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Love's Journey

Page 29

by Carrie Carr

  Lex patted the bed beside her. "Why don't you come over and have a seat? You look like something's on your mind."

  "Do I?" Martha asked, but sat next to her anyway. She studied Lex's face for a long moment.

  "Is something wrong?"

  With a shake of her head, Martha dismissed the dark thoughts from her mind. She's a grown woman, and she's going to be just fine. "No. I was just thinking."

  "About what?" Lex took Martha's hands in her own. "Are you nervous about this afternoon?"

  "Good heavens, no," Martha exclaimed. "Well, maybe just a touch." She gazed at their joined hands and smiled a bit sadly. "This will change things, you know."

  "Yeah," she agreed quietly. "It will. But for the better, I think." Lex turned Martha's face until she could look into her eyes. "Do you know how proud you're making me today? It's like I'm getting the best parts of my family together, finally." She fought down the lump that was quickly growing in her throat. "And while you're gone, I promise to take better care of your house than I did my own," she teased, trying to lighten the moment.

  Martha half-laughed, half-cried. "You'd better." She wiped a stray tear from Lex's cheek. "Don't you be going all mushy on me now, you hear? I'll fall apart for sure."

  "Nothing to worry about there. I'm not the mushy type."

  "Right. And I'm the Queen of England," Martha quipped. "I'm a little concerned, leaving you right now, though."

  Lex raised one eyebrow. "You are? Why? It's only for a few weeks."

  Martha brushed the hair out of Lex's eyes. "Because I know how much trouble you can get into in just a few hours, Lexie. Leaving you alone for three weeks? I shudder to think about the possibilities."

  "I won't be alone," Lex argued. "Amanda will be here with me."

  "That thought scares me even more. The two of you together are a veritable trouble magnet." She stood and brushed off her apron. "Well, I guess I'd better get changed. We need to leave here shortly."

  Lex stood also. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine. I'm sure Amanda and Anna Leigh are working out the details right now," she teased, putting her arm around Martha. "Although when those two put their heads together, you should be very afraid."

  THE AFTERNOON WAS clear and unseasonably warm, ideal for the third Saturday in February. Lex had been designated as chauffeur, and pulled Martha's Ford Explorer into the parking lot at the First Methodist Church of Somerville. The small church was in a quiet residential neighborhood, and was just perfect for the small ceremony both Charlie and Martha had requested. Lex intended to have it at the house, but after the fire, she had to arrange to have it elsewhere. She quickly emerged from the vehicle and helped Martha and Amanda from their seats. "If you ladies want to go on inside, I've got something to check into."

  "What is it?" Amanda asked, after Martha had headed for the church. "Is something the matter?"

  "I think I see Hubert's car. I swear, if he tries to mess this up for them, I'll throttle him where he stands." Lex studied her lover with evident appreciation. Amanda was wearing a lilac blouse with a knee-length black skirt. "You look absolutely beautiful."

  Amanda felt ridiculous wearing her outfit with the walking cast, but one provocative once-over from Lex made her forget all about it. "You're changing the subject, but thank you." She noticed the shiny BMW in the back corner of the parking lot. "I wonder what he's doing here?"

  "I don't know, but I intend to find out." Lex turned around to leave when Amanda grabbed her arm.

  "Please don't start any fights. Not today."

  "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll be good." Lex kissed her lover lightly on the lips. "Why don't you go on inside and see if everything is going smoothly? I'm going to find my dear brother and have a chat."

  Amanda watched her go. Lex looked especially nice in her new black slacks and a gray cotton shirt, and her shiny black boots creaked softly as she walked around to the front of the church. Once Lex was out of sight, Amanda slipped through the side door. She stood for a moment until her eyes adjusted to the light and walked to where Anna Leigh was supervising the arranging of flowers. "Hi, Gramma."

  "Hello, honey. You're certainly getting around a lot better these days," Anna Leigh commented, as Amanda wrapped her in a fierce hug.

  "Thanks. I'm feeling a lot more useful now." Amanda stepped back and checked out the small chapel. The 'small' wedding the couple had requested had quickly escalated into a larger affair because of the number of people that wanted to attend. "You've done a wonderful job with the flowers. It looks great in here."

  "Thank you, dear. I hope Martha doesn't mind. I want this day to be special for her. Where's Lexington?"

  "She's trying to circumvent a potential problem. Where's Grandpa?" Amanda allowed her grandmother to lead her to a pew.

  "He and Travis are helping Charlie stay calm. I think they're in one of the left vestibules telling marriage horror stories."

  The front door to the chapel opened, and a harried woman rushed in. "Oh, goodness. We have to get someone out in the main hall. They're going to kill each other!" she exclaimed, waving her hands about. "Where's the sheriff?"

  Anna Leigh grabbed the hysterical woman by the arm. "Calm down, Myra." Myra Norman was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary, of which Martha was a proud member. Quite a few of the ladies would be attending the wedding while others worked to set up the reception at the hall. "Who are you talking about?"

  "I think I have a good idea," Amanda muttered, standing. "I'll go check it out." She began hobbling down the main aisle. "Dammit, Lex, you promised."

  Once she stepped out of the chapel, Amanda stopped. She heard noises coming from behind a swinging door to the right of her, so she quickly limped toward the door.

  "Goddamn it, let me go!"

  "Take it back, you worthless bastard. Or I swear I'll throw your sorry ass through the window." Lex had her brother pinned to the wall, his feet barely touching the ground. She shoved him harder. "I said, take it back!"

  "Screw you. She's nothing but a domesticated whore," he growled, fighting to pull Lex's hands off his chest. His nose and mouth were bleeding, and one eye was beginning to close.

  "Lex!" Amanda screamed from the doorway. "What are you doing?"

  Lex turned her head toward the sound of Amanda's voice, giving Hubert the opening he needed. "I--" She doubled over in pain as he broke free and his knee connected with her stomach.

  Hubert laughed and swung his leg into Lex again, causing her to fall to the floor. "Teach you to fuck with me, little sister." He pulled his foot back again, but stopped as a heavy object slammed into the back of his legs with force. "Aaah!" The big man fell forward and slid down the wall, gasping in pain.

  "I've had about enough of you." Amanda's leg ached where she had used it as a battering ram, but she felt extremely satisfied to see Hubert lying on the ground, moaning. She knelt as best she could next to Lex. "God, honey, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?"

  Lex rolled into a sitting position. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just knocked the wind out of me." She saw her brother lying a few feet away. "Good Lord, Amanda, what did you hit him with?" She noted the tiny lines around Amanda's mouth, which meant she was in pain, and grimaced in empathy. "You didn't."

  "I did. And I'd do it again, too. What was--"

  Two sheriff's deputies burst into the hallway and stopped, puzzled. "Umm, we were told there was a disturbance in here," the

  first one said, looking around. "Lex? Are you all right?"

  "Yeah." Lex struggled to her feet, pulling Amanda with her.

  "I want to press charges," Hubert whined, trying to wipe his bleeding nose with a handkerchief. He pointed at Amanda. "That little bitch nearly killed me."

  Lex took a step toward the man. "Watch your mouth, asshole." Amanda held her back.

  "Let it go. He's not worth the trouble." Amanda moved closer to Hubert, who scuttled away from her.

  "Keep her away from me!" he screamed, holding one arm in front of his face. "I want pol
ice protection."

  One of the deputies waved his hand from Amanda to the large man sprawled out in the floor. "Do you expect me to believe this sweet looking woman hurt you?" The only injuries he could see on Lex were her skinned knuckles. "Do you want to file assault charges, Lex?"

  Hubert finally stood up. "Her? That's total bullshit. Look at me." The blood had begun to dry on his chin, and dripped sluggishly from his nose. He rushed at Lex, tangling his hands in her pressed shirt and slamming her back into the wall. "You fucking bitch! I'm so glad they messed you and your whore up in that accident. It was worth every penny, too." Not realizing why Lex was smiling, he shoved her harder. "What the fuck are you grinning about?"

  The two deputies quickly pulled Hubert off his sister and cuffed his hands behind his back. "I think we've heard about enough, Mr. Walters. Why don't you come with us?" One of the lawmen began to inform Hubert of his rights as he led the screaming man away.

  "This isn't over yet. I'll see you and your little whore dead, do you hear me?" Hubert threatened as they led him through the swinging door.

  Amanda wrapped one arm around Lex's waist. "I can't believe Hubert would try to have his own sister killed."

  A sad voice spoke from behind them. "I can." Travis stood at the other end of the hallway. He had come searching for Lex on Martha's behalf and witnessed the final confrontation between the siblings. "God help me, I've known for years how much he hated you. I never would have thought he'd have stooped to that level, though." He joined the two women and escorted them back to the chapel. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I feel like I could have prevented all of this by doing something years ago."

  "Don't apologize. Hubert's shortcomings are no one's fault but his own." Lex put her arm around Travis and pulled him close. "Let's keep this little scuffle between us for now. I don't want to ruin Martha and Charlie's wedding."

  "I agree. We can tell them about it later." Travis stopped and turned to face the two women. "I almost forgot. Martha asked to see you, Lexie. She didn't say why, though."

  Lex shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows? She probably has some last minute instructions for me on how to behave myself. Guess I'd better go see what she wants." She turned to her partner. "Do you want to--"

  "I think I'll let Travis escort me to my seat, so I don't have to fight the crowd." Amanda struggled to her tiptoes and kissed Lex on the cheek. "Go take care of Martha. I'll see you in a little while."

  A QUIET KNOCK on the office door caused Martha to stop fussing with her bouquet and turn around. "Come in." She smiled broadly at the woman who entered. I always figured I'd be the one giving her away, not the other way around. She's certainly grown into a beautiful young woman. "Hi there. What have you been doing? Your shirt is wrinkled."

  "Umm." Lex stood silently as Martha fussed over her clothes, allowing her to tuck the front of her shirt back into her pants. "Just taking care of some trash."

  "Uh-huh." Martha stopped her fussing. "You never could lie to me, Lexie, but I'll let it go this time." Grabbing Lex by the hand, she led her over to a brightly cushioned sofa and sat. "You know, I never thought I'd be doing this."


  The flowers in Martha's hands shook slightly and her voice was soft. "No. Yes. Well, not really. I guess I'm more worried about what happens next."

  "Come on, Martha. Don't tell me you and Charlie--" Lex didn't expect the light slap on her leg.

  "That's not what I meant, young lady. I swear, your mind is in the bedroom more often than not." Martha rubbed the strong thigh where she had slapped it and turned slightly so she could look Lex directly in the eyes. "I'm not sure where this puts us, my getting married and all. You know I want to continue taking care of the house for you, at least, once you get another one built. But, I'll also have a husband to look out for."

  Lex grabbed Martha's free hand and squeezed it. "All I want is for you to be happy. If it means you staying in your house and taking care of Charlie I'm all for it. It's time you lived your life for yourself, not for me." Lex used her spare hand to reach and touch Martha's cheek. "You are the mother of my heart." Her voice cracked. "That's not going to change just because you're finally claiming some happiness of your own."

  "I couldn't be more proud of who you've become if I had given birth to you myself, Lexington Marie. You've grown into a wonderful woman." Martha almost lost her composure when Lex leaned over and placed a tender kiss on her brow. "Now, are you ready to give me away? I think it's about time I make an honest man out of Charlie."

  "Yeah," Lex sniffled. "Let's go get you hitched." She pulled Martha by their joined hands and led her from the room.

  LEX ALMOST STUMBLED when all eyes turned to her and Martha as they entered the chapel. A squeeze on her arm gave her the strength she needed to continue down the aisle toward a decidedly nervous Charlie. "Sorry," she whispered to the woman next to her.

  "You're doing just fine, Lexie," Martha answered over the beautiful organ music. "Just try not to step on my feet, or we'll both end up on the floor."

  The laugh that escaped Lex was loud, and she blushed as her eyes met Amanda's. I'm not ever going to hear the end of this one, I'll bet. She stopped in front of the minister and the sweating sheriff. Charlie was wearing a very nice looking dark suit, and Martha was beautiful in a crème colored silk dress that fell just past her knees.

  "Who gives this woman on this happy occasion?" the white-haired cleric asked. The couple had altered the usually long and boring ceremony, because they didn't want it to be too formal. He waited patiently for Lex to answer, as did the several dozens of people attending.

  Lex stood quietly for a long moment and blinked. "Oh. Umm, I guess I do." She smiled at Charlie and gently gave him Martha's hand. "Take good care of her, Charlie." Lex placed a soft kiss on her "adopted" mother's cheek. "I love you, Martha."

  He nodded solemnly and held Martha's hand in his. "You know I will." The couple turned to face the minister as Lex walked back over to her seat next to Amanda.

  "That was real smooth, Slim," Amanda teased quietly. She noticed the blush on her lover's face. "You're not going to be like that at our ceremony, are you?"

  Lex paled. Lord, I didn't even think about that. "Shhh. Martha's probably got a wooden spoon in her pocket with my name on it," she whispered.

  Before they realized it, the ceremony was over, and Charlie kissed Martha soundly on the mouth. They turned and waved at the crowd, who began to applaud wildly. The newly joined couple walked the aisle together, stopping every so often to accept congratulations from well-wishers. Lex and Amanda followed behind them, Lex trying to wipe her eyes.

  "That was lovely, wasn't it, girls?" Anna Leigh asked them as they followed the crowd outside. "I've never seen Martha look more beautiful."

  "She certainly is," Lex agreed, smiling as the couple pulled up short beside Charlie's official car. Colorful crepe paper covered the brown sedan, and the windows were decorated with white shoe polish. "Well. Will you look at that?" She laughed as the sheriff shrugged his shoulders and helped Martha into the front seat. "I wonder who did that?"

  Travis walked behind Lex and put his hands on her shoulders. "Shameful, isn't it?"

  "Oh, yeah," Amanda giggled, noticing the white specks on the older man's shoes. "Who would do something like that?"

  "It's just not safe to leave your car anywhere, anymore," Jacob agreed. He had came with Travis, and was holding what was left of the roll of crepe. "Hooligans, I'm sure. There's no other explanation for it." A playful swat from his wife told him she didn't believe him. "What?"

  Anna Leigh shook her head. "You two are worse than a couple of teenagers." She grabbed her husband's arm and pulled him away. "Darling, what am I going to do with you?"

  "What's your excuse?" Lex asked her grandfather. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped a foot.

  "Well, I," Travis looked at Amanda. "I could use some help here."

  "Oh, no. You leave me out of this."

  Lex wrapped Tr
avis in a hug. "I should have known it would be a bad idea to let you stay with the Cauble's. Jacob's a bad influence, isn't he?" She winced as Amanda slapped her on the arm.

  "Hey. That's my grandfather you're talking about."

  "The nut never falls far from the tree, does it?" Lex asked, ducking to keep from receiving another blow. "Oooh, you missed," she teased Amanda, jumping away.

  Amanda waved a finger at Lex, who was backing away from her. "You've got to sleep sometime, Slim. And Martha won't be around to protect you." She continued walking to the parking lot, smiling to herself as she passed a sputtering Lex.

  "It's not fair. I didn't do anything to you." Lex jogged to catch her lover. "Amanda, come on." She ignored her grandfather's laughter behind her.

  "I THINK THE ladies outdid themselves, don't you?" Michael Cauble asked Lex, who was sitting in a corner sipping some punch. He could see his daughter talking to the bride, and was curious as to why Lex was on this side of the room by herself.

  "Yeah. They did well, especially considering the short notice I gave them." She pointed to a nearby chair. "Why don't you take a load off?"

  He sat. "Thanks, I believe I will. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine." Lex took another drink of her punch. "Is something on your mind, Michael?"

  "Actually, there is. I went and saw Elizabeth at the hospital yesterday." His wife was being treated for the burns she had received several weeks earlier. Although Lex had managed to extinguish the flames from her clothes quickly, she had gotten second-degree burns on her legs and hands.

  "I see. How's she doing?"

  Michael shook his head. "Physically, she's going to be just fine. I don't know if I would have had the presence of mind to do what you did. I probably would have let the bitch burn."

  "Unfortunately, I didn't think about it, or I might have done the same."

  "I don't think so. You're too decent. It took me a long time to figure that out, but it's true. You could no more let her burn, than if it had been someone you loved. They're going to be transporting her to the state hospital in Austin sometime next week. At least the family won't have to be subjected to a trial."


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