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Lawlessly in Love 3

Page 1

by Mercy B


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  A Mercy Message

  Let’s connect!

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  ROYALTY Imprints

  Curvy Girl Publications

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  © 2018 Royalty Publishing House

  Published by Royalty Publishing House

  Previously titled ‘For His Love’


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  Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 16+ only.

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  Heroes who are the ultimate book bae: strong-willed, maybe a little rough around the edges but willing to risk it all for the woman he loves.

  Heroines who are the ultimate match: the girl next door type, not perfect - has her faults but is still a decent person. One who is willing to risk it all for the man she loves.

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  I must dedicate this one to myself. Writing the finale was possibly the most challenging task of the summer for me. I hope that you all enjoy!


  In the final installment of the highly desired trilogy, Sosa returns in the nick of time, with plans of salvaging what’s left of his and Gauge’s relationship as well as welcoming his daughter into the world. As life would have it, interference with Sosa’s plans arises with his arrival and shakes the core of his existence while simultaneously wreaking havoc on Gauge’s body.

  What are you to do when the man you love is accused of murdering your best friend and during the most pivotal point of your life? Gauge is faced with the same question repeatedly as she watches Sosa surrender to her and become the man that she’s needed him to be since day one. His insatiable appetite and craving to oversee and administer the care of both her and baby Sophia is astounding. Frustration is second to astonishment, because G wishes and waits for Sosa to return to his old ways so that she can hate him a little more, hurt him a little more, blame him a little more, and get over him a little faster. Yet he refuses to take the bait, remaining steadfast and reliant on their history and their daughter as his ammunition.

  Chapter 1


  The lights had been shut off for the night upon my arrival, but sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. All I could remember was the sound of the machines blaring as I was pulled out of G’s hospital room as the silence played in my background. My lawyer had been contacted—I was sure of it—so it was only a matter of time before I was kissing this weak ass cell goodbye.

  However, it wasn’t my freedom that had kept me away. I could’ve slept like a baby, knowing that it would only be a nap, and someone would be coming for me soon. But that wasn’t my concern. I’d be a free man, nonetheless. It was baby girl that had me batting my eyes and trying to recall the moments leading up to my arrest that should’ve warned me or the doctors that her health was lacking. Yet I couldn’t think of one.

  And not to mention, Soph. God. She was adorable. Her mother had hated me through the entire pregnancy, which was a victory in the end. If anyone asked, I’d say that she resembled me. There was a head of thick hair, and she sported a set of lungs that were powerful and mighty.

  As I lay awake, I chastised the officers that had come for me, not giving me even a second to hold my baby girl. Shit, I hadn’t even had the chance to cut the umbilical cord. Everything had happened so fast, but I remembered every single face that appeared behind those doors. There was one in particular that I was very familiar with.

  I wanted to act a fool and give them suckers these hands, but G’s failing health had crippled me to the point of cooperation. It wasn’t the cuffs that were the most haunting for me. It was seeing life vanish from her eyes as she fought to stay with us. The scene had replayed in my head at least a million times by now.

  “Law!” I heard my name being called as the cell was unlocked, and a bright light shined on my frame.

  Motherfuckers loved to test you when they figured they had the upper hand. It would be delightful to see these bitches sweat once I was outside of these walls and standing on their porches. They were never the same without their badges.

  There wasn’t a boisterous laugh or any talks of lawsuits, so I was certain that Goldstein hadn’t made it to me yet. Shit, I was hoping that he’d gotten the word by now. As I sat up, placing my back against the wall, in no particular rush to be bothered with their bullshit, I watched as a suited figure appeared from behind the single light being shined into my cell.

  A sly smile spread across my lips in addition to the lifting of my hands as I began forcing them together and then apart. “Bravo. Bravo.” I chuckled. “Did you get your badge shined or promises of a promotion for this little victory you think you’ve accomplished?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue. I had to know. The betrayal was fresh, but I couldn’t say that it stung even a bit. In my line of work, it was important to never trust a soul. That’s why it was so hard trusting G, and now this shit.

  “You’re not as smart of a man as I thought you were, son.”

  “Even smarter,” I returned. “Know that I always got my back. No stone is ever left unturned. A nigga like me gets paid to think.”


  “And a nigga like me is about to get paid in his sleep too. Now, if you’d tell your watchdog to lower that bright ass light, I need to rest up so that I can take the morning shift with my baby girl. I’m sure she’ll be up waiting on her pops to return.”

  There was nothing left to be said. I wouldn’t entertain the foolishness, and neither would I let anyone see me sweat. I wasn’t sure of the outcome of this situation, but I was certain of one thing. Time wasn’t in my future. Jail wouldn’t see my face again after this little ordeal. I’d gotten caught slipping, but that shit would never happen twice.

  Although my eyes were closed, sleep wouldn’t come to me. I wasn’t expecting it one way or the other though. It was merely impossible, which was why I felt a surge of relief the minute I heard the loud, thunderous roars of Gol
dstein. The nigga was a clown in my eyes, but he was the best lawyer money could buy, and the pigs were scared of him.

  He’d put so many of them out of a job or caused their demotion that they walked on eggshells around him. Goldstein had the district shook, especially with his lawsuit success rate. He didn’t just threaten to sue you. More than likely, he would win if he ever felt strongly enough or didn’t get his way.

  “I’m assuming my client is in good hands and waiting to be seen out of the front door like any other citizen who was wrongfully arrested for something they have absolutely no involvement with? Hmmmm?”

  “Goldstein.” I hated the sound of that voice by now.

  “Oh. Don’t Goldstein me. Please tell me why my client is sitting in this shitty ass facility when he should be enjoying the first few hours of his precious daughter’s life. You robbed the man of the chance to even hold his bundle of joy. God. You filthy animals. And from my understanding, he wasn’t able to clip the umbilical cord.

  “Ewww. I smell a lawsuit. Let’s not mention the embarrassment. The humiliation that you caused. And to think, his child’s mother is suffering from complications of delivery. This is bad… really bad for you all. You’d be lucky if I don’t have each one of your badges by the time the sun rises. To say that I’m appalled is an understatement. When will you bastards learn that anyone I represent is off limits! Avoid them like the plague, because that’s what you’ll be burdened with after I get word of your foolishness.”

  “Open the cell.”

  There was a brief silence before I heard keys rattling, and the cell that I was being held in was opened. Performing a full sit up, I lifted from the cold metal bench and straightened my fit. Stepping forward, I acknowledged the officer with a smile.

  “Officer Montgomery.” I tapped his badge with my finger before using the same finger to tap my temple to insinuate the fact that I would remember his name. “Officer Montgomery. Officer Montgomery,” I repeated.


  “Goldstein. What took you so fucking long?” I hissed, mad that I’d even been confined for a few hours.

  “I was getting my beauty rest. Some of us do sleep, Law. You should try it. When I got the call, it was my wife who answered. She dozed off for a few before finally waking me and giving me the news.”

  “What do they have?” It was my only concern.

  “Nothing, or we wouldn’t be walking out of here without seeing a judge and you making bail. Tomorrow, I plan to dig deeper, but trust me. If they had a solid case, then they wouldn’t be allowing you to walk out of here without a hassle. They want you bad, Law.”

  “I ain’t did shit.”

  “Did they question you?” I gave him a knowing look. “What did you tell them?”

  “To suck my dick or get me a bitch in the interrogation room that would.”

  “Law,” Goldstein hissed. “Ever the classic act. But good. They must’ve known they’d come up emptyhanded; otherwise, you’d still be in that room.”

  “Didn’t hurt to try their luck, I guess.”

  “Well. Waste of time. Theirs, yours, and mine.” Goldstein shrugged as we reached the exit.

  “I need a lift to the hospital. I’ll be beating at your office door first thing in the morning.”

  “No need. The door will be open.”

  As I entered the doors of the hospital, I noted the difference I felt from when we rushed in for Sophia’s delivery. Everything about the hospital felt unfamiliar, though I’d been down the same hallway toward labor and delivery just a day sooner. The dread that wore heavy on my feet wasn’t concealed either. It was potent, and it was slowing me down with each step I took.

  After all of the shit that G and I had been through in the short amount of time that we’d known each other, nothing compared to the allegations that she’d witnessed before I was hauled out of the delivery room. Her best friend. No matter how I tried to justify the shit by the street code, she’d never understand. I couldn’t say that I’d give a fuck either, which was why this was one lie I was taking to the grave with me. An honest nigga all the way around, I couldn’t fathom harboring such a secret, but I’d just have to put my pride aside and swallow my words.

  If there was nothing else I refused to lose in this world, it was G. At times, the shit may have been hard to believe, but it was always the case. There was something about her little ass that kept my dick hard, my heart pumping, and my emotions all fucked up. I hadn’t run across a single being who could tame the beast in me, but she could. G may not have thought so, but a nigga didn’t have any luck when it came to her. I was as good as gone.

  I’d like to blame it on the pussy, but it was much more to her than that vicious thing between her legs. It was her. Every damn thing she embodied, I wanted a piece of. Forever. And I simply couldn’t let this shit come between us. In her eyes, I’d fucked up, but in mine, I did what I had to do.

  Finally, on the floor that G had delivered Sophia, I made my way up to the nurses’ station to be sure that I was headed in the right direction. As well, I wanted some information on what transpired after I left and to get an update on Sophia. A million thoughts brushed my mental as I approached the station where there sat a pretty-faced nurse. Gritting my teeth, I chose to disengage and worry about the task at hand. After seeing G give birth to Sophia, she’d tossed a gate around my dick. There wasn’t a woman alive I’d be poking from here on out. For what she went through, I at least owed G that much respect.

  “Aye. Uh. Gauge Morrison. Sophia Law. I’m here to check on them both. I need to know if Gauge is still in the same room and how I can get someone to bring Sophia down to the room so that I can see her. I’m her father. Sosa Law.” I’d never given my government so freely, but shit was different.

  “One second, sir.” Her manicured nails began pecking at the keys before she pushed her glasses up on her face, and the sadness in her eyes finally reached mine. “Sir, Ms. Morrison has been relocated. I’m sorry, but she’s in our intensive care unit. It’s upstairs, but there are visiting hours that you must abide by. The next visiting hours aren’t for another two hours. You just missed one.”

  I’d never had an issue with my hearing, but it seemed as if all I could see was ole girl’s mouth moving without much sound after intensive care fell from her lips. My brows furrowed and chest expanded from my heart doing numbers inside.

  “Nah. I think you heard me wrong. I said Gauge Morrison. G-a-u-g-e. M-o—” The nurse interrupted the spelling of Gauge’s name.

  “I’m aware of the spelling, sir. She is in the intensive care unit. I can get you all of the information you’ll need to visit.”

  Still, I was astounded and unable to think past the fact that Gauge’s condition had worsened since I’d left. I thought maybe she had a lapse and would be good by the time I made it back to her. I’d much rather hear her cuss me out or tell me just how much she hated me rather than see her lying in the ICU. I’d known niggas who never made it out of that ward of the hospital. To say I was spooked was an understatement, and I couldn’t remember a single damn thing that had ever frightened me besides losing G as my lover.

  “Why was she moved to the intensive care unit?” I didn’t know how the words surfaced, but they had.

  “I’m sorry, but she slipped into a coma while doctors were trying to bring her back. Any more details, and you’ll need to question the doctor. That is all I have, and that information was passed down to me from the nurse that was caring for her during delivery.”

  “Fuck I need to talk to the doctor for? Where the nurse that told you that shit at? Hell, she can tell me the rest.” At this point, my patience had worn out.

  “Sir, please quiet your voice. She’s gone home. Her shift ended almost an hour ago.”

  “Fuck!” I smacked the high counter before balling my fists and shoving them down toward my legs.

  There hadn’t been an instance where I wanted to hit something so damn bad, but there wasn’t a thing in sight that
I could pound that wouldn’t end my ass up in jail. As much as I didn’t give a fuck, I knew that I needed to chill, or I’d make the situation worse. The last thing I wanted was to be banned from the hospital. Both of my girls were here, and I needed to be as close to them as possible.


  “Aight, bitch. I get it. I’m leaving!” I fanned the nurse off. Of course, she was only being helpful, but I was far from in my right mind. Once I got my shit together, I’d have to buy her some lunch or some shit.

  “Excuse me!” Her neck whipped around as she stood from her seat. “I understand you’re probably in your feelings right now, but you will be respectful. Unless you want to be thrown out on your ass with no information on your daughter and girlfriend, then I expect you to cooperate with me here. Otherwise, I can call security and end this for us both.”

  “Aight. I’m down with the respect shit, but don’t threaten me with no security. Them niggas don’t scare nobody but their damn selves when they look in the mirror each night and see what their lives actually amounted to. Shit. So, like you said, I need that info. And my bad. Here.” I reached into my pocket and grabbed a hundred from my knot. “Lunch on me.”

  “I’m not taking your money,” she sassed.


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