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Conclave (The Silver Ships Book 20)

Page 44

by S. H. Jucha



  Gramab doma Farla-Hesta – Female monarch


  Bortoth of the Logar – Dome engineer

  Daktora of the Logar – Dome engineer

  Dischnya – Omnian race

  Hessan – Squad leader with Homsaff

  Homsaff – Queen, Resistance Commander

  Neffess – Heiress, pup mate of Nata

  Nyslara – Queen, conclave envoy, matriarch to Neffess

  Pussiro – Wasat, mate of Nyslara, patriarch to Neffess

  Simlan – Squad leader with Homsaff

  Dontots – Emerging alliance race uplifted from tree dwellers

  Earthers – Sol citizens

  Bariya Pethoral – Representative from Mars Underground, District Three

  Charles McKenzie – Representative from Earth’s District One Hundred Thirty-Five

  Derek – Console operator at Triton

  Eric Drummond – Representative from Jupiter’s Ganymede Domes One and Two

  Esther Holmes – Carrier captain for the mining crews

  Layla – Console operator at Triton, love interest of Lenson

  Lem Ulam – Captain of the colony ship New Terra

  Lenson – Console operator at Triton, promoted to supervisor

  Nikki Fowler – President

  Patrice Morris – Sol Enclave envoy

  Petula – Drone/vid captured at Monterey Bay

  Portia – Nikki Fowler’s executive assistant

  Elvians – Interlopers in the Ollassa system

  Harakens – Human colony

  Asu Azasdau – Captain of the Sojourn, mission co-commander

  Christie Racine – Sister of Alex Racine

  Elizabeth – SADE, advisor to the Assembly

  Ginny – Swei Swee hive singer, Sojourn science crew co-commander

  Mutter – Original Swei Swee hive singer, SADE

  Sheila Reynard – Haraken defense minister

  Teague Racine – Alex and Renée’s son, Sojourn science crew co-commander

  Terese Lechaux – Red-haired close friend of Alex and Renée, conclave rep

  Tomas Monti – Partner of Terese Lechaux

  Willem – SADE, mission co-leader

  Hyronzy (her-on-zee) – Burly alien race hosting the Tsargit

  Hardomia – Conclave envoy

  Jatouche – Pyreans’ closest allies

  Jastitock – Emissary, mate of Tockitak

  Jorjatok – Jatouche rep to the Tsargit, Krokticka’s patriarch, elevated to the council

  Krokticka – Senior staffer to Alain de Long

  Tacnock – Commander of Resistance forces, and Jess Cinder’s close friend

  Tanistok – Second offspring of Tockitak and Jastitock

  Tockitak – Female ruler, mate of Jastitock

  Lemgarts – Checkered past with the alliance

  Fystal jer Hathwa – Transport company owner

  Myseth mya Jaknas – Lemgart tailor

  Loopah – Simian race, inventors of the gas-projectile launcher of the same name

  Barbess – Relief console operator

  Eggess – Long dead senior scientist

  Homgoss – Primary councilor of the High Council

  Nogess – Console operator

  Semgess – Long dead security team leader

  Méridiens – Humans of the Confederation

  Bartosz Rolek – Leader, close associate of Gino Diamanté, conclave rep

  Daphne Lemoyne – Daughter of Darse Lemoyne

  Darse Lemoyne – Leader, antagonists of Gino Diamanté

  Dieter Gerhardt – House Leader, freighters, conclave rep

  Emilio Torres – Leader, close associate of Gino Diamanté, conclave rep

  Gerder – Personal escort of Daphne Lemoyne

  Gino Diamanté – Council Leader, infrastructure and environmental services, partner of Katrina Pasko, conclave rep

  Katrina Pasko – House Leader, implants manufacturer, partner of Gino Diamanté

  Lawrence Teressi – Leader, antagonists of Gino Diamanté, conclave rep

  Mahima Ganesh – Ex-Council Leader

  Shannon Brixton – House Leader, develops SADEs, conclave rep

  Sher-li – Accomplice with Gerder

  Talise – House SADE

  Theo – Méridien SADE

  Winston – SADE, ex-Council

  New Terrans – Home world of heavy-worlders

  Bryce – New Terran assassin

  Charlotte Sanderson – Media empire owner

  Gerhardt Thurman – President

  Harold Grumley – Ex-president

  Henry Strider – Trident captain

  Maria Gonzalez – Conclave envoy

  Oliver – SADE, companion to Maria

  Rafe – New Terran assassin

  Norsitchians – Alien race who has a dome overtaken by the Colony

  Jarmonin (jar-mon-in) – Tsargit lead councilor

  Nemanous (nē-man-ous) – Minister of Planetary Defense, conclave envoy

  Ollassa (Vinians) – Symbiotically assembled sentients from multiple flora parts

  Omnians – Humans/SADEs

  Alex Racine – Omnian co-leader, partner of Renée de Guirnon

  Alphons Jagielski – Admiral

  Barden Jacinto – Omnian and conclave delegate

  Cordelia – SADE, rear admiral, captain of the Freedom, partner of Julien

  Cremsylon – Controller SADE of the Freedom, eldest existing SADE

  Descartes – SADE, commodore

  Ellie Thompson – Admiral, partner of Étienne de Long

  Emile Billings – New Terran biochemist

  Esteban – SADE, business partner of Edmas and Jodlyne

  Étienne de Long – Senior captain, twin of Alain, partner of Ellie Thompson

  Franz Cohen – Fighter command rear admiral, partner of Reiko Shimada

  Hector – SADE, fleet admiral, captain of the Our People, partner of Trixie

  Julien – SADE leader, Alex’s close friend, partner of Cordelia

  Juliette – SADE with Oforum and Phette

  Kelley – New SADE, son of Mickey Brandon

  Lydia – SADE, advisor to Hector, minder of Tanistok

  Miranda – SADE, partner of Z

  Miriam – SADE, Mickey Brandon’s assistant

  Nata – Lieutenant, pilot, eldest of the wild ones on Omnia

  Olawale Wombo – Ex-Earther

  Reiko Shimada – Vice admiral, partner of Franz Cohen

  Renée de Guirnon – Omnian co-leader, partner of Alex Racine

  Tatia Tachenko – Fleet admiral, partner of Alain de Long

  Trixie – SADE, partner of Hector, Omnian and conclave delegate

  Z – SADE, partner of Miranda

  Ot-Totlanyans – Tribal race, agrarian and hunters

  Outpost One: Resistance Personnel

  Alain de Long – Envoy to the Tsargit, twin of Étienne, partner of Tatia Tachenko

  Candace Weller – Lieutenant, outpost security

  Edmas – Partner of Jodlyne, senior engineer

  Hermione – SADE accompanying Ude

  Jess Cinders – Commander of Outpost One: Resistance, fraternal twin of Kasie Cinders

  Jodlyne – Partner of Edmas, senior engineer

  Kasie Cinders – Empath, fraternal twin of Jess Cinders

  Lucia Bellardo – Outpost admiral, partner of Jess Cinders

  Luther – SADE, Mickey Brandon’s assistant

  Mickey Brandon – Senior engineer, partner of Pia Sabine

  Minimalist – SADE

  Nalia – SADE in the medical suite

  Petra Havard – Lieutenant, Ude’s friend and potential lover

  Pia Sabine – Head of Medical, partner of Mickey Brandon

  Sam Fleetfoot – Major, outpost head of security

  Ude – Norsitchian brassard commander, ex-leader of the wild ones

  Packeoes (pack-ē-ōs) – Federacy aliens stranded
on Quall

  Gregich (greg-ich) – Captain, conclave delegate

  Stasnich (stas-nich) – Ex-leader

  Pims (Pimborians) – Small burrowing aliens

  Oforum (ō-for-um) – President, conclave envoy, mate of Phette

  Phette (fête) – Mate of Oforum

  Pyreans – Humans in alliance territory

  Aurelia Garmenti – Early dome explorer, powerful empath, partner of Devon Higgins

  Derry – Spacer mining captain

  Devon Higgins – Early dome explorer, partner of Aurelia Garmenti

  Gurtride – Spacer mining captain

  Harbour – First dome explorer, partner of Jessie Cinders, leader of Resistance

  Horner – Spacer mining captain

  Jessie Cinders – First explorer, partner of Harbour, empath leader

  Leslie Finian – President

  Ophelia Tuttle – Security commandant, temporary president

  Postilano – Spacer mining captain

  Yolandra – Spacer mining captain

  Qualls – Intellectual race destroyed by the Colony

  Swei Swee – Sentient alien lifeform inhabiting the oceans of several worlds

  Deep Diver – Wave Skimmer companion for Earth visit

  Swift Eyes – Wave Skimmer companion for Earth visit

  Wave Skimmer – First (leader) of the hive

  Sylians – Cat-like sentient race

  Talsoma (tall-sō-ma) – Monarch

  Tamtoma (tam-tō-ma) – Envoy, daughter of monarch

  Talusians – Federacy race comprised of Toralians and the Sisterhood

  Desdemona – Sister, Trident commodore

  Miriamette – Sister, advisor to Sargut and Suntred

  Sargut – President, Toralian

  Sastisona – Commander

  Suntred – Advisor, then vice president, conclave envoy, Toralian

  Taralum – Battleship wedge admiral, Toralian

  Usaanans – Sentient race known as sand serpents

  Ufloss – Rep of four remaining serpents with Queen Homsaff

  Veklocks – Elder alliance race, triumvirate of bird-like aliens

  Other Items

  Aigre – Preferred Méridien fruit drink

  Artifice – AI resident on Toral, previously ruled the federacy

  Christie Media Center – Christie Racine’s building on Haraken

  Coin-kitties/coin-kats – Pyrean service providers

  Colony – Insectoid race that threatened to overtake alliance space

  Dassata – Alex Racine’s Dischnya title

  Espero – Haraken’s capital city

  House Brixton – Méridien organization that creates SADEs

  Messinants – Ancient race, dome creators

  Mistrallians – Directors of Jatouche medical station, analyzing repairs

  Militarists – Sect of sisters expelled from Talusian system

  Miner’s Pit – New Terran diner and bar catering to spacers

  NNEMP – Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse

  Norloth – Crocian Supreme Council

  Omnia Ships – OS, business owned by Alex Racine and others

  Prima – New Terra’s capital

  SADE – Self-aware digital entity, artificial intelligence being

  Seclusion – Exclusive dining club on New Terra

  Sol Enclave – New government body ruling the Sol system

  Tsargit – Alliance ruling body

  TSF – Terran Security Forces, New Terra’s systemwide police

  United Earth – UE, previous government body ruling the Sol system

  Planets, Colonies, Moons, and Stars

  Celus – Star of Omnia

  Confederation – Collection of Méridien worlds

  Deimos – Smaller moon of Mars

  Delacroix – Méridien’s next-to-last planet outward, a gas giant

  Federacy – Races previously ruled by Artifice

  Haraken – First planet to be settled by Alex and company

  Hellébore – Original name of Haraken

  Libre – Penal colony for Independents set up by the Confederation

  Méridien – Primary world of the Confederation

  Na-Tikkook – Jatouche home world

  New Terra – New Terrans’ home world

  Norsitchia – Norsitchians’ home world

  Oikos – Méridiens star

  Omnia – World settled by the Dischnya, Swei Swee, SADEs, and humans

  Packeo – Packeoes’ home world

  Phobos – Larger moon of Mars

  Pim – Pimborian home world

  Pyre – Pyreans’ home world

  Quall – Home world of race lost to Colony

  Rissness – Na-Tikkook moon

  Sawa Messa – Original Dischnya name for Omnia

  Sol – Earth’s star and system

  Sylia – Sylians’ home world

  Talus – Talusian system

  Toral – Talusian home world

  Triton – Pyre’s third moon

  Usaana – Sand serpents home world

  World(s) of Light – System and home world of the Ollassa

  Ships and Stations

  Freedom – Omnian city-ship

  Honora Belle – Colony ship that left Earth, transport of the Pyreans

  Hyronzy Station – Tsargit convenes here

  Idona Station – Rim station in Sol system

  Jenkels Orbital Station – JOS, previously anchored via an El car to ride downside

  New Terra – Earth colony ship

  Our People – Omnian city-ship

  Outpost One: Resistance – Station in alliance space to fight the Colony

  Outpost Two: Resurrection – Station in federacy space in the Chistorlan system

  Rêveur – Alex Racine’s passenger liner

  Sardi-Tallen Orbital Platform – Omnia orbital station

  Sojourn – Haraken survey ship

  Travelers – Beam-armed shuttles and fighters

  Tridents – Omnian tri-hulled, beam-armed warships

  Tripper – Aging Omnian freighter carrying the Elvian drone

  My Books

  Conclave is the twenty-fourth novel and the final installment in the interwoven series of The Silver Ships and Pyreans, which tell the stories of Earth colonists and the spread of humankind throughout a galaxy filled with alien races.

  The novel is available in e-book, softcover, and audiobook versions. Please visit my website,, for publication dates and purchase locations. You may register at my website to receive email updates on the progress of my upcoming novels.

  The Silver Ships Series

  The Silver Ships




















  Pyreans Series





  Gate Ghosts Series

  Axis Crossing (forthcoming)

  The Author

  From my early years to the present, books have been a refuge. They’ve fueled my imagination. I’ve traveled to faraway places and met aliens with Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Herbert, and Le Guin. I’ve explored historical events with Michener and Clavell, and I played spy with Ludlum and Fleming.

  There’s no doubt that the early sci-fi masters influenced the writing of my first two series, The Silver Ships and Pyreans. I crafted my stories to give readers intimate views of my characters, who wrestle with the challenges of living in space and inhabiting alien worlds.

  Life is rarely easy for these characters, who encounter aliens and calamit
ies, but they persist and flourish. I revel in examining humankind’s will to survive. Not everyone plays fair or exhibits concern for other beings, but that’s another aspect of humans and aliens that I investigate.

  My stories offer hope for humans today about what they might accomplish tomorrow far from our home world. Throughout my books, humans exhibit a will to persevere, without detriment to the vast majority of others.

  Readers have been generous with their comments, which they’ve left on Amazon and Goodreads for others to review. I truly enjoy what I do, and I’m pleased to read how my stories have positively affected many readers’ lives.

  If you’ve read my books, please consider posting a review on Amazon and Goodreads for every book, even a short one. Reviews attract other readers and are a great help to indie authors, such as me.

  The Silver Ships novels have reached Amazon’s coveted #1 and #2 Best-Selling Sci-Fi book, multiple times, in the science fiction categories of first contact, alien invasion, and space flight.




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