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Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2)

Page 21

by Sean Oswald

  He paused as if considering his words. “Further, you have married yourself off to a human and have born three half-bloods to him. While it is true that the Throne takes the diluting of our blood heritage very seriously, it is also true that a mitsukatta cannot be blamed for what comes before she is found. If it were only a human husband and half-blood children, it might not be such a matter of concern. In truth, your husband will in all likelihood die centuries before you and even your children will pass while the blossom of youth is still upon you. Those things could be accepted, and they might even find a place without our nation, as transitory as it would be.”

  Emily listened intently to his words. A certain horror sunk into her. She had not even considered the fact that based upon what she had learned when she chose to be a Moon Elf, she would have a life expectancy closer to three hundred years while as a Human, Dave could only expect to live eighty years. None of that had occurred to her since for the most part they had been fighting for survival in Eloria. Now, however, with prospects for living beyond tomorrow, first as a baroness in Albia and now potentially as a part of the Moon Elves, it occurred to her what a difference there was. Once again she felt frustrated that she hadn’t fully understood the choice she was making in that white room. Then, however, he continued speaking and she had to focus again.

  “It is not that you have a human husband, but that he is a nobleman of Albia, even if only recently made so, and this will create further conflict within you. Your loyalties will be split between your people, your husband’s nation, and your forgotten goddess. So it falls to Saisho Yua and I to determine if we believe you can properly become one of the people.”

  He paused and Emily took it as a cue that she was to answer him. But he waved her off, silencing her with a gesture. “This is not all though. There was a voice which spoke up on your behalf. He spoke about your commitment to family, your valor in battle, and your skill as a healer. These are all traits which Moon Elves as a people, value. There are few enough who are skilled healers, that your gift in that area alone is enough to overlook any ties you have to the church of Shanelle. Further, you will find that while we call them forgotten, the Moon Elves of Talus have a complicated relationship with the gods of Eloria. Your valor in battle combined with your compassion for the wounded and fallen elves speaks to the fact that you will not value human lives above elven lives.”

  Koneo paused again then as if building to a crescendo. Emily took the time to observe the man who was deciding her fate. As far as she could tell, he was relatively young. She would have guessed thirty-five if he was human but knew that such appearances could be very deceptive when it came to elves. He was clearly younger than the Archdruid as well as some of those in the circles behind the throne and many of the nobles. His age though, whatever it might be, didn’t seem to distract from the respect paid to him. Emily deduced that he was either very powerful, a great leader, or that the traditions of the Moon Elves were strong enough to make them revere whoever sat upon the throne.

  Koneo continued, “There was one last factor that pushed us to a decision however. The matter of the tree sapper swarm concerns all life on Talus, but we elves more than any other due to our connection to the great forests.”

  “This is it,” Emily thought. “He is going to blame me for releasing that swarm, and I am never going to get to see my family again.” It hurt her so, but she sent out a silent prayer that they would be taken care of in her absence.

  “No elf received a quest to deal with the swarm. If they had, then the Throne or Circle would certainly have been notified.”

  There it was again, the way she could hear the capitalization of the words Throne and Circle. Whenever the elves said throne, they were referencing the king and queen. But when it came to the word circle, it was different. Sometimes, she could clearly hear the reverence shouting out the capital letter, and other times, it just was like the name of a club they all belonged to.

  “I am not one who believes in coincidence, and based upon what I have been told, you and your family came from a place far from Talus. There are too many parts to this mystery which defy imagination for me to believe it is mere chance. That you would first come to the Murkwood. That the very tree which you and your family would take shelter in was the tree infested with the beginnings of a new swarm. That your daughter would help thin out the newly formed swarm even as it burst forth from its ironwood womb. And finally, that not only you but also your human husband and your daughter and son received a quest intended to stop the swarm and connect you with your elven heritage all at the same time. Lest you wonder, we have had you divined, and it has been determined that you do in fact possess the claimed quest.”

  Now, Emily was confused. When Konoe first mentioned the tree sappers, she assumed she was a goner, but now he was talking about the events as if they had some greater significance.

  “Eloria clearly meant for you to be in the right place at the right time. For all of those reasons as well as what has been said before, we welcome you to the circle of Moon Elves.” With that, both Konoe and Yua stood and took a step forward. Emily, felt a compulsion, although she didn’t know if it was magical or simply some Moon Elf instinct hardwired into this new body of hers, but as they stood, she dropped to a knee and lower her head. She felt a hand upon each of her shoulders and a warmth surged through her.

  This was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was almost as if in that instant she became aware of the existence of every moon elf wherever they might be all across the continent of Talus. The sensation quickly faded, but it left a lingering connection, most strongly with those around her. What remained though was a sense of understanding about Moon Elf etiquette, customs, and traditions. It was as if the idea of what it meant to be a Moon Elf had been downloaded into her mind.

  Quest of Return: Completed

  You have returned to the Moon Elf nation and rejoined the circle of their existence. Henceforth your life will always be connected to the others of your race. It is not that Moon Elves never fight one another, it is only that now you are part of something larger than yourself.

  Faction gained: +25 with all Moon Elves, +10 for all members of your family with all Moon Elves, +10 extra with The Throne.

  Emily let out a loud sigh, and this brought a smile to the face of both rulers. Mitsukatta were few and far between. In fact, it had been decades since the last one, but it was always the same. They all let out that same sigh as they felt the connection with their people forged.

  Both rulers stepped back from her, and Konoe resumed his seat upon the throne, but Yua looked to the Archdruid and said, “Give her the message orb, and now that she is surrounded by her kin, we can either rejoice or mourn with her as is the case.”

  Emily shot right up with those words and didn’t even wait for Hidenori to close the few feet between them. Instead, she took an overly large step towards him so that the two of them almost chest bumped and were only saved by their naturally high elven Agility.

  As soon as the message orb touched her hand it dissolved, and she heard Dave’s voice in her head, “I have found Sara, she is safe with me and in good health. Headed back to Eris’ Rise. I love you both. See you soon.”

  The smile across her face and the tear running down her cheek sent a mixed message but Yua immediately recognized a happy kind of sorry. “I take it that it is good news.”

  “Very much so, my Saisho no josei. My husband has found her and she is well. They are already headed back to Eris’ Rise.” A plaintive tone took over her voice as she said, “I know that I will be needed for the hunt of the tree sappers, but I must also return and at least see my daughter. I ask that the Throne understand that.”

  Yua sat down next to her husband, who took over at that point. “We all rejoice with you, and yes you shall go to your daughter. As you probably better understand, children are few and far between for our kind, and so your children are precious even if their half-blood status means that they will never b
e able to fully partake of our society.”

  Emily looked off into the distance, “Yes, I never knew but I understand now that it is not possible for them to be joined into the circle in the same way as I was.” With her new knowledge, she understood the difference between the Circle which was the term for the druids who served as one division of the rulers of the Moon Elf nation and the circle which was the term for the sum total of the population of the moon elves on Talus. A circle meant to signify that it was without end or break, a continuity of lives lived together. Emily had learned that only pure blood moon elves could experience the bond that she had been drawn into.

  Saisho Konoe continued, “This does not mean that they cannot play an important part in your life and cannot be allies to your people. What must be determined now is how we will deal with a noblewoman from the humans within our circle.”

  “Please do not ask me to choose between my family and my people, Saisho.”

  “I do not mean that at all. Let me be more clear. The lands which King Borenstein gave your husband title to are not clearly human lands nor are they clearly elven lands. They previously had been part of our nation, but when the humans came close, some fifty years ago, my father thought it best to draw back our influence and tried to create a neutral zone between the two nations. Eloria interpreted that and created the Murkwood. I would now argue that we elves have as much claim to that land as do the humans.”

  One of the nobles, an older male, “And how would Saisho no otoko propose that we resolve this conflict.” The others around him seemed uncomfortable with his direct question to their rulers. Emily’s newly obtained knowledge told her that the nobles all owned fealty to the Throne which was held by Konoe’s family but largely administered their own portions of Chenhou forest.

  If Konoe was upset by the question though he didn’t show it. Instead he grinned, “I think perhaps Lord Ataka knows my mind before I even express it.”

  The older noble bowed his head in response to his ruler’s praise.

  “I propose that instead of creating a conflict that we make good upon my father’s version of a neutral zone or sorts between forest and the human’s expansion.” He looked around to make sure that everyone was listening. “I know that it is the human way for their women to be second class citizens and to be denied the right of rulership, but we moon elf males are neither so bold nor so short sighted.”

  Everyone laughed at that moment, not at his words but at the figure of Yua upon the throne with a ball of fire bouncing back and forth between her hands, conjured by her power as an evoker. She chuckled as she tossed the ball into the air where it dispersed with a flash of light and a loud whoosh. “Just let an elven male try that.”

  As the smiles and laughter died down Emily added, “You all should understand that where I come from men and women are equals, and my husband Dave has never tried to treat me as anything but his match. In fact, truth be told, he more often gives into my whims than I do to his. We have an expression back home, ‘Happy wife, happy life.’”

  Again everyone smiled, especially the female noble and Yua, who said, “When time permits I would like to learn more of the customs of your homeland. They sound like a most wise people.”

  Konoe waited for everyone to calm down and received more than one nod of apology from a noble or druid. Emily felt that there were two sides to the Moon Elves. They were a people who loved to laugh and celebrate life while at the same time having a great degree of solemnity in their public events. “It is my proposal that Emily take on an elven name and with it, an elven title. Then she and her husband can be Lady and Lord of a newly formed elven noble house just as they are Baron and Baroness of a newly formed human noble house. Then, the Murkwood can be both a human barony and an elven district. They would own allegiance in equal measure to the Throne and to the king of Albia.”

  The Archdruid asked, “Will the humans allow such a thing?”

  Emily waited assuming the question was directed at Konoe, but when all eyes turned to her, she realized it was for her to answer. “Truthfully, I have not met the human king, but my husband and I are equals, and we shall make them accept it. It will be for the best for both nations.”

  Konoe stood, “Then I name you, Lady Emiri, rule of the Murkwood District under grant from the Moon Elf Throne. In keeping with the gift which I am told the human king made, I will expand the Murkwood District by three miles but only along its border with Lord Itsu’s district of Agani-shi. I will also send at the expense of the Throne a contingent of craftsmen and appropriate warriors to support them so that your hometown may be built up prior to winter.”

  The newly dubbed Lady Emiri, bowed, “This is most generous of you my Saisho.”

  Turning towards Eisuke, “Shinrin Hogo-sha, if the Archdruid is willing, then I want you to take charge of the soldiers as well as any of the druids who are sent for the hunt. I also wish for you to be reassigned to the Murkwood district.”

  Eisuke looked at the Archdruid who turned towards the Throne and bowed slightly, “It shall be as you wish Saisho.” Hidenori then looked back at the druids who formed the partial circles behind the throne before adding, “The Circle will need a few hours to determine which druids and hogo-sha will be assigned to this new district. I feel obligated to point out that this district will be one of the largest, so we initially may not have enough personnel to fully staff it.”

  Konoe looked this time towards the assembled nobles, “I am certain that all of you will agree that having a stable buffer between us and the humans is worth some sacrifice. I will trust all of you to make some resources available to Lady Emiri.”

  Reluctant nods followed from each of the nobles. Emily didn’t know these people very well yet, but she was sure, even with her infused knowledge, that nobles would still be nobles. Meaning that she believed they would all try to work this situation to gain the most for themselves. Despite her misgivings, after a short conversation each of the nobles had committed to specific resources or craftsmen to be sent. Elven craftsmen had no skill for building human dwellings, since their dwellings are grown rather than built, but they had an assortment of other skills that they could bring to bear.

  After some further discussion with the Throne and Archdruid, it was decided that since the quest had been given to her husband and Mira also that it would be best if they were included. This resulted in Emily getting to take a short trip home to set up the resources and then the expectation that she and her family would go with Eisuke and hunt down the tree sappers. The added benefit being that she would get to see Sara.

  A short time later, she was dismissed but was told that she would be assigned an official apartment within the central tree that housed the Throne as befitted a noble. She was pleased that it was Master Daichi who was waiting for her at the lift to take her to the newly assigned apartment. She could have sworn that he smiled at her, but after that his face had its stoney demeanor, what Dave would have called a poker face.

  Emily was quickly lost as Daichi guided her through the maze of tunnels within the massive tree at the center of the elven capital. It had to be fully as big as most skyscrapers back home, taking up an entire city block. She was even more shocked when she got to her so called ‘apartment’. It was bigger than their home had been back on Earth, at least five thousand square feet with high ceilings, windows looking out over the rest of the city, divided into obvious master quarters, and then rooms for children or servants. It wasn’t that any of it was crass, just very opulent. The wood was smooth and positively glowed with various sparkles of light. Each of the couches or beds were large, and the bedding was more human than her previous experience sleeping in an elven home but still incredibly soft and welcoming.

  Settling in to the apartment she had asked Daichi to make sure that Jaselm and his men were shown to the apartment, but was informed that only a pair of bodyguards were allowed to stay with each noble in the central tree. Emily thought about it and realized this made sense, so as to p
revent any sort of armed conflicts. She chuckled when she realized that as Dave was always pointing out, Eloria was different from Earth. It was more likely that the nobles themselves were more dangerous than their bodyguards.

  “Ok, well then can you ask Jaselm to bring his best man with him and then make sure they are shown the way here.” Emily looked at Daichi as he spoke. There was just something about the way that the older elf stood there that said, ‘What am I a dog to fetch?’ so she added, “Not that I mean you have to do that Master Daichi. I’m sure you are far too important for this task, but certainly there is a messenger or servant who can do this.”

  He stared at her for a moment longer before the faintest of smiles danced across his eyes, even if it didn’t really budge his stoney expression. “All elves not of noble station or part of the Circle take it in turn to serve the Throne for a year at a time. I am of course happy to see to it that Jaselm comes to the room. He seems devoted to you and relatively competent if I am any judge of fighting men, but I regret that only Jaselm may come, Lady Emiri.”

  Emily was surprised by how natural her new elven name felt to her, even though she bristled at the ‘Lady’ part of it. “But, I thought you said I could have two guards?”

  “Very true, my Lady, but the Throne has asked that I be assigned to you as the head of your Meiyo Eihei. If it pleases you, then I will assemble appropriate guards for you and we will escort you when you leave Tsukishiti tomorrow. For tonight, Jaselm and I will have to suffice.”

  She already liked the old elf, and he had hinted that he thought there were things he could teach her even before the meeting with the Throne, but there was something about him which made him seem far too important to be a bodyguard. Processing the elven term though, she realized that he was saying he would be responsible for guarding her honor. Her new understanding of Moon Elf culture gave a nuanced meaning to it. If she was correct it meant that the guard he would create would be meant to show her strength to everyone.


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