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Complete Control

Page 12

by L. V. Lane

  “I…I’m not sure.” My brain wasn’t functioning well enough for this question and the implications that went with it. But my pussy clenched at his interest. “Two months—I think.”

  “Good,” he said. “Gives me time to plan. I’m going to be the first Alpha to rut and knot you.”

  There was no room for misinterpretation in those words. He was stating an absolute fact.

  “Oh god.” I groaned and my pussy clenched so violently that I could feel every inch of his thick cock buried inside. And just imagining how it would feel if he knotted me sent me tumbling over again. I screamed and thrashed, convulsing and emotionally overwhelmed. His deep voice remained close to my ear, telling me how he was going to keep me well-fucked when I came into heat, how he was going to feed me his cock and fill me with his cum, over and over again until he had bred me.

  I liked the sound of that—all of it. I didn’t know if it was just talk or something more, but I wanted it to be more, and to be his in every way. To have him fuck me, knot me and mark me, and to carry his child.

  Lost in this fantasy, it was a shock when he slid his cock from my raw pussy. I screamed when he dragged my hips back, parted my bottom cheeks and drove it into the little rosebud behind. The burn was horrendous. His fingers sunk deep into the flesh of my hips, holding me immobile. “So fucking tight,” he growled. “Relax for me, Healer. I need to get my cock in nice and deep.” I begged, but he sawed it in and out of that tight entrance without mercy. I was so slick that each iteration easily drove deeper until his body pressed flush to mine and I was sure I’d been ripped in two. “You asked for this, Anna. Asked me to fill you up.”

  I felt his big body lowering onto mine again, chest and abdomen spreading warmth over me. I was shaking uncontrollably beneath him. His thighs parted, forcing mine open and tilting my ass up as he settled his elbows either side of my shoulders. I was surrounded, splayed open, and stuffed full of his cock.

  “It burns so badly.” His weight pressed deeper, bringing a twisted comfort amid the torment.

  “I know, Anna.” Hudson petted my hair, thick fingers soothing over the tangled mess and over shoulders that shook. “It’s a punishment. It’s supposed to,” he said softly.

  I felt his abdominal muscles rippling against my bottom as his cock twitched inside me and I hissed my displeasure. “God, please just get this over with.”

  I could feel the smile on his lips where they pressed against the side of my throat. “Don’t try to fucking control me, kitten. It’s never going to end well for you.” Strong fingers continued to soothe as if that might ease the fiery hell. Or maybe he did not care if they soothed or not. Maybe it was further punishment. “You are an Omega, and you will be controlled…I’m going to pull out now, and it’s going to feel so fucking good.”

  He leaned up, drawing a fresh hiss as it drove the monstrous rod deeper. Then pulled back slowly, and the pleasure was sublime. I moaned. “That’s it…let me hear you.”

  He began to fuck me slowly. And I cried with abandon, hissing, begging and screaming.

  “There we go.” His voice was thick and guttural. “I think my little Healer is enjoying this. I should have fucking gagged you, I’m not going to fucking last.”

  I was lost in the sensations. My throat raw from my mewling cries of encouragement. He began to fuck harder, deeper, and faster, our flesh slapping together with every thrust. When he reached for my overstimulated clit, my body tumbled over, submitting to the white-hot rapture that consumed me. I jerked. My whole body spasmed uncontrollably as I came.

  It took me a long while to escape the endorphin high. My body and mind floated as he drew me in close and held me, a soft rumble emanating from his chest. I was at peace, despite the awful mattress, the blood, the aches, and soreness suffusing my body. A peace that I did not want to end.

  After, I clung to him like a child, silent tears flowing without end until he employed creative means to make me forget. Sometimes he coerced, sometimes he cajoled, but more often he demanded, and my body was a willing slave. He never once let me go. Cock, mouth, hands, some part of him was always in or on me.

  Time lost relevance.

  And I came so many times.

  At some point sleep took me, and when I awoke, he was helping my bruised body into the ruination of my armor. The front gaped, only half the clips remained, but he tapped my hand when I tried to hold it closed. “Leave it,” he said. “The law is not passed yet, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but no one made a comment when he took me from that terrible basement looking exactly like a disobedient Healer who had been well fucked. A few eyes lingered in satisfied appreciation that I had been thoroughly controlled.

  And this was control, complete control.

  I wanted to weep for the loss of my self, but he pulled me close and growled in my ear a threat to take me back and fuck me again if I needed a reminder.

  The operation was over, and I was too numb to question what would happen next.

  I knew only one thing with certainty. Whatever he had begun in that medical tent two years ago, when my dynamic revealed, had found its conclusion in that dank basement room. Two years ago, he had changed me and also broken me a little. Today he had changed me once again, conditioned me, but he had also clicked all the pieces back together.

  I was whole again; when I was with him, I was whole.



  THE OPERATION TENT was sparsely furnished, a few seats, a desk, a field grid-link in the corner, and an interactive table between us currently displaying a three-dimensional map of the city.

  The Uncorrupted were gone. Their ship had left as soon as the engineers restored the city’s autonomous defense systems. The city was a mess and bots had been deployed to begin the cleanup work. It would take time, months, maybe more to return the city to order. For the people here, who had suffered and survived, it would take much longer. For some, it would never be the same again.

  “Good work, Hudson,” the general said, his sharp eyes settling on me. “Governor Brach is extremely grateful.”

  “The doctor?” A smile ghosted my lips.

  The general’s eyes narrowed, and then he let out a puff of breath. “Is being dealt with, and that is the extent of her father’s authority in light of these most recent events. We can’t afford to lose her—again—or the advantage she represents.”

  “No, sir,” I replied. There were a few different types of Donor Omega, and although I didn’t know the specifics of her Singularity, they were all subject to rigorous testing. I presumed the doctor's blood carried a chemical cocktail they wanted to perpetuate at the genetic level.

  Lucky her! Probably spent half her life with a needle in her arm. And then they’d allocated Ryker as her Controller…and Ethan. Fuck knows how that was going to work out. Ethan Black had a reputation for ruthless methods of control. Ryker was more of a charmer. No, more a facade of charm. It didn’t pay to peek too far under the surface with Ryker, and he could be just as ruthless as Ethan when it suited him.

  I gave the general a speculative look and wondered how impartial he’d been in that selection.

  “It wasn’t my decision,” General Sherwin said, his pale eyes boring into me like he’d just read my mind. “The boy needs therapy.”

  That startled a chuckle out of me; I couldn’t imagine anyone but the general referring to Ryker as a boy.

  His moon face softened for a moment, and then he sighed, and it was over. “You’re being deployed again, today. They’ve got our people. We have a small window of opportunity to get them back. Jump signature indicates they’re heading for Orla. They’ll process them there, and then they’ll be separated, and we’ll have no chance of getting them back.”

  “You’re authorizing an op to Orla?” I was surprised by this news. We’d been looking for an opening to take that spaceport out, but it was protected by the kind of weaponry that made such a mis
sion impossible.

  “We have acquired a trade ship. Your team will be going in, including Logan and the Singular. Black will be leading the mission.”

  “I thought he blew his cover?”

  “He did,” the general said. “But he believes he has eliminated those who were aware. It’s still a risk, a calculated risk. This city has a high Delta and Gamma dynamic presence since the research center has been based here. You know what will happen to dynamics of any kind in the hands of the Uncorrupted.”

  I nodded, feeling cold settle in the pit of my stomach. “When do we leave?”

  “The shuttle is preparing now to transport you to the trading vessel. You’ll leave within the hour.”

  “What about…Anna?” I’d nearly said kitten, seriously I should get myself checked out.

  “Bonding is discouraged,” the general said, pinning me with a flinty stare.

  “I’m not asking for that.”

  A tic thumped in the general’s jaw. “What are you asking for, then?”

  I didn’t really know, and I wasn’t a man who spent a great deal of time second-guessing himself. “I understand, and I’m not asking for that. If you give her to someone else—” What the fuck was I doing here? What exactly would I do if they did allocate her to someone else? “Don’t give her to someone else. You won’t like the repercussions.” My palms felt sweaty. I was treading a dangerous path.

  “Logan has set a bad precedent,” the general said, assessing me. “But it does appear to have some benefits. I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, you have a job to do.”



  Two weeks later…

  THE SPACEPORT AT Primus9 was ever a circus. The vast circular framework couldn’t hold as many ships as Kix4, but it was reputed to turn over deployments at twice the rate.

  Today the circus was humming with efficiency, and I sped through the necessary approvals and cheeks with barely a moment in between.

  I would have liked a queue or two…a delay, anything to stay off the moment of deployment.

  It seemed the universe conspired against me, and like a sleepwalker trapped in a nightmare, all too soon I arrived at the recruiter’s office to learn of my fate.

  “Do you have any questions for me, Anna?” the recruiting officer asked, her bright eyes were attentive as she looked up from her information tablet to where I stood on the other side of her desk. She was a blonde woman with the kind of voluptuous figure I had envied once—I still did if I was honest.

  Her uniform was immaculately pressed, and her office neat and tidy. There had been no queue outside her room. I got the impression she would not tolerate such failure. Her fake-window depicted a glistening lake surrounded by a dense fir forest that rose in tiers toward a snow-capped mountain.

  I would have loved to disappear into that scene.

  Or even the kind of job where I could admire that view from a fake-window.

  “No, ma’am,” I said, and wanted to kick myself. Sometimes I hated being an Omega, hated my subservient nature, my natural desire to show deference, even to a woman like the recruiter, who was a nobody and barely had any presence or authority beyond my own.

  “Your protection has been allocated.” Frowning, she inspected my tiny body in a way that said she found it to be lacking. “He was very insistent. Went to the general with the request.” She smiled coolly. “He’s an Alpha and a team leader. Seems a shame to waste all that on a Healer.” Her gaze lowered to the information tablet. “We offered him several alternatives. But, like I said, he was very insistent.”


  The law changes to Omega control had been debated for a week, and I’d been returned to the Omega community at the end of that fateful operation.

  “Prefers blondes,” the recruiter added, her smile gaining warmth. “Along with a few other details I think are better left undisclosed.” She shifted in her seat, and her fingers subconsciously stroked her throat. “I can’t imagine why he requested you.”

  I swallowed. My heart was thumping furiously. I felt sick and clammy and could not decide if it was hope or fear.

  I was sure it was a little of both

  “But the allocation has been made,” she said, tone sharp. “And this will be permanent unless he has any problems controlling you.” Cold eyes assessed me critically. “I can’t see him having a problem. His operation manager has sent notification that he’s on the way over.”

  My eyes searched the tiny office as if there was somewhere I could run and hide. I wasn’t ready for this; I wasn’t ready for him.


  “The situation is still desperate on Sidious,” the recruiter continued, oblivious to my distressed state. “We’re sending every available Healer there. It might be an extended operation given the levels of violence.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said again and this time I cringed.

  The recruiter laughed, it was a cruel sort of laugh and I wished I had the disposition to go over there and slap her. “You’re small, even for an Omega. If he wasn’t so insistent, I’m sure they’d have paired you with someone less…dominant,” She shrugged. “Your healing skills must be exemplary.”

  Now, I really wanted to slap her.

  The light on her desk turned green. “Ah, here he is.” She smiled brightly.

  The door behind me opened, and I felt his presence without even looking. And blood, there was so much blood—how did he manage to always be covered in blood?

  It wasn’t his blood though. A wave of raw vitality hit me, confirming he was unharmed and so strong I thought he was not alone. I glanced over my shoulder and then snapped back to the front.

  No, there was just one of him. One huge him—who was covered in copious amounts of blood.

  I felt myself shrinking. The recruiter was right, I was small even for an Omega, and I also lacked experience. Well, not so much anymore. I’d received more experience than I’d wished for during the last operation.

  A part of me thought I still wasn’t ready for this or for him, but another part recognized that I had been too thoroughly conditioned by him and now no one else would do.

  I was a Healer, and I loved my calling. Loved that I could help people to heal, could soothe them and ease their suffering. I remembered the pride I felt when they told me the virus had hosted and that I had identified as a Healer.

  Other parts of being an Omega I did not love so well. Things I only discovered later and that the ordinary citizens of our failing empire did not know about. The secret side confused me and made me deeply uncomfortable.

  At times it even frightened me.

  It frightened me a lot more since I’d met Hudson.

  I shivered and recognized that this kind of fear fed his kind of complete control.

  “Still a kitten,” Hudson said.

  My shoulders stiffened.

  “A kitten with claws,” he said softly, but his next words dripped with threat. “Don’t think about giving me any trouble, Healer. We both know how that will end.”

  I bit my lip to hide my smile, there might have been a little private gloating going on. The obnoxious recruiter was gaping at the show.

  My new Controller stepped up, and I shivered in anticipation as he closed his fingers around the back of my neck.

  He gave a gentle warning squeeze. “I will have complete control, Healer.” He didn’t even acknowledge the recruiter, just pulled me about using that firm hand and directed me out the room.

  His lips lowered close to my ear, and he whispered. “I thought I warned you about wearing these fucking clothes?”

  “I—” What else was I supposed to wear? I fought down a smile and dragged up two years’ worth of suppressed sass. “I’m an Omega. This is what Omegas wear.”

  “Was that attitude I heard, kitten?”

  “Yes, sir.” I gave up fighting my smile.

  His low chuckle made my tummy dip. “Healers, always so fucking needy. Don’t worry, I know h
ow to make little kittens behave.”



  “KITTEN, GET OVER here!”

  She was wearing her scanty Healer dress, the one that drove me nuts. After the shit-storm at Orla, we’d been deployed together for the next operation. I guessed the general took me at my word when I told him he wouldn’t like the repercussions of giving her control over to someone else.

  After, I’d been away for two weeks, and she been working at the base here. Sometimes it wasn’t going to be possible for us to be together, after the operation I’d just been through I was glad she’d been busy elsewhere.

  I’d warned her not to wear that dress in public without me, but this was exactly how she’d met me at the shuttle docks. I’d hauled her over my shoulder and got her ass back to our allocated quarters to a chorus of catcalls. I gave the fuckers the one-fingered salute—the bastards just laughed harder.

  I wasted no time getting naked and sprawled out on the bed of our tiny quarters, hands behind my head. She was pacing about, wringing her hands and fretting.

  It was all I could do not to roll my eyes. You’d think I’d asked her to commit murder not sit on my face. “Get your ass up here, or you’ll be getting ten hard smacks on that naughty ass, and then you’ll still be doing this!”

  Face flaming, she flew onto the bed beside my feet and then crawled over me, trying to go as slowly as she could like there was a chance I might change my mind. Her long golden-brown hair made a flowing curtain, as her cat-green eyes implored. So beautiful and all mine—so long as I kept her well-controlled.

  “Please, I’ll do anything else. Anything. Just not this, please, I can’t.”

  I thought she might not be bluffing, and my dick was all in on testing her offer of anything. One thing I’d learned about control is that you never back down on something once you say it. Especially not with Anna—any weakness was a sure road to hell. And besides, I’d been thinking about this for a while. “Ah, Anna, you know there are a few things we haven’t tried yet. I’m definitely up for exploring them later now that you’ve put them in my mind. But I’m going to do that anyway, and you’re still going to bring my pussy up here and sit on my face.”


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