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Mary Ball Washington

Page 35

by Craig Shirley

  3. Letter from George Washington to Lund Washington, December 18, 1778, PGWRev, ed. Edward G. Lengel, vol. 18 (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008), 459–63.

  4. Levy, Where the Cherry Tree Grew, 195–96.

  5. Rick Rojas, “Finding a Lock of George Washington’s Hair, and a Link to American History,” New York Times, February 18, 2018.

  6. Schroeder, Maxims of Washington, vi–vii.

  7. Pryor, The Mother of Washington and Her Times, 353.

  8. Custis, Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, 147–48.

  9. Political Arena, August 8, 1828; microfilm, University of Mary Washington Library, Fredericksburg, Virginia.

  10. Flexner, George Washington and the New Nation, 228.

  11. Pryor, The Mother of Washington and Her Times, 355.

  12. Sarah Olson, “Historic Furniture Study: The Ancient Kitchen and Colonial Garden, George Washington Birthday National Monument, Virginia,” November 1974, 1; George Washington National Monument, Virginia.

  13. Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1929, vol. 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1929), 2118–20; Hudson, George Washington Birthplace: National Monument, 27–30.

  14. As quoted in Conkling, Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington, 74–78.

  15. Susan Rivère Hetzel, The Building of a Monument: A History of the Mary Washington Associations and Their Work (Lancaster, PA: Wickersham, 1903), 45.

  16. Hetzel, The Building of a Monument, 127–30.

  17. Lisbon Sun, May 18, 1894, 6.

  18. Hetzel, The Building of a Monument, 147–48.

  19. Hetzel, 151.

  20. Anthony Leviero, “Eisenhower Extols Mary Washington,” New York Times, May 10, 1954, 17.

  21. Irving, Life of Washington, vol. 5, 26.


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  Abbington, Joseph, 68

  Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 83

  abolitionists, 19

  Account of the New Northern Archipelago, An (von Staehlin), 234

  Act of Toleration, repeal of (1654), 23

  Adams, Abigail, 15

  Adams, John, 15, 42, 84, 176, 182–83, 189, 199, 239, 242, 260–61

  Adams, John Quincy, 42

  Adams, Samuel, 178, 182–83, 189

  Addison, Mr., 136

  Aequians, 1

  Alaska, 234

  Alexandria, Virginia, 11, 14, 135

  Allegheny Mountains, 220

  Allen, James, 273

  Alton, John, 149

  American College for Genealogical Registry and Heraldry, 41

  American Monthly Magazine, 7

  Andrews, John, 170

  Angelo, Bonnie, 4

  Anglican Church (Church of England), 21–23, 36, 58, 83, 89–91, 239–40

  Episcopalians break from, 240

  King of England as head of, 22

  tithes and, 22

  Annapolis Convention, 240

  anthrax, 266

  Anti-Catholicism, 23

  Appalachian Mountains, George III forbids settlement west of, 168–69

  Appleby School (England), 99, 121

  apprenticeships, 17

  Ariès, Philippe, 86

  Arlington Gazette, 76

  Armes, Ethel, 42

  Articles of Confederation, 9

  Articles of Confederation, 9, 228, 247, 249, 250, 251, 261

  Attucks, Crispus, 175

  Augusta, Princess of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, 167

  Bacon, Nathaniel, 34, 46

  Baker, Thomas, 57–58

  Baldwin family, 26–27

  Ball, Burgess, 222, 267–68, 270, 272, 274–76, 280

  Ball, Elizabeth (Mary’s half sister; later Bonum) 58

  Ball, Elizabeth Romney or Rogers (first wife of Mary’s father Joseph), 36–37

  Ball, Frances (Dublin nun), 29

  Ball, Frances Ravenscroft (Mary’s sister-in-law; wife of Joseph Ball, Jr.), 52

  Ball, Frances Thornton Washington (Mary’s granddaughter; wife of Burgess Ball), 222, 267

  Ball, Francis (early settler), 29

  Ball, George Washington (Mary’s descendant), 31

  Ball, Hannah Atherall (Mary’s grandmother), 30, 33, 35–36

  Ball, Hannah (Mary’s aunt; later Fox), 30, 33, 35

  Ball, Hannah (Mary’s half sister), 103

  Ball, James, Jr., 88

  Ball, James (Mary’s cousin, son of William, Jr.), 87–88

  Ball, John, 28–29, 31, 39

  Ball, Joseph, II, 35–36

  Ball, Joseph, Jr. (Mary’s half brother), 8, 39, 52–53, 55–56, 71, 130–32, 147, 154–55

  death of mother and, 55–56

  inheritance of, 53

  marries Frances Ravenscroft, 52

  Ball, Joseph (Mary’s father), 30, 33, 36–38, 50–53, 88

  birth of Mary and, 38, 50–52

  death and will of, 52–53

  emigrates to Virginia, 33

  Epping Forest estate and, 38

  marries Elizabeth Romney, 38

  marries Mary Johnson, 37

  Ball, Mary Johnson (Mary’s mother; later Hues), 37–38, 50, 53–56, 58

  death of husband Joseph, 53

  remarriage to Richard Hues, 53–54

  Ball, Mary Washington (Mary’s great granddaughter), 222

  Ball, Richard (Mary’s possible great-grandfather), 29–30

  Ball, Richard (Mary’s uncle), 30, 33, 35

  Ball, William, elder (Mary’s possible great-grandfather), 29–30

  Ball, William, Jr. (Mary’s uncle), 30, 33–35, 88

  Ball, William “Colonel” (Mary’s grandfather), 29–36, 39, 46

  emigration of, to Virginia, 33–34

  land and plantation home of, 32–35

  unmarked grave of, 35–36

  will of, 35

  Ball family, 12, 26–38, 44–45, 289

  Balls Branch, 51

  Barbados, 133–34, 138

  Bardsley, Charles, 27

  Basset, Burwell (Martha’s brother-in-law), 191

  Beale, George, 55

  Ben Lomond manor, 12, 181

  Bennett family, 37

  Berkeley, Norborne, Baron of Botetourt, 169, 173

  Berkeley, Sir William, 31, 46, 56

  Berry, Joseph, 273

  Beverley, Robert, 151

  Bewdley plantation, 87–88

  Bible, 239, 246–47, 267

  Bill of Rights, 257–58, 276

  Blackburn, Thomas, 258

  Bligh, William, 131

  Blue Ridge Mountains, 220

  Bob (slave of Augustine), 116

  Boinod, Daniel, 234

  Boldon Book, 27–28

  Bonum, Elizabeth Ball (Mary’s half sister), 58–59, 70, 74, 152

  Bonum, Samuel (Mary’s brother-in-law), 58, 60, 70

  Bonum’s Creek, 58–59, 74

  Book of Common Prayer, 240, 267

  Booth, John, 131–32

  Borde, Andrew, 42

  Boston, 192–93

  Battle of, 201

  Massacre, 175–77

  tax protests and, 172–75

  Tea Party, 178–79

  Boston Evening Transcript, 82

  Boston Port Bill (1774), 179

  Boucher, Jonathan, 124

  Boudica, 39

  Boudinot, Annis, 235

  Boudinot, Elias, 234

  Bounty, HMS (ship), 131

  Braddock, Edward, 142–45, 147–48

  Braddock Expedition, 124, 144–48

  Bradley, Leonard, 27

  Brady, Patricia, 2

  Bray, Winter, 281

  Brick, Henry, 131–32

  Bridges Creek plantation, 45, 67–68, 115

  British Army, 59, 175

  29th Regiment, 175

  Loyalists and, 203

utionary War and, 187–88, 202–3

  British East India Company, 178–80

  British House of Commons, 169, 171

  British Parliament, 30–31, 44, 167–68, 171–74, 176–81, 183, 196, 210, 228

  British Plan, 251–52

  British Royal Navy

  blockades and, 169

  George’s desire to join, 7–8, 129–35

  Brockett, F.L., 12

  Brooke, John, 170

  Broom, Robert, 180

  Brown, William, 68

  Brown Bess (flintlock musket), 202

  Bruce, James, 178

  Brumidi, Constantino, The Apotheosis of Washington, 281

  Buchannen, James, 137

  Bugay, Genevieve, 160

  Bunker Hill, Battle of, 194–95

  Bunyan, Paul, 84

  Burrows, Silas, 284, 286

  Burtin, Elizabeth, 14

  Butler, Caleb, 68

  Butler family heritage, 43

  Buxton, Edward North, 39

  Byrd, Parke, 113

  Byrd, William, 104–5, 107, 113

  Byrd, William, II, 19

  Byron, Lord, 82

  “Caelumque Tueri” (Ball family motto), 40

  Caesar, Julius, 77

  Caldwell, James, 175

  Calvert, Cecilius, 23

  Calvert, George, 23

  Camden, William, 27

  Campbell, Daniel, 141

  cancer, 264–66

  cannibalism, 13

  capitalism, 14

  Carmichael, Virginia, 60, 158, 177

  Carne, William, 168

  Carr, Patrick, 175

  Carroll, Ann, 153

  Cartagena, Battle of, 127–28

  Carter, Betty Lewis (Mary’s granddaughter), 272

  Carter, Charles (Betty’s husband), 272, 274–76

  Carter, John, 11

  Carter, Landon, 81, 89, 213

  Carter, Madam, 55

  Carter, Robert “King,” 11–12, 81, 89, 272

  Carter family, 12

  Cary, Robert, & Company, 171

  Cass, Lewis, 284

  Catholic Church, 23, 31, 43, 77

  Catholic World, 43

  Cavaliers, 30

  Centuries of Childhood (Ariès), 86

  Champion, Waitstill, 214

  Charles I, King of England, 23, 30–31, 39

  Charlestown Peninsula, 195

  Charles VI, Emperor of Austria, 121

  Charlottesville, Virginia, 84–85

  Chastellux, Marquis de, 1

  Chatham Manor plantation, 162

  Chernow, Ron, 9, 19, 67, 85, 99, 124, 132, 142, 184, 219, 234, 260

  Cherry Point estate, 53–54, 74

  Chesapeake Bay Catholics, 23

  Chetwynd, William, 96

  Child Life in Colonial Days (Earle), 52

  Chilton, John, 24

  Chinn, Joseph, 36

  Chinns Pond, 51

  Chotank, Virginia, 67, 115, 155

  Christian Life, The (Scott), 90

  Churchman, The, 93

  Cicero, 124

  Cigrand, Bernard, 28

  Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius, 1

  Civil War, 281, 286, 289

  Clark, John, 176

  Clarke, Gedney, 134

  Clarke, Mary, 134

  Clermont-Crevecoeur, Jean François Louis, Comte de, 208, 209

  Cleveland, Grover, 287–88

  Clinton, Henry, 207

  Coan River, 54

  Coele, Elise Towson, 94

  College of William and Mary, 56

  colonial America. See also Virginia, colonial

  capital crimes and, 23–24

  Catholics and, 23

  Church of England and, 22

  clothing in, 17

  difficulty of life in, 16

  English common law and, 166

  religions and, 23

  resistance to Britain in, 165–73, 178

  social mobility and, 16–17

  stability of, vs. England, 61

  women in, vs. Europeans, 62–63

  Colonial Resolutions (1774), 181

  Common Sense (Paine), 198–99, 239

  Compton, Henry, 56

  Concord, Battle of, 188, 204

  Cone, Henry, 213–14

  Confederation Congress, Seventh, 240

  Conkling, Margaret, 49, 195

  Connecticut, 256

  Connecticut Regiments, 214

  Constitutional Convention, 245, 247, 249–54

  Contemplations, Moral and Divine (Hale), 91, 126, 246–47, 256

  Continental Army, 93, 156, 213, 270

  chaplains and, 239

  formed, with George in command, 188–91, 195, 201

  smallpox and, 134

  Continental Congress, 9

  First, 181–85

  Second, 1, 188–89, 195–96, 199–200, 223–24, 228, 234, 282

  Conway, Moncure, 88, 96, 103

  Coolidge, Calvin, 285

  Cople Parish, 73

  Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 1, 207, 215, 218–20, 222, 254–55

  Corotoman plantation, 11–12

  Corry, John, 166, 178

  Cromwell, Oliver, 30

  Cushing, Thomas, 182

  Custis, George, 208

  Custis, George Washington Parke (Mary’s great grandson), 8–9, 66, 70, 74, 76–77, 82, 91, 116, 119–20, 132, 194, 208–9, 229–30, 262–63, 269, 283

  Custis, John Parke (George’s stepson), 124, 191, 229

  Custis, Martha Dandridge. See Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis

  Custis, Patsy, 160

  Customs Act (1763), 169

  Daily Signal, 126

  Dandridge, Francis, 171

  Dandridge, John, 243

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 287

  Dawson, John, 255

  Day, Ruth, 14

  Declaration of Independence, 115, 199–201, 204, 215, 227, 249

  Deep Run estate, 115, 137

  Deism, 22

  Delaware, 256

  Delaware River, crossing of, 210

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 61–62

  Dennis, Hannah, 36

  Dinwiddie, Robert, 141, 145–46, 149

  Dismal Swamp Company, 235–36

  Dixon, Roger, 162

  Dobson, Richard, 276

  Donelson, Andrew Jackson, 284

  Douglas, Robert, 111

  Douglas, William, 85

  Dubois, John, 23

  Dudley, Dorothy, 18

  Dummer’s War, 140

  Dunmore, Lord, 197–98

  Earle, Alice, 52

  Eastern Orthodox Church, 77

  Edward I, King of England, 43

  Edward the confessor, King of England, 26

  Edwin, David, 281

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 288

  Electors, 251–52

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 43

  Ellicott, Andrew, 270–71

  Ellis, Joseph, 14, 249

  Ellsworth, Oliver, 253

  Emmanuel Church (Culpeper County), 96

  England, John, 69, 70

  England. See also Great Britain

  Norman conquest of 1066, 26

  rumor of George’s birth in, 82

  English Civil War, 30–32, 43–44, 51

  restoration in, 32, 51

  English Reformation, 90

  Enlightenment, 21–22, 92

  Episcopal Church, 90, 93, 239–40, 259, 267

  Epping Forest (Forest Plantation, Forest Quarter), 38–39, 51–54, 74

  Epsewasson plantation (later Mount Vernon), 3

  Eskridge, George, 58–59, 71, 74, 93–94

  Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 21, 86

  Essex County, Virginia, 12

  Ethiopian Regiment, 198

  Evelyn, John, 32

  Everest, Thomas, 35

  Ewell, Charles, 12

  Ewell, Sarah Ball (Mary’s cousin), 12

  Fairfax, Anne (later Washington), 12

  Fairfax, Deborah, 128

  Fairfax, George, 135, 188

  Fairfax, Sally, 8, 100

  Fairfax, Thomas, 4, 116, 135–37

  Fairfax, William, 99–100, 128, 129–30, 141

  Fairfax family, 99

  Fairfield house, 220

  Family Life of George Washington, The (Moore), 26

  Fauntleroy, Moore, 33

  Fearson, William, 18–19

  Federalist Papers, 261

  Felder, Paula, 58

  Ferdinand III, Saint, King of Castile, 43

  Ferguson, James, 18, 20–21

  Ferris, Jean L.G., News of Yorktown, 1781, xiv-xv

  Ferry Farm (Home Farm), 108, 144, 157, 208, 256

  appearance of, 105–6

  Augustine’s will leaves to George, 2–3, 115–16

  Christmas fire and, 111–12

  decline of, 281

  George leaves, for Mount Vernon, 139

  George’s survey of, 159

  as George Washington’s Boyhood Home, 104

  Mary and finances of, 136–38

  Mary leaves, in 1771, 161–64

  Mary moves to, 102–9

  Mary’s life on, after George leaves, 151–55, 157–58

  Mary supervises as widow, 3–4

  Mary urged to leave, by son George, 5, 159–61

  sale of, 112–13, 161–64, 280–81

  First Baptist Church (New York), 93

  Fitzhugh, William, 162, 184, 258

  Flanders, Counts of, 26

  Fleet, Henry, 34

  Flexner, James Thomas, 8, 9, 38, 60, 80, 150, 219, 225–26, 243, 250, 253–54, 269, 283, 284

  Floyd, Edward, 35

  Forbes Expedition, 149

  Ford, Paul, 120

  Fort Cumberland, 144

  Fort Du Quesne, 145–46, 149

  Fort Necessity, 141, 169

  Fox, David, 33–35

  Fox, George, 31

  Fox, Hannah Ball (Mary’s aunt), 35

  France, 61–62, 169, 245

  French and Indian War and, 150

  Revolution of 1789, 23, 276

  Franklin, Abiah, 39

  Franklin, Benjamin, 21, 39, 42, 74, 84, 169–73, 242, 249

  Franklin, Josiah, 39

  Fraunces Tavern, 223

  Frederick County, 220

  Fredericksburg, Virginia, 64, 92, 94, 102–18, 153–54, 157, 159

  changes in, by 1772, 161–62

  Civil War and, 286

  Eisenhower visits Mary’s grave in, 288

  Ferry Farm and, 2–4, 85, 96

  George buys house on Charles Street for Mary, 161, 163–64

  George’s early years in, 11, 100–101

  George’s visits to Mary in, 177–78, 182, 229–34, 247–248, 262–63

  incorporation and, 254–55

  Mary’s house as tourist attraction in, 289

  Mary’s house sold to Charles Carter, 272, 275–77

  Mary’s life in, 11, 184–85, 194, 238

  Mary’s monument and grave in, 284–89

  Revolution and, 4, 179–80, 193–94, 207–8, 211, 220–21


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