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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 27

by K M Dean

  Both officers sat and accepted coffee from Lieutenant Leibowitz

  The group was joined by Commander Luciana Bartok, Chief of the intelligence division for the Third Fleet.


  Captain Gunnar Gabrielli began by saying. “Admiral, the Jian fleet is even larger than we expected. They have assembled in the Marici System. It is a small system with some barren planets and not much else. They have added an additional Legaliri Cruiser to the two we knew about. They added two Myoxx class cruisers, that brings the total Myoxx cruisers to six. The twelve destroyers and twenty-four destroyer escorts remain the same. They also have four troop transports and four supply ships.”

  “The Jian don’t show any signs of moving out of the Marici System right away. It is almost as if they were waiting for something.”

  “Admiral,” said Commander Luciana Bartok. “I believe I can explain that. Based on some intercepts we have decoded, they are waiting on three Elorden battle ships and six Elorden cruiser escorts. “The Elorden ships are no match for our Battle cruisers. We believe the Elorden ships are going to be used as sacrificial lambs to slow Third Fleet as we attack. The major problem is that additional Legaliri Cruiser and her escorts. With that many large cruisers, one of them is going to be unmolested while the others are being attacked.”

  “Thank you, Commander.” Replied Admiral Anderson, “it would appear we need to thin the herd, as it were. The Elorden ships are not a problem. The Legaliri cruisers are.”

  Admiral Anderson continued. “Commander Bartok were you able to gather any information about their attack plans?”

  “Yes sir.” Replied Commander Bartok. “We were able to decode most of their transmissions. They were sparse. The transmissions we did intercept indicate that the Elorden ships will comprise the core of the leading battle group. The Legaliri Cruisers with their escorts will follow behind. The Jian have developed what they are calling short range battle jumps. They are much like our tactical FTL jumps. Our information indicates their jumps are not as exact as ours. Unlike our precision tactical FTL jumps they are jumping to an area rather than a position. That means they don’t always drop in to the exact spot they were trying for. Because of that, it takes longer for them to acquire and fire on a given target. Sometimes they are completely out of range of the target they were attempting to destroy. From what we could get from our intercepts, the plan is to jump two Legaliri Cruisers and their escorts in behind the Federation fleet and take them by surprise while the fleet is engaging the Elorden ships.”

  “The overall command of the fleet lies with their Supreme commander aboard the Legaliri Battle Cruiser Purple Star. Everyone appears to be kowtowing to that ship. The commander of Karndas Nemesis also seems to hold a bit of authority. The other ship commander on the Zavala Retaliator is a junior Commander. He does not offer opinions, he just listens and agrees.”

  “We would assume they would use their most experienced commander to make the battle jump. That would be the Purple Star and the Karndas Nemesis, but that is simply a conclusion with no real basis other than a gut feeling.”

  “Alright Commander Bartok.” Mac then turned to Captain Gunnar Gabrielli.”

  “Captain Gabrielli, can your Monitor Boats safely take on one or maybe two of the Legaliri cruisers?”

  “We can, Admiral. The Tigerfish and the Piranha are both Monitor II boats, so we can each take on a Legaliri cruiser. We may not destroy it, but we will disable it. My question is where to do it. Should we make an attack while they are getting ready, or wait till they come in to the Sigma Onias System? It would be easier to take them in the Marici System because their guard is somewhat down.”

  “You may be right about them being at a little lower level of readiness Gunnar but taking out two of their top line ships as they arrive in the Sigma Onias System would create some confusion that we could possibly take advantage of.”

  After some thought, Captain Anderson said, “What I want you to do is this. One of your Monitor boats target the Purple Star the other target the Karndas Nemesis. I want you ready. As soon as they drop out of FTL in the Sigma Onias System I want you to destroy those ships if you can but be certain to at least disable them.”

  “Once you have destroyed the two Legaliri Cruisers, assuming you have no damage, attack the remaining ships that jumped in behind us. We will have some of our fighters and bombers waiting behind the fleet. They should be able to take help you take care of the support ships. Once you have secured our rear area, harass the Jian fleet, keep them off balance. The Jian do not know about the Monitor Boats. I would like to keep it that way.”

  “I believe if the Third Fleet prevails, any Jian survivors will most likely to retreat to the Marici System. If they do I want them met with a surprise. Are you capable of getting back to the Marici System before the survivors arrive?”

  “No sir,” replied Captain Gunnar Gabrielli. We can’t be there in time. We might pick of a few stragglers, but we wouldn’t catch them all.”

  “Admiral,” said Commander Conway, we received some house-keeping FTL messages from Gamma Remidian station just before I left the bridge. The message is probably in your TUI buffer. The Stonefish and the Manta Ray completed their shakedown cruises with no problems. They are enroute as we speak. If they can get here in time, we could dispatch them to the Marici System and let them lay in wait. If the Jian Fleet is still in the Marici System, the Monitor II boats could advise us via FTL Comm when they leave and if there is any change in the Jian formation.”

  “Thank you, Commander Conway.”

  “Captain Gabrielli, you are in command of your four monitor boats. Are you comfortable sending the Stonefish and the Manta Ray to the Marici System with orders send us an alert and then to destroy anything returning to the Marici System?”

  “Yes sir, I handpicked Commander Jillintor Naze as Captain of the Stonefish and Commander Irfar Chobvol as Captain of the Manta Ray. They were both Executive officers on Destroyers before they came to us. They know their business and I trust them completely.”

  “All right Captain Gabrielli. Advise them we will send some help as soon as we can. Also impress on them, No Jian ship is to be allowed to leave the Marici System to return to Jian territory. We expect to prevail, and I want to send a message to the Jian that we are here to stay.”

  “Aye Sir.” Replied Captain Gunnar Gabrielli.

  “Let’s finish up here and move on to the Staff meeting in the ward room. Does anyone have anything else? Nothing? Ok let’s go. Commander Conway remain behind just for a moment please.”

  After everyone had left for the ward room, Captain John said, “good catch on the Stonefish and the Manta Ray Ted.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Replied Commander Conway.

  “Ted, I want you to take command of the Odyssey during the battle. I can’t fight the boat and manage the fleet at the same time. You are ready, and I trust you completely.”

  “Thank You Captain, I appreciate your confidence. I won’t let you down. Now if the Jian will cooperate and do as expected it will be great.”

  “I don’t wish to throw water on your parade Ted, but I can’t help but recall a line from an “auld” Scottish poem by Robert Burns I read in college.

  “The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft agley” or in English. “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

  “I remember, I just hope it doesn’t apply here.” Replied Commander Conway.

  The Stonefish and the Manta Ray Both showed up later that day. Captain Gabrielli explained the battle plan and gave them their assignments. He then sent them to the Marici System to wait in stealth.

  Two hours later the Third Fleet jumped to the edge of the Sigma Onias System.

  A short time after they had arrived in the Marici System, the Manta Ray sent a short message. “The Jian fleet just jumped to FTL. Estimate arrival in the Sigma Onias System at twenty-one hundred.” That gave the Third Federation Fleet about six hours to prepare.

sp; One hour prior to the anticipated arrival time of the Jian fleet, all Federation ships came to battle stations.

  The Jian fleet arrived as scheduled. The two Legaliri Cruisers and their escorts made immediate short-range battle jumps. The Monitor boats were expecting the Legaliri cruisers and their escorts, but when the Jian ships exited their jump, they were far behind the Federation formation. Too far to even target any of the Federation ships. Although that was a good thing, it meant the Monitor boats were out of position to attack them. Both Monitor boats did a combat jump and came up behind the two Legaliri cruisers as they neared the rear of the Federation formation. As soon as the Monitor boats were within range Tigerfish and the Piranha each fired a spread of four AMEP torpedoes within seconds of one another. The Purple Star took evasive action but was too late. At least one and probably two of the AMEP torpedoes penetrated her defensive shields and destroyed her fusion reactor containment field. She exploded at once.

  The Jian Legaliri Battle cruiser Karndas Nemesis also took multiple hits. She was venting atmosphere and had several compartments open to space.

  Aboard the Karndas Nemesis, Supreme Commander R'Kaklen Ammdon said, “Engineering report.”

  Chief Engineer Klaglo Sokakack replied. “We are down to one reactor and it is failing. We can just maintain shields. Our sub light engines are off line and it will be at least thirty joulene before they will be back on line. Our FTL is down with little hope of repair. We have limited thrusters available for maneuvering.”

  Supreme Commander R'Kaklen Ammdon said. Do I have weapons?”

  Chief Engineer Sokakack said, “torpedoes only sir.”

  Supreme Commander Ammdon said “thank you Klaglo.”

  “Order abandon ship Sub Commander Syavlin. And set the self-destruct.”

  “Yes sir,” replied Sub Commander T'Poxyen Syavlin. Klaxons began to sound, and warning lights began to flash.

  As the crew began to exit the ship, Supreme Commander Ammdon began to maneuver the Legaliri class Cruiser. He used the thrusters to attempt to line it up on the large Federation Carrier. Finally, he had the carrier in his sights. He fired all available torpedoes at the Federation Carrier.”

  Captain Gunnar Gabrielli said, “Damn it that Legaliri Cruiser just fired at the Vanguard. Put another full spread in her Commander.” Commander Lucy Silverton immediately fired a full spread. At such short range the torpedoes couldn’t miss. All four torpedoes hit the Legaliri Cruiser and she disappeared. Supreme Commander Ammdon never got to see his torpedoes impact the Vanguard.

  Aboard the Vanguard, “Damage report,” said Commander Conway.

  Lieutenant Commander Hendry-Hilsen said, “Sir we lost starboard engine shields and the sub-light engines are off line on the starboard engine pod. Estimate thirty minutes to restart. No other damages. All weapons are on line, no casualties sir.”

  “What is the status of the Legaliri Cruiser that jumped in behind us?” Asked Commander Conway.”

  “She no longer exists.” Said Lt. Commander Hendry-Hilsen. “One of the Monitors took her out. Sir, The Destroyer Arleigh Burke has taken on that third Legaliri cruiser. She is asking for some help. I recommend we make a tactical jump and give her a hand.”

  Commander Conway said. “Admiral Anderson, we are taking the Vanguard to the aid of the Arleigh Burke sir.”

  “Very well Commander.” Replied Captain John.

  Captain John then said, “CAG, we are making a tactical jump to the area of the Arleigh Burke. As soon as we complete that jump, recover your squadrons. Get them ready. We need to launch them again as soon as you can turn them around.”

  The destroyer Arleigh Burke was in trouble. Captain Dale Sellars turned to his Exec, Commander Meredy Montegue and said, “Meredy, concentrate our fire on the nose turret of that Jian cruiser. We need to take it out to have any chance of survival.”

  “Aye Sir said Commander Montegue. FYI Sir, engineering reports our Wizard Phalanx close-in laser weapons are back on-line sir.”

  “All right” said Captain Sellars. “That could make the difference, pour it on. We may not survive this fight, but that Jian bastard won’t either.”

  Just as the Arleigh Burke started to blast the Jian cruiser, the Federation Command Cruiser Vanguard emerged from its tactical jump and immediately launched a series of Vixen AMEP missiles. The Legaliri Class cruiser staggered under the brunt of the thirty-five megaton anti matter warheads and the withering fire from the Arleigh Burke. The Jian cruiser slowly broke in half.

  “Thanks for the assist Vanguard” sent Captain Dale Sellars. “We kind of bit off more than we could chew.”

  “Happy to be of assistance Dale.” Replied Commander Conway.

  Captain John was watching on the Tri Dimensional Spatial Video[39]. It showed the entire theatre of battle with tags identifying each ship by name or type. Enemy ships were in yellow and Third fleet ships were in blue.

  Captain Gunnar Gabrielli aboard the Monitor boat Tigerfish noticed a Myoxx cruiser attempting to escape.

  “Commander Silverton jump us in behind that Myoxx Cruiser at nine o’clock low.”

  “Aye sir, jumping now.”

  “Lieutenant Mazumdar as soon as we emerge from our jump, put a full spread of torpedoes up her backside.”

  “Aye Sir.” Replied Lieutenant Mazumdar.

  Mazumdar was ready. The moment he had target lock he fired the four AMEP torpedoes. The Jian Cruiser never knew what hit them. She staggered, began to break apart and then exploded.

  As Captain John continued to watch the TDSV. He was pleased with what he was seeing. The Jian had lost all three Legaliri Cruisers. Four Myoxx cruisers had been destroyed, another was drifting and venting atmosphere. The final Myoxx cruiser was locked in battle with the Battle cruiser Diligent and the Destroyer Peregrine. It was only a matter of time.

  Overall, the Jian fleet had lost all their capitol ships. The remaining destroyers and destroyer escorts were either destroyed, disabled or were seeking to escape.

  The Federation fleet had not escaped unscathed. They had lost two of the Havoc class battle cruisers. The Orleans and the Ashigara. And two of the havoc class destroyers. The Deliverance and the Yorkshire. They had also lost the Destroyer Escorts Cazadora, Tyneside, and Repulse.

  Damaged ships included the Vanguard, the Battlecruiser Montgomery, the Battle cruiser Diligent, the destroyers Arleigh Burke, Peregrine and Alexandria. And the Destroyer Escorts Faraday and Comanche.

  Admiral Anderson knew the losses were not bad considering, but the fact that several thousand Federation spacers had given their lives for the victory played heavily on his heart.

  A short time later, Comm Officer, Lieutenant Eris Conway said, “Captain Anderson, you have a message coming in from the Stonefish.”

  “Put it on my monitor Lieutenant,” said Admiral Anderson.

  “Admiral, this is the Stonefish sir. We have been on station in the Marici System. Sir, you have trouble coming. A giant ship just jumped in to the Marici System. I have never seen anything like it before. It is twice the size of the Vanguard. It is spherical and armored to hell. It has gun ports and missile tubes on every surface. This is the deadliest thing we have ever seen. Both the Stonefish and the Manta Ray put a full spread of torpedoes on that thing and they did nothing. We couldn’t even dent their armor. I am not sure they even knew we fired at them. They just jumped out of the Marici System Sir. Even money says it is headed your way.”

  “Thank You, Commander Naze. We will prepare a welcoming party for him. Just keep taking out any Jian ships that drop in to the Marici System. And if this thing drops back in, just lay low and get back to Apsis Prime with info on what it is.”

  “Aye Sir, Good luck and clear space.”

  Two hours later the spherical ship dropped out of FTL in the Sigma Onias System. It was as advertised, huge. It dwarfed the Vanguard.

  Admiral Anderson said, “open fire.”

  Every ship in the fleet opened up on the spherical ship. Nothing
seemed to penetrate. Each time a ship fired a missile, laser or a mass driver, the huge ship would return fire.”

  Commander Conway said, Sir, the ship only fires at ships that fire at it or who try to escape. It ignores any ship that is simply drifting, even if it is close. Could we get close enough to hurt it?”

  “Commander, I don’t think we have anything that can penetrate that armor. I have never seen anything like it. I don’t think getting closer would do any good.”

  At that moment the Vanguard was rocked by a massive laser shot. “Damage Report,” shouted Commander Conway.

  “Captain,” said Engineering chief Commander Nikolai Sontic, “we have taken a laser shot to the aft quarter. We are venting atmosphere. We have a huge rip in the armor where we were hit, and it may have compromised the structural integrity of the ship. We still have three antimatter reactors running, but one of them may go critical at any moment. I recommend we abandon ship.”

  “Commander Sontic, this is the Admiral speaking. Can we use FTL to get out of here?”

  “Admiral Anderson, I don’t recommend it, Sir. The ship might just explode with that kind of stress.”

  “Thank You Commander.”

  “Commander Conway, Ted, tell all ships to cease fire. Then I want you to abandon ship. I am going to stay, I have an idea that may save the Fleet and the system. Take our people and get as far away as possible.”

  “Admiral, you need to transfer your flag sir. Tell me what you want done and let me handle it.”

  “No Ted, this is my idea. I am going to use thrusters to ease up next to that ship. I believe it to be a robotic ship. It is programmed to only fire at ships that are firing at it or ships that attempt to escape. It ignores slow moving ships. If I can get close I am going to take the Vanguard in to FTL. Remember those studies we did on piggy back FTL. If a ship was small enough to be included in the FTL envelope another ship could ferry the damaged ship that had an inoperable FTL system.”

  “I recall Admiral and I also recall that if the ship didn’t fit the envelope, it would only take the part that was inside the envelope and leave the part that was outside. It would destroy the ship. But sir, trying that may overload the reactors and blow up the Vanguard.”


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