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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 2

by K M Dean

  “Very well Mr. Jacobs, put it on speaker.” The speakers in Titan control came to life.

  “Titan control, this Admiral Harrison-Langham aboard the TSC battleship Vigorous. I order you to power down all weapon systems and prepare to be boarded. A court martial is waiting for anyone failing to follow my orders.”

  “This Station is now the property of the Terran Space Command under the direction of United States President Lucas Hawthorne. I also have arrest warrants for Admiral Leland Miller and General Terry Giles. This will be your only warning.”

  “It looks like it might be time to call in the cavalry.” Said Admiral Miller. The Federation had forbidden the SOL/FED Navy to intervene on Earth, but they never told him he couldn’t defend Titan Station. “Mr. Jacobs Advise Force One to proceed with operation Lone Ranger.”

  Aboard the Cruiser Carolina

  Captain Emily Vos of the SOL/FED Navy Cruiser Carolina said, “Comm, advise all ships to drop stealth and give me a channel to that battleship.”

  “Aye Sir, Channel open now Sir.”

  “Battleship Vigorous, this is Captain Vos of the Cruiser Carolina. You have intruded into Titan space. Power down your weapons and prepare to be boarded. We have your ships targeted. If you fail to stop you will be destroyed. If you resist, you will be destroyed. Surrender now or you will be destroyed. You are out manned and outgunned.”

  Admiral Harrison-Langham responded to the challenge of Captain Voss. “Captain Vos, all former members of the U. S. Navy and Marine corps have been reactivated. You are disobeying the direct order of a superior officer. I will have you court marshalled and hung.”

  “Admiral Harrison-Langham, none of the officers and sailors in this defensive fleet were ever in the U. S. Navy, Marine Corps. Or any other branch of the U S military. We are, however, loyal members of the Solar Federation Navy. We will happily blow your ass to hell if you do not follow my orders exactly. Comply now or we will fire. You have ten seconds.”

  Admiral Harrison-Langham and the Terran Space Command fleet had no choice. They were heavily outgunned. Although they had an impressive fleet of ships, they were no match for the four cruisers of the SOL FED Navy and they knew it.

  They had been ambushed. Their hopes for success were based on the idea that the SOL/FED Navy was ordered not to intervene in Terran politics. They also believed that Admiral Miller had to remove all his ships from Titan to avoid the reactivation of his officers and men. The idea that there was no defense at Titan Station was an error. An error that cost the TSC the few ships it had.

  The TSC Fleet powered down their weapons and took up an orbit outside of Titan Station.

  Aboard the Carolina, Sol/Fed Marine Colonel Scott Harrison was preparing to board the Vigorous. His second in command, Captain Brian Savasta said, “Colonel, I can handle this. There is no need for you to suit up and go over there. You’re not even supposed to be here.”

  Colonel Harrison replied, “Brian, there’s no doubt you can handle it. Hell, I trained you, so I know you can handle it. I’m going because those assholes were threatening to arrest my commanders and to Court Martial me. I’m going to enjoy throwing them in the brig. Even if it’s for just a little while.”

  Aboard the battleship Vigorous

  The Marines felt the SOL/FED shuttle shudder slightly as it matched airlocks with the battleship Vigorous. When the air pressure had equalized, the platoon did a standard hostile entry to the battleship hanger deck. There was no resistance. Colonel Harrison said, “Sergeant Sanders, take your squad to engineering and secure the ship.”

  “Lieutenant Copeland take two squads and be sure we have no one wandering around the ship. Admiral Miller would prefer that we do this without bloodshed. Only fire if you are fired on. Be alert. Do not put yourselves in danger. But, use force if necessary.”

  Colonel Harrison and his squad strode into the bridge of the Vigorous. He and his Marines were armed and in full body armor. Colonel Harrison said, “Sergeant Bell, secure the prisoners.”

  Admiral Harrison-Langham immediately began to protest. “Here now, you can’t do that, I am an Admiral in the Terran Space Command.”

  Colonel Harrison replied, “You, Sir, were threatening violence against Titan

  Station. You are an enemy combatant and you will be treated as such until I am ordered differently by my superior officer.”

  “Sergeant Bell, if this prisoner gives you any trouble, you are ordered to gag him.”

  “Sir, yes Sir,” replied Sergeant Bell with a smile.

  After the SOL/FED Marines had taken control of the TSC ships, Admiral Miller had Admiral Harrison-Langham brought aboard Titan Station. Harrison-Langham blustered, “You have no right to detain me. I am an officer in the TSC.”

  “Admiral,” said Admiral Miller. “You attempted to invade a military outpost of the Solar/Federation Navy. That is an act of war. You are fortunate we didn’t simply destroy you.”

  “We have no wish to be at odds with Earth over this. But Simply put, Lucas Hawthorne is attempting a coup of the legitimate U S Government. He is doing this in his own personal quest for power. As a race, humanity must get it together. We need to show the rest of the Federation we can do our jobs. If we don’t, Earth will be the big loser.”

  Harrison-Langham was having nothing of it. He simply was unable to see beyond his own small greedy world.

  The captured battleship and destroyers became the property of the SOL/FED Navy. They were old and would require considerable updates to make them useful, but hulls were hulls. And Admiral Miller was certain the SOL/FED Navy was going to need all they could get. Admiral Miller feared that whatever ships and weapons the Federation had it might not be enough for what he saw coming.

  The crews for the Battleship and the four destroyers were shoehorned into the six disarmed Corvettes and were told to return to Earth and not to come back.

  Chapter Three

  The Political Web

  Ambassador Arpvo Abrajli, President Lucas Hawthorne, TSC director Theodor Moore and Admiral Harrison-Langham were gathered in the Oval office.

  Ambassador Abrajli said, “So much for your control of the SOL/FED Navy. What do you propose to do now?”

  “Arpvo,” replied Lucas Hawthorne, “I still have the U S Supreme Court working. Give me time to get a favorable ruling from them. It will make the rest of the takeover much smoother.”

  “I fail to see how you believe the U S Supreme court will support your takeover of the U S Government. Your seizure of the government is obviously illegal under U S Law. Why not just allow me to bring in my military and complete this takeover? That is what will have to be done at some point anyway. The Colgorane High Assembly intends to control all of Earths governments. The occupation of Earth and the threat of bombardment from space will bring all countries into line. Only then will we be able to install you as the Sovereign of Earth, allied with the Jian Empire under the sponsorship of the Colgorane High Assembly.”

  “Please, Arpvo. You must understand. History is an important part of human uniqueness. I want to be remembered as a benevolent leader who took the necessary steps to save humanity. A leader who rules with a caring hand. I believe what we are doing is vital to Earths integration into Galactic society. But I wish to do it in such a way that I will be perceived as a hero rather than a tyrant.”

  “You will realize, at some point, President Hawthorne, that governing with an iron hand is the only way to rule effectively. Most humans will only understand supremacy enforced by penalty. Earthlings are an inferior race that will be subservient to the Jian and the Colgorane. Earth must submit to our total control.”

  “Arpvo, I understand, but I wish to save humanity from itself. There is no need for massive extermination. Please let me do it my way. We will bring in the Colgorane troops. But timing is everything.”

  “President Hawthorne, I will agree to your request, but my patience is not infinite. Make this work or I will take over.” Replied Ambassador Arpvo Abrajli.

  With that the Ambassador and his entourage returned to the Colgorane Embassy.

  “Lucas.” Said Theodor Moore. “Are you sure this is what we want to do? How do we control this country if we bring in alien troops? The entire basis for taking control was to save this country, and the Earth from aliens. The people will never stand for it.”

  “The People are fools Theodor. They need strong leadership. Someone who will tell them what to do and when to do it. For that we need the help of the Colgorane military. It will just be until we have complete control. Then they will allow us to administer under their direction. What I need from you is your loyalty. If you cannot provide that I will find someone else I can trust. Is that something I need to do?”

  Moore replied hastily, “of Course not Lucas I just want you to have all your options available. That is my job. You have my loyalty”

  After returning to the TSC building, Admiral Harrison-Langham relaxed in his office. He summoned his aide de camp, Norman Gardener. “Norman, bring me a scotch, neat.”

  “Yes Sir,” replied Norman.

  “Make it a double Norman.”

  “Yes Sir. Tough day Sir?” asked Norman.

  “Tough enough. The president has decided we need help from outside.”

  Norman replied, as he made the Admirals drink. “Outside Sir? Like from the British or the Russians?”

  “No Norman, from far outside. You never heard me say this, but I have a bad feeling about allowing the Colgorane military to come to Earth. But, like it or not they will be here in a few weeks”

  “Yes Sir, I understand. And I am certain You and the President know what needs to be done.”

  Later that same night

  Norman made a seemingly innocent phone call to his “girlfriend” Sandy.

  Norman and Sandy were both operatives of the SOL/FED Intelligence Section. Norman had been undercover for over a year and had earned his position as an aide to Admiral Harrison-Langham through hard work.

  “Sandy, this is Norman. I just spoke with my boss. You know that trip to meet my folks we had planned for a few weeks from now? I am going to have to cancel.”

  “Oh, Norman, I’ve been looking forward to meeting your family.”

  Norman replied, “I know honey, but the boss just told me that I am going to have to work a lot of overtime. He has a bunch of Ambassador Abrajli’s friends coming in over the next couple of weeks.”

  “Wow Norman, it sounds like you are going to be busy. And how many people will there be?”

  “I don’t even know Sandy. All I am sure of is there will be shiploads Sandy, we are talking about a real troop of folks. I am not even certain of the final number, but I know we will have our hands full.”

  “I’m so sorry Norman, of course we can reschedule. I am disappointed, but I understand. Do you have any firm dates?”

  “No Sandy, just sometime in the next few weeks.”

  Sandy replied, “OK honey, no problem. Say Norman, how about a movie this weekend?”

  “That sounds good Sandy, figure out what you want to see, and I’ll pick you up about six on Saturday.”

  “OK sweetheart, love you, see you Saturday.”

  From a payphone, a few blocks from her apartment Sandy placed a call to a number registered to a travel agency. The phone was answered immediately. “This is World Travel; how can I help you?”

  She said, “This is Sandy, my club number is Alpha six six niner five tango Yankee.”

  The male voice that answered said, “Yes Sandy, how can we help you?” Sandy replied. “I have a large group coming to tour the U S in next few weeks. I will need reservations for them. They are friends of Ambassador Abrajli. I need to make certain to have a nice welcome ready.”

  The voice at the agency said, “Alright Sandy, do you have any firm dates?”

  Sandy replied, “I am sorry I don’t, Norman just said sometime over the next few weeks. He said there would be “boatloads” though.”

  “All right Sandy we will make what arrangements we can. If you hear any more details, let us know. And thank you for your business.”

  In a successful travel agency office in New York City, Damian Thompson hung up his phone and walked out to his secretary’s desk.

  “Natalie, I am leaving a little early today. We’re going to the cabin for a long weekend. If my wife calls tell her I am on my way home.”

  “Yes sir Mr. Thompson. See you Monday.”

  Damian was not going home. Damian was not just a successful businessman, he was also an agent for the SOL/FED Intelligence Section. Major Damian Thompson didn’t even have a wife. She was just a voice on the phone. He was however going to his cabin.

  Damian had a cabin on a lake in upstate New York. It was a normal cabin. No power, very secluded with some old solar panels on the roof. There was also a small fusion reactor. The solar panels didn’t work and would never have powered his four-qubit Cluster State FTL transceiver. There were no receivers on Earth that could intercept the signal, except those belonging to the SOL/FED Navy, Marines and Federation Intelligence.

  Damian fired up the transceiver. He called, “Home base, Home base, this is centerfield.”

  The FTL phone was answered immediately, “Centerfield, this is home base confirm you are secure?”

  “I am red, repeat I am red.” Any other answer would terminate the call immediately

  “Good to hear from you Damian, what have you got for me” replied Colonel Thames Rothschild.

  “Our suspicions are confirmed. The Colgorane Ambassador is up to his neck in it. He is ordering Colgorane troops to Earth, supposedly to stabilize the government of the United States for Hawthorne. I believe the intent is to land enough troops to take over the US and then Earth.”

  “That’s our thinking as well. Once they take the U.S. it will be open season on the rest of the world. There are not enough troops on Earth to go up against the Colgorane army. Not with the weapons they have and their ships in orbit to blow away any kind of resistance. It would be a hard-fought battle for our SOL/FED Marines. And the threat of bombardment from space makes it a no-win situation.”

  “I will kick this upstairs. This will confirm what they thought would happen. That ass Hawthorne is playing right in to the Colgorane hands. What a tool. Thanks Centerfield enjoy your weekend and good work,”

  “Roger that Home Base, centerfield signing off.” With that Damian kicked back and had a scotch. It was out of his hands now. He couldn’t help but wonder, how safe would Earth be in a few short weeks.

  At six feet one inch with dark good looks, Damian seemed more like a wealthy playboy than an agent for the SOL/FED intelligence division. Those that knew, or thought they knew, Damian Thompson saw a smooth self-assured and successful businessman. That was the outer Damian. A necessary part of his cover. In fact, Damian was a well-trained intelligence agent. A former Marine with the enhancements all Marines had plus special SOFID training. SOFID was the acronym for the SOL/FED Intelligence Division. SOFID had been formed in the very beginning of the SOL/FED Navy and reported to Admiral Miller. Able to kill with his bare hands if necessary, Damian was trained to analyze a situation and react to it instantly.

  And Damian was a frightened man. Damian had been happy to be an agent of SOFID. It was almost like playing a game, but now it was all different. Now the stakes were much higher. Damian feared he might not be up to the challenge.

  Just as Damian kicked back with his drink in hand, his personal cell phone rang. It showed a number for one of his C. I.’s[2]. Damian said, “This is Damian. How can I help you tonight Jake?”

  Jake said, “It aint you helping me, it’s the other way around. I got some info you need.”

  “OK Jake, what do you have?” Asked Damian. “Uh Uh, man, not of the phone. This is hot shit and I don’t want to take a chance on the phone. Meet me in the regular place at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon. And bring plenty of dough, cause this is important stuff.”

  Damian replied, “al
right Jake, tomorrow at four.”

  Jake was one of Damian’s best sources. He had been “detached” from the U.S. Navy “Buds Prep”[3] for undisclosed reasons. Damian knew that although Jake was physically able to complete the school, he was deemed psychologically unfit.

  After Jake was separated from the service, he had worked for UM protective services. A now defunct mercenary outfit. Now he did bodyguard gigs when he could get them and provided Damian with some fair intel. If Jake thought the info was good, it probably was.

  Macomb’s Dam Park in the Bronx, New York

  Just prior to four PM, Damian sat on a bench near the baseball field. A few minutes later Jake showed up. Jake sat down and said, “You got money?”

  “Yes Jake” replied Damian, “I have money, now spill.”

  Jake replied, “OK, but it had better be a bunch cause this is big. A buddy of mine just got hired for a gig, he was drinking with me a couple of nights ago and he let it slip that he had been recruited by Preuzeti Assemblage to kidnap and hold some folks”

  Damian replied, “and this should concern me because?”

  Jake said, “They are all family or close friends of U S Supreme Court Justices. They are hostages, so the Supreme Court will rule for Hawthorne in some lawsuit or something. He told me everything, where they were being held and the whole enchilada.”

  What the hell thought Damian, was Hawthorne that desperate? Of course, he was, this was just the sort of thing he might do.

  “Okay Jake, you have my undivided attention.” Jake gave Damian everything he had. It wasn’t a complete picture, but it was enough to get some of Damien’s people started looking into it.

  After Jake left, Damian went directly back to his cabin. He settled in and again fired up the Transceiver. “Home base, Home base, this is centerfield.” The answer came immediately, “Centerfield, this is home base confirm you are secure.”

  Damian replied, “I am red, repeat I am red.” Then he proceeded to fill in Colonel Rothschild.


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