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Bad Men

Page 15

by Stone, Piper

  I kissed her on the cheek then walked away, refusing to give in to the temptation like I had before, yet I wanted her. I wanted to strip her of her clothes and display her beautiful body for the world to see. I hungered to chain her to a bed for hours, days until I’d have enough of my fill of her, even though I’d start all over again. I longed to dominate every inch of her, requiring her complete surrender. I was drunk on her essence, the sweet scent that couldn’t be masked by dirt or grime. My entire body tingled from the thought alone, my balls tightening.

  As I moved into the main room, I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my back, could hear her breath skipping.

  I was a very bad man and she was an angel who deserved someone better.

  When I grabbed one of the glasses off the table, I noticed the box of hair color was missing. Maybe she’d come to realize that disobeying us wasn’t in her best interest. Or maybe she was just exhausted from the constant bickering.

  I checked the door once again before flipping off the light and moving toward the set of thick drapes covering a set of French-style doors. I pulled a chair close, allowing me to see the comings and goings of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

  While I wanted to say we would be safe for now, I knew it was only a matter of time before the nightmare started all over again. There would be no safety net until we were out of the country. Even then, I had a sick feeling that someone was out to get her or using her as a bargaining chip for a dangerous and potentially lucrative situation.

  I sat in the chair, staring out at the lights from the street, the intensity of the events causing a hard ache in my joints. As I sipped on the cheap tequila, my mind wandered to the past, a place I’d promised myself I’d never go again. Maybe this particular assignment was all about karma finishing me off or forcing me to face my demons. I’d long suspected that Dante had known about Teresa, which meant the Specialists kept track on the whereabouts of their operatives, even when they were on hiatus. That pissed me off.

  I eased the Glock onto my lap, swirling the liquid in the glass as I thought about the time spent in the French Riviera. I’d selected the spot simply because I’d once seen a brochure. After working on a difficult case, one taking several months instead of weeks to conclude, I’d shut down for six weeks, indulging in a little R & R. And I’d met a beautiful woman. Not just beautiful. Teresa had been the kind of woman that would upend any man. Just the way she sashayed into a room lit up the entire place.

  I’d been the one to shut her down at first, but our connection had been inevitable. She’d been determined to find out why I wanted nothing to do with her. The electricity was instantaneous, exactly like what had occurred with Lindsey. I chuckled and rubbed my eyes as images flowed into my mind.

  Including the last time that I’d seen Teresa all those years ago.

  “What do you mean you have to go?” Teresa asked as she stormed in my direction.

  “I have a job.” My answer was curt, but not because she’d asked. I was furious with Dante for calling me in, demanding that I end my vacation abruptly. All because a Saudi prince had lost a precious necklace meant for his wife. However, I couldn’t tell her that. We weren’t allowed to tell civilians anything about our work, especially about our clients.

  “But I don’t want you to go,” she insisted, her eyes shimmering from tears that had formed. “I’m falling in love with you, Jack. I thought you wanted to be with me.”

  As I took her into my arms, pressing her head against my chest, I loathed what I did, the long months spent undercover. I was tired and angry, prepared to find something else to do. As if I could be hired by anyone. I’d simply disappeared, my former existence crushed out of all databanks. That helped with our anonymity yet meant we could never go back to our former lives. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “How long will that be?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  Teresa pulled back, darting her eyes back and forth. “A week, two?”

  “Several months.”

  “Wait. Months?” Hissing, she jerked out of my arms altogether, taking long strides toward the open door, staring out at the ocean. “That’s not fair, Jack. That’s just not fair.”

  “I understand, but this is what I have to do.”

  “Don’t go. Just stay with me. We can have a good life.”

  “They’re counting on me,” I said quietly. There was no right thing to say. “It’s my job.”

  “So you’ve said.” She turned away from me, shaking her head. “If you walk out that door now, don’t come back.”

  “Teresa. Try and understand.”

  “No. You won’t tell me who you are or what you really do. You don’t trust me enough. While I enjoyed what we shared, I never want to see you again.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  She turned her head, her eyes cold and black. “Yes, I do. In fact, I hate you.”

  I gulped the rest of the tequila, prepared to get another shot. Anger boiled within me, bitter and vile. I’d allowed my guard to fall. I’d cared for someone when we were warned never to get involved. I’d broken my own rules, not those of the Specialists. She hadn’t been a client, but she’d stolen my heart, allowing me to get careless.

  Leaning forward, I moved the glass from hand to hand, trying desperately to shove the memory aside. I couldn’t handle the rest of the last words I’d ever heard her speak.

  Sighing, I realized I’d been sitting in the same place for an hour. I’d heard nothing from the other rooms, the quiet far too jarring. Placing the glass on the window ledge, I kept the gun in my hand as I moved down the darkened hallway, able to see light from under the bathroom door. I pressed my hand against it, listening for any sounds, my nerves on edge.

  There was something wrong.

  Hissing, I opened the door, my heart racing. If something had happened to Lindsey, I would never forgive myself. The sight of her naked body in the tub of water, her long red hair splayed out along the back instantly paralyzed me. In my mind, I could see strings of blood flowing in the water, her lifeless body floating.

  No. No.

  My throat clamping down, I blinked several times in an effort to breathe. When my vision cleared, I took gasping breaths, the sound jarring her.

  “Jack. What’s wrong?” Lindsey covered her breasts as she sat up, her eyes wide with concern. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, instantly turning away. “I thought I heard something. Are you all right?”

  “I’m taking too long.”

  “No!” I snapped, still trying to catch my breath. “As long as you’re fine. Enjoy.”

  As I walked out the door, I heard her calling my name again. While I wanted so desperately to gather her into my arms, to share a night of passion, I had the final reminder that I’d crossed a line that could never be crossed again.

  Because if I did, I knew in my heart she would be murdered.

  Chapter 11



  There was no longer any doubt that the burly Marine turned mercenary turned… I wasn’t even certain what to call him any longer, had experienced terrible things. I also knew Jack wasn’t the kind of man to share any of his traumas with anyone. He was far too closed off, untrusting.

  But I’d seen the look on his face after walking into the bathroom. It was as if he’d seen a ghost. I shuddered as I wrapped the thin towel around me, wanting to say something to calm his nerves or his anger. What the hell was I supposed to say? The truth was I hated him, although there was a fine line between lust and loathing.

  Love and hate.

  “Get a grip, Doctor. You’re never going to fall in love.” As if saying the words out loud would make certain they occurred. I’d thought of nothing but the caustic words he’d shared, the accusations about my father as well as Michael. A part of me wanted to trust them enough to share the conversation I’d had with the bastard before I left, but what would it matter? Michael had
nothing to do with this. That left my father.

  Had I suspected he hadn’t been the fastidious and highly respectable man he portrayed himself to be? Absolutely. I’d even known of at least two women he’d been involved with, although the relationships hadn’t been long-lasting. While that made me hate him, that didn’t make him an evil man.

  The only thing that bothered me was the questionable late night phone calls and his nervous actions the few times I’d visited them during the past few months before I’d left for Brazil. If only I’d paid more attention. My head ached at the thought.

  I rolled my eyes and shifted in front of the mirror, making faces at my reflection.

  Red hair.

  I couldn’t believe I’d resorted to the request, no, the demand. I was still the same person. Right? How were three people going to hide effectively from a man who obviously had soldiers everywhere? We stuck out like a sore thumb. Or maybe not. Trust. I had to try to learn that word.

  Biting my lip, I ran my fingers through my damp hair, shifting my gaze toward the box of hair coloring that had seen better days. I could only imagine that my hair would fall out in a couple of weeks. Laughing, I tossed the contents into the trash before reaching for the clothes Diego had purchased.

  As I held up the floral dress, I cringed. What the hell was he thinking? This was his attempt at blending in? At least he’d managed to find underwear, although I would spend time hand washing my other clothes. The shorts and tee shirt were much better suited to my conception of the environment.

  After sliding the dress over my head, I took another look into the mirror. The woman staring back at me wasn’t the same one I’d seen only hours before. She was more exotic, the vibrant copper color accentuating her porcelain skin and blue eyes. My nerves still prickling with fear, I grabbed the edge of the counter, digging my fingers into the chipped ceramic with enough force the tips were white.

  I hated to admit how terrified I was or how foggy my mind remained, but it was the truth. Jack was right. There had to be a reason that I’d been kidnapped. There were two other far more beautiful women in the camp. Why not take them? No, the Serpent had an odd aura of familiarity every time he dragged me into his presence. My honest guess was that the only reason he hadn’t touched me sexually was that he’d made some sort of promise.

  Or he’d made a deal.

  I was no fool. My father certainly did have enough money hidden away that I would make an excellent kidnap victim, but not for someone with more money than God. Was the Serpent a larger part of a game, perhaps one he wasn’t aware of?

  Maybe I was out of my mind.

  I realized I was stalling, even trying to garner enough courage to face Jack again. Exhaustion made me groggy, my head aching from the heat and lack of food. I gathered my clothes before slowly opening the door and peering out into the hallway. Everything was so dark, the eerie silence only interrupted by an occasional vehicle clearly heard behind the thin walls of the apartment building.

  Keeping my head lowered, I walked into the bedroom that I’d been assigned, finding the light switch after a few seconds. The ugly glow from the overhead fixture did little but highlight the stark surroundings. While the larger bed looked inviting, the single dresser and small lamp were the only other things inside the room. The one picture hanging on the wall was crooked, the poor attempt at creating an inviting landscape crude at best. When I turned on the ceiling fan, the creak of the mechanism did little to calm my nerves. At least the wafting of a slight breeze was welcome.

  I shoved the clothes onto the dresser, running my fingers across the well-worn wood. I’d never truly considered how other people lived in distant countries, my upbringing mired in expensive things and vacations with my parents to glorious locations. Pampered. That was the correct word for my life. The finest schools in faraway lands. A car waiting for me after graduating high school.

  The ache in my head increased, the humidity and heat adding to the wave of nausea that had settled into my stomach. I’d seen the rage in both men after the explosion, the anger they continued to have toward each other. While I couldn’t explain their dislike, I had a feeling if they didn’t come to terms with their male ego, one of them would end up dead before this was all over.

  My parched throat predicated the necessity for water, even though a huge part of me wanted to suck down the entire liquor bottle. Escaping the living nightmare was all I wanted to do. As I walked out into the hallway, I listened for any sounds of the two men before heading into the main room. The stream of moonlight coming in through the window did little to illuminate the room, but it was just enough to allow me to see my way into the kitchen.

  But not before grabbing the bottle of tequila. Maybe I would allow myself to indulge in a shot or two. I deserved it after the hellacious day. Water first.

  The single light over the stove was just enough to allow me to find a glass in the cabinet. Why my hand was shaking as I turned on the water faucet, I wasn’t certain, but as I filled the glass, my emotions got the better of me. I wasn’t prone to crying, weeping for any reason. My father had taught me the importance of keeping my chin up at all times, refusing to fall prey to what he called the ‘ridiculous emotional displays by idiots.’ I could only imagine what my father would say now.

  He’d likely chastise me for getting caught in the first place. Then why would he spend copious amounts of money in order to free me? Who in the hell told him that I was missing? Dr. Russell? That was the only explanation.

  Just like I couldn’t explain the reasons for my abduction, I also couldn’t understand the connection I had with Jack. The way he kept my nipples hard and my pussy quivering was unfathomable, especially since I truly loathed everything about him.

  His aggravating rough and tumble demeanor.

  His insistence that he was right about everything.

  His refusal to see any of my points of view.

  His incredible eyes as they bore through to my very soul.

  His spectacular muscles, the gorgeous ink covering his arms.

  His long, thick cock and the way he roared when he exploded deep inside.

  I almost dropped the glass, the imagery of his naked body fueling my every fantasy. Closing my eyes, I allowed the tingles surfacing to slide into between my legs, wishing his hand was there instead. As I struggled to take a sip, my mind went to all the ugly places it shouldn’t. What if we didn’t get out of here alive? What if I was recaptured, forced to remain with the horrible man? What if I never saw my two saviors again?

  No. No. I choked down several sips, a slight wail forced out of my mouth as I coughed. I would not surrender to despair. I would find a way to rebuild my strength.

  Tensing, I knew he was behind me. I could feel his hot breath as a husky growl escaped his luscious lips. I also realized that he was likely here to chastise me for some ridiculous level of disobedience or maybe I needed to go to bed immediately. I wanted to rake out his eyes, to tear my nails into his chest and rip out his heart.

  If he had one.

  A single tear slipped past my lashes, likely more out of frustration than anything else. He was so damn infuriating. “Did I do something wrong?” My voice seemed to echo in my ears, the dull thud of the ache becoming even more painful.

  “I was only checking on you,” he answered after a full fifteen seconds.

  Damn if the man wasn’t inching closer, as if I could take the swell of heat bursting from every muscle in his body. “I’m fine. Can’t you see? I’m just fine.” I was mortified at the sound of my throating closing off, the hard choking unmistakable.

  His breathing became ragged and while he remained quiet, I could feel his heart pounding just like mine. I could almost read his lurid thoughts.

  Just like mine.

  I could sense his arousal, the kind that burned every nerve ending.

  Just. Like. Mine.

  There was no sensitivity in the man, zero. Nada. I was ready to explode, for no other reason than my increasing
frustration at not being able to have time to myself, when he did something so unexpected, so absolutely out of character that I shivered to the core.

  Using both hands, Jack eased the hair from my face, pulling the long strands behind my shoulders then running his fingers from my scalp all the way down to the ends. The gentleness of his actions created a weakness in my knees, a wetness pooling between my legs.

  “Oh.” The slight moan slipped past my lips before I could stop it. I managed to put the glass on the counter, trying to control my breathing as he continued to stroke. Unfortunately, the tears refused to stop falling, trickling down both sides of my face in a complete betrayal of my resolve. I wasn’t this weak. I took pride in how I’d managed to keep it together from the second the men had entered my quarters.

  And I’d never given in to the Serpent’s tyranny, his glow and show of how horrible of a man he truly was. Then why did Jack’s simple but beautiful gesture affect me so much?

  As another moan permeated the air between us, he crowded my space. Both the extreme heat of his body as it sliced against mine and the hardness of his cock were almost overwhelming. Tingling, I tipped my head, taking gasping breaths. “Jack.” My whisper was hoarse, almost inaudible.

  But he heard it.

  A series of primal growls was his answer.

  After a simple tug of my fisted hair, he lowered his head, breathing across my ear. “You’re so damn beautiful, Lindsey. You make me crazy with desire.” He slipped his arms around me, placing his hands on mine as he nuzzled against my neck. I gathered a scent of tequila, for some crazy reason adding to the thirst to taste him burning deep within.

  I tried to blink away the tears, to shut down my emotions, but the subtle drag of his tongue through two of the salty beads only allowed several others to trickle down my face.

  “Everything will be all right. The monsters will never get to you.”

  Monsters. He had no understanding that he was one of them.


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