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Assassination Authorized

Page 23

by Erin Wade

  “Who do you think pays for the free stuff?” Jericho tried to hide her amazement.

  “The government.” The young man beamed, proud that he knew the answer.

  “And where does the government get its money?”

  “From the people.” He frowned.

  “So the government takes money you’ve earned and gives it to people who won’t work. And along the way, the ruling class—government officials—skims their share off the top for doing nothing. Sooner or later the workers get tired of working and supporting those who don’t, and they stop working, because they get what they need to exist from the government. Eventually, no one works and everyone starves, just like in Venezuela.”

  “Oh, yeah, it’s bad down there,” the kid said. “Really bad. No food on the shelves.”

  “Right.” Jericho took the room key cards from the man. “Believe me, son, you don’t want your children growing up in a socialistic country.”

  “You’re right. I don’t.”


  “General it looks like the terrorists have been contained,” Jericho exclaimed, sliding into the car. “Just now on national TV the president issued a request for your return to the White House.”

  “Thank the Lord,” Abby cried.

  “No one knows that Mecca and I are with you,” Jericho said. “We should keep it that way.”

  “Yes,” Abby said. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a killer day. No pun intended.”

  Chapter 43

  They showered together and then slipped into the bed to warm each other. “I was so scared when I saw the carnage in front of the cabin,” Jericho whispered. She held Mecca tightly, burying her face in soft dark hair. “God, Mecca, my life would be a living hell without you.”

  “I know, baby.” Mecca nuzzled her face between Jericho’s soft breasts and slid her hands down her wife’s sides to her firm buttocks. Jericho moaned and shifted her weight until she was between Mecca’s legs.

  Resting on her elbows, Jericho looked into the blackness of Mecca’s eyes. “I love you so much.” She kissed Mecca’s full, soft lips and teased her tongue with her own. Mecca pushed her tongue hard against Jericho’s and caressed it.

  Jericho kissed her way down Mecca’s neck, nipping and sucking as she reached the pulse point in the valley of the brunette’s throat. Mecca moaned loudly and clutched Jericho’s body hard against hers. “Don’t play with me,” she pleaded.

  Jericho savored the offering before her, kissing and stroking full, taut breasts that were beginning to heave as Mecca writhed beneath her. Mecca gasped and mewled when Jericho circled her areola with her tongue, careful not to touch her nipple. Jericho slowly inched her way around the hard nipple, moving her tongue closer with each rotation. Then she began to suck.

  “Dear God, you’re killing me,” Mecca cried as she arched her body hard against Jericho’s.

  “Shush, honey. The general will hear us.”

  “Then stop tormenting me and do something,” Mecca whispered.

  Continuing to stroke and caress breasts that seared her senses, Jericho kissed her way down to Mecca’s thighs. Mecca tangled her hands in long blonde hair and pulled Jericho’s mouth to the spot that was throbbing for her touch.


  Jericho collapsed onto her side and pulled Mecca into her arms. “I can never love you enough,” she whispered.

  “Good,” Mecca giggled, “because I’m not through with you.”

  “Hmm . . . .” Jericho murmured.

  “I want you to put on—” Soft lips interrupted her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Always,” Mecca whispered. “Hurry.”

  Jericho was back in a flash. “You must not cry out,” she reiterated. “The general is right next door.”

  “I can’t make you any promises,” Mecca said, giggling. “Just please don’t make me beg.”

  Jericho slid down in the bed, pulling Mecca’s breast into her mouth while caressing the other one, gently increasing the pressure on the nipple. She rose above the brunette beauty and rested on her elbows as she watched her eyes. She loved the way Mecca’s eyes widened then closed as she pulled her in tighter.

  A growl started low in Mecca’s throat. “Bite me,” Jericho commanded as she pulled Mecca’s mouth against her shoulder to muffle the scream she knew was coming. Mecca smothered a moan. “Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t ever stop loving me.”


  Jericho lay on her back with Mecca’s head resting on her shoulder. She marveled at how perfectly they fit together. Mecca stirred and snuggled closer into strong, loving arms. “Are you awake?” she murmured, sleep making her voice low and husky.

  “Yes,” Jericho responded, stroking Mecca’s tousled black hair. “Go back to sleep. It isn’t daylight yet.”

  She could feel Mecca’s heart beating as the brunette eased on top of her. “I think I need to return a favor to someone. Tit for tat.”

  “You have such a way with words.” Jericho chuckled as she lost herself in her wife.

  Chapter 44

  They left the motel before sunup

  “We’ve got to get a regular vehicle,” Jericho said. “We’ll attract too much unwanted attention in this baby.”

  They parked the Sno-Cat at a Walmart in Dundalk, Maryland, and walked to a restaurant to eat breakfast. Mecca engaged their waitress in conversation, casually asking her where the closest car dealership was located.

  They purchased a Ford Escort and pulled into a small motel outside of Washington, DC, after nightfall. They got a good night’s sleep and headed to Pennsylvania Avenue. The heightened security presence near the White House was evident everywhere one looked.

  “I’m not sure we can get in.” Jericho frowned as she parked the car.

  “I think I can get us in,” Mecca said.

  “How?” Jericho asked as they followed Mecca toward the White House.

  “Keep your fingers crossed,” Mecca whispered as they checked in at the guard’s desk and walked through security.

  “I’m Dr. Mecca Storm,” she said to the guard. “I have an appointment with the president.”

  Mecca placed her hand on his arm. “Please have someone take us to the president,” she instructed.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the guard said. He made a call, and two uniformed Secret Service officers appeared and took them to the West Wing and then to the Oval Office. The president was sitting at the Resolute Desk, used by every President since Ronald Reagan.

  Tom Reynolds was having coffee and going over information with a staffer when they entered his office.

  Tom stood to greet them. “I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see you.” He shook hands with the Carsons and Mecca then extended his hand to Jericho. “Major Parker, I presume,” he smiled. “We’ve never been introduced but I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Chapter 45

  “We have averted a panic situation,” the president said. “I’ve been told that there are small pockets of terrorists still moving about, but for the most part, all the culprits have been arrested.

  “We apprehended all the bombers before they could plant their explosives. You should be proud, General. Your agents saved the day.”

  “Did you apprehend a man named Aym?” Carson asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Tom replied, “but I’m certain your second-in-command has a complete list of names for you.”

  The president and General Carson thanked Jericho and Mecca profusely for keeping Abby safe. Then they asked Jericho to leave the room so they could speak with Mecca alone.


  “What was that all about?” Jericho matched her stride to her wife’s as Secret Service officers led them from the White House to a government-owned car.

  “Just get in and drive,” Mecca whispered.

  Jericho slid behind the wheel and pulled into DC traffic. “Am I headed anywhere special?” she asked.

  Mecca held a note in front of her with t
he address printed on it. Jericho nodded and accelerated.

  “Tell me when it’s safe to talk,” Jericho whispered. She knew Mecca feared they were being monitored.

  Mecca flipped on the radio and turned up the volume. “Just make small talk,” she whispered. “Make certain no one is following us.”

  Jericho turned off the radio. “Do you mind if we don’t listen to that? I need to concentrate on driving until we get out of DC.”

  “I’m fine with that,” Mecca replied. “If you’re okay, I’m going to close my eyes and try to get some sleep.”

  “I’d like that.” Jericho gave an animated nod, checking the rearview mirror and looking around for any signs of a tail. She spotted him in a nondescript gray Ford.

  “I need to get gas before we get too far out of town.” She squeezed Mecca’s knee, smiling at the way Mecca reacted to her touch.

  “Seems like years.” Mecca looked up at her through long lashes and flashed her most flirtatious smile.

  “Are you flirting with me?” Jericho almost giggled.

  “Um, maybe,” Mecca cooed.

  Jericho flipped on the turn signal and exited to a service station. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she left the car.

  The car following them pulled in, and the driver got out and started pumping gas.

  Whistling under her breath, Jericho slid her credit card into the pump, placed the nozzle into the gas tank, and opened the car’s trunk. She found a pair of socks in the duffle bag, rolled them together, and stuffed them into her jacket pocket.

  Jericho eyed the man who had been following them. He was big. Tall with broad shoulders, like a linebacker or a blocker. She knew she wouldn’t win in hand-to-hand combat with him.

  The man replaced the gas nozzle in the pump’s slot and walked toward the men’s room. Jericho casually walked behind his car and stuffed the socks into the car’s tailpipe. She was screwing the gas cap onto her car when he returned.

  “What did you do?” Mecca whispered as Jericho closed her car door.

  “All full and the tires look good,” Jericho said. “We should be able to make it home tonight.”

  As they drove, Jericho watched the man’s car in her rearview mirror. It took almost an hour for him to succumb to the carbon monoxide seeping into his vehicle. Jericho scowled into her mirror as the man’s car careened off the side of the road and rolled into a massive tree.

  “I think it’s safe to talk now,” Jericho said, wrinkling her nose. “I have no idea who he is. I do know he isn’t with the government. I’m guessing he’s a straggler from the terrorist cell.

  “What is the address of the safe house the general wants you to take me to?”

  Mecca showed Jericho the slip of paper again. “She wants you to contact her in the morning, and she’ll give you your orders then.

  “Tom Reynolds is coordinating a speech to the nation with the news stations. He wants to tell the American people what happened and reassure them that everything is under control and democracy is safe.”

  “When is the speech?” Jericho asked.

  “I’m not certain. They were still trying to coordinate it with the news stations.”

  “I wonder why she wants us there?”

  Mecca shrugged. “You’ll have to ask Abby. I’m sure she has her reasons.”

  Chapter 46

  Jericho fought the urge to hug her wife tighter. Mecca’s soft slumber made her happy. She knew Mecca felt safe in her arms. Their lovemaking had been slow and easy, each taking their time to please the other. Still, Jericho knew Mecca was holding something back. Something she wasn’t at liberty to share.

  I’ve protected her for over seven years, Jericho thought. Five years as a shadow and two years as her wife. I hope I’m not forced to protect her from our own government. I would bring them all down before I’d let anything happen to her. She planned for Mecca’s safety as she drifted into sleep. Even General Carson had no idea of what Jericho Parker was capable.

  The ringing of Mecca’s burner phone jerked them from their sleep. Mecca crawled across Jericho to reach her cell on the night table. Jericho tried to control the wave of desire that swept through her as Mecca let her breasts slide over Jericho’s naked back.

  Mecca let her body sink into Jericho’s as she answered the phone. “Good morning, General. . . . Yes, we’re safe.” She listened for a long time as General Carson gave her instructions and then asked to speak with Jericho.

  Mecca placed the phone next to Jericho’s ear, and the blonde raised a hand to hold it there. “Good morning, General.”

  It took all the self-control Jericho had to listen to the instructions General Carson was giving her. As she talked, Mecca spread her legs and slipped between them. She ran her hands forcefully down Jericho’s firm calves then followed them with soft lips.

  Jericho smothered a moan and bucked slightly as Mecca kissed her way up her legs, over rounded hips, and up her back. Silky breasts followed the kisses up Jericho’s spine. General Carson’s instructions became, “Blah, blah, blah.”

  “Give me a second, General,” Jericho said, trying not to pant into the phone. She slid the cell under her pillow and flipped her wife onto her back. “Don’t move,” she instructed. “We’re talking about your safety. I don’t need to be distracted.”

  Mecca did as she was told and lay quietly on her back. The cell slid to the floor as Jericho ended the conversation. “You are so going to pay for that,” she said, grinning as she pulled her wife beneath her.

  “One can only hope,” Mecca whispered in her ear.

  Chapter 47

  Mecca checked herself in the mirror. A women’s shop had delivered a conservative black suit, complete with a white blouse and a skirt that reached below the knees. It was perfect for the general’s plan. Black heels and a handbag completed the austere look.

  “You look very sexy in your Secret Service outfit,” Mecca smirked. “I do love a woman in uniform.”

  “A black pant suit that hides a sidearm is hardly a uniform,” Jericho pointed out. “I’ll look like half the people there tonight. You, on the other hand, look like a million dollars.”

  “Um, thank you, love.” Mecca tiptoed to kiss her wife. “You know what to do?”

  “Yes. What I don’t know is what you’re going to do. I need to know, Mecca. If I don’t know, how can I protect you?”

  Mecca frowned. “Just stay close to me. As long as you’re close to me I’ll be okay.”

  “You know I will, honey.” Jericho slipped her Glock into her shoulder holster and put an extra clip into each hip pocket. And God help anyone who tries to harm you.

  Chapter 48

  The leader of the security detail couldn’t help looking Mecca up and down as she opened the door. “Dr. Storm, we’re here to escort you and Captain Parker to the Capitol.”

  Jericho draped Mecca’s coat around her shoulders and pulled on her own. She followed her wife to the limousine that was waiting for them.

  Inside the limo, Mecca slipped her arm through Jericho’s and snuggled into her side. “Relax, darling. Everything will be fine.”

  Jericho tilted Mecca’s face to kiss her lips lightly, careful not to disturb her makeup. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered.

  Upon arrival at the Capitol they were escorted into the rotunda. General Carson spotted them and rushed to greet them. Jericho’s apprehension increased as she viewed the military presence in the room. Obviously, all the danger hadn’t passed. She moved closer to her wife.

  The president was huddled with the secretaries of homeland security and state and his national security advisor. He raised his eyes to meet Mecca’s as General Carson led them toward the group.

  “Dr. Storm, thank you for joining us tonight. I was just telling the speaker that I’d like to have you join us in the House Chamber for my speech. I’d like you to open our address with a prayer.”

  Mecca nodded.

  “General Carson has a few notes for you,” Re
ynolds continued. “You may use the office off the foyer to discuss anything you have questions about.”

  Jericho and Mecca followed Abby to the office. “You need to wait here,” the general instructed Jericho. “Make certain we’re not disturbed.”

  Jericho didn’t like letting Mecca out of her sight but obeyed the general’s orders. She rested her back against the office door and waited.

  “That could be extremely dangerous,” Mecca said, her voice rising an octave as she argued with General Carson.

  Jericho considered charging into the room but stayed at her station as commanded. A minute later, the door swung open, and a furious Mecca charged from the room.

  “Jericho,” General Carson said as she caught her agent’s arm, “don’t let her out of your sight. She has a major role to play in our little production tonight, and she must do it. Our nation is counting on her.”

  “What is her role?” Jericho asked.

  “You have no need to know.” General Carson pasted a smile on her face as she walked away to greet a senator.

  Jericho had a bad feeling in her bones. She rushed to catch up with her wife.

  “Mecca, tell me what’s going on,” Jericho pleaded.

  “I . . . I can’t,” Mecca mumbled. “I need to check out the House Chamber before the president’s national address is televised.”

  Using her credentials, Jericho ushered Mecca through the various checkpoints set up to make certain only the main players were allowed in the Chamber for the televised address.

  Mecca surveyed the room, until her gaze rested on the TV cameras and a sound booth. She smiled her sweetest smile as she approached the two audiovisual technicians. “Will you be running the sound and audio that is telecast to the nation tonight?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the two said, grinning. “Will you be in here?”

  “I’ll be the one giving the invocation tonight,” Mecca said. She placed a hand on each man’s arm. “I’m a little nervous, but I’m certain you will take care of me. That everything will be perfect.”


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