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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 19

by K M Dean

  “Frankly Captain, we hope that you or someone on your crew will hold the key to the computer. Without computer access, it is doubtful we can adapt the weapons or FTL systems to your ship.”

  “Once we get settled in I will see who might be able to help,” Captain Sukhov said. “Lets see the rest of the ship. I also want to see what they have in spares and stores. Gunnar, are you up to checking out the inventory? Because we cannot access the computer it will need to be a physical count.”

  “Yes, I am Captain.” Replied Lieutenant Commander Gunnar Gabrielli.

  “Good” replied Captain Sukhov. “Take Lieutenant Marshall with you. No lifting for you either Gunnar. If you get tired, take a break. That is an order Commander.”

  “Aye Captain.” With that Gunnar and Lieutenant Marshall headed for the storage bays.

  After more than two hours on board the Krayari ship, Captain Sukhov said, “I think we have seen enough. Let’s go back to the Barracuda. We have been up nearly twenty-four hours straight. We need to get some sleep and then try to come up with a plan.”

  Captain Sukhov then pinged Gunnar’s TUI. “Gunnar, we are returning to the Barracuda for some much-needed rest. How close are you to having an inventory count?”

  Commander Gabrielli replied. “We are just finishing up. I think you are going to like what we found.”

  “That’s good Gunnar meet us aboard the Barracuda. Send me a copy of your report.”

  “Nume” said Captain Sukhov. “My crew and I are going to go back aboard the Barracuda now.”

  “Alright Captain Sukhov. You can reach me via the LAN.” She handed Indira a card with her contact information and left.

  Commander Gabrielli and Lieutenant Marshall reached the Barracuda just as Captain Sukhov and the rest of the crew arrived. As they entered the ship Commander Gabrielli said, “Captain. We can use nearly everything aboard the Krayari ship. Most importantly, they have a store of AMEP powered torpedoes. They are nearly identical to those we use. I will need to check, but I am almost certain we can utilize them. There is a good supply of other armaments as well. I have forwarded an inventory to your PDA.”

  “Thank you, Gunnar. I am exhausted. I will check it in the morning.

  “Sleep well Captain.” Said Gunnar.

  “You as well Commander.” Replied Indira.

  Indira entered her cabin and collapsed on her bunk. Too exhausted to even remove her uniform. Hours later Indira was awakened by a gentle ping on her TUI. She replied. “This is Captain Sukhov.”

  “Captain, this ROXXi. I have been speaking to Arusha.”

  “I am sorry ROXXi, I am still half asleep. I have no idea who Arusha is. Finally, Captain Sukhov came fulling awake. ROXXi, who are you talking to?”

  “Arusha is the computer aboard the Ejaw. The Krayari ship berthed next to us. Erusha understands that her ship is disabled to the point it cannot be repaired. She and I agree that the best option would be to combine the two ships and computers into one well-armed vessel with well-developed defensive weapons and very effective offensive weapons, also updated FTL and Stealth systems. Erusha is going to allow us total access and to assist our efforts to arm the Barracuda with her systems, weapons and defenses.”

  “ROXXi, no one has been able to access the computer on that ship. They have been trying for weeks.”

  “I am aware of that Captain. The Arusha’s security protocols did not allow her to acknowledge any computer other than another Krayari computer or a Krayari ally. We belong to the Federation. The Krayari also belong to the Federation ergo we are considered an ally. She queried me when we berthed. I responded with the proper codes. As I explained our situation she recognized it is logical to merge our ship with hers. It is the only way any of us will survive. Even with the merger of ships, I assess our chances of survival with the merger of ships at no more than fifty-one percent.”

  “ROXXi, what are our chances of survival without the merger?”

  “The chances of our ever-reaching Apsis Prime without the merger are one tenth of one percent Captain.”

  “I understand ROXXi. I will be holding a crew meeting shortly to discuss our options. I expect you to contribute. Explain to everyone what you have just told me.”

  After the crew was gathered in the galley, Captain Sukhov explained that ROXXI had managed to make a connection with the Krayari ship, Arusha’s computer. The Captain had ROXXi explain to the crew, what ROXXi had just told her. After ROXXi completed her presentation, Lieutenant Commander Gunnar Gabrielli said, “It sounds like the merger of ships is our only real chance. I believe we should proceed.”

  Captain Sukhov said, “Are there any other thoughts?” One after the other the crew agreed that the ship merger was the best decision. Lt Commander Jane Roderique said. “Captain, you know how we feel about this, but the final decision will have to be yours.”

  Captain Sukhov said, “I also believe this is our best chance of survival. And It may be the only chance for the people of this sector. Ultimately the Federation will have to deal with this threat from the Similublians and the Binalmorane. If we can do something to slow their progress a little it will make a difference when that time comes.”

  “ROXXi, go ahead and prepare an inventory of what we need to do and compile the documents and instructions that will make the amalgamation possible.”

  “Captain, in anticipation that this would be your decision, Erusha and I have prepared the necessary information and timelines to combine the two ships. We are also combining all information in to one computer. For the sake of continuity, the merged computer will reside on Barracuda and will continue to be known as ROXXi.”

  Captain Sukhov authorized ROXXi to forward the timelines, documents and other instruction required to accomplish the amalgamation. ROXXi also confirmed that she would only respond to Captain Sukhov or a member of the Barracuda crew.

  Indira trusted Nume and her people, but only so far.

  Two and a half weeks into the merger of ships, it became obvious that the five original crew members of the Barracuda would not be sufficient to crew the new ship.

  Captain Sukhov met with Nume to discuss the problem about the crew shortage. “Nume, we are going to require three more crewpersons for the Barracuda. Would any of your people be willing to volunteer? I cannot promise when they might be able to return. They will probably need to become members of the Federation Navy. I am within my powers to give them temporary commissions, but when we reach Apsis Prime, it will be completely up to the Federation Navy where they go and what they do. They could leave the Federation Navy if they want. Perhaps the Krayari could return them, but otherwise there would be no way for them to return to the Sigma Argosa System. They would be stranded many light years from their home.”

  “Captain, we were aware that you would need extra crew. Although no one from the Barracuda has asked for volunteers, I have had a total of sixteen BCI people who have asked to volunteer. All unsolicited. Some are better qualified than others, but all are eager to go. I have sent the list and noted my recommendations. Of course, the ones best suited for your crew are the people I will miss having the most. But I will honor their request.”

  After going back aboard the Barracuda Captain Sukhov pinged Lt Commander Jane Roderique and Gunnar. “I need your help choosing three people to add to our crew. I just sent a list of volunteers to your PDA’s, look it over and give me your recommendations. Stop by my stateroom so we can talk about it.”

  A short time later captain Sukhov heard the tap on her stateroom hatch. She opened the hatch. Lt Commander Jane Roderique and Commander Gunnar Gabrielli stepped in. “Gunnar said, Indira, here are my choices.” He handed her his PDA. His choices were Maleer Tareer, Zeyva Nanan, Brandor Chgal.

  “Captain, I have gone over the list and here are my four top candidates.” Said Commander Roderique. Her list included Maleer Tareer, Zeyva Nanan, Brandor Chgal and Vidan Mgarch. Captain Sukhov knew Maleer and Zeyva, they were with the Barracuda when it made its escap
e from Ornia. Brandor Chgal and Vidan Mgarch were also familiar names. Brandor Chgal was one of the Brogana engineers who was helping with the rebuild of the Barracuda. He had good knowledge of the new ship and would be a welcome addition to the crew.

  Vidan Mgarch was a weapons officer on the Freighter Gorganeer. She also would be a definite plus on the crew. “These are good choices Commander, but we only need three, which are your top three choices?”

  “Captain,” said Commander Roderique. “I have been thinking I would like to stay here. Captain Duggeer has suggested he would like to have me join his crew. And I feel I could offer something to the resistance movement.”

  “Jane, Are you sure about this? We have no idea when the Federation will return here. You might never see Earth again.”

  “Indira, yes, I have given this a great deal of thought. I have nothing left on Earth but bad memories. I have no real connections to anyone other than the crew of the Barracuda. Captain Duggeer and I have become good friends. Even better than good friends. I can’t see my life without him in it. So yes, I have given it a lot of thought. I want to resign from the Federation Navy and stay here. Besides, you need Gunnar back as your XO and it would be awkward for me to be hanging around in the background.”

  Captain Sukhov said, “I have to admit Jane, I never saw this coming. I am in a bit shocked.” Captain Sukhov thought for a moment. “Alright Commander, I will honor your request. Here is how I want to handle this. I won’t accept your resignation. Rather I will assign you as a Federation Navy Liaison to the BCI. When the Federation Navy returns, it will help to have someone who understands our protocols and procedures and can interface with the BCI and other organizations that crop up. That will be you.”

  “I want to wish you the best Jane. And I guess congratulations are in order for you and Captain Duggeer. Good luck Commander.”

  With that Commander Jane Roderique snapped to attention and gave a crisp salute. Captain Sukhov responded and then reached out and gave Jane Roderique a tight hug.

  Captain Sukhov called Nume. “Nume, I have chosen four of your people.” She told her who her choices were. She then said, “I would like to have them aboard the Barracuda as soon as possible. They need to begin the process of becoming part of the crew. I also need to swear them in.”

  “They will be there Captain. I am passing the information along now, they should be aboard shortly. I understand we are getting one of your own to stay here with us.”

  “Yes Nume. That came as a surprise. I have been so busy I didn’t even notice the relationship developing. Jane has been a first-class officer for me and I believe she will be able to add a great deal to the resistance. Keep an eye on her for me. She has also been a good friend.”

  All four of the new recruits were aboard early. Promptly at eighteen hundred hours Captain Sukhov welcomed the new recruits aboard. She gave them the oath of loyalty to the Federation Navy. Once the oath had been administered, she said. “I am going to give each of you a temporary rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Once we get back to Apsis Prime you will be evaluated by a board of review, at which time you may be confirmed, advanced in rank or required to receive further training. Welcome aboard. Has everyone found suitable bunk space?”

  “We are all settled in Captain.” They replied.

  The Merger of the two ships took nearly six weeks to complete. While the two ships were combined into one Captain Sukhov worked with Maleer Tareer to develop a mockup of the Binalmorane research station. If a rescue was to be successful, they would have to board the research station. It would be foolhardy to approach something like that without some training.

  In what little spare time the crew had from working on the new ship they worked hard to become a team. Working in the Binalmorane research station mockup, they expended the effort that formed them in to a team that would be able to accomplish their mission. A mission to save a Krayari officer and take him home.

  There was a great deal of hard labor involved in combining the two ships. The Monitor stealth boat they had started with from Apsis Prime was nearly unrecognizable. The amalgamated Barracuda sported a new sponson on either side of the original fuselage. She now had a defensive field capable of deflecting heavy lasers and most missiles. She had two more AMEP Torpedo tubes with auto reloading magazines. The complete inventory of forty AMEP torpedoes aboard the Arusha had been placed in her new magazines She also had Krayari state of the art heavy laser cannons both for and aft, and close in defensive weapons that distributed chaff and had rapid reload mini AMEP antimissile missile launchers. Her Stealth system had been upgraded to the latest Krayari standard and her FTL system had the latest Krayari upgrades as well. Finally, her antimatter reactors had been increased to more than double the capacity they had in their original configuration.

  Six weeks later the Barracuda had become a force to be reckoned with. The new offensive and defensive weapons coupled with an computer with incredible processing power and speed made her a one of a kind assassin. Add the new FTL system, improved stealth and sensor systems and the Barracuda was one of the most advanced ships in the sector. Testing had confirmed the potential of Barracuda. Now it was time to go in harms way. Barracuda was scheduled to leave the moon Makir Slirelin at ten-hundred hours.

  That morning, Commander Jane Roderique came aboard for last minute goodbyes. The crew had participated, a few days earlier, in the wedding of their friend Jane to Hijigar Duggeer, Captain of the Freighter Gorganeer.

  At ten-hundred hours the giant doors of the Makir Slirelin moon base slowly opened. As the Barracuda made her way out of her berth. She received a message that Captain Sukhov put on speaker.

  “Barracuda, clear space and safe travel to you. The future of the good people of the Sigma Argosa System go with you. You are the bright light of hope for millions”

  Captain Sukhov replied, “We will not fail you. Thank you for your help. clear space.”

  Captain Sukhov then turned to Commander Gunnar Gabrielli and said, “XO, take us to FTL.”

  Commander Gunnar Gabrielli replied, “Aye Captain, FTL attained. The Barracuda is on her way. Coordinates of the Binalmorane battle station are laid in.”

  “Captain, per your instructions, we are not operating at top speed. Your idea of a slower shakedown cruise is a good idea. Besides we can use some extra time to prepare for the battle station boarding. ETA for the Binalmorane battle station is just over three days.”

  “Roger that XO, you have the Conn. I am going to get some rest. Give me a ping in six hours.”

  “Aye Captain I have the Conn.”

  Six hours later, Captain Sukhov was awakened by a ping on her TUI. “Captain This is your morning wakeup call.” “Thank you, Gunnar, I will relieve you in twenty minutes.”

  Captain Sukhov stepped on to the bridge of the Barracuda. “Good morning Gunnar, anything to update?”

  “Negative Captain, all quiet. I have been spending time with Zeyva Nanan, going over control and ships systems. He is a first-class pilot and is learning quickly. Lieutenant Marshall has been working with Maleer Tareer on communications and tactical. Lieutenant Terzo worked with Vidan Mgarch on the weapons systems and Brandor Chgal is monitoring the reactors and FTL systems. He probably knows more about them than anyone aboard. He did most of the installation.”

  Captain Sukhov said, “I think we are pretty well prepared. We shouldn’t have any problem with the station itself. The tricky part is going to be getting the Krayari officer out of their lockup and in to our Autodoc system. We must assume he is in bad shape. The Binalmorane are reputed to be masters at torture. Alright XO, I have the Conn. Get some rest. I will schedule some time, so we can all meet in the canteen and go over everything one more time.”

  “Aye Captain, you have the Conn. and I am off to my bunk, I am sure it has missed me as much as I have missed it.”

  “Goodnight Gunnar.”

  A day later the crew gathered in the canteen. “Captain,” said Maleer Tareer. “The Binalmora
ne research station is in orbit around a small moon with an atmosphere that is orbiting a gas giant. There is a training base on the moon, but it shouldn’t be a problem. They are doing basic training and are not prepared, nor do they have the equipment to respond to a threat to the station.”

  “The research station is armed with heavy lasers and Mass drivers. Their CIWS[27] are lasers. They are designed to pick off missiles. They will not have much in the way of defense against the weapons we have aboard. We can jump away from their mass drivers and the shields we have aboard will be more than enough to protect the Barracuda from their lasers. The problem is getting aboard and taking control, so we can rescue the Krayari officer.”

  “The research station will have Binalmorane marines aboard, as we discussed. They are fierce fighters. There should be no more than fifteen aboard. They will not surrender. They will fight to the death. Once we have neutralized the marines, the research scientists and other civilians should not present a problem.”

  “Captain Sukhov said. Once we deactivate the weapons on the battle station, we will use the Krayari two-man shuttle to tow a force to take control of the station itself. Just as we rehearsed. Commander Gabrielli is still recovering so we will leave him in command of the Barracuda. Lieutenant Mgarch, are you confident enough to handle the weapons systems by yourself?”

  “Yes Captain. They are more powerful than the weapons aboard the Gorganeer, but otherwise they are the same. I can handle them.”

  “Good replied Captain Sukhov. It will be Lieutenant Terzo, Lieutenant Tareer, Lieutenant Nanan and Lieutenant Chgal. Lieutenant Nanan, you will pilot the shuttle. The rest of us will tether ourselves for the ride to the station. We will place a litter in the other position in the shuttle for the Krayari officer. The Arusha has provided enough lightweight armored suits for all of us. With the helmet, they also double as a space suit. You all have been fitted for your individual suit. Per the plan, we will be armed with the laser rifles also supplied from the Arusha. Lieutenant Tareer, you will be armed with the Heavy laser weapon and you will be responsible for blowing any hatches we can’t open.”


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