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Best Bondage Erotica of the Year

Page 9

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

  All of the noise of the party became muted and my heart crashed against my rib cage. He pulled my wrists behind my back sharply. I gasped in surprise, vaguely registering the other people around me. He wove the scarf around my wrists and delicately tied the knot, brushing his lips against his handiwork. My pulse was rapid in my veins as I tried to concentrate on the task at hand and ignore the bolt of electricity that shot through me.

  I gulped in a breath and felt my wrists pull against the knot. I was far more vulnerable than I would ever normally allow myself to be in a party full of strangers. Much more exposed than I would ever permit myself to be with someone who could be a new beau. But for once, I didn’t care. All I could see was the way that he looked at me, and my heart felt like a cage full of lightning.

  I gulped in another long breath and plunged my face into the cold water, gasping a little. My nose brushed against an apple. I tilted my head to try to grab it with my teeth. My knees slid slightly as the scarf twisted at my wrists, but I was determined. I almost had my mouth on the apple, but it drifted away from me before I could grasp it in my teeth. I was running out of breath. I pushed the next apple I felt with my nose until I felt it hit the wall of the barrel, nearly toppling into the barrel myself, putting pressure against it until I managed to secure it. I threw my head back out of the barrel, cascading water behind me, the apple clenched between my teeth in triumph as the others howled and applauded.

  Before I could clear the water from my eyes entirely, I felt a hand gently take the apple from my mouth. I had barely registered disappointment before I felt Will’s hands in my hair as he sank down to the ground next to me and put his mouth on mine. I leaned up to be closer to him, my hands trembling behind me. All I could think was, I want to keep kissing him. His hands slid down my back and he pulled fiercely at the knot, untying my wrists while still kissing me. We stared at each other for a long moment and I brushed his cheek with my hand. He stood, carefully helped me up, and handed Brianna the scarf.

  “We’re going for a walk. I want to show Lucy—”

  “The darkest part of the forest! Will had promised me,” I said quickly as the others laughed. I blushed again, but I didn’t care. He grabbed my hand and I waved as we walked quickly away from the party together. My blood rushed in my ears. It felt so damn good to be brave again.

  As we got close to the small woods, he stopped and pressed me against a tall tree and kissed me again. My toes curled and my brain was a wordless bright-white light as I traced his collarbone with my tongue and felt his breathing grow more ragged. He growled softly, a rumble in his chest near my ear. “I want you,” he said simply.

  I want you too, I thought but couldn’t quite form the words. I thought about what Rene had said about the game being two parted and how much I didn’t want to be entirely easy prey.

  “You’ll have to catch me first!” I exclaimed brightly and lightly pushed away from him and took off in a run toward the forest. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched behind me as I laughed and darted through the trees. I heard the sound of his breath behind me as my pulse flew in my body, the adrenaline coursing through me. I slid behind a tree and tried to catch my breath. I could feel him coming closer to where I was hiding. If I was going to be prey, I was at least going to be prey that led a merry chase. My steps became increasingly silent as I slipped from one tree to another. I tried to make my breath as quiet as I could. I readied myself for another sprint. When I stepped out from the cover of the tree, I felt his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. He kissed my neck, his teeth tugging against my skin. I wrapped my arms around his chest, pressing myself against him.

  He pulled me down to the forest floor with him, then settled me on top of him as I unbuttoned his vest and shirt, running my hands over his chest. He twined his fingers in my hair, pulling my head back. My eyes closed and my breath became more shallow. I leaned down and kissed him, inhaling against his neck, trying to absorb his scent into my skin. He pushed my dress over my garters and then pulled it over my head. His hands skimmed the sheerness of my bra against my breasts, brushing my nipples, teasing them into rigid fullness, and then running his teeth over them. I tried to piece my thoughts together and regain my senses but all I could think was, Want. Want him. Want him inside me. I could feel his hardness under me, and I knew how slick my pussy was.

  I slithered down his body, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, gently freeing his stiff cock from its confines. I twisted out of my panties and tossed them next to my dress as he unhooked my bra and added it to the pile. I haphazardly lobbed the pins out of my hair, letting it tumble down around my shoulders as I took his cock in my mouth, slowly twirling my tongue over him, until I could have him fully in my mouth. I could taste him on my tongue; I moaned against his cock as I moved against him. His hands wound around my inner thighs, pushing them apart, and he slowly curled his fingers inside my pussy as his thumb stroked my clit. I unsheathed his cock from my mouth and pulled away from his hands. I grabbed his wrists, holding them against the ground, feeling leaves and moss give way under my knees. He beamed up at me.

  “I need to think,” I gasped.

  “Certainly,” he said agreeably, his cock hard against my thigh. “Do you want to go back to the party?”


  “You are quite lovely when you’re vexed.”

  “You aren’t making thinking any easier.”

  “We could get dressed.”


  “Or . . .”


  “Or I could fuck you, Lucy,” he said softly, brushing hair out of my eyes. “I will be just as interested in you, whatever you choose.”

  I breathed, taking a moment to consider what I wanted. I let go of his wrists. “I really want you,” I said softly, as a shiver ran down my body. “I want you to fuck me. Please.”

  He pulled me to him and kissed me on the mouth as he unrolled the condom from his pocket onto his stiff cock. I sank down on top of him, gasping as I felt his fullness inside me. His fingers dug into my hips as I rode him. He shifted under me until he found how to move inside of me, his hardness thrumming against my G-spot until we were both gasping. He slid his hand around me and slowly circled my clit with his thumb. My nails bit into his shoulders while my thighs and pussy tightened.

  I quickened my pace as he looked deeply into my eyes. I found myself unable to look away. Our eyes stayed locked on to each other even as I was coming. Pleasure coursed through my pussy, up through my stomach, and burst into sparkling white fairy lights in my brain. He put his hands in my hair and growled as I felt him throb his release inside me.

  I collapsed on top of him and we breathed together, both covered in sweat and the smell of each other. I tried to compose myself. Oh I liked him, much more than I should! What could I even say that wouldn’t be a gush of saying too much too soon?

  “I would like to take you to dinner, Lucy,” he said, kissing my neck.

  “I like you! I like you much more than I should,” I blurted. Very polished! Very sophisticated! For a smart girl, you can be so dumb sometimes. I looked at the ground, hoping it would swallow me whole.

  He waited until I would look at him and his eyes were soft and full of promise. “Then we’re in the same place, aren’t we? Next Friday, if you’re available?”


  Lazuli Jones

  “I’m not expecting a miracle in a sex club,” Fikayo muttered as they descended the staircase from the secret back room.

  “It’s not a sex club.” Calvin waited until they were done thumping down the stairs before adding, “It’s not just a sex club.”

  Carnelian’s Room was now more than just a room. Established in 2035 in the heart of the Delta Neon district, it had expanded from a small room beneath the Venus Envy Club into a massive, multistory and multiroom den of sensual exploration and sinful pleasure. Carnelian himself had been a professional dom, long since retired. The business was now run by close and trusted friends.r />
  Entry to Carnelian’s Room was invitation only and tightly restricted, not the least because the acts within ranged from tenderly romantic to borderline illegal, and because its technology was expensive and limitless. Often a patent for new and exciting tech came straight from the Room itself.

  To get in, one needed to know someone who knew someone who could vouch for everyone down the line, and even then, one would only be allowed entry after pleading their case.

  It was Calvin who made the connection, and not a moment too soon.

  “I just don’t know how this is supposed to help us. I know we have issues, but are they really going to be fixed by getting whipped for twenty minutes?”

  “It might not be like that. I just know this place is supposed to help. We’ll see when we get there.”

  An hour in Carnelian’s Room was cheaper than couples’ therapy in this day and age, but not by much. Calvin paid in cash at the entrance while his boyfriend of two years stood behind him, eyeing the place like he expected ghosts to slither out and fondle him. Like Calvin, he’d heard of the place, but never expected to enter it.

  Fikayo was short but curvy with muscle, brown-skinned and long haired, whereas Calvin was tall, lanky, and wheat blond. Outsiders would describe them as a perfectly happy couple, and for the most part they were—aside from the fights, the growing distance, the lackluster sex life. The love was still there, but love alone wasn’t enough, and when the two began talking about scary things like taking a break and time apart, somehow the idea of Carnelian’s Room came up.

  Couples came back happy. Satisfied. With renewed leases on their relationships. Maybe it wasn’t a miracle in a sex club, but it was a glimmer of hope.

  A tall, androgynous person with a silver Mohawk and blue glitter on their lips met the pair and beckoned them to follow. “Gentlemen,” they greeted with a honey-silk voice. “I’m Leni. I’ve been assigned to you. I’ll be taking you to your room and getting everything ready for you.”

  They were led into a dimly lit, padded room. Calvin gave the place a dubious look; he’d been expecting a dungeon or a velvet-draped den of sin, not this sparse room. No chains or torture devices, only two thick rings bolted to opposite walls.

  Fikayo chuckled nervously. “What exactly did you tell them, Cal?”

  “The basics, I guess? About us and why we’re here.”

  “So why the setup for some chain bondage? Huh, Leni? What’s going to happen here?”

  Leni’s hair bobbed as they bent over the box they’d brought in. “Exactly what you need to happen. Do you want to put a stop to it now? You can say stop at any time.”

  Fikayo looked from the rings, to Leni, to Calvin, before finally responding. “No. No, let’s go for it.”

  “Sweet. Take off your clothes. Don’t worry about me, I’ve seen it all before.”

  Calvin began to strip first, a little bashfully, looking at Fikayo out of the corner of his eye as he did the same. “Are you going to be our . . . you know.”

  “Your dom?” Leni chuckled warmly. “Nope, I’m just getting you two set up here, and you take it from there. If you’ll stand by this side, I’ll prepare you.”

  Fikayo obeyed. Calvin stared at his ass, a bit jealous that Leni was there to see it too. Was that the point of this exercise? To manufacture jealousy?

  The answer was no. Leni held up a pair of thick, translucent handcuffs. They fiddled with something on the side of the cuffs and instructed Fikayo to raise his arms above his head. With a click, the handcuffs fastened around Fikayo’s wrists. Leni pressed a button that made the cuffs glow bright pink, leaving the chain connecting them still translucent. They tenderly brushed one of Fikayo’s long dreads from his shoulder. “Comfortable?”

  Fikayo nodded. Leni took a second pair of cuffs out of the box and moved Calvin over to the other rings, repeating the ritual, fastening the cuffs and pressing the button until Calvin could see the pink aura over his head.

  Now what? They were at least seven feet apart, naked, and cuffed. Leni patted Calvin’s cheek and smiled sweetly. “Your room is monitored by our bots and is designed to alert me if the safeword is used so I can come free you. Your safeword is lavender. Any questions?”

  “What are we supposed to do?” Calvin asked.

  “Anything you want. I’ll come get you when you’re done.” Leni grabbed the box and left the room, closing the door quietly behind them.

  Fikayo tugged on the cuffs, biceps flexing, and gave up with a sigh. “Now what?”

  Calvin shrugged as best he could with his arms extended above his head. “I thought we’d get tied up and spanked or . . . something.”

  “Cock rings, nipple clamps, maybe a dominatrix with a giant strap-on calling you names and fucking you until you scream?” Fikayo snorted, raising an eyebrow when he noticed Calvin’s cock stirring lazily at the suggestion. “Oh look, someone likes the idea of Mistress Strap-on fucking him into the floor.”

  “Shut up.” A small blip from his cuffs got Calvin’s attention. He couldn’t see anything from his vantage point. “Was that mine? What’s it doing?”

  “The chain got a little bit pink. It looks like . . . oh my god, it looks like a meter!”

  “A meter?”

  “It went up when your dick did. I think it measures how, uh, excited you are.”

  “I need a meter for that?” Calvin grumbled.

  “Shit! I think I get it. I bet when the meter is full, the cuffs open.”

  “So how are we supposed to get off if we can’t touch each other?”

  Fikayo did his best to get comfortable against the padded wall. “We talk?”

  Calvin snorted. If he wanted to waste a week’s salary on talking, he would have saved up for actual therapy. “If we were good at talking, we wouldn’t be here.”

  “Look, it’s not a talk-about-our-feelings meter. It measures how hard you are. So you know . . . talk dirty to me, baby.”

  Calvin blushed hotly, focusing his gaze on his boyfriend’s bare feet. He was embarrassed, but even more embarrassed that the pink chain might blip and give him away. “I’m not so good with dirty talking.”

  “Not like you’ve ever tried it. Fine, I’ll start.” Fikayo cleared his throat. His voice was low and rumbling when he spoke. “So, picture me kissing you. Like we always do, just how you like it. Giving you a little tongue. And now you’re pushing me down, tearing my clothes off . . . mmm, give it to me, baby.”

  Calvin blinked. Still blushing, still staring at Fikayo’s feet. His boyfriend had stopped talking and there came no blip from the cuffs. “Yeah, uh . . . I’m taking your shirt off. You look good.”

  “Wow, stop,” Fikayo deadpanned. “That’s too much, I’m going to explode.” He wiggled his hips, making it quite clear he wasn’t hard, rattling the cuffs in the process.

  “Well you’re not trying either.”

  “I am trying! You can’t give me half an ass and except me to get off on it! What do you want from me, Cal? God, this is just like the deal with the trip to Andy’s house.”

  “No it’s not!”

  “The whole thing with borrowing the car! You don’t tell me anything, and get pissed when I can’t read your mind.”

  “I shouldn’t have to spell everything out for you!” Calvin gave the cuffs a hard tug, not expecting them to give, but tugging anyway.

  “Yeah, you can’t stomp away this time! No running away, Cal. You’re stuck with me for once.” Fikayo drew in a long breath. “Look. Work with me. I need you to talk to me. What do you need?”

  Calvin huffed harshly. “I need you to listen.”

  “I don’t have any choice right now. I’m listening. What’s it going to take to get you out of those cuffs?”

  “Bite me.”

  Fikayo rolled his eyes. “Perfect. We’ll die in these cuffs. Fuck you too, then.”

  “No, I mean . . .” Calvin’s blush was back. “Bite me. With your teeth.”


  “I’m tired
of being in charge. It’s easier to run than tell you that, but . . . I want you to take over. Fuck me. Throw me down.”

  “I will . . .” Fikayo whispered. The cuffs blipped above his head, signaling the meter had filled a notch. Not surprising; Calvin’s begging had made him swell and pulse. And Calvin wasn’t far behind. “What should I bite first?”

  “Bite me. Bite my nipples.”

  “I am. I’m biting and pulling on them, twisting them between my teeth. Sucking and biting until they’re all swollen and red.

  You like that?”

  Another blip from the cuff answered for Calvin. “Yeah . . .”

  “Want me to bite your nipples while I’m stroking your nice big cock? Hmm? It’s so thick and juicy and hard in my hand . . .”

  Calvin made a mewling sound, jumping slightly when the cuffs above his boyfriend’s head blipped as well. Fikayo was hard now, his cock thick and dripping, and Calvin stared at it while he pictured Fikayo shoving it down his throat. They’d never done that. He’d never asked for it. He never asked for anything.

  He was asking now. “Get rough with me, Fi. Bite me some more. I want you to bite me. Pull my hair. Force me to choke on your dick. Call me names!”

  Fikayo was panting, a sheen of sweat glowing on his skin. “I didn’t know you liked that. You never told me.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want to.”

  “Look how hard it’s making you. Of course I’d want to, if it made you happy.” Fikayo bit his lip. “God, I’d bite you, Cal. Can you feel it? My teeth, all over. Deep into your skin. I’m leaving bruises all over you, so everyone can see what a great time you had.” He paused to moan softly, surprised and not surprised to find his cock throbbing despite the lack of physical contact, bobbing against his thighs as he wiggled. He took a chance. “So the next time you run from me, everyone will see you’re my filthy little whore.”


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