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Assassination Authorized

Page 27

by Erin Wade

  “Boss, you’d better come look at this,” his manager skipped from one foot to the other. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Barron laughed. “What is so exciting you can’t stand still, Willie.”

  “At the back of the lot, where the road dead ends.” Willie’s wide-eyed glare made Barron pay attention.

  “Is it something bad?”

  “Yeah, boss, really bad.” Willie sprinted a few feet ahead of Barron as if checking out things before his boss proceeded.

  “There,” Willie pointed a shaking finger toward something half buried in the mulch pile.

  Barron pushed past Willie for a closer look. “Oh, dear Jesus,” he exclaimed before he threw up.


  Chapter 2

  Java Jarvis half listened as the Director droned on about the purpose of the new task force. She was more interested in the brunette at the other end of the conference table.

  They were introducing themselves, their name, rank and serial number. Each talked about their specialty, areas in which they excelled.

  “I have a license to . . .” the redhead faded away as Java wondered which of her own licenses would be required for the assignment they were undertaking. Java had a driver’s license, a commercial drivers license, a concealed carry license, a license to practice medicine, a license to perform weddings, baptisms and funerals, a license to kill, a license from Microsoft declaring her a computer genius—to go with her degree from MIT, a notary license, a license to practice law in the US, a liquor license and did I mention a license to kill? Her weapons of choice ware a knife and her bare hands.

  “Java, its your turn,” the director repeated. “Would you like to share your areas of expertise with us?”

  “Umm, I have a driver’s license and I love computers.”

  “That’s it?” The brunette smirked.

  “Oh, and a concealed carry license,” Java added smirking back.

  “You look like a girl scout,” the brunette taunted her.

  “That’s my other specialty,” Java grinned. “I look harmless.” She wiggled her eyebrows at the brunette. “Trust me, I’m not!”

  The brunette gave her a sultry look and shrugged.

  She’s flirting with me, Java thought. Yep, she’s flirting with me.

  “Your base of operation is a restaurant called Home of the Blues,” the director continued. “Java actually owns it and has operated out of it for several years. It’s amazing how much information one can glean from a tongue loosened by booze. As always, Java will run the operation.”

  “Barbie, you’ll do your dumb blonde waitress routine.” The Director addressed a cute little blonde with dimples to die for, who was anything but a dumb blonde.

  “I need a better cover than a waitress,” the brunette demanded.

  “Oh, we have a better cover for you,” Java grinned. “You’re the chief dish washer.”

  The brunette didn’t rise to the bait. She knew she’d be front and center in the operation. That was why she was here.

  “Chris you’ll take over as head cashier and part-time hostess. Kat, you’re the resident blues singer during this maneuver.”

  The brunette raised a perfectly arched brow and gave Java a “I told you so” look.

  Katrina Yvonne Cane was one of those breathtaking beauties that drove both sexes mad. Brown bedroom eyes with a permanent “think you can handle this” look and a right cross that would lay low anyone who tried, made her irresistible.

  “You’ll report to Java,” the Director concluded.

  Java locked gazes with Kat. “That means you’ll be working under me,” Java’s devilish grin made Kat blush and scowl.

  “It means I’ll file sexual harassment charges against you if you even glance at me sideways,” Kat threatened.

  “Oh, she scratches,” Barbie giggled. “I see claw marks and blood in your future, Java.” Everyone laughed.

  “Ladies,” the Director quieted them. “We’re after a killer—or killers—that travels between Louisiana and Texas. “Java, you want to bring us up to speed?”


  Java pushed a remote control that raised a panel exposing their electric white board.

  “I miss chalk,” Barbie spouted.

  Java zipped a “Z” across the electric whiteboard with her finger. “I don’t know,” she grinned. “I rather like fingers, don’t you Kat?”

  “Director, must I work with her?” Kat glared at Java.

  “You four were handpicked, Kat,” FBI Director Karen Pierce snorted, “You know Java’s just trying to get a rise out of you. This is one of the goriest cases I’ve ever worked. Before we finish, I think you’ll welcome Java’s attempts to distract you.”

  “Personally,” Barbie laughed, “I’m looking forward to working under Java. She’s a legend in the world of—.”

  “Bedrooms,” Kat butted in.

  “I was going to say criminal investigation,” Barbie smirked. “But maybe you know more about Java then I do.

  “Thank you, Barbie,” the smile disappeared from Java’s face. “Each of you were selected for this assignment because you have special skills.

  “Although Kat looks like a sexy cream puff, her abilities in hand-to-hand combat are phenomenal. Trust me she can kill a man faster than you can blink an eye. Kat’s married and I respect that. As far as I’m concerned that takes her off the market, which makes my teasing harmless. Have you noticed that I keep the table between her and me when I razz her?”

  Everyone laughed, and the group relaxed. Beginning to meld into the cohesive killing unit they would need to be to survive their assignment.

  “Although we’re all licensed to carry guns, we won’t during this operation. We were selected because of our hand -to-hand combat abilities.

  “Chris Canton’s weapon is pressure points. Let Chris get her hands on you and you can be dead or paralyzed within a few seconds.

  “The newest member of our team, Barbie Wallace is as deadly as a rattlesnake. Her specialty is poisons. I’m guessing that Barbie has enough poison on her person right now to kill everyone in this room. Am I right, Barbie?”

  “Maybe,” Barbie blushed.

  “Don’t be fooled by her innocent, blushing. She’s a blonde. Blondes can blush at will.” Java demonstrated letting a slow redness creep up her chest to her face. “It’s in our genes.”

  “How many women has that worked on?” Kat demanded.

  Java cleared her throat. “I’ve lost count.”

  “Director Pierce will supply us with every gadget imaginable. If we need it Karen will get it for us.” Java continued.

  “Drop the titles and ranks. Always call each other by your first names. Use the alias last names we’ve assigned to you. They’re all backed up in every database imaginable. Beau Braxton will be our police coordinator with the local authorities. He’s working another decapitation murder right now and couldn’t make this meeting. He’ll join us for dinner and drinks later tonight.”

  “This case has been turned over to us because we have the heads of four women and no bodies. We think we are dealing with one or more serial killers.”

  “Were all the heads found in Louisiana?” Barbie asked.

  “No, two in Louisiana and two in Texas.”

  “May I buy you a drink, Kat?” Java asked.


  “Because I’d like to,” Java grinned her best little girl grin settling into the seat next to Kat. “Where’s your husband? If I had a woman like you, I’d never get very far away from her.”

  “If you had a woman like me, you wouldn’t know what to do with her.”

  “Try me,” Java growled.

  Kat leaned over and whispered in Java’s ear. Java’s eyes darted around the room as Kats soft lips brushed her earlobe.

  The team watched as the two sparred with each other. “Is that a controlled blush that just enveloped you,” Chris laughed, “or is Kat setting you on fire?”

  “I wa
s just asking Java an innocent question,” Kat purred.

  Java cleared her throat and licked her lips. “There’s no such thing as an innocent question.”

  The four talked and danced as they waited for Beau to join them. It was obvious Barbie was enamored of her new boss.

  “I swear Java, I keep expecting you to rip open your shirt and expose a big S on your chest,” Barbie giggled as she touched Java’s arm.

  “Yes, I’m sure she’s had a big ass on her chest,” Kat retorted.

  “S a big S as in Supergirl,” Barbie hissed.

  Java smiled, enjoying the good-natured sparing going on between her teammates. Kat shot her a smoldering look and Java sobered. “Enough teasing ladies. We’ve got some nasty work to do.”

  Chapter 3

  Slow dancing with Java was an exercise in self-control. Kat watched as Barbie almost climbed the lithe frame of their team leader. The smaller woman slid her hand behind Java’s back and found the hem of her pull over. She slipped her fingers beneath the top and slid her hand up Java’s back pressing skin against skin.

  Java locked gazes with Kat and grinned sheepishly. Time to save her ass, Kat thought. She sipped one last swallow of her wine then walked to the dancers. “Cutting in.” She dared Barbie to deny her request.

  “It’s about time,” Java released her breath. “I thought you were going to let her seduce me.” She pulled Kat into her arms and reveled in the feel of the brunette. “You on the other hand are welcome to succeed.”

  “You shouldn’t ride me so hard in front of them,” Kat whispered in her ear as their bodies melded, and Java moved her gracefully around the dance floor. “It’s a turn on you know.”

  “Meant for you and no one else,” Java pointed out.

  “Note to Java,” the blonde grinned, “don’t ride Kat so hard in public. What about in private?”

  “In private, you can ride me as hard as you like.” Kat bit Java’s ear hard.

  “Ouch,” Java squealed jumping away from Kat. “That hurt.”

  “I’m going to the lady’s room,” Kat smirked. “Go charm your teammates.”

  Java ambled to the table where the others were laughing at her.

  “She scratches and bites,” Chris poked fun at her boss and the others laughed as Java continued rubbing her ear.

  Java finished her drink then followed Kat into the foyer of the immaculate lady’s room. The brunette was washing her hands at the sink next to the wall. She dried her hands and turned to face the woman that often made her heart race.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” she purred as Java backed her to the wall.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere else,” Java whispered in her ear as she pressed her body against Kat’s. “You drive me crazy.”

  Kat raised hands Java knew were lethal weapons. She caught Kat’s wrists in her left hand and forced them against the wall above her head.

  “Someone is living dangerously,” Kat mumbled.

  “You know you’ve wanted this all day,” Java kissed her neck and shoulder.

  “Sometimes I could kill you,” Kat threatened.

  “And other times?” Java continued to kiss and gently suck Kat’s neck.

  “Other times I could fuc—," Soft lips pressed against Kat’s— “your brains out.”

  “I’m hoping this is one of those other times,” Java pressed her lower body harder against Kat and let her free hand edge under Kat’s sweater.

  Kat couldn’t stop her foolish heart’s acceleration as Java’s soft hand moved closer to her breast. “I hate you,” she mumbled as she sucked Java’s lip between her teeth. “Hate you.”

  “Incoming,” Kate whispered.

  Java groaned loudly.

  Kat’s movement was imperceptible. One-minute Java had Kat’s hands penned to the wall over her head and the next minute Java lay on the floor curled into the fetal position cursing loudly. “Son-of a- I think you broke my ribs.”

  “I won’t be so gentle next time, Java,” Kat kicked at her team leader as she headed for the door.

  “Oh, I thought we were alone,” she shot a hot glance at her two teammates pretending to notice them for the first time. “You might want to help your boss, you know the one with five hands.”

  Chapter 4

  Kat wrapped her arms around Java’s waist and pulled the blonde on top of her. “Ouch, I think you cracked my ribs,” Java whined. “That really hurts.”

  “I could move from your arms and sleep on my side of the bed, as far away from you as possible.”

  “Hum,” Java hummed. “A little hurt sleeping with you in my arms or sleeping without touching you. You know me, I like a little hurt.”

  “I thought so,” Kat giggled as she tightened her arms around Java.

  “God, Kat, you’re killing me.”

  “Let me do something that will take your mind off the pain,” Kat purred.

  “What do you want from me, Kat?” Java looked into dark eyes that owned her soul.

  “Everything you’ve got to give,” Kat mumbled just before she bit Java’s lip. She sucked on Java’s full lower lip. “I love the taste of copper.”

  Java pulled back from her and let a drop of blood fall from her lip to Kat’s. “Sometimes I think you enjoy hurting me,” she mumbled.

  “You know I do,” Kat kissed her hard, sucking the soul from her. “Because I know how much you like it. You drive me wild. You’re the other half of my soul, Java.”

  “I’ve thought about this all day,” Java breathed in Kat’s ear. She slipped her hand up to caress Kat’s other breast.

  “Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” she whispered as both her hands paid homage to Kat’s ample breasts.

  “Surprise me,” Kat challenged.

  Java pulled Kat back against her and the brunette moaned loudly as Java rubbed her bare breasts against Kat’s back. “You like that, hum,” Java cooed.

  “You know I do.” Kat gasped. “I love the feel of you touching me anywhere. I want you all over me.”

  Java splayed her hands down Kat’s torso to her abdomen stopping just above the area that was her intended target. She buried her face in soft fragrant hair and nibbled at Kat’s shoulder. She hoped she was arousing Kat because she was driving herself insane.

  “Oh God, Java,” Kat cried out. “Do something, anything. You’re killing me.”

  Java pushed Kat onto the bed face down and slipped between her legs. Supporting herself so she was barely touching Kat she slowly rubbed her breasts from Kat’s soft buttock up her silky back until her body covered the brunette’s. She kissed and nipped Kat’s neck as she let her weight press Kat into the mattress.

  “Please, Java, don’t make me beg.”

  Java trailed long fingers down Kat’s side and slipped her hand between Kat’s legs. “Yesss,” Kat hissed. “A thousand times yes!”


  Much later they lay wrapped in each other’s arms. “That was incredible,” Kat gasped for air. “After all these years you still turn me into a simpering, begging wench.”

  “And I’m still your slave,” Java laughed softly. “You are bewitching and addictive. I still can’t get enough of you.”

  “Good,” Kat snuggled in closer. “Because I’m not through with you yet.” She rolled Java onto her back. “Prepare to beg, darling.”

  Chapter 5

  “I’ll get into the club around four,” Kat handed Java a cup of coffee and sat down on the bed beside her. “I want to run through a couple of new songs with the combo.”

  “Umm, I wish I could stay with you until then,” Java looked longingly at the brunette, “but I need to be there before the others to make certain things get off to a smooth start.”

  “I know, baby.” Kat cooed. “It’s best we arrive at different times. If the agency knew we were involved with one another, they wouldn’t let us work together. I’m surprised they assign me with you as often as they do.”

  “I always request you,” Java grinned.
“I tell them you’re hard as hell to work with, but the best agent I’ve ever met. They’re all about results so they don’t care. The way you treat me convinces them you hate me.”

  “Oh, but they have no idea how phenomenal the makeup sex is,” Kat smirked.


  Java was stacking drink glasses in the bar when Barbie Wallace arrived. “You’re early, Barbie.”

  “I just wanted to get the lay of the land before others arrived.” Barbie tied an apron that said, “Home of the Blues.” Is it okay if I walk through the place?”

  “Sure. Do you need a guided tour?”

  “No, I want to commit it all to memory,” Barbie raised her brows, “and I’m pretty certain you’d be a distraction.”

  Java shrugged her shoulders and turned away. The last thing she needed was to get involved with another member of her team. Kat was more woman than she could handle anyway.

  Chris Canton joined Java in the bar. “I wanted to thank you for requesting me,” she said as she settled onto one of the bar stools.

  “You might change your mind when you find out why,” Java smirked.

  “Do tell?” The redhead hid a smile.

  “You fit the description of all the victims. You are the bait in our little trap.”

  “Ah,” a thoughtful expression crossed Chris’s face. “I assumed the bait would be Kat.”

  “Kat does seem to attract the crazies,” Java chuckled.

  “Does that include you?” A smile ghosted Chris’ lips.

  “We’re all crazy,” Java avoided the question. “Otherwise we’d have sane jobs instead of putting our lives on the line to catch psycho killers.”

  “Why don’t you give me a quick run through of your system?” Chris nodded toward the computer system used to run Home of the Blues financial activities.

  “All the waitresses have hand-held devices similar to mini iPads,” Java led Chris to the computer. “They enter the customer’s order as they take it and it goes to the cooks in the back and into the processor here. At any point in time you can see how many orders are working and how many orders have been filled. It keeps a running total of daily sales so you will always be able to see how business is doing.”


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