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Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Claire Castle

  I checked my phone again and had a missed call. I wasn’t superstitious by any means, but I had a moment … like someone waiting on a call after a job interview. Could it be Stu?

  Oh, my god, it was. I’d missed his call because of my bloody mother.

  “Stuart, hey …” I stopped short of adding ‘baby.’” Maybe it was a professional call about Jess or to say he was done with my hijinks. Can’t say I’d blame him much.

  “Um, hey, so how was your day? Modelling and living the high life.” He sounded happy, which was good.

  I relaxed a little, then blurt out, “My mum, I told her. I-well,” words almost failed me, but I continued. “Well, for the party, I said I’m bringing men.”

  He huffed out a sigh. “Men? As in, more than just me?”

  Was that jealously I heard in his voice? Bad as it was, that made me feel better. I couldn’t help it. “Yeah sure, a whole menagerie of men. You aren’t jealous, are you?”

  “What men?” he blurt out.

  I decided I’d teased him enough. “Okay, enough teasing. Just Carter. Thought I’d ask Jamieson, too. If he wants.”

  “Oh, you know he’ll be all over that. Ah, thank you.”

  “What are you thanking me for. I’m still a nervous wreck. But just having you there will make it so much better. Then I thought we’d stay over at the hotel?” I asked.

  “Excellent idea. I can’t wait. But, ah, in all seriousness, how was your mum about it?” he asked me.

  I got up and paced the room. “Well, she didn’t get much say in the matter. A lot of silence, and then not exactly anything. Then chattered on about the event.”

  He paused and then said, “I’m happy. That’s good, Marshall. So brave of you.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, and ah, well, I know I’m a jerk sometimes, but thanks for putting up with me.”

  He let out a strange sound but I could tell he’d jumped up and he sounded giddy. I wondered what was going on. It brought a smile to my face.

  “Would you or would you not know anything about a delivery of a gigantic box of my favourite sweets being delivered to the flat today?” Then he let out a laugh. Before I could answer, he said, “Thank you. I know it was you. And I loved it.”

  I walked around the hotel room and then dropped back on the bed. Stu told me about his day and his art, and what Jess was up to, and as it got later we talked about everything and nothing. It was soothing to just hear his voice.

  “I’ll let you go,” he said. “And kick butt tomorrow.”

  I chuckled. It was like he could read my mind. I knew I’d have a brilliant day now that I’d heard from him tonight.

  “When … when’ll I see you?” he asked almost timidly. So not like him.

  “Stu, look, I’m really gonna try to get better at this. Fuck, I don’t want to make you feel like shit or that you won’t hear from me, okay? The other night when you called me out, it’s made me see I have to do better.” If I was with him, I’d take his chin and kiss him roughly. Instead, I settled for, “Day after tomorrow. I promise.”

  After I’d gotten cleaned up in the bathroom, I fell asleep rather quickly. When I woke the next morning, Stu had texted an adorable photo of him and Jess snuggled under the covers with their heads peeking out. Awww, I thought to myself.

  I took a shower and then arrived early to the office for the next magazine shoot. I’d picked up a coffee, so at least the caffeine would help. People had an impression that models stuck to a clean diet and wouldn’t dare have anything the health world would label “bad,” but screw that, I needed my caffeine. Nothing wrong with a few espressos to start the day off right.

  Of course, Brenna had been right. They wanted to check the fit of the suit and tailor it. I got into position and stripped down. As if in the movie Cinderella, people gathered round as I was measured, and clothes were held up to me while they fussed about.

  Usually I’d gruffly shove them away as quickly as possible, but I asked the girl at the cuff of my pants how her day was. Her jaw dropped. She looked up at me, glanced around, and then down to the floor as if she was scared of me. Great. Stu was right again. I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face.

  In a whirlwind of tweaks and makeup and hair and stubble trimming, I was ready to have the photos taken. I took direction well and listened to the photographer. He told me where to stand, how to tilt my head, or which way to move my hand to the perfect position.

  With ease and grace, I’d gotten through the hours and actually felt happy—not like I’d been running on auto pilot, for once. My times of just “going through the motions” seemed to have passed me. So many emotions wanted to bury me, but I took a deep breath and held my head up high.

  While I was getting dressed, I saw the photographer packing up as well. I took a deep breath. I’d never talked to anyone working on a shoot in my life, except to reply “yes” when they told me what to do. “Ah, so want to go get a drink or something? I’ve been a fan of your work for awhile, you know.”

  He looked up from his camera bag. “Really? Okay, man. Yeah cool.” The genuine smile he gave me felt amazing. “There’s this great bar just up the road if you want. Not many people know about it. But my brother lived here for a few years. He told me about all these little unknown haunts.”

  “Sounds perfect.” While we finished getting ready, I sent Stu a quick text in case he tried to contact me and that I’d call him when I was back at the hotel.

  I followed Angus McFarlan out the door, trying not to think about how he’d worked with the best models across the world and was sought after by all the top magazines. I rubbed my hands on my dark jeans.

  As we sat down, someone came over to take our orders. The booths were cozy and there were eclectic wall hangings surrounding us. I loved that it wasn’t too posh. “This is great. Long day, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, man. Well, you should be used to it. Like me. I love photographing you though. So it’s not so bad.” A stain marked his cheeks. It was kind of adorable.

  “Well, continuing the lovefest, I’ve admired your work for years. That spread you did of Bianca Solo for Esquire magazine really is spectacular.”

  “Yeah?” he questioned. “Wow, you really do know my stuff. You, ah, never mentioned it before.” The words came out roughly as if he was frightened to dare say it.

  I chuckled. “Oh, yeah. Well, that was when I was ‘trademarked’ Mr. Grumpy, but I’m trying to get better if you can believe it.” I almost started an outpouring of love for Stuart but that’d be way too much. Who was I anymore?

  I took a sip of my drink and raised the glass for a toast. “Cheers to work in progress, you could say.”

  “Well, it suits you. How did you get into modelling?”

  And so we chatted and bantered into the night. It felt fantastic. I sighed as I listened to him tell me about where he’d gone to photograph and how one photo of a superstar musician had catapulted him to his own superstardom.

  “That’s amazing, man. Wow, really.” A while later, we both went outside, and realizing our hotels were different directions, said goodbye as we each got a cab. At the hotel, I couldn’t wait to talk to Stu, and then I’d get to see him tomorrow.

  “Stu, baby, just called to say goodnight,” I said as soon as he picked up.

  “Oh, hey. Glad you called. Did you have a good night out?”

  I debated whether to reveal all or just gloss over it, but I wanted to try with him and be honest. It might seem silly to some people, but it was real to me, so I rambled on, “It was good. You would have laughed at this—I made Angus McFarlan blush, well, not intentionally. But the big news is …”

  “Yes,” Stu said with an over-exaggerated gasp.

  “Oh, shut up. Fine, I won’t tell you.”

  “No, come on. Please tell me. I wanna hear.”

  “I was actually nice to him. I’ve admired Angus and his work for years, so yeah, I asked him to go grab a drink. The whole time I just tho
ught of you and what you woulda been like if you were there. I know, I sound lame.”

  “No, you don’t. I’m really proud of you. Get some sleep now. See you tomorrow.”

  Getting back to London felt like it took forever. How could time seem to change so much. Sometimes, it went so quickly, other times, the hours, the minutes seemed to drag on. Waiting on my luggage, I was thinking I’d order a cab, go home and shower, then connect with Stu. And Jess.

  That might take a lot longer, but I felt gross. Ugh. I needed to wash the airplane smells off me. Walking out the doors towards the exit, there were families, friends, or maybe acquaintances waiting to greet their arrivals. I hadn’t paid much attention before. Hell, my frequent-flyer points could probably fly some of these people home and back a few times.

  I’d never had that. Maybe a driver waiting for me or someone’s personal assistant. I’d been prepared for that for my whole career. It had never hit me before how lonely that could be. I shook my head, trying not to think about it. I might have Stuart and love being with him, but I was also experiencing the lows that went along with it: missing him, needing him, and wishing he was here. I sighed and moved my bag onto my shoulder to get more comfortable.

  A murmuring started behind me. Someone was calling my name. Great. More fans. I really wasn’t in the mood, so I put on my aviators, hoping to avoid being seen. Stu wouldn’t be happy, but I couldn’t be “on” all the bloody time like him. I was a work in progress. Laughing to myself, I kept walking, not looking back over my shoulder.

  Someone ran in front of me. “Stop, Marshall.” The tone. That voice. No, it couldn’t be. I stopped in my tracks and put my bag down and opened my arms. Stuart jumped up and I held him tight. Hugging him, I breathed in his scent. “Baby, is it really you?”



  Going to meet Marshall at the airport was either an epically stupid idea, or the best I’d had in a long time. As I sat waiting around that morning and checking the flights, I decided screw it and went to the airport. Jamieson assured me he’d look after Jess, so I left her in Jamieson’s bed and said “cover your eyes.” Jamieson threw a pillow at me.

  Now, here I was, in his arms with people all around us. I wasn’t really thinking about anything other than the fact that he’d welcomed me with open arms. Well, after I’d raced to catch up to him.

  “Yes, of course it’s me. I missed you.”

  “Me too.”

  Then the moment was over. He dropped me and I stood to the side. His eyes darted around and then he ducked into an alcove with a pay phone, pulling me behind. Even if I’d wanted to resist, I couldn’t have. We were hidden away now—away from prying eyes. I wanted to call bullshit, to call him out on it, but then …

  “You … you came to the airport to meet me?” He pushed his glasses up and the look of astonishment mixed with awe that showed in his eyes almost broke me. Marshall looked like he’d never experienced the gesture of a surprise pick up at the airport. Wow, I thought.

  “No, no, I was just in the vicinity.” I laughed, letting him know I was joking and then pointed to his glasses. “And let’s discuss these, will we? And you running away from me. Hmmm, anything to say about that.”

  He was looking down at the ground and then looked back up to me with an adorable smirk on his face. “Can I kiss you instead of answering?”

  I couldn’t resist and I leaned into him when he took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. As his tongue moved, exploring my mouth, all thoughts left me. It was just Marshall and me, for a few moments at least, enjoying each other, albeit in a hidden corridor.

  But it was okay, even after how we’d left things. I’d missed him so much, more than I probably wanted to admit to myself. We eventually broke the kiss. “So,” I said while doing an elaborate bow, “your chauffeur awaits.” Then I strutted off towards the parking lot, knowing he’d follow close behind.

  The atmosphere in my car was light, yet not. Some sort of sexual tension was surrounding us. I could feel it. As I drove, Marshall’s hand moved to land on my thigh. I looked over at him and smiled. He had a wicked grin on his face.

  “Hey, I know that look. I practically invented that look. But back at the house we need to check on Jess. And Jamieson for that matter. There’ll be no …” I attempted to sound serious, not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself. I wasn’t entirely sure why I was trying to resist him anyway.

  He proceeded to lean over and nibble my ear. Frisky Marshall. I could get used to this. I didn’t want to spook him, so I let him continue while I attempted to concentrate on the road. As we proceeded along the busy road, I saw a sign for a rest stop and turned off, on impulse.

  Around a bend and mostly out of view of the passing traffic, there was a secluded parking area surrounded by trees. Seeing no cars, I came to a stop at the edge of the clearing, put the car in Park and undid my belt. I leaned my seat a bit back and made myself comfortable. Then I gave Marshall a cheeky look and rubbed my cock through my pants.

  “Well then, continue,” I said and cleared my throat. He looked around outside the car with his eyes wide open, and then he rubbed his hands on his jeans. “If you want to. Only if you want to,” I added.

  He kissed me chastely, and then without uttering a word, undid my jeans. My cock outlined my boxer shorts and I let out a moan when he pulled them down. There were no sounds except our panting and the distant passing traffic. I let my head drop back on the headrest and jerked my hips up.

  Licking my shaft from root to tip, he then blew on it, making me shiver ever so slightly. “Oh god, Marshall. Yes, just like that.”

  He sucked the tip and then moved off.

  My eyes opened wide. “What, no. Please.” I wasn’t beyond begging at this point. I needed his touch and more.

  “Just checking,” he said and continued.

  Wow, he was getting cheeky as hell.

  Sucking my whole cock in his mouth, I looked down for a moment, and then breathed deeply. A few movements up and down, and I was jolting my hips in rhythm with him. “You are so fucking hot,” I heard him mumble.

  Then he wrapped his mouth around me, and I felt his nose against my pubes. He’d somehow pulled my jeans and boxers further down without me realizing it, and he was cupping my ass. “Oh god. Oh god … fuck. I’m gonna come.” I pumped once more and then felt him lapping up my release.

  “Whoa,” I hadn’t opened my eyes yet and was trying to regain my breathing.

  I could feel him rub his thumb across my eyebrow, and then he kissed me. I could taste myself on him. “Was … was it good?” he asked.

  My eyes flew open then. “What are you talking about? It was fucking amazing. I don’t even know how I’ll keep driving.” I tucked myself back in, and Marshall reached over to help me out, then kissed me again.

  Then he sat back in his seat, licked his lips, looking smug. “Well, let’s get going. Back to Jess and all that.”

  I slapped him playfully. “You are the devil. Don’t worry, I’ll get you back.”

  He looked down at my crotch area, back to my face, and then out again to the road. “Worth it. All worth it.” He let out a hearty laugh and it was music to my ears.

  I managed to navigate us back to my flat and when we pulled up outside, I lowered the visor to check if I looked okay.

  “Debauched,” Marshall piped up as I tried to flatten my hair down at the back.

  “Oh shut up, you,” I said, secretly happy on the inside. “I can’t go in looking like that.”

  He just smiled brightly and got out of the car, looking mighty proud of himself.

  I sighed under my breath. “Bastard.”

  “What was that,” he asked, coming round to open my door. “Remember, you started it by pulling over.”

  “Hey, you were rubbing against my cock. You started it. What the fuck was I supposed to do.” Then I marched off up to the house, trying to look unfazed.

  As I walked in, Marshall on my tail, Jess
trotted up to us. I moved to the side so Marshall would get her full attention. He crouched down and I watched as they cuddled together on the floor.

  Jamieson ran over. “What took you so long to get back? I was getting worried.”

  I was hardly ever at a loss for words but could feel heat rising in my cheeks. “Ah …”

  Marshall saved the day. “Traffic. You know what London is like.” He rolled his eyes then winked at me.

  “Oh yeah, it’s the worst. At least Stu picked you up. Do you guys want a beer?” He started walking towards the kitchen before we’d answered.

  I bent down and kissed Marshall. “Thanks.”

  “Of course. Even if I tease you, it’s just between us.”

  Jamieson came back in then and handed us each a beer. We sat on the couches with Jess in Marshall’s lap.

  “Hey, Jamieson, are you on a flight next weekend?”

  “No, I am midweek, then I’ll be back. Why?”

  “Well, I have to go to this gala thing my mum is hosting, but one of my friends and Stu here”—he elbowed me playfully—“are coming. You could join—”

  Before he even finished, Jamieson was pacing back in forth in front of us and seemingly mumbling.

  I jumped up too. “What is it, Jamieson? All okay?” I questioned him and rubbed his back.

  He let out a squeak and ran over to hug Marshall, who looked quite taken aback by the motion. “Really? Me, at a fancy gala with celebs? Hey, do you know that guy, he models but is also an actor? I can’t think of his name.

  “So, you want to come just as an ‘in’ to other hot celebs? Got it.”

  “And you! Of course, I mean, well … you, but I’m used to you now. You’re kinda normal for a supermodel. I mean, not like when I first saw you sneaking out. You’re kinda boring too.”


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