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Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Claire Castle

  “Hi, Marshall, everything okay?” He sounded out of breath.

  “Sorry to bother you. I, ah, just needed to hear your voice. I’m between shoots. All okay there? You sound out of breath.”

  “Oh, was running with Jess, but yes, we are good. I’m not as fit as you. What’s going on?”

  “Brenna called. I told her. She knows.”

  “Oh, I wish I could hug you right now. Pretend I am. Rain-check on that. I’m so happy for you, but why do you sound like you’re on the edge of crying?”

  “There’s … I guess there’s a photo of us in the newspaper. Will you promise me you’ll be okay?” I was sobbing but trying to hold it back without even realizing. God, I was a mess. I took a few deep breaths.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, really. It’s the afternoon, right? The paper has been out since 6:00 a.m. and no one’s bothered me. You’ll be tomorrow’s chip paper in a heartbeat.”

  I rubbed between my eyes and felt a whole lot better. I wiped away the tear that threatened to fall. “Thank you. I, ah, just needed to hear your voice.”

  “And I’m so happy to hear yours. Just go out there and get them and call me tonight again.”

  Carter walked over and sat down beside me, rubbing my back. I fell forward then, my arms sagging down, almost dropping my phone. Carter picked it up. “It’s okay, Stu. It’s his friend, Carter. I’ve got him. He’ll call you tonight.”

  “I feel like an idiot,” I said, standing up. “I’m trying to become my true self—to tell the truth, and instead, I’m a crumbling mess. Why does anyone put up with me? Especially Stuart. He has it all together, and I’m making him suffer.”

  “You aren’t, man. It’s a huge thing. Just take it day by day, okay?” He passed me my phone. “Look, I can tell by how you talk about him, how much he means to you, and I have no doubt he feels the same. We gotta get back to work, but I’m always here for you.”

  In the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face, and then went back out to the photoshoot. They touched up my makeup and rearranged my package—I’m sure Stuart would get a good laugh out of that later. To me it was just second nature.

  I moved to the pool and dived in again. They towel dried me off and after a few more hours, they had me pose with Jasmine in white bathrobes. A few more poses and we were done. I hugged her and went back to put on more clothes.

  I was emotionally drained by the time we got back to the hotel. Carter and I had a meal and arranged to meet for a morning gym session the next day. “If you need me, man, you know where I am,” he said as he headed down the hall to his own hotel room.

  “Thanks, Carter. You’re a great friend.” I collapsed when I finally got into my room. There was nothing I needed more right now than Stuart’s touch, but that wasn’t an option. I sent him a text to FaceTime me when he had time. I was still technologically challenged, but I was getting better with it thanks to him.

  Shortly after, I answered the call and could see his face. Better than nothing. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

  He laughed. “You’ve only been gone a day.”

  I smiled meekly, shrugging my shoulders. “Seems longer.”

  “I know. I miss you too. Wish I could have given you a big hug earlier. I can’t wait til you’re back home.”

  “Me either. Sorry about earlier. Really.”

  “Hey, don’t be. I’m always here for you.” Jess jumped on his lap just then. “Jess says hi too.”

  “Aww. Hey, Jess. You’re in good hands there.” Something had been gnawing at me since earlier, so I blurted it out, no matter how insecure it made me seem. I was used to it, after all. The only thing I was secure with was my career. “Ah, Stu, why do you still want to be with me. I mean, I know you could have anyone you wanted and tons of PDA with no hiding. Antoni could find you someone … better for you, more comfortable in his own skin. Someone who’s out and proud.”

  “What’s brought this on,” he asked me. His voice and question weren’t judgemental, more inquisitive in nature.

  “Just that I want you to be happy and I know you want”—I looked at him—“you deserve … I can’t explain it, but more.”

  He smiled through the screen. “Marshall, Marshall, Marshall. You can’t do this to yourself.” He touched his screen pointing at me. “You’re grumpy, an ass at times, and self-centred. So”—he tapped his nose—“let me think. Let me think.”

  I smiled back at him. “Yeah, thanks for that.” Then I placed my arms across my chest and huffed and puffed.

  “I know the real you. Not the ‘you’ the papers talk about. You make me smile. You make me happy. When we’re apart, I can’t stop thinking about you. Is that what you want? Me to feed your ego?”

  I laughed. “Okay, I get your point.”

  “Don’t ask silly questions anymore. And I can’t wait to see you when you’re back. I mean, I know I’ve seen you in a suit in all the magazines and stuff, but wow, in real form, ooh la la.”

  “Yeah, I was gonna say, it’s at the Montcalm Ballroom. Not too far.” I’d need some liquid courage for the night, so ending it in a fabulous hotel room sounded like perfection.

  “That’s a great idea. Can’t wait,” Stuart said. We said good bye and signed off. I stripped down to hopefully get a decent sleep since I was meeting Carter first thing in the morning.

  Sleep was restless but when I woke up and got dressed in my workout gear, I felt better. In the hotel gym I found Carter already lifting weights. “Looking good, man.”

  “Oh, I am feeling good. You know that bartender with the stunning green eyes? He paid me a little visit. Let’s just say, not much sleeping happened, but I feel re-energized.”

  “I can’t keep up, man. What about the other dude?” I stood on the treadmill, starting off slow. It was good to have a workout partner. It motivated me. I needed to stay in shape for modelling, no doubt about that, but I never starved myself. I’d work out more when I overindulged.

  “Oh, he’s good with it. Actually, I did a Skype call with him so he could watch. Then he jacked off, just as we came.”

  I could hardly imagine. “Wow, hot as fuck.”

  He laughed out loud and sat up. “I can let you watch, too, next time if you want.”

  I couldn’t even imagine that. Too weird. “No, I’m good. Not for me. But don’t stop telling me about your antics.”

  We continued working out and then went to the showers. We had about an hour til we had to be back at the mansion. We’d shoot a magazine ad and video for another perfume brand. There’d be more sitting around this time between shoots, but I could catch up on my email and stuff like that. I’d have to talk to my mum at some point too. I’d already avoided five calls.



  The days without Marshall seemed to become longer. I knew that wasn’t technically possible, but still. I called my mum and told her all about him, not mentioning he was a supermodel. She’d have a heyday with that, telling everyone in the village about it.

  At least I had Jess with me. She sat at my feet when I painted or sketched, and we took great walks, got 99s and shared them: ninety percent me, ten percent Jess. Couldn’t have Marshall come back to her being overweight from all the treats. Or myself for that matter. The walks were great.

  When Jamieson was away, it got kind of lonely. He was annoying and loud sometimes when he was here, but damn, it sucked more when he left. I could get dressed up and go see Damien at the club, but I couldn’t be bothered. I ordered some pizza and texted him to come by if he wanted.

  Damien arrived around midnight. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d become too much of a homebody. That seemed late to me. A few months before, I’d go try to find a man around that time. After all, that’s how I found Marshall. I smiled just thinking about him.

  He stretched out on the couch. “Thanks, man, for having me by. Long time no see.” Then I handed him some pizza. “I needed this. I’m starving. Been a liquid diet tonight, if yo
u know what I mean.”

  “Of course. So good to see you too. I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy with stuff. But yeah, it feels strange in some ways. Plus, I’m kinda seeing someone … so.”

  “Oh yes!” He jumped up. “He better treat you right or Uncle Damien will have words—more than fucking words. I’m happy for you. Can you tell me more about him now?”

  “Well, he’s grumpy, insecure, and seems sad, but he makes me happy. I can’t imagine life without him.” Talking to myself almost, I continued, “He’s not ready to come out to everyone, which I get. I … I love him, Damien.”

  “What? Love. Are you sure?” He put his pizza down and came over to hug me. I blushed and didn’t say much. That must have been a sure sign to him that I was serious. “Oh, my god. Oh, baby. Well, even though he doesn’t want to come out, I must meet him, okay? Whenever works, for you, and him. I will keep the secret, I swear. This is fabulous. Fabulous!” He got up and headed towards the bathroom. When he returned he said, “Where’s, ah, the hottie roommate? I need to ask him something.”

  “Wait, what? Forget my relationship. What’s gone on with you two? And don’t tell me nothing. He’s away on a long haul flight. Spill.”

  He blushed, which I’d never seen him do and pushed his hands through his hair, then sat back down. “No, just the other night, I think I left some, uh, clothing here. But I’ll catch him later.”

  “Okay, I’ll let it go this time, but I’m here for you, too, if you want to talk. About anything.”

  “It was nothing, okay? Don’t mention it to him, either. Exploration for him. Fun for me.”

  I made a zipping motion across my lips. “Lips sealed, of course.”

  The next few days dragged on. I tried to keep myself busy. I mailed out online orders, sketched to my heart’s content. But something was missing. No, someone. I’d have to get used to it though. His job took him around the world. I couldn’t, wouldn’t ask him to give that up. Wasn’t it strange how I had lots of time alone before, but now it felt so different.

  Finally, the day of Marshall coming back and the gala arrived. I got ready, tidied up, and waited in nervous anticipation. It was so unlike me. A couple hours before he’d be due back, Jess and I got a cab over to his apartment.

  I gave Jess some food and Marshall said that Brenna would come and stay overnight with her. She’d been wonderful, Marshall said, when he told her his news. When I went into the kitchen, there was a container with my name on it. Weird. I opened it and inside were liquorice allsorts and a note.


  See you soon, babe.

  M. x

  Awww, I couldn’t help but smile at that. Checking the clock, I saw he’d be here soon. I was anxious but also excited. Jamieson said he’d make his way there himself. I was still confused about him and Damien and whatever had gone on. I shrugged. Not much I could do. They were both adults.

  Then Jess ran to the front door and let out a little bark. I jumped and with a skip in my step, joined her at the door. Then Marshall came in. I couldn’t help it. I ran to him and he dropped his bag and hugged me.

  He held me tight. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that. “Baby, oh, thank god you’re here. That flight was just an absolute nightmare.” And then he kicked the door closed with his foot. “We have a few hours before the gala. So, my idea is fuck, then shower. Thoughts?”

  “Yep, let’s do it. God, how I’ve wanted to touch you again. So good.” I made sure Jess was okay in the guest room and then stripped down on the way to the bathroom with Marshall doing the same.

  We quickly got cleaned up and went into his bedroom. “Bend over, ass in the air,” I said.

  He crawled onto the bed and did as I said. This would be fast and furious. No time for anything else. And fucking hot.

  I grabbed the supplies from beside his bed and slapped his ass. “Good.”

  He moaned and pushed his ass further in the air. I put lube on my fingers and slowly added two inside him. At the same time, I rolled his balls, one at a time, in my other hand. The noise he made was surreal.

  “Goddammit, Stu.”

  “What?” I kissed his back, then rubbed my hard cock.

  “Don’t fucking stop. Whatever you do. Give it all to me.”

  I panted. It was such a turn on when he told me what he wanted.

  I ripped open the condom and rolled it on, almost in a panic, as if he would disappear if I wasn’t quick enough. I grabbed his hips and plunged in. I was rock hard and it felt so fucking good.

  “Oh, god, Marshall. What the fuck. So damn hot.”

  Then he moved so he was sort of crouching under me and I laid my body over his back, covering him. My arms were straight. I’d never felt anything like this. I’d gotten so deep inside of him in this position.

  He panted and moaned. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I heard.

  His skin felt warm against mine. We moved in unison, creating a rhythm. I pumped in and out. In and out. Our voices intermingled and were incoherent. He smelled amazing. “Okay, that’s it. Move your hips up and come with me.”

  When he thrust up and I drove down, we reached that perfect sweet spot between pain and pleasure, and then both of us were coming and screaming. I squeezed one of his nipples. When I kneeled back, still inside him, he rose up with me, and I held him across his chest.

  “So. Good. My god.” He was still catching his breath and I kissed his shoulder. Then he said, “Never. Been like that, Stu. Ever.”

  “For me either. I know.” I was glad he couldn’t see my face then. I was falling for him, or had fallen, and I didn’t think anything could stop it. We stayed there, I’m not sure for how long, then when he leaned forward, I gently eased out of him.

  “Watch for the wet spot,” I said softly. He rolled over onto his back, pulling me on top of him.

  “Least of my worries right now. I want to stay like this forever. Skip tonight? We can fuck into the wee hours.”

  “Much as I love your thinking, what would your mother …”

  “Please, don’t mention her, especially after what we’ve just done.” He sighed. “But of course, you are right. Plus, you in that outfit.”

  “And hotel sex,” I chimed in. I moved off of him. “We better go get cleaned up. And I can’t wait to see you in a suit, my man.”

  We had showers and got cleaned up. I made us some pasta so we wouldn’t be starving by later. Plus, there’d be alcohol flowing. Not good on an empty stomach.

  “This is just delicious,” Marshall told me. “Must have you over more.”

  “Oh, very funny. We’ll see about that.”

  When Marshall walked out later with a full suit, his hair perfectly coifed, I almost died. He was magnificent. I started clapping. “Show me your catwalk moves, baby.”

  He strutted then, really putting it on for me. He undid the perfect navy suit jacket to reveal a white shirt and gold tie.

  “Oh wow. Ten out of ten, no doubt.” I pulled him in closer to me with his tie and gave him a kiss. He smelled of the body wash he used. I rubbed his back and felt his stubble against my smooth skin.

  Going back to the bedroom, I put on the outfit from Antoni. I hope I lived up to his standards. I wanted to look great for him. In the mirror, I checked my hair and then walked out. I was holding my breath.

  Swaggering, I walked out the bedroom and towards Marshall, who was sitting on the couch. If the look on his face was any indication, I’d done well, very well.

  His tongue licked along his lips and I could have sworn he was going to get me to fuck him over the couch. I got harder behind the leather pants, if that was even possible. Thank goodness for a jacket that partially covered it up.

  “Wow, just wow.” I walked over and stood between his legs and bent down to kiss him.

  “Glad you approve.” I sat down beside him and Jess came over and squeezed between us. “Think she’s trying to tell us we have no time for that before we go?”

  “Damn, smart dog. What’s up wit
h that?”

  Shortly after, Brenna arrived. We hugged her and said our goodbyes. We each had a small bag to take to the hotel. “Thank you. We’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  “Sure, take your time. Jess and I will have a girls night in. We need it, you know.” We all laughed, and then we headed out the door.

  We could walk to the venue, which worked out okay. It was getting dark now. Some girls whistled at us as we walked down a busy street. “Ha, ha,” he said. “Little do they know.”

  “Oh, we could give them a show.” I laughed. Then I panicked for some reason and stopped in the street. “Marshall, listen. I know this is huge, and I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, and certainly don’t do anything to ruin your career. Okay?”

  He was acting so relaxed, I almost wondered what had come over him.

  As if reading my mind, he spoke, “Look, I feel better than I ever have, going to one of these things. I want to make you proud, but I’m terrified I won’t. I also know I shouldn’t make a spectacle.”

  “I’m just glad to go with you and be with you after. Please believe that and I’m proud of you. I put my hand on his chest. “And I have no problem with you introducing me as your friend.” Traffic whizzed by and I tried to portray my sincerity as he looked into my eyes under the darkening sky. “I know what I really mean to you. What we really mean to each other.”

  He smiled, a genuine smile at me. “Okay, that’s great. Let’s do this.” We continued walking down the road and stood close to each other.

  When we reached the hotel, it screamed utter extravagance. There were chandeliers dripping with diamonds and luxurious seats and wall hangings. Suddenly, I wondered if I was way out of my element here. I’d never thought much about money or if Marshall was rich. Was he?

  How weird. I guess you are if your mother held galas in places like this and you were an international supermodel. Hmmm. When Marshall looked over and smiled at me, I pushed that thought from my mind. It had never got in the way before, and I wouldn’t let it now.


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