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Blurring the Lines With Her Best Friend

Page 1

by Emily Grace

  Blurring The Lines With Her Best Friend

  An Erotic Lesbian Short Story

  Emily Grace

  Copyright © 2020 Emily Grace

  All rights reserved


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  About The Author

  Books By This Author

  Chapter One

  The crisp fall air hit Serena in the face as she walked out of the cozy drive up barista stand where she worked and made her way to her car. It was only just past 4 pm and already the world was nearly dark and the small city of Wenatchee, located in the foothills of the cascade mountains in Washington state, was growing quiet. Serena quickly started the engine as soon as she got in her car, turning the heat on full blast as she drove away from work, happy to have the next two days off.

  Serena was looking forward to getting home and hanging out with her roommate and best friend, Ashley. They had been best friends from second grade on, and moved in together as soon as they were 18. Serena worked almost exclusively daytime shifts as a barista, and Ashley worked almost exclusively evening shifts as a hostess in a local gastropub, so they didn’t often find themselves with much time to hang out with their opposing schedules. Today though, the stars had aligned to give them both an evening off together followed by a full day the next day. They had pulled out all the stops for tonight, all their favorite junk food, romantic comedies, and good wine. Neither of them were 21 yet, but Ashley had convinced her older brother to supply them with a couple of bottles.

  Serena felt lucky to have a longtime best friend, she knew how easy it was to fall out of touch after high school. She and Ashley had a deep bond and they always seemed to know exactly what to say to cheer the other up or set each other to laughing. Serena had been a little worried that moving in together would throw a wrench in things, living with someone was entirely different than just being best friends after all, but luckily moving in together had only seemed to strengthen their friendship.

  The last of the daylight disappeared over the mountains in the distance as Serena pulled up to their apartment and parked, gathering her things to walk inside. Before she could even get her key in the door Ashley swung it open to greet her, a bottle of wine in hand.

  “Took you long enough! I just about opened this without you, you’re lucky I like you.” Ashley joked as Serena came inside, dumping her purse and kicking off her shoes in the entry. “Ok, let’s not waste any more time shall we? You have two minutes to get into your pajamas, and I’ll be waiting with two glasses of wine on the couch.”

  Serena laughed as she scurried off to her room, Ashley was already comfortable in her pajamas, of course. As a joke for their first Christmas together in the apartment, Ashley had bought them matching flannel pajamas. Now they wore them together on dedicated roommate nights. Serena found the pajamas washed and folded and set out on her bed, she loved how seriously Ashley took their pajama dates. She quickly changed from her work clothes to the soft red flannel pants and matching top, and took her long dark hair out of the bun it had been in all day. Feeling cozy and relaxed, she made her way back to the living room with almost 30 seconds to spare.

  “Ok so what decade are we thinking?” Ashley asked as she handed an entirely too-full glass of white wine to Serena.

  “Hmm… how about a throwback? Like some 90’s era rom-com?” Serena replied, sipping on her wine while pondering their many choices from the golden age of romantic comedies.

  “Yes. Absolutely. I Love it.” Ashley stated matter of factly, sipping her own wine while the two girls pondered in silence.

  “Ooh! Never Been Kissed?” Serena offered, pleased she thought of it since that was one of their favorites.

  “Done and done, I’ll find it,” Ashley replied, immediately searching to find where it might be streaming. “Hey, how was work by the way?” She added as she searched.

  “Ugh, same old, same old. That creepy dude came through the line twice today. Luckily I was already in the middle of shift change when he made his second trip, so I just pretended I didn’t see him and futzed around stocking stuff until he drove off. I swear I could feel his eyes on me like the whole time my back was turned.” Serena generally liked her barista job, but this guy had started coming around a little too often, always suggesting they turn the stand into a bikini barista stand.

  “Booooo, some guys are the worst. If it were me I would just start wearing a bikini over a parka and tell him what a great idea that was.” Ashley laughed to herself at the image as she pulled up the movie on the TV, successful in her search. Serena laughed too, picturing the confusion on the creep’s face if he pulled up while she was wearing that.

  “Ok, are we ready? Everyone got everything they need?” Ashley announced to the room of two, looking around as if she were gathering confirmation from an imaginary audience, Serena giggled at her friend’s theatrics. “Ok, let’s do this thing!” Ashley stated as she pressed play, both girls settling in for a perfect evening.

  Chapter Two

  By the time the movie was almost over, both girls were starting to feel a bit wine tipsy, shouting and hooting as the climactic kiss scene started to play. Then as the familiar Beach Boys track started and Michael Vartan began running out on the field to go kiss Drew Barrymore both girls fell silent, tipping their heads to the side in unison to watch the passion-filled kiss on the pitcher's mound.

  “Ughhhh I want a kiss like that!” Ashley yelled at the screen, sloshing the small amount of wine left in her glass almost over the edge with the force of her frustrated gesture.

  “Saaaaame!” Serena lamented, setting her now empty glass down on the coffee table. “Like for real though,” she added, “that kiss has to be in like the top 10 on-screen kisses of all time. It’s like their mouths were made for each other. Fuck being single.” Serena pouted as she ranted, trying to remember the last time she had even kissed anyone.

  “For real though, I would kill for a good PG-13 make-out session right now.” Ashley blurted, pushing angry breath from her nose as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Oh yeah? You’d kill for it?” Serena poked, “Ok then go kill that creepy guy that keeps coming to my work and I’ll make out with you.” Serena smiled as she spoke, mostly joking. The two had actually kissed once before at a high school party on a dare, but Serena wasn’t sure Ashley even remembered that, she had been pretty drunk.

  “Wait, are you serious?” Ashley asked, turning her head to Serena. Her head was cocked to the side slightly, her eyes searching Serena’s face, absentmindedly twirling her fingers through her straight dirty blonde hair.

  “No! Don’t actually kill someone. Jeez how much wine did you have?” Serena laughed, shocked that her friend thought she was serious about that.

  “No, no, no, not that part, obviously I’m not gonna murder someone!” Ashley quickly replied, “I just mean… you would make out with me?” She trailed off, eyes still searching Serena’s face.

  “I mean… yeah I guess,” Serena started, “You know what? Yeah, I would! It’s not like either of us is dating anyone, and it’s only kissing, right?” She finished her thought, realizing the night had definitely taken a turn.

  “Exactly! And like, we’re best friends. It won’t be weird.” Ashley turned to face Serena on the couch as she spoke, “so, do we just go for it? Should I put on some slow jams?” She laughed as Serena turned to face her as well.

  “Oh my god you’re such a dork!” Serena exclaimed with faux exasperation as she reached her hand behind Ashley’s h
ead, taking the first move to pull her in for a kiss. As their lips pressed against one another’s they started to giggle, kissing timidly at first. Aside from Serena’s hand behind Ashley’s head, the girls were very consciously not touching each other, neither wanting to get too into it.

  After a few moments the awkwardness started to dissipate, and the giggles were gone. Ashley reached her hand behind Serena’s head now, their kiss deepening. Serena held back a whimper as she felt Ashley’s tongue meet hers, finding herself wanting more. Ashley started to push forward and soon Serena was on her back on the couch with Ashley’s body pressed on top of her. This suddenly didn’t feel like an innocent kiss between friends to Serena, all she could think about was how much she was enjoying this and how much she didn’t want this to end.

  Much to her dismay Ashley abruptly pulled away, sitting up and scooting back on the couch. Serena sat up, feeling embarrassed for how into the kiss she had gotten. Did she make Ashley pull back?

  “Damn girl! You’re good at that, that was exactly what I needed!” Ashley giggled as she got up from the couch, seemingly unphased by their kiss.

  Serena watched as Ashley puttered around the kitchen and started a pot of tea. She felt almost rejected, but she knew that wasn’t rational.

  “Hey, want some tea?” Ashley called out.

  “Uh… Yeah, sure, that sounds good.” Serena replied, trying to shake the ugly things she was feeling. “Mind if I take my tea in my room? I’m feeling super tired and I think I need to go to bed early.” In reality Serena just wanted to be alone and think about what just happened, but she hoped Ashley didn’t realize that.

  “Sure thing! Go on and rest, I’ll bring you tea when it’s ready.” Ashley cheerily replied as Serena got up to leave the room, completely unaware of the shift in Serena’s mood.


  Serena cozied up under her comforter with the tea Ashley had just dropped off, more confused now than she had been earlier. She was hoping that as the wine wore off the confusing feelings would go away, but they just kept getting stronger. Why was their kiss affecting her more than Ashley? Why was she so sad when it ended?

  Frustrated, Serena set the tea down and closed her eyes, wishing she was more tired than she was. Her mind drifted back to the kiss, how warm Ashley’s body felt pressed against hers, how soft her lips were, how perfectly their mouths fit together. She started to breathe deeper as her mind wandered, imagining a scenario where Ashley never got up from the couch.

  Serena could almost feel the pressure of Ashley’s body against hers as she pictured what could have happened. Instead of getting up, Ashley would sit up and take off her shirt, revealing her bare breasts to Serena. Then she would slowly unbutton Serena’s shirt too, pulling it open, gazing affectionately down at Serena’s supple breasts, both their nipples pert and erect with excitement.

  Ashley would put her hands on Serena’s breasts, teasing her nipples as she leaned down again for another kiss. They would kiss even deeper, desperately grasping at each other's breasts. Then Ashley would slowly move one hand down, slipping inside the waist of Serena’s pajama pants, tracing the hem of Serena’s panties as she slipped underneath them too, her fingers finally reaching Serena’s aching sex…

  Serena hastily reached into her nightstand and pulled out her vibrating dildo, turning it on and placing it between her legs over the fabric of the pajama pants. She had worked herself up past the point of no return, and in moments the vibrator sent her over the edge while images of Ashley ran through her mind.

  Feeling satisfied, she finally put the vibrator away and turned over to try and sleep while hoping to wake up free from any more sexual thoughts about her best friend.

  Chapter Three

  Serena woke up irritated after having dreamt of Ashley all night. If anything, her feelings had gotten even stronger overnight! Confused and frustrated she trudged out to the kitchen, finding Ashley there with a fresh pot of coffee and bagels in the toaster.

  “Hey sleepyhead! Hope you got some rest, I already have a conundrum for you!” Ashley poured coffee for Serena and pulled the bagels out of the toaster as Serena sat down at the table.

  “Oh yeah? Already?” Serena replied, trying to forget her dreams.

  “Well, not so much a conundrum. More like… an oopsie? Yeah, definitely an oopsie.” Ashley sat down with Serena now, bagels and cream cheese in tow.

  “Oh lord, what is it this time?” Serena laughed, she knew how often her friend made impulsive and terrible decisions.

  “Sooo… after you went to bed last night, I was still all worked up... and I may have texted my ex. “ She paused, grimacing as she got the words out.

  “You did not. Please tell me you’re kidding!” Serena blurted out. Ashley’s ex was a total ass, she never understood what Ashley saw in him in the first place.

  “I know I know!” Ashley replied, “just hear me out! I’m not trying to get back together with him or anything! I just… wouldn’t mind a free meal and an orgasm. So, we’re meeting at 6… “ She grimaced again, bracing herself for Serena’s wrath.

  Serena was stunned by her friend’s poor decision-making skills, but mostly she felt… rejected. She wished Ashley felt the same, maybe then she wouldn’t be off to have bad sex with her ex, she could be having good sex with Serena instead. But Serena didn’t want to let her disappointment show, it was clear to her now that her feelings were one-sided.

  “Ok well I give it one hour into dinner before he says or does something stupid, and let’s be real it’s like a 50/50 chance he’ll actually pay for your dinner.” Serena finally replied, giving some serious side-eye to Ashley.

  The girls laughed over their coffee and bagels, and for just a moment things felt almost back to normal.


  When evening came, Serena watched her friend fuss over her clothes and makeup for almost forty-five minutes before she was finally satisfied. Why Ashley felt the need to get dolled up for a guy that historically put in zero effort was beyond Serena’s comprehension, but she did as she had done all day and suppressed her own feelings to support her friend. Then just before 6 pm, Serena watched her best friend walk out the door and into the arms of a man who didn’t deserve her.

  After Ashley left, the apartment felt emptier than it ever had. Serena changed into the pajamas from last night, it made her feel closer to Ashley somehow - they almost smelled like her. Pouring herself some of the leftover wine from last night, Serena settled herself in on the couch and turned on Friends With Benefits. If she couldn’t go any further with Ashley, at least she could live vicariously through Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis.

  Thirty minutes later, much to Serena’s surprise, she heard the door open and slam angrily.

  “DUUUUUUDE.” Ashley called from the entry as she dropped her purse and took off her shoes.

  “Wow, I uh… gather your date didn’t go as planned?” Serena responded, lighting up as Ashley walked in the room.

  “You could say that… “ Ashley started, “your ‘one hour’ estimate was way off, we hadn’t even ordered dinner yet when he reminded me exactly why I left him!” She continued animatedly, “first off, he ‘forgot his wallet’, that should've been when I walked out, but of course I’m a twat who was thinking with her… twat!” As she spoke she started to walk towards her bedroom, pulling off her clothes and yelling down the hallway, emerging in the same pajamas from last night just like Serena, “THEN he couldn’t put his phone down and was completely ignoring what I was saying, so I got up to use the restroom and that’s when I saw he had fucking tinder open on his phone! He was literally fishing for strange while on a date with me! That he expected ME to foot the bill for!” Ashley poured herself a glass of wine as she finished her story, “so yeah, I just left, he’s probably still there waiting for me to come back from the bathroom. What a fucking tool.”

  “Ok so fuck him and I swear on our friendship if you ever drunk text him again I’m giving you a lobotomy.” Serena shook her head i
n disbelief as Ashley sat next to her on the couch, trying her best to hide her glee that Ashley had a terrible date. Both girls let out a big sigh and took a hefty sip of wine before turning their attention to the movie.

  “Aww, I love this one!” Ashley commented, noticing what movie was playing for the first time, “see, this is what I wanted! I should have known I could never be friends with benefits with my ex. He’s not even a friend!” She lamented, shaking her head.

  “Wouldn’t it be nice though?” Serena responded, “not with your ex, just the idea in general! A really great friend that you’re also sexually compatible with.” She watched Ashley as she spoke, feeling the wine embolden her a little bit. What if Ashley would be into the idea after all?

  “Preach!” Ashley replied, taking another sip of wine, “I mean, if I’m being honest… making out with you last night was kinda… nice?” She finished hesitantly, “Like, I’m not into girls,” she added quickly, “at least… I think I’m not? Who knows. But it just felt easy and casual and nice with you, I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that we’re both girls, you know?” Ashley turned to face Serena, her eyes inquisitive.

  “That’s… exactly how I felt about it!” Serena started, thrilled that she wasn’t the only one who enjoyed their kiss, “oh thank goodness you kinda liked it too, I was seriously feeling crazy for like, not wanting it to end.” Relief washed over both of their faces and they relaxed into the couch a little more, taking another hefty sip of wine.

  “Ok so this might sound totally crazy… “ Ashley began, “but what if we made out again while like… masturbating?” Serena started to feel pleasant anticipation spread through her body as Ashley spoke, was it really her suggesting this?

  “Hear me out!” Ashley continued, “Like instead of touching each other, we just… touch ourselves instead. While making out. Is that too weird?” Ashley sipped wine as she finished her thought, her eyes studying Serena’s face.


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