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Rock Me Deeper (Licks Of Leather Book 5)

Page 14

by Jenna Jacob

  “Denton,” Ross grumbled.

  “No, but since he now knows there’s a connection between Caris and Syd, we’ll be staying here enjoying a big, magnificent slumber party until that sick sack of shite is behind bars again.”

  “I like slumber parties, especially with Sofia.” Burk wagged his brows.

  “You just like sex,” she countered dryly, then grinned.

  “Don’t we all?” Mia smirked.

  “Okay, okay.” Quinn raised his hands. “One more item to pass along before we go to our rooms for sex or…snoring. In the morning, I’ll be hiring security companies to watch your homes. Do any of you have live-in housekeepers, pet sitters, or anyone who comes and goes while you’re on tour?”

  “I do,” Ross spoke up. “My housekeeper, Angie, and my driver, Bernie, but—”

  “What the fuck you need a driver for? To take you to the gym?” Burk chided.

  “No, the tattoo parlor,” Ross quipped with a snide smile before addressing Quinn again. “I sent them on a little vacation this morning. Told them I’d call when it was safe to come home.”

  “Good. Anyone else?”

  When no one spoke up, Quinn nodded. “I’d like to extend a big thank-you to Susan and Gail, who’ve offered to help Lucia prepare meals. Feeding an army this size is going to take a lot of hands. We’ll put together a rotating clean-up schedule in the morning. That’s all I got. Anyone have any questions?”

  “What’s the press saying?” Syd asked. “I’ve purposely been avoiding my phone.”

  “Nothing yet,” Quinn replied. “But we all know that will change real soon. Ava was tight lipped when she canceled your concerts earlier today but promised a press release soon. Tonight, or tomorrow, we’ll whip up some bullshit story.”

  “Not that I’ve got a hard on to sit around singing ‘Kumbaya’ and shit.” Syd smirked. “But are we gonna have these ring-around-the-campfire coffee-table updates each night?”


  “Good. I don’t want any secrets being kept. We’re all in this together.”

  “Till the end, brother. Till the end.” Burk raised a fist in the air.

  Everyone raised theirs as well, and I couldn’t help but smile and join them.

  Quinn strolled to a bar stocked with every kind of liquor imaginable, sitting on several glass shelves lining the wall. He pulled down bottles of whiskey, vodka, and rum and set them on the glossy oak bar, then pulled wine, beer, and cans of soda from a silver cooler near his thighs.

  “Come pick your poison,” he invited.

  “What do you drink these days?” Syd softly asked me.

  “Jack Daniels.”

  “Jack and Coke?” His brows arched as he stood.

  “No. Straight.”

  Flashing that sinful crooked grin, he leaned in close to my ear. “We still have a whole lot in common, angel. Too bad I’m on pain pills and can’t join you.”

  With Syd by my side, soda in his hand, I sipped the smooth Tennessee whiskey, as we chatted with the others. Everyone was so genuinely warm and kindhearted it was easy to pretend I really was a member of their musical family.

  As the evening wore on, I grew more mellow and relaxed. Maybe it was the Jack. Maybe it was being cared for and about. Or maybe it was because, for the first time, since Syd and I were last together, I finally felt safe.

  “You look sleepy,” he murmured.

  “I am.”

  “Then let’s go to bed, angel.”

  “Where am I sleeping?”

  “With me.” His voice dipped low and sensual. “Everyone has to double up, so…yeah, we’ll be sleeping together.”

  Sleeping or…fucking? The question lay poised on the tip of my tongue, burning like the needy ache budding between my legs.

  Thanks, Jack Daniels. You can shut up now. The man got shot today because of me. He’s in no shape to do anything but sleep.

  “All right. I’m ready.”

  After bidding the others good-night, Syd led me up a long, wide staircase, to an equally long, wide hallway. Passing rooms on both sides of the hall, he slowed when we reached the last bedroom on the right.

  “Your sleeping chamber, madam.” Syd waved his arm like he had while serving our dinner on the balcony. I couldn’t help but smile as I stepped into the room.

  Unlike the pretentious suite we’d shared those few hours in LA, our room here in the lodge—like all the others I’d seen—was homey despite its impressive size. From the pristine white comforter draping the king-sized bed and paintings of spring flowers and grassy plains hanging on the walls to the round table and padded chairs nestled beside one of the windows. Past the tall oak dresser to my left was a shimmering marble-tiled ensuite.

  “Take the first shower if you’d like,” Syd offered.

  “Thanks. I desperately need one. I won’t be long.”

  “Take your time. I’m going to pop another pain pill and stretch out on the bed.”

  Of course, when I’d finished my shower and stepped into the room, Syd was on top of the covers, sound asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake him, so I turned off the bedside lamp and slid under the sheets.

  Chapter 13


  Semi-awake, I started to roll over on the luscious mattress when a spike of pain shot through my shoulder like a bolt of lightning. Biting back a howl, I eased to my back, watching silver spots dance behind my eyes.

  “Syd?” Caris’s soft voice spilled over me like warm honey. Even having the beautiful vixen beside me in bed did nothing to ease the throbbing pain racking my body. “You need more pain meds.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  The mattress dipped, jostling me, sending another spear of pain stabbing through me before the bedside lamp flicked on, burning my retinas. Clenching my jaw, I blinked against the harsh light, reached into the pocket of my jeans, and fished out both bottles of meds. Then I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, hoping the change of position would lessen the pain. It didn’t, but the view of Caris’s enticing heart-shaped ass, bent over the sink as she filled a glass with water, sure as hell did.

  “What time is it?” I asked as my growing boner pressed against my zipper.

  “I don’t know.” She exchanged the bottles of pills in my hand for the water, then shook out a tablet from each. “Wee hours of the morning, maybe.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “It’s okay. I wasn’t sleeping all that great, anyway.”

  “Why not?” I asked before tossing back the pill and washing it down.

  “I’m not used to sleeping in my clothes.”

  “Take them off.”

  “Syd.” An uneasy expression settled over her face.

  I chuckled and glanced at my shoulder. “Trust me. You’re safe, angel. I’m in no condition to get down and dirty. Maybe tomorrow night, but definitely not tonight. Why didn’t you ask one of the other ladies for a nightgown or something?”

  “I just met them. I’m not going to ask to borrow their clothes.”

  “You should have said something to me. I would have done it for you.”

  “Syd. I don’t—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Damn stubborn woman,” I tsked. “Did you ever think maybe I like doing things for you?”

  “Why? You’ve already done so much.”

  Because I’m a glutton for punishment.

  “I care about you, angel. You deserve a shit-ton more than I’ve given you.” I clasped her hand and tugged her in between my legs, then rested my cheek against her stomach. “Instead of asking why, ask yourself why not.”

  Caris stroked her fingers through my hair, like she did when we were young. Tingles danced over my scalp and sputtered down my spine. After working the button of her jeans free, I lifted the hem of her sweater and pressed a kiss to her soft, warm skin. Her muscles rippled and bunched beneath my lips as Caris sucked in a sharp breath and started to tremble. Lifting my lids, I stared up at her dark,
dilated eyes. Oh, yeah, she felt the chemistry still burning between us, too.

  “Take your clothes off, angel,” I coaxed in a husky voice. “And go back to sleep.”

  “Do you want me to help you out of yours?”

  “No. The next time I get naked with you, it’s going to be for more than a shower.”

  Another shiver skipped through her, filling me with entirely too much hope. Though I wanted nothing more than to drag her beneath me, I eased back. And as a pang of regret wended through me, I slowly stretched out over the comforter again. Caris extinguished the lamp, quietly stripped off her clothes, and climbed back under the covers.

  The pills did their job, numbing the pain and dragging me to inky oblivion. But they did nothing to dull the dirty dreams of Caris that danced in my brain the rest of the night.

  When I woke next, the bed was empty. Sunlight was streaming through the windows, and my dick was so hard I could have pounded charcoal to diamonds. Stiff and sore, I stood, then padded to the bathroom. After taking a leak, I started to take off my clothes, which, with only one hand, was a lesson in patience and dexterity. After unwrapping the gauze and packing from my shoulder, I cringed at the nasty hole and ugly bruises coloring my skin. Then leaned in to start the shower.

  “What in the world do you think you’re doing?” Caris scolded behind me.

  With a jolt, I swung around—cock still swollen and bobbing for attention—and tried not to grin when her eyes automatically dropped and locked on my big, bad boner.

  “Taking a shower. Want to join me? I’ll wash your back, front, and everywhere in between.”

  Peeling her eyes off my junk, she pressed her lips in a thin, tight line. “No. I am not going to join you. You’re not supposed to take a shower or bathe for another two days.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says the doctor at the hospital last night.”

  I hadn’t read the mile-long list of restrictions, but obviously Caris had.

  “Do you have any idea how ripe I’m going to smell in two more days?”

  “You can have a sponge bath, but… Dammit, Syd. Why did you take the bandages off?”

  “To. Take. A. Shower.”

  “Oh, my god. And you’ve got the balls to call me hardheaded? Back up,” she ordered, shooing me with her hands.

  “You know I do. You were just staring at them, angel.”

  “Move out of the way, Syd, so I can turn the water off.”

  “What’s the magic word?”

  Caris narrowed her eyes, like a hunter dragging back his bow, aligning a kill shot. Oh, she was prepping to sling arrows, several, in fact. But I didn’t care. I’d nearly forgotten how fun it was to rile her up. But to my chagrin, the little minx had a few surprises of her own. A sassy smirk curled her lips as she wrapped her soft, slender hand around my cock. My moan of pure delight was cut short as she gave my dick a hard, ball-shrinking tug.

  “Ow, ow, ow. Okay, okay,” I said, dancing on the balls of my feet as she led me from the room and back to the bed.

  “Sit and don’t move.”

  “Yes, Mommy.” I smirked.

  An unladylike growl rumbled up from deep in her chest as she stomped to the bathroom, turned off the shower, then stormed out of the bedroom.

  When I heard her coming back down the hall, I started to whistle innocently. But when she entered the room followed by Darren’s mom, Susan, holding an industrial-sized first-aid kit, I quickly tossed the edge of the comforter over my erection.

  “Oh, Syd,” Susan scolded. “You shouldn’t have taken off the bandage.”

  “So I’ve heard.” I flashed a what the hell is she doing here glare at Caris.

  The triumphant grin spearing her lips made my palm itch.

  “Okay. Let’s get you bandaged back up, then Caris and I will give you a sponge bath.”

  I blanched and probably turned a couple thousand shades of red as Caris snorted softly.

  “That’s okay. I don’t need a sponge bath.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly,” Susan chided. “I was a nurse for twenty-three years. There’s nothing between your legs I haven’t seen before.”

  “Maybe, but you haven’t seen mine. The size alone will shock you.”

  Caris burst out laughing. Susan had the courtesy to lower her chin and hide her grin as she ripped open packages of gauze.

  “I can always send Walter up to help.” the older woman offered.

  “No,” I barked. Caris laughed harder. It was the single most glorious sound that had touched my ears in forever. “I’m quite capable of washing my own bits and berries, thank you very much.”

  “Bits and berries, huh?” Susan chuckled as she bandaged my wound. “Doesn’t sound all that shocking in size to me.”

  Suddenly, Burk and Sofia, Ross and Harmony, Darren and Tori—with Dustin on her hip, Burk and Sofia, and Duke and Mick paraded into the room.

  “We heard you were getting a sponge bath. We came to watch,” Mia announced, firing a conspiratory wink at Caris.

  “Oh, man. We forgot the popcorn,” Darren groaned with a shit-eating grin.

  “No worries.” Burk reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll video-tape it. Not only can we watch it again later, but I’ll post it to our social media page. The fans will love it.”

  While they all howled with laughter, I scowled. Inside, I was howling, too. Not because they were busting my balls but because my little hellcat had just one-upped me.

  “Out!” I bellowed pointing to the door. “Everyone out now.”

  “But…but the show hasn’t even started yet,” Sofia moaned.

  “And it’s not going to. If you ladies want to see some skin, go check your man’s Pornhub history.”

  “And we’re out of here,” Burk announced before backpedaling and assuring Sofia I was just kidding.

  As Caris started to file out behind Susan, I cleared my throat.

  “Not you, angel. You’re staying.”

  “What for? A private sponge bath?” Caris teased with a sassy grin.

  “Maybe later. You’ve been a very naughty girl. You set me up.”

  Susan flashed me a knowing smile before shutting the door behind her.

  Tossing off the covers, I stood and pinned on a fake-assed scowl. “Pull down your pants and bend over the bed.”

  “Excuse me?” Caris blinked.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself, or you get five more.” I stood and eased in beside her.

  “Five more what?”

  “Spankings.” I drew my hand back and landed my palm, hard, to her lush orbs.

  “Ouch!” Caris cried, dancing backward and blinking the shock and arousal from her eyes. “That hurt.”

  “It’s supposed to. That’s why it’s called punishment.”

  “Someone needs to spank your ass for taking your bandages off.”

  Holding her with a savage stare, I stalked toward her—cock bobbing, throbbing, and weeping. Caris swallowed tightly and started to retreat. Undaunted, I kept prowling toward her, watching need and hunger replace all traces of humor from her face.

  When her back met the wall, Caris softly whimpered.

  Her pupils began to dilate.

  Her breath turned shallow and ragged.

  And her sweet berry nipples drew up tight and hard. Stabbing the fabric of her sweater, they teased, taunted, and tempted me to near madness.

  Her plump lips parted in anticipation, or maybe invitation. It didn’t matter, I was going to wreck them, destroy her with the passion and demand pounding in my veins. Then I was going to claim her. Own her. Climb inside her heart so deep she’d never find the strength or will to leave me again.

  I cupped her chin and lifted, tilting her head back, aligning her lips beneath mine. Caris’s lids slid shut as the wet heat of her exhalations spilled over my tongue.

  The need to feast, to gorge on her sinful mouth spiraled out of control.

  Caris lifted her hands and placed them on my
bare chest, searing me with heat as she scraped her palms over my own hard nipples. My cock lurched against her stomach, and a hungry groan rolled off my tongue.

  She was undoing me by the second.

  As I dipped my head to capture her lips, a thunderous knock echoed off the door.

  “Sorry for interrupting.” Burk was cackling with glee for disturbing what he had to know was a pivotal moment. “But breakfast is ready. You need to eat lots of protein so you’ll have enough stamina to get the job done right.”

  I lifted my head and gnashed my teeth, wishing I could take back every dirty trick I’d ever pulled, every cutting, witty comment I’d leveled at him. But it was far too late. I had the sneaking suspicion this was the first of many interruptions the guys were plotting against me. Fuck! Why was Karma such a snag-assed bitch?

  As Caris’s body shook with silent laughter, I lowered my chin and cocked a brow.

  “You think this is funny?” I ground out quietly.

  Amusement danced in her eyes as she pinched her lips together and shook her head. Then started laughing out loud and nodding.

  “Fine. Go downstairs and eat. I’ll be there in a minute. I’ve got to take care of this.” I looked at my angry cock as it leaked tears of disappointment.

  Caris’s eyes flashed wide before she lowered her gaze to my glistening purple crest.

  “Or you can stay and help if you want. I wouldn’t turn you down.”

  “I…” The air left her lungs in a gust before she shook her head and sucked in a deep breath. “I-I should probably go ahead and eat…breakfast.”

  I bit back a grin as her cheeks turned crimson. Somehow, I found the strength to step back but wanted to weep when Caris gripped the doorknob. Hope flickered as she glanced back at me, scraping a hungry gaze all the way to my cock.

  “Don’t, um, hurt your arm or anything.”

  “I’ll be fine. I never use my left hand unless I’m so horny I need a double date.”

  Her cheeks turned even redder. “You’re incorrigible,” she chided as she left the room.


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