged a junior recruit and put in a request for a team to go to Med Centre and help keep the peace.

  Whatever that meant.

  Jed entered the Chief's office without knocking. The Chief and Agent Deveraux were waiting for him.

  'Any problems?' Deveraux asked.


  'Let's get this fragging thing over and done with then,' the Chief grumbled. 'Jenkins, I need you to bring in the Anti-Corp representative. He's in holding cell four.'


  As Jed walked down to holding the power came back on and the corridor was suddenly bathed in light. Reaching the cells he wondered who was left from Anti-Corp. Pete had been thorough when he hunted down those responsible for Ingrid's death. Who else could there be?

  Chapter Seventeen

  ANON88: What gives Hamble the right to abandon the rest of us?

  I hope she gets radiation sickness.

  MAHA: Yes I left City Forty-Two but I will be back.

  Kira couldn't see who was speaking. She knew she was asleep, her limbs felt heavy, and although she was seeing light around her, she couldn't see a person or place.

  'I'm so glad you came.' The voice made Kira feel warm and safe, protected.

  'I'm so glad we came here,' Dina said. 'Wake up Kira.' Dina poked Kira in the ribs, and once she was sure Kira was awake, she tossed something at her. It was green and round. 'It's an apple Kira – an actual apple. Grown in soil, taken from a tree. And it's all ready to eat. Try it, Kira – it tastes so much better than the synth ones.' Dina's eyes sparkled as she bounced from foot to foot with excitement.

  'Where's Grace?'

  'She's fine. Martha has her, they're exploring the orchards. That's where apples grow, you know. You can get red ones too. This place is just amazing.'

  'Yeah,' Kira muttered, as she pulled on her trousers and went in search of her daughter.

  Kira found Grace crawling through the grass, cooing and burbling, as she explored the undergrowth. Martha and Ruth sat nearby, drinking tea.

  'Good morning,' Martha said. 'Did you manage to get any sleep?'

  Kira bent down to check on Grace before plopping on the floor next to the others. She idly plucked a stem of grass and began turning it round in her hands.

  'Eventually. Thanks for getting up with Grace, Ma.'

  'My pleasure, after all I need the practice.'

  Martha and Kira smiled at each other as Ruth stretched her feet out into the grass. 'Isn't Camp Eden great?' she said. 'So peaceful.'

  Kira looked pensive. 'Aren't you worried about what's happening at home? Whether our friends and families are alright?'

  'Of course K,' Ruth replied. 'But just being here makes me feel better – like everything is going to be alright.'

  Kira looked down at Grace, playing happily.

  'Everything is going to be alright, Kira.' Martha leaned over and put her hand on Kira's knee. 'Jed will be okay.'

  Kira sniffed and nodded. 'The camp does seem lovely. But where exactly are we? What is this place?'

  A man's voice came from behind them. 'Why, it's Ed
en, of course. Birthplace of man, but without the sin.'

  Ruth snorted in response, then began coughing as her tea went down the wrong way. A tanned man in his thirties with a shock of dark hair came to sit on the grass with them, gently patting Ruth on the back until she waved away his assistance. Kira eyed him doubtfully.

  'I'm Max, lead scientist at Eden,' he said, and he held out his hand for Kira to shake. She took it, then looked around.

  'Where's the rest of your team?'

  'Resting, I hope. We got back late last night. We heard all about your arrival from Moham. Have you got everything you need?'

  Kira nodded, not knowing what to ask for, even if she did need something.

  'Now that we're all here,' Dina asked. 'Can you tell us about Eden, Max?'

  Max settled himself more comfortably on the ground. 'Okay,' he said. 'Where shall I start? After The Event, much of the Earth was uninhabitable because of the radiation levels. We had created a self-inflicted mass extinction event.' Max paused to pour himself some tea, and looked around to make sure he had everyone's attention. 'You all know your history – our predecessors congregated inside specially built cities and barricaded themselves from the harmful effects. There was recycled water, synth food, and of course, the safe embrace of Corporation.'

  The women all nodded. Grace tried some grass and decided it wasn't very tasty.

  'About fifty years ago a high ranking official decided it was time to find out what was going on outside, so they sent a team of scientists to these coordinates with orders to report back.' Max shrugged. 'They never returned. The report was logged and archived, and that was that. I found out about it a year ago, and sent a petition in to the Board to try again.'

  'And you were successful?' Ruth asked in surprise.

  'No, not at first. It took a lot of lobbying and a lot of private funding but we made it. We've been here about six months now.'

  'What have you been researching?' Martha said.

  'The Gaia Effect, mostly – seeing whether the Earth has managed to adapt and heal itself.'

  'The Gaia Effect?' Kira asked intrigued.

  'Yes,' Max said, warming to the topic. 'Nature has eventually worked her magic - cleaning the soil, the air and the water. The Earth has tried to rebalance old ecosystems and develop new ones. Some species haven't survived of course, but others have triumphed.' Max swept an arm out across the camp excitedly. 'In some places luscious forests and swelling grasslands cover the ruins of past cities while animals, birds and insects roam free amongst the disappearing debris of man. Plants have recolonised and freshwater lakes and rivers are teeming with fish and other aquatic life.'

  As he paused for breath, Dina leant forward to catch his attention.

  'Then in a way, moving mankind into self contained city modules did the Earth a favour,' she said. 'Forcing ourselves to figure out how to recycle our waste and water has given the Earth a chance to heal.'

  'That's right,' Max said, taking a large swallow of tea.

  'What about the other team – did you find anything?' Kira asked.

  'No, just the remains of their camp and the results of the seeds they'd planted.'

  'Which is why you have apples,' Dina exclaimed as Max grinned at her.

  'The other team – what happened?' Martha looked around for some trace of them.

  Max shifted, looking a little uncomfortable, and seemed to gather his thoughts before speaking again. 'Expeditions don't always go to plan,' he said. 'Sometimes there are causalities. Anything could've happened to them. The important thing is, we are here now.'

  'Why have you survived when the other team didn't?' Kira asked.

  'We have access to clean, fresh water - it may not have been available to them,' Max explained. 'There's no radiation here, which means....' He was interrupted by Dina.

  'Which means you can grow and plant and eat and drink and live! Outside, Kira. No more cities. No more Corporation!'

  'I think I would still like indoor plumbing,' Martha remarked. Dina shushed her.

  'Why doesn't everyone know about this place, Ma?' Kira asked.

  'It was classified, one of Father's secrets. I do not think he even told the rest of the Board. He was trying to do the right thing Kira. I know he was.'

  Martha's eyes brimmed with tears as she fought to hold it together. Max cleared his throat. 'That's right. Mr Hamble was our benefactor and we reported directly to him.' He added then continued more softly. 'We are all terribly sorry for your loss Martha.'

  Martha acknowledged him with a nod and wiped her eyes on the back of her hand.

  'What happens now?' Kira turned back to Max.

  Max puffed out his cheeks. 'I don't know. I'm a bit behind on the sweeps – we've been off campus for a while but we still get access here. I checked this morning and it looks like they're having a city reps meeting to try and diffuse the situation. I'm guessing Camp Eden is still a secret?'

  'Yes, my husband – he's a Force Detective – he sent us here for safety, because of the children.'

  'Children?' Max asked a little confused, pointing to Grace. 'Don't you mean child?'

  Ruth and Martha shared a smile then pointed to their stomachs. Max stared at the women.

  'You mean, you two are..'

  'Yes, we are,' said Ruth with a smile.

  'How? Did they finally come clean then?' Max looked at the two women and seeing them both look confused, he elaborated. 'About the treated water. Corporation I mean.'

  'You knew?' Dina demanded.

  'It was top level but Hamble briefed me fully. He said that our work was more important than we knew because of the mistakes Corporation had made. I didn't think they would just stop treating the water and tell everyone.'

  'They didn't,' Kira said, amused at Max's confusion.

  'So, did you.. I mean, I know how, but why...'

  Max was getting redder by the second. Kira took pity on him.

  'We only just found out about the water supply, us and the rest of the city. That's why we are here. To keep safe. As for how Martha and Ruth got pregnant – I call it divine intervention.'

  Max choked on his tea, and after receiving vigorous pats on the back from Dina, he was able to speak again.

  'Divine intervention?' he croaked. 'Like God – you actually believe?'

  'No, not God. I'm thinking even older,' Kira said, a faint smile on her face. 'It's not something many people remember but you might know about her given your work here – Gaia, the spirit of the Earth.'

  Max interrupted excitedly. 'Oh we believe! She's real. We've all seen her.'

  The women looked quickly at each other, then stared at Max in disbelief. Grace broke the silence by clambering up to Kira and demanding to be fed. Everyone started talking at once until Kira raised her voice over the top of them.

  'Hey – can I please feed my daughter and then Max, you need to tell us more.'

  The women gathered up their things and went back to the communal area where the rest of the science team were beginning to gather. Kira went through to the kitchen area, looking around for their supplies. After hunting for a few minutes, she found Grace's bottle and milk and came out of the tent to join the rest. Max made the introductions.

  'This is my team – Dr Gina Ayres, flora and fauna and Dr Mitch Guardis, geology and radiation.' He pointed at two, virtually identical sun-kissed people, dressed in the same khaki shorts and top as the rest of the team. 'You've already met Moham, he looks after us.' He gestured to the group of women. 'Everyone, this is Kira Jenkins, Martha Hamble, Dina Grey and Ruth Maddocks. Oh, and not forgetting, little Gracie.'

  The group chuckled as they settled themselves on the various cushions. Kira and her friends faced Max and his team.

  'It will be easier to show you,' Max said as he turned on the camp's holo recorder.

  The women all watched with interest as the video began to play, showing the science team members helping themselves to food. Suddenly Dr Ayres, who was facing outwards,
dropped her cup, the others followed her gaze reacting in similar shock - but the holo recorder didn't show yet what they were looking at.

  'Wait for it,' Max said, as the recorder panned slowly round. It seemed to take an age, but finally the women could see what the science team had seen. It was a big blue blur. Kira's heart sank in disappointment. A blue blur wasn't evidence. But as she continued to watch, the blur began to glow brighter and brighter until the image of a woman revealed itself. The light faded, and a beautiful blue woman stood before them. Her eyes sparkled like a thousand stars and flowers grew out of her hair which hung down her back, touching the floor. The blue woman was naked, yet covered in shapes which moved and danced across her skin. Kira realised they were animals, and watched delighted as a swarm of bees lifted out of her skin and flew lazily away. Kira glanced over at the others. Dina and Martha were smiling and crying, Ruth looked like she'd seen a ghost. The recording fizzed out.

  'She's real,' breathed Kira.

  'She came to me in my dreams and told me.... told me... she was sorry.' Dina was sobbing.

  Martha could only nod, fighting the vague memories of her attack, memories which threatened to overwhelm her.

  'I thought it was the drugs,' Ruth murmured, half to herself. 'I didn't know it was real.'

  Max turned the feed off. 'It took a while to find the information in Archives but we ran a full search, and that's when we discovered her name. Like you said Kira - the spirit of the Earth, Gaia.'

  'We think she's happy that we came,' broke in Dr Ayres, sounding breathless, as if she still didn't entirely believe it herself.

  'We've only seen her the once but it was as if she was saying I know you're here, and it's okay,' Dr Guardis added.

  'We have to tell the city,' Ruth declared.

  'Are you mad?' Dina exclaimed loudly.

  Grace began to cry, and Kira comforted her, while Dina apologised.

  Ruth continued. 'I'm serious. So much has happened. The pregnancies, the Anti Corp attacks, Corp lying to everyone. Surely Gaia is a message of hope. Surely everyone deserves to hear that.'

  'But how do we prove it?' Kira asked. 'One holo recording, which could have been doctored - no offence - and the dreams of a few random women. It's hardly rock solid evidence.'


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