Dream Pony Frenzy
Page 4
“Ah, ok,” replied Cassie, obviously not feeling at all sure about the situation either. “Well, we might ride with you for a bit, if that’s alright with both of you?”
“Yeah, if you want, that’s fine,” said Charlie as we watched Jackie’s horse slow down to a steady trot.
“Jackie and I are practicing our jumping. We’re going to be starting show jumping classes together, so we need to be prepared,” Cassie stated in a prim voice. “You can have a go at the course too if you want, unless these jumps are too high? But then we could always lower them for you girls.”
I really didn’t appreciate the smirk on her face as she waited for a reply. But then Cassie responded, “Bella isn’t ready to do much jumping yet, so we might just watch you both for a bit.”
I could see the look of dismay on Cassie’s face and I felt really sorry for her. I remembered Cassie telling me that Charlie had actually invited her to go to show jumping classes with her. But apparently now that Jackie was on the scene then that was all forgotten. It seemed to me that Charlie certainly wasn’t the nice girl that we had originally anticipated, but I didn’t comment and instead tried to make friendly conversation.
“Hello Jackie. I’m Julia,” I said to her, when she finally came over to meet us. “I just live down the road. And this is my friend, Cassie; she keeps her horse, Bailey at my place.”
“Hello,” Jackie replied, looking us over and checking out our horses at the same time. “I love your horse!” I continued, in a friendly manner. “What’s his name? He is really beautiful!”
I found that I was prattling on, mainly because the situation was so uncomfortable. I had never felt so unwelcome in my entire life!
However, my compliment seemed to finally spark some interest. “Thanks,” she replied. “His name is Zeus. My father bought him for me. He’s a champion show jumper and I’ve only had him for two weeks. My dad paid a fortune for him, but he really is not cooperating!”
“That last jump you did was pretty impressive!” I exclaimed with admiration.
“Well, he needs to be more consistent,” she replied in a frustrated tone. “That’s the best jump he’s done all day!”
Then I watched in horror as she abruptly yanked in a very aggressive manner on her reins and gave him a sharp tap of her whip before leading him back towards the first jump. I could see his ears go back and he looked very unsettled as well as unwilling to respond to her fierce commands. Another wack of her whip got him moving though and she pushed him over the jump which he cleared easily.
The next jump however, he decided to shy at and then refused it again at her second attempt. Roughly digging her heels in, she then wacked his rump repeatedly with that terrible whip but this just seemed to upset him further. He became very agitated and refused to follow her instructions.
Visions of Tomas, the horse gentler, who helped me so much with Bella suddenly came to mind and I thought to myself that Jackie should definitely be having some sessions with him. At least then she would learn how to communicate properly with her poor horse.
Disgusted, she jumped down from the saddle and yanked his reins once more, dragging him towards another corner of the arena. “Stupid horse!” she yelled. “I can’t believe my father paid so much money for you! You’re useless!”
Quickly and to my immense relief, Cassie said to Charlie, “Perhaps this isn’t a good time, Charlie. We might leave you girls to it. I’ll be at Julia’s tomorrow afternoon if you want to come for a ride there. Maybe we’ll see you then.”
“Bye,” I called out, glancing in Charlie’s direction but she had already taken off in a canter towards the nearest jump, seeming quite disinterested in whether we were staying or not. We turned our horses away from the arena, towards the long driveway. But the knot that had formed in the pit of my stomach stayed with me until we reached the road, where I could finally breathe properly again.
Best friends forever…
“Oh, my gosh!” I exclaimed. “What is with that girl? That poor horse!”
“I know!” exclaimed Cassie still in shock at the whole episode. “Did we just dream that, or did it actually happen? And what’s with Charlie? She was a totally different person!”
“I could see that,” I replied, shaking my head. “It can take time to really get to know someone and sometimes people just aren’t what they seem! But that girl was unbelievable!”
“I can’t understand what we just saw back there. I have no idea why Charlie was behaving like that either. I’ve been with her a few times now and she has never once acted in that way. And what about Jackie! She was so horrible to that beautiful horse. She doesn’t deserve him! I can’t imagine ever treating my horse like that!”
Taken aback, I looked wide eyed at Cassie. Tears were streaming down her face and she had begun to sob.
I dismounted and holding onto Bella’s reins, I moved closer to Cassie and clutched onto her arm.
“Cassie!” I exclaimed worriedly, “Are you alright?”
“No!” she sobbed, hopping down from the saddle and burying her head in Bailey’s long mane.
Guiding Cassie and our horses to the edge of the road where we were out of the way of any passing cars, I put my arm around her comfortingly.
“I’m so sorry, Julia!” She stared at me with utter dismay and then buried her head once more.
Sobbing into her hands, I could barely understand what she was saying. But I suddenly comprehended the meaning behind her words. While holding the reins of both horses in one hand, I wrapped an arm around her and did my best to hug her tightly.
“It’s ok, Cassie,” I said reassuringly. “Please don’t cry. I hate to see you so upset!”
But this just seemed to add to her distress and she shook her head furiously.
“I don’t deserve to have you as my friend!”
“Cassie, you’re my best friend and we’ll be friends forever! Please stop crying, you’re upsetting the horses,” I laughed, trying to ease her tension and help her to realize that everything was ok between us.
Finally, we exchanged a huge hug and then continued walking along the road, but Cassie felt the need to keep talking.
“I thought Charlie was so cool! She’s so pretty and she’s such a good rider. And I thought she really liked me. How can someone treat another person like that? I thought we were friends!”
I didn’t reply, not really sure what I should say.
“But the worst part is the way I’ve treated you, Julia. I know I’ve been avoiding you lately and I’m so sorry. How can you ever forgive me?”
“Cassie, it’s ok,” I said firmly. “Charlie obviously isn’t a very nice person. And I have to admit that I suspected it from the beginning. I could tell that she was only interested in you and didn’t really want me around. She seems to only want one friend and if Jackie is the type of friend that she prefers to hang around with then I think we should just leave her to it!”
“I agree!” said Cassie. “I just feel so sorry for that horse!”
“Me too!” I walked along beside her, thinking about the scene we had left behind and feeling so glad that we weren’t a part of it.
That wasn’t what riding was about and I was happy to be putting distance between them and us.
“Let’s go for a ride up the hill, Cassie,” I suggested abruptly. “Up our favorite hill, the one we love. We haven’t done that for so long and the horses will love it too! I’ll race you!” I called as I hopped back up on Bella and urged her down the driveway towards our open paddocks.
“Wait for me!” Cassie’s squeal was music to my ears and laughing, we cantered along together at a steady pace, side by side.
I could feel Bella loving the freedom and loosened her reins letting her go at the speed she found comfortable, understanding that she knew her body best and I trusted her to be the best judge of what she was capable of at that moment.
The feel of the wind in my hair as well as the sight of my best friend at my side, beaming
from ear to ear with sheer joy, filled me with an intense happiness.
I was the luckiest girl alive at that moment and knew instinctively that life could only get better.
Looking at me closely, Cassie slowed Bailey to a halt and as I stopped beside her, she said in a voice more sincere than I’d ever heard before, “You’re my true friend, Julia. I think I just needed reminding who my real friends are!”
I smiled gratefully in return. “I know we’ll always be best friends, Cassie!”
And as we cantered back down the hill together, towards the shade of our favorite tree, I felt that all my worries were behind me. Slowing to a trot, I thought about how fortunate I was. My baby had recovered, I had my best friend back and we were riding together again. Life was so wonderful! I squealed with the sheer joy of being alive and said a silent prayer of thanks. I really had so much to be grateful for!
With overwhelming excitement, I looked forward to the year ahead. We had gymkhanas to prepare for and show jumping to compete in. I pictured blue ribbons galore but what I looked forward to most was more fun filled afternoons just hanging out in the paddock with my best friend, Cassie and our two darlings, Bella and Bailey.
What more could a horse crazy girl ask for?
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Announcing a New Series!
The story of Julia and her friends is continued in
Mind Reader – Book 1: My New Life
Find out what happens to Millie, Blake, Jack and Sara after Julia is forced to move to the country.
Does Julia return to Carindale, and what becomes of all her friends?
Mind Reader – Book 1: My New Life
This book introduces Emmie, a girl who unexpectedly arrives in Carindale and meets Millie. But Emmie has a secret, a secret that must remain hidden at all costs.
What happens to Julia, Blake, Sara and all the others and how does Emmie’s sudden appearance impact Julia and her friends?
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Whatever happened to Blake and Sara?
In this book she has finally been reunited with her friends but soon finds out that everything has changed.
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Exciting News! Katrina Kahler has continued to tell the story of Julia Jones - 3 years on - yes, the Teenage Years. Julia is older, but is she wiser?
Whatever happened to Blake and Sara?
In this book she has finally been reunited with her friends but soon finds out that everything has changed.
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Diary of Mr Tall, Dark and Handsome:
My Life Has Changed!
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