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Bad Men

Page 7

by Stone, Piper

  “If you continue fighting, one of us will be happy to disrobe you, only we won’t be so kind about how we do it.” Diego’s tone was even more authoritative than I’d heard before, forcing me to chuckle.

  “I agree with my friend here,” I concurred.

  “You’re both insane,” she huffed. I could easily see how nervous she was, a tic forming in the corner of her mouth.

  “Undeniably, but that won’t keep you out of getting exactly what you deserve,” Diego stated, smirking then patting the pillows once again.

  “You’re not getting out of this, Doctor. The sooner you cooperate, the sooner your punishment will be over.” My words seemed to get through to her. She sat down on the bed quickly, fumbling with the ties on her boots.

  “Trust me, buster boy, whoever you work for is going to hear about this when we get back home.” She laughed after issuing the words, although I could hear the strain in her voice.

  At least this time, she was unnerved. I could only hope that it would keep her from doing anything stupid like this again. If not, I’d be forced to keep her tied up. While the kinky idea wasn’t one without merit, I wasn’t prepared to be her caretaker.

  Merely her savior.

  A cold chill shifted down my spine as I tugged on the leather, jerking the belt through the loops with force, allowing the end to crack against the floor.

  “That’s fine, Doctor, and you have yourself a deal. If we’re lucky enough to get you home alive, we’ll be happy to take whatever punishment our superiors feel necessary to dole out.” I could hear the consternation in Diego’s voice, as if he was determined to get us out of here.

  I also heard the uncertainty.

  He was well trained. He knew the odds, and could smell a betrayal even better than I could. I hated the thought but keeping it in the back of my mind might help keep us alive.

  Lindsey yanked off her boots then gave me a harsh glare. “You will get me back home.” Her hesitation was telling. She was terrified. “Won’t you?”

  After taking a deep breath, I nodded only once. There was no sense in sugar coating what else we’d have to go through. There were far too many instances where our attempt at departure could prove deadly.

  She gave me a nod in return before reaching for her shirt, slowly pulling it over her head. When her breasts were exposed, she bit her lower lip, likely to keep from making any sounds. The woman wanted to be so damn strong, as if showing her vulnerability should be considered a weakness.


  I was so drawn to her rosy nipples, my thoughts about how well her breasts would fit into my hands that my balls became tight as drums. How long had it been since I’d had this kind of reaction to a woman?

  Four years and seven months.

  The thought pulsed into my mind like a sledgehammer, nearly closing off my throat.

  She shifted away from us as she unfastened her shorts, her body shaking as she obeyed the command.

  Even Diego was having a difficult time, his chest rising and falling from his heavy breathing. I closed my eyes until I heard the sound of the material hitting the floor. Then I swallowed several times, my eyes drawn from her small waist and rounded hips to her long legs. They were the kind of legs that every man wanted wrapped around their waist as they fucked her like a wild stallion.

  The savagery of the images floating in my mind could be considered sick. I was a bad man after all.

  Her actions tentative, she crawled onto the bed, positioning her stomach over the pillows. Every move she made was riddled with nervousness, her lithe body quivering. Why the fuck did I feel like some kind of monster for doing this? The woman needed a hard lesson, one she’d have a difficult time forgetting and this was the perfect way.

  “Arms over your head and you need to stay in position,” Diego stated, his tone dropping several levels.

  “Growl,” she said in a snarky manner, although she obeyed, folding her hands together.

  “And you’re going to learn some respect,” I added as I approached, taking a deep whiff. Damn, the woman was as excited as she’d been before, the fragrance of her pussy juice sweeping through the entire length of my body. All I wanted to do was bury my face into her wetness, licking every drop of cream.

  She slowly turned her head in my direction, a smirk on her face. “Respect is earned. Neither one of you have gotten to that level yet.”

  I could tell Diego had a difficult time biting back a laugh.

  I fingered the leather, taking several deep breaths as I inched closer. The moment I rolled my knuckles down her spine, she gave a slight whimper. The electricity between us was off the charts, every cell on fire. I wanted to fuck her more than I had before.

  Very quickly I cracked a single strike across her backside, catching her off guard, her eyes opening wide as a moan erupted from her throat.

  I moved forward, running my fingers down one leg then up the other before tapping her bottom on both sides. “As I said, you will give us the respect we deserve.” The second I smacked her ass cheeks harshly, she flinched then buried her face into the pillow.

  Diego’s breathing remained heavy as he stared at me, finding it difficult to wait his turn. I shifted into position, bringing the belt down twice, my aim exactly where I wanted it.

  Lindsey kicked her legs, finally curling them in an effort to prevent any additional smacks.

  “None of that or we start over.” I pushed both down, gently caressing her bottom before delivering four strikes in a row.

  She moaned into the pillow, wiggling from side to side.

  My heart continued pounding like a jackhammer, all the filthy images I’d had circling in my mind. There was something powerful about giving a woman a spanking. While the thought might make me sound like some barbaric asshole, I’d craved owning a submissive for one hell of a long time. I smacked her two additional times before brushing the tips of my fingers down her legs, my mouth watering at the sight of her pretty pink pussy. Her skin was already turning a warm blush, a color I adored on a woman.

  “When you don’t obey, you will get spanked by one or both of us. I hope that’s clear,” I said in a husky voice before handing over the belt to Diego.

  “Yes. Okay? I’m sorry I tried to run. I won’t do it again,” she huffed.

  Diego gave her one solid crack, catching her upper thighs.

  “Ouch!” she yelped.

  “Yes?” he repeated as he pulled hair from her face and peered down at her.

  I didn’t need to see her face to know she was incensed. The little minx refused to stop being rebellious. Why the fuck did that excite me so much? I leaned against the dresser, watching the two of them interacting. Nope. I didn’t like it one damn bit, but I was stuck with the man.

  For now.

  I’d make certain we never worked together again, just on principle if nothing else. As if I was any better than he was.

  “Fine. Yes. Sir,” she said between clenched teeth.

  “She can learn. We might be making progress after all.” Diego grinned as he looked in my direction, narrowing his eyes after noticing whatever harsh expression I was wearing.

  When he gave her several more, one coming after another, I was forced to realize that my body jumped every time the strap made contact with her skin. Even my pulse had clicked into high velocity, my mouth dry as a freaking desert.

  Hell. That didn’t bode well. I would need to shut down once again around her, even consider her akin to the enemy. The ugly reason?

  Diego wasn’t the only one who found himself caring about her. With every conversation, every touch I had with her, she was breaking down the walls I’d carefully placed around me. Fuck it. I refused to care about anyone for any reason.

  No matter how beautiful the temptress.

  Chapter 5



  That’s the only way I could think about both men. Yes, I’d attempted to run away, figuring it was likely my last chance. Yes, I’d defie
d their orders. Yes, I hadn’t even thought about taking a weapon with me, not that I could have gotten ahold of one. However, I had paid attention when the odd little man had brought us here. I was good with directions, something few men ever gave a woman credit for. I’d found what I thought was the location of where someone might be able to help me.

  But I’d overestimated my abilities.

  Now I was being spanked like a bad little girl.


  For a second time.

  And worse, I was just as excited as I’d been before. The way both men drank me in with their eyes was thrilling, although I’d never felt so vulnerable in my life. However, through the haze of lust and uncertainty, I knew both men would protect me with their lives.

  Without a doubt, I was crazy as a loon. There was no reason to believe that, except if they’d wanted to sell me off to another monster, I would guess they’d have done that by now. Were we safe? I knew better than to think we could be while still in the country, or even on the continent.

  I buried my face into the pillow, refusing to show any emotion, even though the pain of the spanking had shifted down my legs, curling my toes. Both men knew exactly what they were doing, making certain I wouldn’t be able to sit for a full day, maybe longer. As far as giving them respect? They didn’t know me very well.

  I’d been the ballbuster all throughout school, getting myself into trouble more than any other girl. I know my parents had been called more than once in the middle of the night for the various pranks I’d played.

  “I didn’t hear you,” Diego said as he rubbed his fingers across my bruised and aching skin.

  I bit back all the nasty things I wanted to say. There were two of them and one of me. “I said… Yes. Sir.”

  “Hmmm… I can tell we will need continual attitude adjustment,” he half whispered, lust dripping from every word.

  The two men were a yin and yang and not just because one was blond and the other deliciously dark all over. While I knew both had been through an arduous past, Jack was the one remaining directly on the edge. He was a volcano, the kind that once erupted could never stop.

  “Five more,” Diego stated, sliding his fingers down one thigh and up the other, tickling my swollen pussy with a single finger.

  Unable to bite back the moan that had been lingering in my throat for several minutes, the tone when I did was nothing short of sensual. I tried to control my breathing as he toyed with me, his touches light, fingertips barely brushing across my pussy lips.

  I closed my eyes, trying desperately to keep from spreading my legs as if ready to accept they owned me. This was a terrible experience, two men who believed they could punish me. Two men who believed they could dominate me.

  Two men who’d enticed the woman hiding deep inside.

  The desire burned to the point I was flushed, aching all over.

  To be used.

  To be fucked.

  To be… owned.

  Panting, I gripped the bedding, fisting my hands in an effort to remain in position. When Diego pulled his hand away, I almost cried out. How could his touch arouse me as much as it had? I was almost thankful as he cracked the belt again, holding his stance for several seconds before striking me a second time.

  The pain was blinding, even as my pussy clenched and released, driving me close to an orgasm. Nothing could have prepared me for the dichotomy of both emotions as well as the electric current jolting into every muscle. I was alive, a dancing wire full of apprehension as well as excitement. The rush kept me breathless.

  When he’d delivered the last strike, only then did I take a deep breath, still clinging to the bed as I tried to control my heart rate.

  “I think maybe she’s learned her lesson for tonight,” Diego half whispered.

  I heard him toss the belt and cringed. Jack was the wild card, the one who seemed to be in authority, although they remained at odds. That much was easy to tell.

  “I guess we shall see,” Jack retorted, laughing under his breath. “She fooled us before.”

  As I shifted, a single moan slipped past my lips and when I turned my head, the way Jack was looking at me was even more intense than before. He didn’t just want to fuck me. He wanted to devour every inch of me. His cock was at full attention, stretching hard against his pants. The look alone was provocative, forcing a tightening of my throat.

  I was thirsty, but the kind that couldn’t be satisfied by cool water or even the finest liquor. I wanted to see all of him, every inch of both of them. I wanted to touch their sculpted bodies, to have the heat of their skin sear the ends of my fingers. No. I couldn’t think this way. I just had to stay focused. This was all about getting out of here alive.

  But what if…

  I didn’t even like Jack in the least. He was cold and calculated, brutal on every level while Diego was hard yet sensual in his mannerisms.

  “Maybe we should lock her into her room for the night,” Jack stated, his chest rising and falling. A part of him was serious.

  “Don’t you dare,” I snapped.

  “I don’t like that idea either,” Diego whispered. “The truth is I’m not certain we can allow her out of our sight. She is very devious.”

  “You have a good point. Maybe then we leave her undressed, take away her clothes. She won’t be able to go anywhere then.” Jack’s tone was even more defiant, his eyes glazing over.

  “No,” I spouted, jerking up onto my knees. “Don’t you dare do that. When I give my word, I mean it. I’m not going to be stupid enough to try and leave. Besides, I know one or both of you would find me, dragging me back here then God knows what.” The last words I snapped were biting, directed entirely at Jack. “You got exactly what you wanted, Jack. You punished me. Isn’t that enough?”

  Jack shifted from foot to foot as he stared at me, amusement riding his expression. “Enough? I’m still not sure we can trust you, Doctor. One wrong move and the whole thing goes to shit.” He tapped his lips as if debating, only infuriating me even more.

  “I think we can trust her,” Diego muttered as he sat down on the bed. While he wasn’t looking in my direction, I could almost read his mind, the debate he was having. “Besides, what’s the point in frightening her? She’s highly intelligent and knows what’s at stake.”

  Just being so close to him was both terrifying and evocative, keeping my breath skipping and my pulse racing.

  “Because she needs to understand the truth,” Jack retorted. There was the same edge in his voice as before, only the verve was entirely different.

  This couldn’t happen. No matter the level of attraction for both of them, breaking down additional barriers wasn’t going to do anything but create problems. I managed to move off the bed, yanking my clothes from the floor and holding them in front of me. “Just go. I’m not running anywhere. Take my boots if you’re so terrified that I’ll try and leave. But you will not do that again. I’m not a child.” I hadn’t realized I’d walked closer to him until I managed to gather a whiff of beer on his breath.

  “Then don’t act like one,” Jack retorted.

  “You are such an arrogant bastard. I don’t get it with you, but you’re not going to take out whatever shitty past you had on me.” I glared at him as Diego eased onto his feet.

  “This isn’t getting us anywhere,” Diego huffed.

  “Nope. Just get out of my room.” I pushed Jack’s chest in an effort to get him to leave. In the next few seconds as he tipped his head to stare at me, the shudder rushing down the length of my body stole my breath. He was so damn powerful, rugged and tempting, his prowess edged in every inch of his body.

  “I don’t think you want that, Doctor. In fact, I think you want something else,” Jack whispered, daring to inch even closer. “I think you’ve desired a firm hand your entire life. Isn’t that true?”

  “Hell, no,” I retorted, although my voice was quaking.

  “In fact, I think this is exactly what your fantasies have been made of all
those nights you spent alone. Two men taking full control over you. Whipping you. Training you. Fucking you.” Jack chuckled after issuing the words.

  Every inch of my skin was on fire, the white-hot heat searing every muscle to the point I was melting. Jack pressed his lips against my cheek, dragging his tongue to my earlobe.

  “And I think you want us to fuck you right now,” he added.

  It was like before, the kiss the most sensual yet irritating thing he could have done. “Not a chance, buster.”

  Why did I feel Diego’s heated breath behind me, skating across my neck and shoulders? I could no longer feel my legs, my heartbeat echoing in my ears.

  Jack’s upper lip curled as he yanked the clothes out of my hand, tossing them before fisting my hair and yanking me forward. “Listen up, our mischievous doctor. You’re going to do everything we say no matter what we command. No matter what is required of you. I assure you that we have no issue disciplining you when necessary, but we will also give you extreme pleasure. But only if you’re very good.”

  His lips were dangerously close to mine. I took shallow breaths, biting back a whimper as Diego brushed a single finger down my spine. Oh, my God. I could no longer breathe or think at all, my mind one hazy fog. “No, I…”

  “Uh-huh,” Jack whispered and rubbed his lips across mine. “That’s not an option. Period.”

  He darted out his tongue, tracing my lips before sliding the tip across the seam of my mouth. Diego continued his exploration, now crawling several fingers down my back, gently caressing my bottom. He leaned over, pressing his lips against the base of my neck then dragging his tongue up to my ear. When he whispered, it was hoarse, the sultry accent creating a wave of goosebumps.

  “Jack is right, beautiful lady. For now, you belong to us. To enjoy. To discipline. To taste. To fuck. In. Every. Hole.” His voice had dropped to a dangerously seductive level, only adding fuel to the licking flames.

  I pressed my hands against Jack’s chest, certain I was going to topple to the floor. When he cupped the side of my face, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my skin, I couldn’t stop the moan from slipping up from my throat. My entire world had crumbled and all I could think about was his rough touch, his authoritative tone.


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