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Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3)

Page 11

by Cala Riley

  Movement catches my eye as Fillipo rushes over to the side of the bed to pick up his knife. I don’t hesitate. I lean down and grab my gun from next to the nightstand where it slid earlier. The next thing I know, he’s leaning over Izzy while throwing the knife at me. It sticks into my left shoulder, but I don’t hesitate. I bring up my right arm and pull the trigger, putting two bullets in his head. He collapses over Izzy, and I watch as the blood pours out onto her lifeless body.

  I rush over to her and push his body onto the floor. I check her pulse and find it’s steady. I cup her face as I look at her. “Izzy, cuore mio, can you hear me?” I catch slight movement in her eyes, and I sigh.

  I turn back to Fillipo’s body and empty my clip into his skull. Once I’m satisfied the fucker is dead, I turn and carefully pick Izzy up. I don’t know what he gave her, but her inability to move scares me, along with the knot on her head. She could have brain damage. I take her into the bathroom and set her in the tub as I turn on the water and begin to wash her off.


  I turn and point my secondary gun from my ankle holster at the door and find Lo standing there. I lower my gun.

  “What happened?”

  “Fillipo. We need Mia. Now!”

  “We need to move her. This isn’t a secure location.”

  I nod numbly as I wrap her in a towel and carry her to the living room. I lay her down and wrap her in the throw blanket they keep there before cradling her in my arms again.

  “It’s okay, cuore mio. I have you now. Nothing will ever hurt you again.”


  “What happened?”

  Sofia’s the first to open the door to the house, much to the dismay of the surrounding guard.

  “I’ll explain later. Is Mia here yet?”

  “She’s a couple minutes out. Bring her into the guest room.” She leads me to one of the guest rooms located on the main floor.

  As I get Izzy situated, I can feel the stares from everyone behind me. I lean down and kiss Izzy on each cheek before whispering in her ear. “Please stay with me. Please be okay. I can’t live without you. I love you.” I don’t know if she can hear or understand me, but I have to try. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing she left this world thinking I didn’t love her.

  I kiss her once more on the forehead as Mia pushes through the crowd at the door.

  I turn to her as she gasps. “Izzy! What happened?” She rushes over and throws her bag down on the floor next to the bed, getting right to work checking her pulse.

  “You guys should leave. She’s going to need to do a full body check,” I say toward the door.

  Bash and Lo nod, but Sofia’s reluctant to leave.

  “Sof, I will brief you all as soon as Mia’s done looking her over. Trust me. You don’t want to see her like this,” I say softly, my eyes straying back to Izzy’s lifeless form.

  “I can’t leave her, Gio. She’s my sister. I’m staying.”

  I recognize the anguish in her face. She feels guilty, but for what? I don’t ask her why, I just nod.

  Bash gives her a kiss before turning to me. “I need a briefing as soon as possible. We will be waiting in the meeting room.”

  “As soon as I know she’s okay. You might want to send someone for Dante. Whatever Fillipo gave Iz, he gave Dante as well.”

  He nods before shutting the door behind him as he leaves.

  “Her heart rate is good. Her pupils are reactive,” Mia says, drawing my attention back to the bed.

  “He did something to her. Gave her something.”

  “A paralytic agent possibly?”

  “Possibly. He hit her too. You need to check for brain damage or a concussion. Also....” I trail off.

  “Also, what?”

  She still hasn’t turned to look at me.

  I clear my throat. “Can you check if she has been… um… uh….”

  “Spit it out, Giovanni! Time is of the essence.”

  “Of course, sorry. Can you check if he violated her? I found them in a compromising position. I’m worried he raped her.”

  Sofia begins to sob, and Mia’s eyes fill with tears.

  “I will. I’m doing everything I can here. I need some things though. We will need to take her to the clinic for a scan of her brain to rule out brain bleeds. I will also need someone to run a sample of her blood to the lab.” She takes out a needle, and I watch as she draws blood. “Give this to Sandra at the lab. She will know what to do.”

  I take the vial then open the door to shout for Lo. I repeat Mia’s instructions, but Mia steps in.

  “You take it, Gio.”

  “I’m not leaving her side until I know she’s all right. I need to know.”

  “Gio, this is a delicate situation. I need to take samples. Examine her in areas I’m pretty sure she doesn't want you to see. Please just take the vial.”

  I look back over to Izzy on the bed. I consider the words. Would she even want me here? It doesn't really matter at this point. I can’t leave even if I tried.

  “I understand what you’re saying. I will brief Lo and Bash while you examine her. I can’t leave her though, Mia. Please don’t ask me to.”

  She nods once then pushes me out the door.

  I hesitate as the door locks. I let my body sag against it as my mind runs through everything she has been through. Moments pass by in silence before I hear a throat clearing.

  “Sorry, I wanted to check on her real quick.”

  The devastation on Matt’s face is overwhelming when added with the emotions already flooding me.

  “I… I appreciate it.” I choke back a sob as I turn away from him.

  “Let’s go update Bash.”

  Taking a couple of deep breaths, I turn and press my head to the door once more. “Please, God, watch over her. Let her be okay, please,” I whisper against the door before turning and following Matt down the hall.

  The mood in the conference room is solemn as we enter. Bash gives me a questioning look. I give my head one quick shake as I lower my eyes.

  “What the fuck happened?” he growls.

  “I failed her. I didn’t protect her.”

  The silence that follows is deafening.

  As I stand staring at the floor, my heartache, despair, and anger consume me. I whirl around and slam my fists into the wall over and over. Something jerks me back. I turn, swinging, clipping the edge of Bash’s jaw.

  You could hear a pin drop as the whole room freezes. My chest heaves as I feel everyone’s eyes on me. My eyes meet Bash’s as I let regret and grief overtake me. The bullet destined for my head is welcomed. I don’t deserve to live anymore. Not after tonight. If he doesn’t do it, I might as well do it myself.

  “Do it, Bash. Please. Just do it.”

  This time, I let the tears flow freely as I fall to my knees. This is my cousin. My brother. The man who helped mentor me throughout our youth.

  “Everyone out,” he orders grimly.

  I feel Lo squeeze my shoulder as he passes me. The solidarity in the movement makes my throat catch. Then Matt walks up to me and whispers in my ear, “I will take care of her. She will be okay. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  I give him a short nod before he turns to leave too.

  Bash waits for the door to click shut before he starts talking. “Pull it together, Gio. What the fuck was that?”

  I gulp back more tears as I listen to the disappointment in his voice. We might be close in age, but he has always been someone I look up to. Disappointing him is worse than disappointing my parents.

  I turn my back to hide the shame in my gaze. My eyes land on the damage I caused. The visual of the multiple holes taken out of the drywall makes me glance down to my hands—at least what I think are my hands. My body is numb, but I cannot deny that they are covered in blood.

  “Giovanni Vito Catalini, sit your dumb ass down in this chair and listen to me.”

  “Just get it over with. I need you to. Pleas
e,” I plead to him.

  “She still needs you, G. I can’t do what I know you’re asking. Isabella still needs you to protect her. To love her. To help her through this. Whatever this is.”

  “She’s going to hate me more than she ever has before, Bash. I can’t even blame her. I hate myself.”

  “G, she has never hated you. She has loved you without question since the day you met when you were fifteen. You saved her tonight. She wouldn’t be alive if you didn’t rush back over there.”

  “If she had never met me, she would have never been in this position in the first place.”

  His sigh is overwhelming in the silent room. “We can play the what-if game all night, but it’s pointless. She did meet you. You love her. You didn’t fail her. You did everything you could to protect her. Even now, you’re willing to give your own life because you think it’s what’s best for her. You think she deserves better than you.”

  He pauses a moment before continuing.

  “She might deserve better than you. Hell, Sofia sure deserves better than me, but that doesn’t matter. What she deserves and what she needs are two different things, G. She needs someone who is going to love her through this. She needs someone who will stick by her side through the nightmares and mood swings. Isabella will need you to be there to watch her back while her life implodes. The question is, are you going to grow a pair of balls and step up to the plate or are you going to let another man do it for you?”

  I rub my eyes as I ponder his words. Even knowing she deserves better, I cannot picture her with another man. I don’t deserve her, but no other man does either. While she might hate me right now, Bash is right. She will need me, whether it be from a distance or by her side. I sit gingerly in the chair closest to me as I let the emotions within calm.

  “You’re right.”

  He takes the seat next to me and pats my shoulder. “Of course I am. I always am. Now, can you tell me what happened?”

  I go over the events from the night, pausing when the emotions almost overwhelm me.

  “Fuck, I’m glad you killed him. I only wish I had killed him myself.”

  “What about the commission?”

  “Fuck them. I know one of them is working with him, and I’m pretty sure it's that weasel Amendo. I’m going to find proof and put a .40 caliber bullet through his skull.”

  The conversation tapers out as there is a knock at the door. Bash stands up and opens the door. There are some murmurs before he closes it.

  “They need you with Isabella.”

  I jump up and head to the door, but he puts a hand out to stop me. “This won’t happen again. Lo and Matt will keep it discreet, but cousin or not, my love for you or not, I will need to react. I know what was going through your head, but it can’t happen again.”

  My eyes linger on the blood drying on his cheek. “Sorry isn’t enough of a word to express my regret.”

  “I know, G. I know. Just take care of your girl, okay? Be better for her. Live for her.”

  “She already is my everything. I won’t fail her again.” I speak it to him, but also to the universe.

  Failing her again is not an option.

  Chapter Nine


  Have you ever been present for something, but you couldn’t interact with anyone? Ever had a dream that you were on the outside looking in. Like your body was there, but you couldn't move it. You couldn't talk or scream? You can hear everything around you, but you cannot react to it at all?

  That’s how I feel. I’m stuck in this purgatory world where all I can do is take in the things around me without being able to interact. I don’t know how much time has passed, but all I can do is relive the mistakes of my past. As I stare at the ceiling, all I can think about is what could have been.

  Occasionally, someone comes in to check on me. They put their face in front of mine then shine bright lights in my face. Most of the time it’s Mia. Sometimes it’s Lo or Sofia. The one person who I haven’t seen is Gio. I’ve heard him though. He’s always there in the room. I can feel his presence. Sometimes he comes to the side of the bed and holds my hand. Other times, I hear him praying over me in English and Italian.

  I want to reach out and tell him I’m fine. I want to tell him that Fillipo didn’t rape me. I wanted to scream at him when he left the room before Mia examined me.


  I wanted him there with me, because for the first time in a long time, I finally felt safe—ironic considering the events leading to tonight.

  “Gio. Wake up, hun.”

  I make out Mia next to the bed. I want to turn to see her, but I can’t. It frustrates and saddens me.

  “What is it? Is she okay?’

  “The labs came back. We still need to take her for a scan to check her brain, but it appears he used a strong paralytic. There’s nothing we can do but let it run out of her system. From what I read in the medical books, she can still hear, feel, and see. She just cannot move. I’m about to give her a mild sedative to allow her to rest. Her eyes have been open since you brought her back, which means she has been awake. I wanted to let you know before I did it.”

  “Thank you.”

  He must not have been far, because in the next instant, I feel his hand. Then I see Mia in front of my face. She offers me a small smile before speaking to me.

  “I know you can hear me, Iz. You’re the strongest person I know. I’m going to give you something to help you rest, but I’m going to be monitoring you all night. Rest well.” She moves away, and I make out rustling sound.

  None of that matters though because her face is replaced with his.


  I think the words, but my mouth won’t move. The sadness overtakes me.

  “Cuore mio, I’m right here. I won’t leave your side until you’re all better. Rest well.” He pauses and looks down. Then his hand leaves mine as he caresses each cheek. “Don’t cry, baby. I know this is scary. I know you have been through a whole hell of a lot. Rest now, then you will be all better. Nothing else matters but you getting better.”

  He leans down and presses his forehead to mine. I feel a cool sensation enter my arm. I focus on Giovanni as my world slowly fades to black.


  I struggle to open my eyes against the bright light of the sun. Why does my head hurt? Why is the sun so bright? I groan as I turn over and shield my eyes. Instead of the sun, I find the light overhead causing my pain.

  “Ugh, how much did I drink?” I moan aloud.

  As my eyes adjust, the room starts to come into focus. I recognize the room as one of Sofia and Bash’s, but I don’t remember why I’m here. My eyes settle on the couch against the wall. The figure there doesn’t surprise me; seeing him causes something inside me to settle. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I wonder why he’s on the couch instead of in his own room or in bed with me.

  I attempt to sit up in bed, but my whole world starts to spin so I immediately lie back down. Groaning and moaning, I will myself to not throw up.

  “Shh, it’s okay, Iz. I got you, cuore mio.”

  My eyes fly open, consequences be damned. Giovanni’s hazel eyes shine as they stare into mine.

  “I think I’m going to throw up, Gio. Make me feel better.”

  He goes to stand, but I grab his arm.

  “Lie with me, please?”

  Normally, I would keep up the brave face I have for years, but this morning I want to give in.

  “Anything you want, cuore mio. Let me just grab Mia to look you over quickly, and then I’m yours.”

  “Mia? Why?”

  His face grows more concerned. “Do you remember last night?”

  I shake my head as I search my brain for the events.

  “Let me grab Mia.”

  He’s almost to the door before I call out. “Don’t leave me.” My throat is sore and my mind foggy.

  He opens the door, and for one brief moment, my heart sinks at the thought of him leaving me
after I openly asked him to stay.

  “Go find Mia. Tell her Isabella’s awake.”

  He shuts the door before striding back toward me. Once at the bedside, he toes his shoes off before climbing into bed beside me. I curl into his side immediately, ignoring the pain and nausea that comes with it. He strokes the back of my head and down my back as he holds me close to his chest.

  “Loda il Signore, grazie a Dio.”

  “You know I don’t actually speak Italian, right?” I tease.

  This used to be a common argument we would have. I’ve picked up a couple of words here and there, but never learned much of the language.

  He presses a kiss to the top of my head before speaking. “I’m just thanking Jesus, God, and whoever else is listening for protecting you, cuore mio.”

  “What happened?”

  “I failed you,” he whispers.

  Before I can ask him what he means, Mia bursts into the room. “Izzy! You’re awake. How do you feel?” She comes over and grabs my wrist, watching her watch.

  “Actually, I feel sick to my stomach, and my head is killing me.”

  “She doesn’t remember, Mia.”

  Mia stops what she’s doing, looking at Giovanni. “I see. Well, let me do a quick check and then she can rest. I’m sure she will remember once she rests more.” She attempts to sound confident, but I catch the anxiousness in her voice.

  Giovanni slips from the bed before helping me sit up slowly. After he’s sure I won’t puke, he kisses my forehead lightly. “Do you want some water? I can go grab you some ginger ale and crackers if you prefer?”

  “Sounds perfect, thank you. Hurry back.”

  “I will.”

  After he exits the room, I turn to Mia. “Start talking.”

  “Everything’s okay. What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “Looking at my phone and reading your text saying you weren’t coming home.”

  “This is new territory for me, Iz. I don’t know if telling you will help or harm.” She bites her lip as she contemplates.


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