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Mr. Big Love: The Mr. Big Series: Book Two

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by Lund, S. E.

  It wasn’t the first time I wished that our parents were still alive. I knew it wouldn't be the last. Of course, if they were still alive, I knew I would never have met Alexa, so at least something good came of it, even if there was a whole lot of bad afterwards.

  Once everyone was seated, my father stood up and went to the podium, which was perched at the side of the head table.

  "What's going to happen?" Alexa asked while we ate our meals. "Are you going to go to the podium and deliver the awards?"

  "Yes," I said and pointed to wooden podium where my father was standing. "When the time comes, I'll hand out the awards to staff. That's when I'll also announce our engagement so be prepared. I know the staff will be polite and clap, but it's not for them I’m doing it. It's for my parents and all their friends. It's to make sure that none of them are busy plotting my marriage to their daughters. I feel like a damn Prince Charming."

  Alexa laughed and leaned closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. "You are Prince Charming," she said and smiled up at me. "But you're mine. They can't have you."

  "They can't," I said and gave her a kiss. "I'm all yours."

  We smiled at each other and I felt my heart swell at the thought of us being married and living together for the rest of our lives. I knew that half of all marriages ended in divorce, but I was determined that at least on my part, I'd be the best husband I could be to Alexa. I never wanted to give her a reason to doubt my love.

  I was sure she felt the same, especially after her very bad experience with Blaine.

  My father welcomed everyone to the event, and then gave a quick outline of how the night would progress, before sitting back down beside my mother.

  "I'm worried about later," Alexa said and squeezed my hand.

  "Forget about it," I replied. "It has to happen sooner or later. May as well be sooner. Let's try to enjoy the night. At least the chicken is good and not rubbery, like usual."

  "It is good, but I'm not used to these events, so what do I know?"

  "You'll have to get used to it at least once or twice a year," I said. "As long as I'm on the board of the foundation, I'll have some duties."

  We ate for a while in silence, and I watched the people, the tables filled with my family and friends of my parents as well as the staff of the foundation. It was a nice venue, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal.

  When we were done, and after the wait staff had removed our plates and brought around coffee and tea, my father got back up to the podium and cleared his throat.

  "And now, my son and the CEO of the foundation, Luke Marshall, will hand out the staff awards." He turned to me and waved to the podium. "Luke? If you could do the honors."

  When people clapped, I put my napkin on the table and bent down to kiss Alexa. Then, I squeezed Dana's shoulders on the way to the podium.

  "Thank you," I said and spoke a few words of thanks for the staff and all their hard work for the past year, administering the funds that the foundation distributed every year for good causes. Then, one by one, I handed out the awards to the recipients, getting a photo taken with each staff member, offering them an envelope with a check inside as our thanks for their work.

  When the awards were finished, I cleared my throat and turned to face Alexa.

  "Before I finish, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce something personal," I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and blew me a small kiss, touching her lips. I caught a glance at my mother who was too busy glancing over at someone at one of the tables. She turned back immediately when a hush fell over the room.

  "I'd like to announce that I am engaged to be married to the love of my life, my first mate, my partner in crime, and my soulmate, Alexandria Marie Dixon. Alexa, please stand so everyone can see you."

  Alexa stood and nodded briefly, her face crimson with embarrassment at the attention. She was beautiful in her little black dress that hugged her curves, her long hair shining in the candlelight.

  She sat back down, and the audience erupted in applause.

  "Thank you," I said and smiled at the crowd. "We don't have a date set yet, but it will likely be as soon as Alexa is finished with her coursework for her PhD in International Relations from Columbia University."

  People oooh'd and awww'd at that and then they clapped once more when I thanked them for attending and said I looked forward to more awards the next year.

  I sat back down and before I did, I caught a glimpse of my mother.

  What I saw did not make me feel very hopeful about her sharing our happiness...

  Chapter Nine


  The evening was lovely -- right up until it wasn't.

  I enjoyed the dinner and even having to sit at the front of the room with the Marshall family at the head table wasn't enough to ruin it. The food was good, the venue was beautiful. Everyone looked happy, and there was pleasant classical music playing in the background.

  I was lucky to sit beside Dana and so we spoke about her new baby and how things were going. She asked me a dozen questions about the trip and whether I was glad to be back.

  "Truthfully, I could have spent another year out there," I said and sighed, smiling as I thought about our trip. "It was so peaceful, so stress-reducing, even when we had bad weather. Coming back to civilization is hard, but we both have a lot of plans for the future, so we have to get going on them."

  "Your PhD?" Dana asked.

  "Yes," I said and told her about my course work and then the research. "It'll take me probably three years if I really focus. Some students take five years if they have to work, but hopefully, I'll be able to finish in three since I have a scholarship. I may teach a class in my third year just for the experience, but I won't have to work an outside job. Then, who knows?"

  "Will you guys stay in Manhattan?" Dana asked. "I hope so. I want us to be in the same city. I hate the thought of you guys moving away. I want my little chickadee to have an uncle and aunt they know. Eric's side of the family is still without grandchildren, so there aren't any cousins.”

  "The UN is here, so I may be able to get work there with someone," I said. "Or I may do a post-doctoral fellowship and stay for a few years and build up my teaching resume. We'll see what happens with Luke and his dreams of investing in the space industry."

  "I hope you guys stay here. Luke can still be involved in the space industry and live in Manhattan. He'll just have to fly out to Florida or California or wherever now and then. I want you guys here."

  I smiled and drank my tea, thinking I would be happy to be close to Dana wherever we ended up living.

  "We hope to live at Westhampton for a while," I said. "So maybe we'll use that as a home base and spend time in California or Florida or wherever. I know Luke loves it there."

  "Good," she said and squeezed my hand.

  Luke got up once all the tables were cleared of plates and cutlery and tea and coffee was served, and my heart started to beat faster at the prospect of him announcing our engagement. I hadn't said anything to Dana, because Luke asked me to keep it quiet until after he did the announcements. He wanted it to be a real surprise.

  After the last award was given, he turned and smiled at me and I knew what was coming.

  "Before I finish, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce something personal."

  I blew him a kiss and then felt my cheeks heat as everyone turned to look at me.

  "I'd like to announce that I am engaged to be married to the love of my life, my first mate, my partner in crime, and my soulmate, Alexandria Marie Dixon. Alexa, please stand so everyone can see you."

  I stood, my knees a little weak, and smiled at the crowd. I didn't want to turn to see the expression on Mrs. Marshall's face. Instead, I sat down, and people started to clap, and there were a few cheers from the audience. Dana leaned closer to me and took my hand.

  "Oh, my God, you two are such sneaks. You should have told me!"

  I smiled at her and turned back to watch Luke.
He was smiling out at the crowd.

  "Thank you," he said, his voice emotional. "We don't have a date set yet, but it will likely be as soon as Alexa is finished with her coursework for her PhD in International Relations from Columbia University."

  People clapped again and I felt their eyes on me once more.

  Before Luke sat back down, he bent down and kissed me deeply.

  I felt a catch in my throat at how sweet he had been. I felt like his first mate, his partner in crime. I was glad he thought of me as his soulmate, for that's exactly how I saw him and when he sat beside me, I took his hand and with tears in my eyes, I whispered I love you.

  He said it back to me -- out loud.

  "I love you, Alexa."

  We kissed again and people clapped some more. Then I heard a chair scraping on the floor and glanced to my left to see Mrs. Marshall gathering up her long dress and walking towards us.

  She didn't look happy. Not at all. Her face was red and her mouth set.

  Was she really that angry?

  She walked behind us but before she was completely by, she leaned down and in a harsh whisper, she said something that made my jaw drop open.

  "This won't stand."

  Then, she left, walking towards the exit, her nose held high.

  On his part, Mr. Marshall stood up to follow her. He stopped briefly on his way out and took hold of Luke's shoulders.

  "I'll handle her," he said in a low voice. "Don't worry."

  He laid a hand on my shoulder and I smiled, thankful that at least he was happy for us.

  "Congrats, you two. I couldn't be happier."

  "Thank you," I said.

  Then he was gone as well. People watched him leave, and there was a murmur among the crowd. Luke saved the day, standing up and holding up his coffee cup.

  "Please stay as long as you like and finish your drinks and dessert. There's an open bar in the lounge if you want to stay and celebrate. Cheers and thank you for the past year working for the foundation."

  At that, people turned to each other and continued to talk. The atmosphere returned to its pre-walk-out mood of celebration.

  I turned to Luke, tears in my eyes.

  "Your mother is going to be a problem," I said, feeling bad that she hated me so much that she'd ruin the night.

  "No, she isn't," he said and squeezed my shoulder, his arm slipping around me. He kissed me. "Father will take care of her. She's just impulsive. She'll come to her senses soon enough once she's had a few years to get used to the idea."

  His eyes twinkled at the 'few years' comment and I smiled in response, thankful that at least he had a good attitude towards the chance that one day, his mother would accept the fact that she would not be able to unite two big family fortunes and would have to settle for the poor church mouse instead of the fancy city mouse with a big inheritance.

  I would never be good enough for her, but at least Mr. Marshall was happy.

  "I'm so glad for you two," Dana said and came over to give Luke a hug. Even Eric leaned over and gave us a smile.

  I smiled, thinking these people were no better biologically than my family, but they sure thought they were better. It made me a bit sick to think they really thought money made them better. Since I got to know the Marshalls and the other families that they associated with, I realized that they had as many problems as the lesser folk with lower net incomes. Same problems -- divorces, cheating spouses, out of wedlock babies, mental illness, narcissism, you name it -- the rich were just as beset as middle class and working-class people I knew.

  But money did make all the hard times somewhat easier.

  "When will we leave?" I asked, feeling a damper on my desire to stay out late and party.

  "I was hoping we could stay late and celebrate with Dana and Eric," Luke said. "It'll make up for my mother's very rude departure from the party."

  "Okay," I said and forced a smile. "If you want. I don't want to keep you from enjoying yourself."

  Luke turned to me and grabbed my shoulders in his hands. "Alexa, don't worry. Everything will be fine. My mother's approval means nothing to me anymore. There's nothing she can do about our engagement. She'll come around, and if she doesn't, it's her loss, not ours."

  I sighed and nodded. "Okay. If you say so."

  Then Dana started talking to me about the wedding and my mind was temporarily distracted from Mrs. Marshall's hissy fit and words.

  But my mind couldn't get over her threat -- this won't stand. What the hell did she think she was going to do? Make us not love each other? Force Luke -- or me -- to call off the engagement?

  Was she insane?

  Later, after we stayed long enough to keep up appearances and chatted with Dana and Eric, we left Cipriani's and took the limo back to the hotel, dropping Dana and Eric off on our way.

  "So,” Luke said when we got inside the hotel room and removed our shoes. "What did you think? I mean, other than my mother's craziness?"

  I sighed and lay back on the sofa, my feet on the coffee table. "I'm worried," I said and made a doubtful face. "I think she's more or less said this means war."

  "What is she going to do? She can't make us break up."

  "I hope not," I said, and he sat beside me and put his arm around the back of the sofa. "But she could probably make our lives hell."

  "How?" Luke said, shrugging. "She can cut me off from all contact with her and Dad, but that won't hold out for long. Dad is happy for us. She'll come around soon enough."

  "You're more optimistic than me. Your mother is formidable, and I worry she could do more damage than you think."

  "I'm a free man," Luke said. "I no longer care about their money, or even my family's money. I have my own stake and as far as I'm concerned, I'm a free man. I can do whatever I want from now on and there's not a damn thing she can do about it."

  I exhaled and gave Luke a smile, but in my gut, I didn't believe it. He was a free man, but that didn't mean Mrs. Marshall couldn't make our lives hell.

  "Enough talk about my mother and her machinations," Luke said and pulled me onto his lap. I slipped my arms around his neck and straddled his hips. "I want a kiss -- and a whole lot more."

  "You do, do you?" I asked, coyly.

  "I do. A whole lot more."

  Then we kissed, and for a while at least, any thoughts about Mrs. Marshall and her threat were lost in a hot wave of passion.

  Later, after we finished showering, we lay on the king-sized bed and watched the late news, catching up on what we'd missed while we were at the dinner or were busy getting busy. I yawned and leaned up to kiss Luke, who was focused on some sports scores.

  "Good night, my love," I said and smiled at him.

  "You going to sleep?"

  I nodded. "It's been a long day."

  "Good night," he said and kissed me once more.

  I turned over, tired of the news and needing sleep. I wanted to get up early and go visit Candace for breakfast, picking up a few groceries and making her some bacon and eggs.

  The next morning, I got up and let Luke sleep in. I left him in bed with his pillow thrown over his head and had a quick shower before dressing and calling down to the limo service that would take me to the store and then drop me off at Candace's place. I left him still snoozing and wrote a note to let him know I was at Candace's and had let the security guard who was my new best friend know where I was going so he could park his vehicle outside on the street and make sure Blaine didn't show up.

  I went down to the limo and we drove off to the store. I went inside and picked up a few items that I knew Candace wouldn't have and then I got a call while I was waiting in line at the check-out.

  It was from Luke's mother.

  "Hello," I said when I answered. "Hello, Mrs. Marshall."

  "I want you to come and talk to me," she said, her voice sounding firm but not angry. "We need to discuss the engagement."

  "I'm kind of busy right now. I have plans to make breakfast for my best friend." />
  "After you're done, we can have a nice lunch together. Mr. Marshall has given me the word and so I wanted to speak with you, to clear things up between us."

  That sounded hopeful, so I sighed and glanced at my watch. "I should be done at around one thirty or so. I could come by then."

  "That would be wonderful. I'll see you then."

  I ended the call, a sense of unease at having to meet with her. I'd send a text to Luke to let him know and planned on doing so once I got in the limo.

  Having lunch alone with Mrs. Marshall -- it made me nervous.

  It was something I'd have to get used to, so I took in a deep breath and tried to focus on something more pleasant. Like making breakfast for my bestie.

  So, I did.

  Chapter Ten


  I spent the morning with Candace, and cooked us a nice breakfast with Eggs Benedict, home fried potatoes and sausages, just like she preferred when we went out for brunch. She'd been so isolated because of her broken leg that I felt bad for her.

  It also gave me a chance to brainstorm how to deal with Mrs. Marshall, who wanted to meet with me to make amends and talk about the engagement. Probably wanting to have some kind of shower and talk about the wedding.

  At least, I hoped that was what she wanted. I still had trouble imagining she'd come around so easily, but perhaps Mr. Marshall really had given her the word.

  Luke wasn't very happy about it when I texted him, but I was a fully-grown adult now, and I had to do some adulting with Mrs. Marshall. If I was going to marry into their family, I had to be able to deal with Dragon Lady.

  LUKE: Do you want me to come with you?

  ALEXA: No, that's all right. If she's going to be my mother-in-law, I have to get used to her. Besides, I think she wants to mend fences with me. She said your dad gave her 'the word'.


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