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Assassination Authorized

Page 9

by Erin Wade

  Mecca slipped her arm through the general’s and led her away from the partiers. She had the woman’s full attention. Jericho followed watching in amazement.

  “General, you will leave Captain Jericho Parker as my constant bodyguard,” Mecca said. “Under no circumstances will you assign her anywhere else, unless I ask you to.”

  Mecca removed her arm from the general’s. General Carson looked around with a confused expression on her face.

  “Captain Parker just informed me of her reassignment,” Mecca said.

  “Oh, that.” General Carson waved her hand. “I was just joking with her. She will remain your bodyguard for as long as you wish.”

  Jericho raised her brows and smiled at Mecca.

  “Now it’s time for you to take care of business, Mecca. The Imam is over there at the president’s table.

  Mecca led Jericho back to the dance floor. “Move us close to the Imam,” she whispered in her ear.

  As soon as they were beside the man, Mecca stumbled and fell into him. His glass of Perrier poured down the front of his clothing. “Oh, sir, I’m so sorry!” Mecca said. “Please let me clean that up.”

  She placed her hand on his arm and led him away from the other guests. Jericho followed.

  “Imam Ali,” Mecca said softly, “it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard many nice things about you.” She gave him a brilliant smile. “Will you be honest with me?”

  Ali nodded as if in a trance.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “I hate being surrounded by infidels,” he hissed. “I’m only here as a favor to the president. He said it would look good for me to pretend to accept these idiots.”

  “Do you know anything about the disappearance of Mariam Reynolds and her three daughters?”

  “Yes, I understand arrangements were made for the girls to be sent out of the US to a country where trafficking is less monitored. What happens after that I really don’t know, nor do I care.” Ali smiled politely, as if they were chatting about the weather.

  “Do you know where they are?” Mecca continued in the same even, soft voice.

  “No. They escaped. Their mother killed a guard, and they all vanished.”

  “Imam Ali, if you had anything to do with the disappearance of Mariam Reynolds and her daughters, I want you to go to your room tonight and write a detailed confession, listing anyone else who was involved. Provide a complete list of all crimes, terrorists, and terrorists cells in the US. Turn yourself in, and give your confession to the FBI. When I remove my hand from your arm you will awaken and remember nothing about this conversation.

  Mecca let go of his arm and finished wiping the Perrier from Ali’s clothes. “There. It’s almost gone. Again, I am sorry.”

  The Imam smiled and walked away.

  “What was that all about?” Jericho said. Mecca slipped back into her arms, and the stunning pair glided onto the dance floor.

  “We’ll discuss it later tonight,” she whispered.

  Her promise of “later tonight” pushed everything else from Jericho’s mind. You have it bad for this woman, she thought.

  “Captain Jericho Parker,” a blonde called out as she walked toward them. “I thought you retired.”

  “I did,” Jericho smirked. “I’m just here for the fun.”

  “Yeah, right,” the blonde snorted. “As am I. Who’s your date?” The woman raised a perfectly arched brow at Mecca.

  “Just a friend,” Jericho said, leery of giving out Mecca’s name.

  The blonde extended her hand to Mecca. “Dade Dayton,” she said. “Jericho and I go way back, don’t we darling?”

  General Carson joined them. “Dade! I’m so glad you could make it. Come, I want you to meet some people.”

  Mecca continued to mingle with the guests, stopping to speak to several acquaintances. Jericho noticed she never placed her hands on them as she had the general and Ali.

  As the event came to a close, Mecca sought out General Carson. “I have taken care of the problem, General,” she said. “You should have answers before midnight tomorrow.”

  The general nodded and bid them goodnight.

  Jericho said good night at Mecca’s door then entered her own room. She heard the lock slide into place from Mecca’s side of the door. So much for talking later tonight, she thought.


  Jericho was exhausted. No sleep the night before, coupled with the kayak trip, had taken a lot out of her. She fell asleep thinking how rejuvenated she would become if Mecca knocked on her door.

  Jericho slept until noon. She wondered why Mecca had let her sleep so late. She hummed happily as she dressed for the drive home. She was looking forward to getting Dr. Mecca Storm alone for four hours. She had some questions for her.

  As Jericho rolled her luggage from the room, she noticed a slip of paper slid under her door. It said, “5:30 a.m. Caught a flight home. See you this evening.”

  “Damn!” she grumbled, irritated at herself. The first time I let my guard down in five years, and she slips away from me.

  Jericho checked the GPS tracker connecting their phones. Mecca was already in her apartment in New York.

  Jericho was furious. Driving home, she thought of all the things she would do to Mecca when she reached her. An hour outside of New York, she knew that the only thing she wanted to do to Mecca was make love to her.

  As Jericho entered her apartment, she could hear Mecca’s TV playing. She put away her travel things and went to the kitchen for a beer, but opted for a Dr. Pepper instead.

  She stretched out on the sofa and punched the remote, bringing the news onto her TV screen. “We are interrupting our normal programming tonight with breaking news,” the anchor said. “Imam Ali, leader of the Washington, DC, Mosque, voluntarily turned himself over to the FBI today.

  “The Imam provided information on the disappearance of the wife and daughters of presidential candidate Tom Reynolds. He named several high-ranking figures as accomplices in the attempt to sell the four Reynolds women to human traffickers.

  “According to Ali, Mariam Reynolds managed to kill one of her captors and escape with her daughters. It is unknown where the women are at this time.”

  The newscaster read excerpts from the Imam’s lengthy confession. He noted that, as he spoke, federal agents were raiding terrorist cells and arresting terrorists listed in Ali’s letter.

  Jericho sat in stunned silence. She wondered how the news media had attained a copy of the Imam’s confession so quickly. Her phone vibrated on the end table, and Mecca’s beautiful face lit up the screen. She picked up her phone and pressed the button that would connect their worlds.

  “Jericho, did you get home okay?”

  After a long silence, Jericho said, “Yes.”

  “Are you angry with me?”

  “Yes.” Jericho hung up the phone.

  She didn’t wait for the elevator. She ran up the stairs to Mecca’s floor and knocked on her door.

  Mecca opened the door. “Jericho,” she gasped.

  “Why did you leave DC without me?” Jericho demanded.

  “Because I knew if I didn’t, things would happen between us.”

  “You mean things like this?” Jericho pulled Mecca into her arms and kissed her slowly, marveling at the feel of her full, soft lips.

  “Yes.” Mecca sighed.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No, that’s the problem. I don’t ever want you to leave.”

  Mecca was in Jericho’s arms, pushing her onto the sofa, kissing her frantically, drawing on her strength.

  Jericho pulled Mecca’s blouse over her head and deftly unfastened her bra. She inhaled deeply, as she took the time to appreciate Mecca’s perfect body.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long,” Jericho whispered against kiss-swollen lips. “I’ve loved you for so long, Mecca.”

  They made love. Jericho was careful to let Mecca know how much she meant to her. Mecca was wild and dem
anding. Her kisses set Jericho on fire.


  Mecca lay in her arms, trying to catch her breath. Jericho smiled at the way her own heart hammered against the side of Mecca’s face.

  “This was your first time,” Jericho whispered as she stroked her back, reveling in the feel of her soft, smooth skin.

  “Yes,” Mecca said. She tried to sit up, but Jericho tightened her arms around her.

  “You shouldn’t be here with me like this,” Mecca whispered. “It could be dangerous for you.”

  “That’s exactly why I am here with you, darling. Because you could be in danger.” Jericho put a hand on either side of Mecca’s face and forced those glorious eyes to gaze into hers. “Tell me what is so dangerous about you?”

  “I can’t,” Mecca whimpered.

  Chapter 12

  Imam Ali’s confession rocked Washington. Chaos broke out in the White House when the FBI arrested the cabinet members and aides. Individuals from both political parties were arrested.

  Of course, the national committees immediately issued statements that the confession was a forgery, something fabricated by opponents and nothing more than a dirty smear campaign.

  General Carson appeared with the director of the FBI on every Sunday talk show on the major networks. The two of them validated the confession and informed the nation that those named in it had been under investigation for some time.

  Federal search warrants were worked on all mosques in Washington, DC, and New York. Over two hundred people were arrested for terrorist activities.

  “Looks like you caused quite a storm in Washington, Dr. Storm.” Jericho’s eyes sparkled as she handed Mecca a cup of freshly brewed coffee and settled beside her on the bed.

  “I know you’ve certainly taken my world by storm.” She leaned over and kissed Mecca gently.

  “Mmm,” Mecca hummed against her lips. “And my world will never be the same again, Captain Parker.”

  Jericho sipped her coffee, content with the feeling of Mecca leaning back against her.

  “Tell me about Dade Dayton,” Mecca asked.

  “Not much to tell. She’s a handler just like me. Something happened on her last job, and the person she was protecting was killed.”

  “I’m glad I got you instead of her,” Mecca said.

  “It was a toss-up,” Jericho noted. “Carson debated on putting her on you. But she was upset over the loss of Dade’s person. She said there was something not quite right about it.”


  Dr. Kadence Pride was nervous. Today was the day Faith would see her new face. What if she doesn’t like it? What if she’s disappointed? I can’t stand her being disappointed.

  She hesitated outside Faith’s door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

  “Come in.” Faith was looking out her window. She turned to face Kadence.

  God, she’s beautiful. Please, God, let her like what I have done.

  Faith smiled. “Are you ready?”

  “Why don’t you stand right here in front of the mirror,” Kadence suggested, “and I’ll peel down the paper we used to cover it.”

  Faith nodded. She was eager to see Kadence’s handiwork but afraid at the same time.

  Kadence’s hand trembled as she peeled the paper away from the mirror.

  Faith gasped at her reflection. She stepped closer to the mirror and traced the features of her new face with her fingertips.

  “Your dream woman is Lana Parrilla?” Faith said with a smile. She was the mirror image of the beautiful TV star.

  Kadence had even given her a tiny scar above her lip. At thirty-four, Parrilla had taken the TV world by storm as the beautiful Evil Queen in a series called Once Upon a Time. Faith had to admit that Parrilla was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. And now she looked just like her.

  Kadence was dying. Faith stared at her reflection, not moving. “Thank you, Kadence,” she whispered. “Thank you for making me so beautiful.”

  Faith turned to face her. She shyly tiptoed to kiss her lips. Kadence had never tasted anything as sweet in her life.

  “You’re happy?”

  “Ecstatic.” Faith hugged herself and turned to look at her gorgeous face again. “You are truly an artist.”

  Kadence threw her head back and laughed. “I’m indescribably happy.” She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

  “It is incredible, darling. Just incredible.” She slipped her arms around Kadence’s neck and kissed her soundly. “Where are you taking me for dinner tonight?” she said, grinning. “I want to show off my new face.”


  Teagan Storm was concerned about her sister. Mecca hadn’t called her since her return from DC. It wasn’t like Mecca to ignore her calls.

  Teagan called again, and Mecca answered on the fourth ring. She was breathless.

  Teagan laughed. “Did you have to run to answer the phone?”

  “Yes. I was on the terrace,” Mecca said as she pushed Jericho’s lips away from her breast and shook her head. She grinned at Jericho’s little-girl pout and gently caressed her cheek.

  “I’m dying to hear about the reception at the White House. Were you there when all hell broke loose?”

  “No, I left early Saturday morning,” Mecca said as she snuggled into Jericho. “I missed all the fun.”

  “I’m glad you’re home safely,” Teagan said. “I need to have lunch with you. We need to talk about Jane . . . uh, Faith Doe.”

  “Is she okay?” Mecca asked.

  “Yes, she’s fine. I want to discuss our next steps with her. Kadence has worked her magic, and she is truly beautiful. Now we need to get her memory back.”

  “Of course. When do you want to have lunch?”

  “Are you free today?” Teagan asked. “The sooner we can talk, the more at ease I’ll be.”

  Mecca struggled to think of a good excuse to wait until tomorrow but couldn’t. She wasn’t ready to leave Jericho’s bed. “Sure. Where and when?”


  “Stop here,” Jericho instructed the cab driver as they neared the restaurant where Mecca was meeting her sister.

  “Let me go in first,” she said. “That way she won’t think I’m following you. It’s best that I remain your shadow. It is easier for me to observe and assess.”

  Mecca nodded and followed her down the block. She waited until Jericho had been in the restaurant for several minutes before heading inside.

  “Oh my gosh!” Teagan exclaimed when she saw her sister. “You look absolutely radiant.” Then she narrowed her eyes and grinned. “Did you get laid in DC?”

  “What? No!” Mecca barked. “What an asinine question.”

  Teagan watched a waitress as she carried a glass of water to Jericho. “That is just about the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” she said, leaning close to Mecca. “She’s breathtaking.”

  “Why don’t you introduce yourself?” Mecca said, trying not to let her irritation show.

  “And break Nikki’s heart?” Teagan giggled. “I don’t think so. Anyway, how was DC?”

  “The usual. Much ado about nothing.” Mecca shrugged and glanced at Jericho.

  “Kadence is in love,” Teagan blurted out.

  “With whom?” Mecca smiled. She already knew the answer.

  “Faith,” Teagan said, “and I think it’s mutual. The problem is, she still has no idea who she is.”

  “Why don’t I see her in the morning?” Mecca suggested. “Maybe she’s ready for hypnosis. Can someone bring her to my office at ten?”

  Teagan rolled her eyes. “I’m sure Kadence will want to bring her. She’s worse than an old mother bear when it comes to Faith.”

  As the women paid their check, Jericho walked from the restaurant.

  “You really should follow her,” Teagan teased. “She is so, um, I don’t know. Very sexy. Tight jeans, nice derrière. She is just what the doctor ordered.”

  Mecca laughed at her si
ster. Teagan got into a cab as another pulled to the curb to pick up Mecca. She slid inside and closed the door just as Jericho scooted over to kiss her.

  “How was your sister?”

  “Her usual crazy self,” Mecca said with a chuckle. “She did spot you, but only because she thought you were sexy as hell. She said I should follow you home because you are just what the doctor ordered.”

  Jericho grinned. “I like your sister more every time I see her. I was thinking about following you home.”

  “Hmm. I’ve never been stalked before.”

  “Yes, you have,” Jericho said. “You just weren’t aware of it.”

  Chapter 13

  Mecca stood as Kadence and Faith entered her office. She greeted them warmly and caught Faith’s hand.

  “Let me look at you.” She smiled as she slowly twirled the woman around. “Kadence, she is gorgeous. Look at those cheekbones. Her eyes are perfect. That nose is to die for, and—”

  Faith giggled nervously. “I’m standing right here.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Mecca said. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive, but this is incredible. You’re incredible.”

  Faith studied Mecca for several seconds. “I’m almost as beautiful as you, thanks to Dr. Pride.”

  Mecca smiled. “Kadence, you have outdone yourself. Now, if you can find something to occupy your time for the next hour, Faith and I need to talk.”

  Kadence nodded, smiled at Faith, and left the room.

  “How have you been?” Mecca said as she led her patient to the Victorian chaise lounge in her office.

  “Wonderful.” Faith’s perfect, white teeth seemed to sparkle almost as much as her eyes. “Dr. Pride is truly incredible.”

  “Yes, she is,” Mecca said. “She’s a good woman.”

  “And you don’t want to see her hurt,” Faith added. “Neither do I, Dr. Storm.”

  Mecca nodded. “Have you had any recollections or flashbacks?”

  “No. My head seems filled with only the present. I worry constantly. Your doctors tell me I have a child somewhere, so there must be a husband.

  “I don’t know where I’m from, or where I was going, or how I ended up here. Surely you’ve noticed that I don’t have a New York accent or any northern accent.”


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