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Assassination Authorized

Page 11

by Erin Wade

Over a sandwich, they discussed Faith’s options. Kadence informed her that Mecca had offered her an apartment to stay in indefinitely.

  “You could stay with me,” Kadence said, “but that wouldn’t look proper.”

  Faith smiled at her timidly. “I would like that very much, but until I know who I am, I don’t want to call attention to you.”

  Kadence nodded.

  “You can visit me,” Faith said. “Maybe we could . . . . She let the promise fade away.

  Kadence smiled and squeezed her hand. Thank you, God, she prayed.

  Chapter 16

  “Kadence punched out Pawnaker,” Teagan said. She and Nikki cheered as Mecca filled their wine glasses.

  Mecca gasped. “Why?”

  “The skunk discharged Faith without any of us signing off on the discharge papers. That is illegal, you know.” Teagan helped herself to more wine as she talked.

  “Where’s Jericho?” Nikki asked.

  “What’s it like having sex with a gorgeous Amazon?” Teagan waggled her eyebrows.

  “That is something you’ll never know.” Nikki bumped her arm against her wife’s.

  “I know, but I can hear about it,” Teagan said, laughing.

  “Not from me, baby sister,” Mecca said with a devilish grin. “She ran downstairs to grab another bottle of wine from her apartment.”

  “Is she as good as she looks?” Teagan continued to tease her sister.


  The door opened, and Jericho stepped in followed by Kadence and Faith.

  “Look who I found in the elevator,” Jericho said.

  Over dinner, it was settled that Faith would move into Mecca’s apartment. Mecca had already moved her things to Jericho’s suite. She had left kitchen items and linens that Faith would need, as Jericho already had everything.

  Mecca had to admit that Jericho’s apartment was much homier than hers. It already felt like a sanctuary to her. She wasn’t sure if it was the apartment or the woman that felt like a haven. She only knew she loved the apartment, and she loved Jericho Parker.

  “You can stay here beginning tonight,” Mecca informed Faith. “Jericho and I will be in the apartment right below you.”

  “If you need us for anything at all, just call.” Jericho grinned. “Or you can stomp on the floor. We’ll come running.”

  Everyone laughed and clinked their wine glasses in a toast.


  After everyone left, Kadence helped Faith clean up the kitchen and straighten the apartment.

  “I wonder where this goes.” Kadence held up a colander.

  “I would think you would be familiar with where things go in Mecca’s apartment,” Faith said. She immediately wished she could take back the words.

  Kadence laughed. “Jealousy. I like that in a woman. Especially a woman I love. Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever been in this apartment. I was never allowed past the doorman. Mecca’s extremely prudish. Frankly, I’m shocked that she has fallen so hard and fast for Jericho.”

  “They fit together,” Faith observed.

  “Yes, they do. Well, I’d better be going. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

  “Sit on the terrace with me for a while,” Faith said. It was an invitation Kadence couldn’t refuse.

  They sipped wine and watched the lights on the river. It was cold, but they kept each other warm.

  “I don’t know where I’m from or who I am,” Faith said as she snuggled into Kadence’s arms, “but I couldn’t ask for better friends than the ones you’ve introduced to me. You are responsible for all the happiness in my life, Kadence Pride.”

  Kadence watched Faith’s full, red lips as she spoke. When they stopped moving, she captured them with her own. They tasted as wonderful as she knew they would. Breathlessly, she pulled away. “I need to leave,” Kadence whispered.


  Jericho lay on her back, looking up at the woman of her dreams. “You have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about this,” she said hoarsely.

  “And I didn’t even know you existed.” Mecca smiled down at her. “That seems unfair. You have so much to make up to me, Captain Parker.”

  “I intend to spend my life doing just that.” She moaned as Mecca leaned down to kiss her. They made love and found peace in each other.

  Later, Mecca lay still as Jericho went to the kitchen for water. Jericho slipped back into bed and handed Mecca a bottle. “You completely drain me, lady,” she said, kissing Mecca and pulling her back into her arms. Mecca snuggled into her, content in the warmth of her. They lay silently for a long time.

  “Are you awake?” Jericho whispered.


  “I think Faith is Mariam Reynolds.”

  Mecca sat up and looked at her, mulling the idea over in her mind. “According to all the polls, Tom Reynolds is about to become the next president of the United States.”

  “We’ll know in two weeks.” Jericho pulled herself up and leaned back against the headboard. Mecca snuggled under her arm. The soft fragrance of her assailed Jericho’s senses. “I love you.” She kissed the top of her head.

  “Whoever thought abducting his wife and children would destroy Reynolds’s chances of winning was badly mistaken.” Mecca ran her hand lazily between Jericho’s breasts. “I think he’ll get the pity vote from every American female.”

  “I’m not worried about Reynolds,” Jericho said, catching Mecca’s hand and pulling it to her lips. “He’ll be a good president. I’m worried about Faith and Kadence. It’s obvious they’re in love with one another.”

  “Can we discuss this tomorrow, when we aren’t in bed?” Mecca’s voice was husky with desire. “Right now, I am in lust with you.”


  The insistent ringing of her phone pulled Mecca from a deep, sated sleep. She looked at the screen to see her sister’s picture smiling back at her. She pushed the button to answer.

  “Dr. Storm,” she mumbled, “why are you calling me so early?

  “You need to get to the hospital immediately,” Teagan whispered into the phone. “Pawnaker has the police here waiting for Kadence. The little sleaze ball is filing assault charges against our friend.”

  “On my way.” Mecca dashed for the shower. She was dressing while Jericho was still trying to shake the sleep from her brain.

  “What’s up, honey?” Jericho mumbled.

  “Go back to sleep, darling.” She leaned down and kissed her. “I have to get to the hospital.”

  Paul held the taxi door open, and Mecca slid in just as Jericho charged out the front door. Her shirt was half buttoned, and she carried her shoes.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” she said as she slid into the seat beside Mecca.

  Mecca explained everything. “I have to fix this,” she said when she reached the end of the story.

  Jericho raised her eyebrows. “You mean . . .?”

  “Yes. Sometimes I use my gift for purely selfish reasons.” She giggled. “I told you to go back to sleep.”

  “Sleeping with you doesn’t negate the fact that I’m your bodyguard,” Jericho whispered in her ear.

  Her warm breath caused a tremor to run through Mecca’s body. She clenched her thighs as she recalled their night together.


  Teagan met them at the front doors. “Kadence isn’t here yet,” she said.

  Mecca knocked softly on Price Pawnaker’s door then pushed it open. “May I come in?” she said, flashing a smile at him.

  “Of course, Dr. Storm,” he replied. “Beautiful women are always welcome in my office.”

  Mecca sat down in the chair across from the chief financial officer. “I wanted to talk with you.”

  She leaned across the desk, cognizant that Pawnaker was looking down the front of her blouse. She placed her hand on his arm.

  “I was thinking about you while I was walking in the park this morning. The birds were singing, and there was a gentle wind. Your ey
es are getting heavier. You didn’t sleep well last night. Just relax, rest.”

  Pawnaker’s chin slowly settled on his chest.

  “Tell the police you have no desire to file any charges against Kadence Pride. There has been a mix-up. You must call Dr. Pride and beg her to return to work. Apologize to her for your actions.

  “Forget that you have ever known Faith or Jane Doe. On Friday you will resign from your job at the hospital so we can hire a capable administrator. You may now awaken.”

  Pawnaker shook his head and looked around the room. “Excuse me, Dr. Storm.” He walked to his office door and spoke to the police officer waiting outside.

  As the officer’s footsteps echoed down the hall, Pawnaker returned to his desk and called Kadence.

  Mecca got to her feet and smiled down at the man. “Thank you for your time, sir.”

  Chapter 17

  Tom Reynolds was elected president with a majority of the popular vote and the Electoral College.

  President Reynolds met with the FBI, instructing them to move heaven and earth to locate his wife and children. All law enforcement agencies doubled their efforts to find them.

  President Reynolds put forth a more mainstream agenda focusing on transparency, accountability, and a return to personal liberty and common sense. Working with Congress, he focused on rebuilding the US economy, putting people back to work, and ensuring opportunities for economic growth.

  President Reynolds encountered the usual roadblocks and personal-agenda legislators at every turn, but he was beginning to make headway.

  Abigail Carson was still relentless in her efforts to apprehend those making threats on the president’s life. Reynolds had won the election fairly in every way possible, but there was still a pocket of self-serving politicians who were trying to undermine him.


  “Oh no, not the dreaded parents,” Jericho said, feigning fear. “Seriously, what if they don’t like me?”

  “They’ll like you,” Mecca reassured her. “They will like you because I love you.”

  “Still a little nervous.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, Kadence is taking Faith to meet her family, and Teagan and Nikki will be there.”

  She scowled. “Let me guess . . . only the two married women will get to sleep together.”

  “You’re good.” Mecca laughed. “At least you aren’t facing Kadence’s three brothers. Poor Faith. I’m glad I’m not in her shoes.”

  “She’ll charm the socks off them,” Jericho said. “You know how men love beautiful women. After you, she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

  “We’ll all be together Christmas Day,” Mecca said. “For as long as I can remember, the Storms and the Prides have shared holidays.”


  “What are you going to tell your parents about me?” Faith said as she shot Kadence a wry glance.

  “That I love you and plan to marry you.” Kadence grinned.

  “No, seriously.” Faith ducked away from her attempt to kiss her. “They will want to know where I’m from. What I do for a living. How we met. Where my family is.”

  Kadence could see Faith getting more distraught as she spoke. “Honey, calm down.” She pulled her into her arms. “Everything will be just fine. I will tell them that you’re in the witness protection program and can’t discuss your prior life. That will stop their invasive questions.”

  “Kadence Pride, you are a genius,” she said with a giggle. “Witness protection program, huh?”

  Kadence grinned. “In a way it’s partially true.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”


  “What should I get your parents for Christmas?” Jericho said. “I have no idea what—”

  “That’s what’s so wonderful about our Christmas,” Mecca replied. “We don’t exchange gifts. We all donate to the church my folks attend. That greatly relieves the pressure of Christmas and makes it more enjoyable.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know.” Jericho looked down at her feet as if she’d been caught doing something wrong.

  I hope she never knows how her little girl look turns me on, Mecca thought.

  “I hope you won’t get angry,” she continued, “but I do have something for you. Not a Christmas gift, but something I want you to have.”

  Mecca looked at her quizzically.

  “I am serious when I speak of marrying you,” Jericho said, as she pulled a ring box from her pocket. “Dr. Mecca Storm, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Mecca stared at her, speechless.

  “Please don’t make me beg.” Jericho shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Have I ever made you beg?” Mecca said, flashing a sensuous smile. “I would be honored to marry you, Captain Parker.”

  A loud whoop from above told them Kadence Pride had received a similar answer to her proposal.

  “Wait for it,” Jericho said, laughing. The elevator dinged, and their doorbell chimed a few seconds later. Jericho opened the door.

  Kadence and Faith burst into their apartment, both women grinning from ear to ear.

  “She said yes!” Kadence hugged Mecca and slapped Jericho on the back.

  “Mecca did too,” Jericho said.

  The delirious couples spent the next two hours congratulating each other and toasting their future with a bottle of champagne Jericho had purchased for the occasion.


  Jericho drove her Escalade so the six of them could ride to Albany together. The vehicle was full of laughter and good-natured teasing. When they dropped Kadence and Faith off at the Pride family farm, the Storm girls ran inside to say hello and share a round of hugs. Jericho helped Kadence carry in the luggage.

  Faith clung to Kadence’s arm as if she might drift away without her anchor.

  “Welcome, dear.” Leah Pride hugged her daughter’s fiancée and welcomed her into the Pride home.

  Kadence introduced Faith to her sister, Kaela. “Whoa, you are beautiful,” Kaela said. “How did you get so lucky, Kady?”

  “No doubt the good Lord smiled down on me the day she came into my life.” Kadence beamed as she put her arm around Faith’s shoulders.

  “Who’s the beauty with Mecca?” Kaela asked.

  “Her fiancée, Captain Jericho Parker.”

  Kaela grinned and shook her head. “Impressive.”


  “Here we are,” Mecca said, squeezing Jericho’s hand.

  “Don’t be nervous, Captain,” Nikki said. “At least we’ve established a precedent for you. Just imagine how I felt when I came to ask for Teagan’s hand.”

  Her comment made Jericho’s stomach turn a little more. She had been less nervous running a kill mission on Al-Qaeda.

  The women gathered their luggage and entered the house.

  Mecca flashed her most brilliant smile. “Mom, Dad, I would like you to meet my fiancée, Captain Jericho Parker.”

  “A fiancée?” Trenton Storm said sternly. “This is the first we’ve heard of you, Captain. How long have you been dating my very secretive daughter?”

  “Five years,” in my mind, Jericho said, reaching out to shake Trenton’s hand.

  “Five years?” Trenton cocked an eyebrow as he shook hands with Jericho. “We’re glad you’re spending Christmas with us.”

  “She never gave me a second look,” Jericho said, “but I’ve had my eye on her for a very long time.”

  Mecca wrapped her hand around Jericho’s arm and hugged it between her breasts. “If you had given me any indication of your feelings, we would have married long ago.” She laughed.

  After dinner, the family gathered around the table and played board games and shared stories of Teagan and Mecca growing up.

  “Oh honey, look,” Mecca exclaimed as she peered out the window. “It’s snowing.”

  Jericho moved to stand behind her. She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her back against her as they watched the snowfall.

ca’s mother, Madison, began giving instructions on sleeping arrangements. “Nikki and Teagan, your usual room. Mecca, you know where your room is. Jericho, you may use the downstairs guestroom.”

  “Thank you.” Jericho tried to smile, but the thought of sleeping without Mecca was agonizing.

  Jericho carried Mecca’s luggage upstairs. She had a new admiration for Mecca’s mother when she realized how loudly the stairs squeaked as she walked up them. No one would be visiting Madison Storm’s daughter in the middle of the night.

  “Will I see you later tonight?” Mecca whispered as they placed the luggage in her room.

  “Seriously?” Jericho grumbled. “A gnat couldn’t walk up those stairs without waking the entire household.”

  Mecca chuckled, wrapping her arms around Jericho’s waist.

  “It has been a long day,” she murmured against her lips. “You’re probably exhausted anyway.”

  “I’m not dead.” Jericho grinned as she kissed her good night.


  Mecca tossed and turned. She wondered how she had ever slept alone. Two months with Jericho had ruined her. She simply could not sleep in a cold, empty bed.

  She prayed Jericho would chance climbing the stairs then chastised herself for wanting her to risk the wrath of her father. Trenton Storm wouldn’t be pleased to find her fiancée in her bed.

  She considered going downstairs to Jericho’s room, but the vision of her father’s disapproving face stopped her. God, I am dying, she thought as she tried in vain to sleep. She would give anything to hear those stairs squeak. It’s amazing how much more we crave something out of our reach.

  After midnight, she lay facing the window, watching the snow fall harder. She caught her breath when she thought she heard the lock on her door click into place. A moment later, the mattress dipped slightly as Jericho slipped into her bed.

  She rolled over, lunged into Jericho’s arms, and covered her face with kisses. “I knew you would come.”

  “You’re naked,” Jericho whispered.

  “As I said, I knew you would come. Just so you know, no foreplay is necessary. I’m dying for you.”

  They made love. “Shush,” Jericho whispered. “You’ll wake everyone in the house.”


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