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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 16

by K M Dean

  “Of Course, Sergeant, I would expect nothing less. Please proceed.” Indira noticed that Sergeant Zadra was efficient. He knew what he was doing.

  As the Similublian shuttle docked with the space station, Indira could see several officials waiting for her. There was one who had a commanding stature. He looked to be the one in charge. He stepped forward and bowed from the waist and said. “Captain Indira Sukhov, Welcome to space station Almighty Defender One. I am Araime Deruno, Supreme Leader. Allow me to welcome to you to the Sigma Argosa System.”

  Indira replied, “Thank you Supreme Leader Deruno, it is a pleasure to be here. This is a very impressive space station.”

  “Yes Captain, it is one of our research stations. It was the first of seven in orbit around Ornia.”

  “A research station?” Said Indira, I would have thought it would be a military fortification.”

  “Oh no” said Supreme Leader Deruno. We have no military,” replied Deruno.”

  “No military? I thought Sergeant Zadra was military.”

  “Sergeant Zadra is a member of our militia. A small group of volunteers. More like a police force than a military.”

  “I am surprised Supreme Leader, Have you no enemies? What if you were attacked? You have no defensive systems?”

  “Oh no, don’t misunderstand Captain Sukhov. We have defenses, but they are never required. We are a peaceful world. We are thinkers, scientists, and inventors.”

  “The races in this sector come to us for the technology they use for their own military and commercial systems. We are totally neutral, no one would ever attack us because they would never be allowed to get the updated technology only we can provide for them. We use technology to control the aggression of the other races. They are all equal and so they are assured of mutual destruction should they choose to attack any other member of the sector. We have a small military police force that is armed with superior technology to assure no one from outside the sector ever attacks any member of the sector.”

  “That seems to be a unique way of maintaining peace in the sector. Do you do any exploration outside the sector?”

  “We had done some exploration but found that we were duplicating the efforts of a race that had been in space for many years longer than we had. We then decided to use our best efforts to stabilize and improve the sector. Primarily we stay within the confines of the sector. That determination has served us well for many decades. Occasionally outlying systems ask to join our small group.” Replied Leader Deruno.

  “What race did you meet that had been in space so long?” asked Indira.

  “It was a rather imperturbable race called the Krayari,” said Deruno.

  “I see” said Indira. “Are you in regular contact with the Krayari?”

  “No,” replied Deruno. “One of their many ships drop in from time to time, but otherwise we have no ongoing contact with them.”

  “So, you have no way to reach out to them?” Asked Indira.

  “No, we don’t.” Said Leader Deruno. “Why do you ask Captain?”

  After a moment’s thought, Indira replied, “An advanced race like the Krayari might be able to help us get back to the Federation. It seems our FTL system was damaged in an incident in the Delta Ceti system. Perhaps an advanced race such as these Krayari might be able to help us repair it.”

  “I see,” said Deruno, “we may have the technology to help you with repairs. Would you like to have our tech people contact your engineer?”

  “We would be thankful for any help you can provide Supreme Leader Deruno.”

  “Please, Captain, call me Araime. We don’t hold to much with titles here.”

  “Very well Araime, and please call me Indira, that is my given name. May I ask another favor of you Araime?”

  “Of course, Indira, if it is within my power it will be done.”

  “We have a badly injured crew mate. We have him in our Autodoc, but it is just maintaining him. The Autodoc is unable to give him the extensive medical care he requires. I realize we are different races, but perhaps you could have your medical people look at him?”

  “Absolutely, Indira. Wait just a moment while I contact the necessary officials.”

  Leader Deruno made a call on his personal communication device. He then turned to Indira and said, “Indira, our leading medical surgeon and one of our leading engineers in FTL systems will be waiting at the Verbener ship yard. We have a berth in our shipyard available to help with any repairs. We have sent one of our system navigation pilots to help your ship get to the shipyard and enter the berth.”

  “Thank you Araime. I will alert my people to expect them.”

  Indira called ROXXi on her TUI. “ROXXi, this is Captain Sukhov.”

  ROXXi replied, “We have been monitoring your conversation Captain. Are you sure you want to allow their people aboard the Barracuda? We have a directive that requires we do not divulge our technology to anyone outside the Federation.”

  “ROXXi, we are Thirty-six light years from home with no help in sight. I don’t believe we have any choice in the matter. When the berth in the shipyard comes available move the Barracuda in and secure her. The officials will be waiting at the berth, cooperate in our Federation specified standard way with them. Did you get all that XO?”

  “I did Captain,” replied Commander Roderique. “I understand, we will apply our Federation standard level of access.”

  Leader Deruno turned to Indira and said, “Indira, Prod Zadra will be taking you to the ship yard where your ship will be berthed. The ship will be met by a medical team. Dr. Evan Trowish has recommended that your crewmate be transported to our Medical treatment center on the surface. Mager Ardub, our chief Engineer has the equipment required to analyze the FTL problem. He will have that equipment in the ship yard. I will also arrange for you and your crew to have accommodations on the surface if you like. Our technicians recommend that the crew exit the ship while maintenance is performed. The accommodations are quite nice and would probably be more comfortable anyway.”

  “I have assigned one of my aides, Krysuuk Maseer as your liaison. This is his personal link. When you want to go to the surface just let him know and he will make the arrangements. If there is more I can do please let me know. It would be good for you and me to sit down and talk at some point, however get you crewmate and your ship taken care of. When things settle down we can talk more.”

  “I can’t thank you enough Araime. You have probably deduced that we are a long way from home with few resources. We certainly appreciate your help.”

  “Yes Indira, it is a curious thing. I would like very much to hear the story at some point if you decide to tell it.”

  Dr. Evan Trowish arrived at berth seventeen just as Sergeant Prod Zadra dropped Indira off. Indira introduced herself to Dr. Trowish. Dr. Trowish said, “Captain Sukhov, can you explain exactly how your shipmate was injured?”

  Indira replied, “Dr. Trowish, we were engaged in an action. Just as we were engaging our FTL drive for a short combat jump after firing the torpedoes, we were hit by a heavy laser burst. When I awakened, Commander Gunnar Gabrielli, my XO, was hurt and our ship was damaged. We had also been transported to your sector of the galaxy. We have no idea how that happened.”

  Just as Indira finished her explanation the Barracuda drifted in to Berth seventeen and was secured by docking bots. An umbilical extended and sealed itself to the airlock hatch. Dr. Trowish said, “Captain, please lead the way. My team and I will follow.”

  Indira called her XO on her temporal unit. “Commander Roderique, I am coming aboard with a medical team for Gunnar. Meet me at the Autodoc.”

  Lt. Commander Jane Roderique replied, “Aye Captain”.

  As the Similublian medical team transferred Gunnar from the Autodoc to the life support gurney, Dr. Trowish said, “Captain Sukhov, we will be taking Commander Gabrielli direct to our hospital facility on the surface. Would you care to ride down with us Captain?”

  “Yes, I wou
ld, Dr. Trowish. Thank You.”

  As Dr. Trowish and her medical team exited the Barracuda, Indira turned to Commander Roderique and said, “Jane, you are in command. There is an engineer and his crew waiting for the medical team to clear the ship. Help them to get the Barracuda repaired and ready to go. Keep me updated and if you have any questions you should be able to reach me on my TUI. I am going to take care of Gunnar and see what kind of help we can expect from the Similublian officials. The crew has been offered accommodations on the surface. I would prefer the crew stay aboard. I want someone with these tech people every step of the way. It may be all smiles and roses, but something doesn’t seem right. Make certain ROXXi beefs up her safeguards. Don’t allow anyone but our people to access her.”

  “Aye Captain. I will take care of it.”

  As the life support gurney was rolled down the hall of the docking facility, Dr. Trowish said, “I am thankful you arrived when you did. If you had waited a few more hours, we might not have been able to bring Commander Gabrielli back. He has experienced a severe traumatic brain injury. I will know more once we have him connected to our diagnostic equipment.”

  “Thank you Dr. Trowish. Gunnar is a good friend and an important member of our crew. We would be devastated if anything happened to him.”

  “Well, let’s get him aboard the shuttle. The rest of my team is waiting at the hospital.”

  As the shuttle landed at the hospital and the medical team moved Gunnar in to the intensive care unit, Dr. Trowish said, “Captain, just have a seat and we will call you as soon as we have any information.”

  “Thank you Dr. Trowish.” Indira took a seat. She then called Jane on the Barracuda. “Commander Roderique, have you gotten any word from the repair people?” “Yes Captain, they have already put some construction bots to work on the hull. There is a scaffolding surrounding the nose, but not much work being done at the moment. Mager Ardub, the facility chief Engineer has inspected our FTL unit and says that he believes it is in fact simply a misalignment of the FTL projector optics. He assures me that they can realign them. He also attempted access to ROXXi to make, what he called, some minor upgrades. I told him that the ships computer is not available to him and that any adjustments will be made by the crew only. I thanked him and said, just making the repairs and FTL projector optics alignment would be sufficient.”

  “Good call Jane. Something just isn’t quite right. I am not certain yet what it is, but I have a bad feeling.”

  She sent a call to Krysuuk Maseer. When Maseer replied, she said, “Could you please contact Araime Deruno and ask him if he could spare me some time? I need to ask him a question only he can answer.”

  “Of course, Captain, I will see to it right now.”

  A few minutes later, Krysuuk Maseer said, “Captain, there is a shuttle waiting outside the hospital, Supreme Leader Araime Deruno can see you at once. I will be happy to take you there.”

  The shuttle with Krysuuk Maseer and Captain Sukhov arrived at the imposing government building and Indira was show to the Supreme Leaders office.

  “Captain Sukhov, welcome to my office. Please sit down. How may I help?”

  “Would you care to enlighten me Araime? Apparently, you have the capability to realign our FTL system. However, Mager Ardub your Chief Engineer attempted access to our computer. There would be no reason for anyone to access our computer. That would not be required to realign the FTL system.”

  “Captain Sukhov, I apologize for Mager Ardub. The man has an insatiable hunger for knowledge. I am sure he just wanted to make certain you were not bringing new technology into the sector. Our ability to control technology is our only means of defense. If some of the other inhabitants in this sector were to get new technology, we would be one of the first victims. The other members of the sector would seek to control us for exclusive access to all our technology. Wars would be fought and eventually they would spread beyond the sector. We simply cannot risk that.”

  “The Barracuda is a very interesting ship.” Continued Supreme Leader Deruno. I can understand why Mager Ardub took liberties. That certainly doesn’t excuse his actions. I will have a talk with him.”

  “On another subject Indira, it appears that you may not be able to return to your own part of the galaxy. If in fact that is the case, the people of Ornia would be more than happy to make you welcome here. You could even pledge yourself, your crew and the Barracuda to the peaceful defense of Ornia. You and your people could have a very comfortable life right here in the Sigma Argosa System.”

  “I am sorry Araime, I am not ready to make that kind of a commitment. And I don’t think my crew is either. We would need some time for that to happen.”

  “I understand Captain Sukhov. Don’t wait too long to make your decision. My suggestion is that you and your crew try to begin to fit in with the races in this sector. A position of command with the Ornia Militia would make for a very nice future, especially as you are marooned with little or no likelihood of ever seeing your homes again.”

  “Thank you for your very generous offer Araime. As soon as Gunnar can rejoin us, we will consider what we are going to do. Once we have decided I will let you know. In the meantime, thank you for your time Araime. And thank you for the help you have been able to give us.”

  As she left his office, she called Commander Roderique on her TUI. “Jane, I just left the Supreme Leader’s office. He apologized for Mager Ardub attempting to access our computer. He said that Mager Ardub was snooping on his own. I don’t buy it. He then suggested we should join the Ornia Militia and accept the fact that we could not return to our own sector. I don’t like that idea either. They seem to be helping, but I think there is another agenda here. I don’t yet know what it is, but something is just not right. We have some time, let’s get the Barracuda back in good condition and Gunnar back on board. Once we have that accomplished, we can make some decisions about what we are going to do. Frankly I don’t see the Barracuda in the hands of the Ornia defense militia, but it concerns me. I get the feeling they want the Barracuda more than they want us. I just wonder why. Just keep your eyes open and be ready for anything.”

  “All right Captain. There is something else. There was a person who stopped by and asked for you. She would not give her name, but indicated it was important that she meet with you. I told her you were on the surface. She will most likely contact you soon. She gave me no idea who she was or what it was about.”

  “Okay Jane. I am going back to the hospital. Keep me informed. I will talk to you later today.”

  As she joined Krysuuk Maseer she said, “Could you get me quarters near the hospital please? I want to stay close in case of changes in my officer’s condition.”

  “I had thought you might want to do that Captain. I took the liberty of attaining a small flat within walking distance of the hospital. I will take you there now. Will the rest of your crew be joining you here on Ornia?”

  “Not at this time Sergeant. Thank so much for your help. I very much need to rest for a time.”

  Krysuuk Maseer showed Indira to the small flat, gave her the key and reiterated that she should call him for anything at any time. She thanked him and closed the door. She sank thankfully on the small couch and closed her eyes for just a moment. She awoke to a knock on her door. Checking the time on her TUI she realized she had been asleep for nearly an hour. She approached the door, activated the view screen and said, “Who is it?” A woman’s voice replied. “A friend Captain. A friend that may be able to help you get home.”

  Indira carefully opened the door a crack. “I have no friends on Ornia” she said.

  “Perhaps someone who is willing to help then. May I come in? I assure you I come in peace.”

  “All right, but understand, I am capable of defending myself.”

  Indira opened the door. There was a woman, about five feet six inches tall standing there. She had her hands empty extended in front of her. She said, “Captain Sukhov, I have a proposal that may benefi
t both of us. May I come in?”

  Indira let the woman in. The woman said, “You may call me Nume. I am from Brogana. That is the moon that orbits the gas giant Suiko.”

  “I see” replied Indira. “Why am I receiving an offer of help from someone who is not even from this planet? We have little to offer. Our ship is damaged, my first officer is injured and in the hospital. What could we have to offer?”

  “You may have more to offer than you believe Captain. And we may be able to help more than you think. First, I need to know if you believe everything you have been told by Araime Deruno. Because if you are simply willing to surrender and give up, we can’t help you. But if you are interested in listening with an open mind, we need to talk.”

  Intrigued, Indira said, “All right Nume, let’s just say that for the sake of argument I don’t buy everything Deruno said. We are nearly thirty-six thousand light years from home. How can you help us?”

  “I am not sure what you might be buying Captain. I am afraid I don’t understand.”

  “I am sorry Nume. That is an idiom Terrans use when they disbelieve something. Frankly I don’t believe very much of what Araime Deruno had to say. He seems a bit glib. How can you help us?”

  “By assisting you to do what the Krayari do on an ongoing basis. Thirty-six thousand light years is a distance they can cover in weeks rather than years.”

  “I see, I thought Krayari visits are few and far between,” said Indira.

  “The Krayari were discouraged from coming to this sector. The Similublians control the Sigma Argosa System. They are partnered with a race called the Binalmorane. Between the two races there are hundreds of planets that live in virtual slavery. Those planets that have technology and are capable of space travel are controlled by that very technology. We are allowed just enough tech to continue our business dealings throughout the sector. The Similublians take a percentage of everything we do. At first it was a small percentage. Well worth the tech we were getting. But know the tech has dwindled to virtually nothing and the percentage has gone up so that every planet in the sector is just barely surviving. Now the Binalmorane are raiding the less developed or the less profitable planets for their own purposes. We have discovered that they are taking groups to a planet in their sector. They are using Nano-bots to genetically change these individuals in to their own private army. An army they expect to use to conquer more of the Monoceros Ring. Eventually they expect to control the Ring and then the Galaxy.”


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