Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1) Page 6

by G N Wright

  "Well we've missed you," I say, attempting to bring his smile back.

  He smiles at me, "I've missed you too, sweetheart."

  He hugs me again tighter before releasing me, "I called Zack and he said I’d find you here, so I thought I'd swing by and pick you up."

  “Thanks, but my jeep is here.”

  “So? Send someone for it and come catch up with me,” he ruffles my hair as he sets me back on the ground but keeps his arm around my shoulder.

  “I see Marcus is still as possessive as he always was. If looks could kill, I’d be dying a slow painful death right now,” he smirks.

  I risk a glance back towards the school and as the crowd has thinned out with people leaving. I see Marcus and his boys are leaning on the steps watching our interaction. My gaze locks with his and I just know this is going to become something so I turn back to Ash to say I will go with him when I’m interrupted.

  “You lost, Donovan?” Marcus calls out, commanding the attention of everyone still here with his clipped tone.

  "Nope," Ash drawls, popping the p without missing a beat and a beautiful smile on his face. I can see girls ready to fall at his feet thinking he is the Prince charming they are looking for. If only they knew how dark his heart is. Asher is one of the best people I know but you can't be raised by the devil and get out unscathed.

  "Well, you’re a bit far from the North side, my man," Lincoln adds, sounding just as predatory as Marcus.

  "Yeah, just came to pick up my girl here," Ash nods his head at me as his arm tightens around me. I can see the tension rolling off Marcus from here and the display of affection from Asher clearly has him thinking we are a couple. We aren’t, we have just been through so much together. You go through hell with someone, you’re going to have an unbreakable connection with them,

  "I guess you two followed daddy's orders after all,” he laughs a humorless laugh that leaves an evil grin on his face, but I can see from here it's more pain than anything else.

  My inner bitch laughs out loud. Christ if only he knew the extent of my fucked-up life. How damaged I am and how much worse it could have been if not for Asher. I will never be able to repay him but that is as far as it goes.

  "Marcus warned us your pussy only gets wet for fat wallets," Jace sneers at me, his playfulness from our lunchtime interaction long gone.

  “Watch your fucking mouth, Conrad,” Ash barks making two out of three Rebels’ smile.

  The lingering crowd takes a growing interest in our exchange. Clearly desperate to see the dynamics of the situation and the dark sinister look on Ash’s face has me cutting in before the guys can respond.

  "Nope, I'm happy to slum it every now and then, pretty boy, just not with arrogant fucks who talk better than they fuck," I smile sweetly.

  Ash laugh a taunting and sinister sound as Marcus’ eyes burn into his skull.

  We need to get out of here before this becomes more than it is, I reach into Ash’s pocket snagging his keys and slide myself into the driver's seat of his matte black Lamborghini Aventador. It has the desired effect as he just laughs forgetting the stand-off we were in and walks round the hood and slides into the passenger seat throwing one last look at the rebels.

  “Where to, babe?” he asks, sliding his gaze back to mine with a genuine smile.

  “Milkshakes, of course,” I wink at him and he chuckles as I pull away from the crowd, the school, and the Rebels without looking back.

  Chapter 8


  Catching up with Asher was amazing. Not only was it great to see him even though it’s only been a few weeks, but he also had a lot of intel to share from his Dad’s dealings. I was up half the night listening to recordings and looking over photos meaning I am dead tired when I wake.

  Asher has been playing the dutiful son ever since the night I was taken. He was cunning and smart even at fourteen and told his dad that one of the guards helped free me and he was too late. The guard paid for Ash’s lie with his life and I wish I could feel some remorse for him, but I don't, he knew what sort of shit the Donovan’s had going on.

  Since then he has kept his eyes open and his ears close to the ground, gathering intel of all his father's dealings and passing it to me and Zack. I knew I wanted revenge for what happened to me, but it has taken a long time to get to the point where we can actually put it in motion and it’s all thanks to him.

  I pad down to the kitchen barefoot where Zack is making us breakfast and I fling my arms around him as I dive on his back.

  “Woah, sweetheart, you trying to make me burn myself?”

  “As if I’d ever hurt my favorite person,” I mock disbelief as I slide down off him. “I hope that bacon is for me,” I add cheekily.

  I turn to the coffee machine and switch it on, I am in desperate need of the black magic this morning.

  “Of course it is. I know better than to let you start a day on an empty stomach.”

  “You spoil me,” I gleam.

  “Ash give you anything useful?” he asks.

  I shrug, “Mostly stuff we already know but I think I found a lead on something that I am going to follow up this weekend.”

  He hands me a plate as I sit at the table and drops a kiss to my head.

  “Well be careful and let me know if you need anything.”

  “I know, I always am.”

  He turns to leave when I question him, “How long have the Rebels worked for you?"

  He freezes and turns to look at me, I can see his brain thinking about how he is going to answer, and I think he is going to lie until he lets out a breath.

  “Since you decided you wanted to come back here for revenge,” he says calmly.

  Oh lord of the fucks have mercy on my soul.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Marcus Riviera,” he says his name with such casual conviction that I recoil.

  “Yeah, I know all about Marcus,” he adds.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask quietly. I want to be mad at him for keeping something from me but it's not like I tell him everything and I know that everything he does is to protect us.

  “Why didn’t you? Michael is the one who got me to come to Hallows for you, did you really think he didn’t tell me about you and his son?” he says back, and I shrug.

  “Look Ells, I know you think you can do this alone, but you can’t. Where do you think I got half of our intel about the Donovan’s from? It's not like he posts his illegal activities on google.” He shrugs himself before continuing, “Linc is a fucking genius so I got him and his guys to look where Asher couldn’t. I know you and I know you don’t want Marcus anywhere near Donovan but he was going to go after him regardless after what he did to Michael, at least this way he has back up.”

  I say nothing because what can I say? He’s right but it doesn’t mean I agree with him. That night and losing Michael broke me, it took a miracle to bring me back from it, I don't know how I would survive again if anything happened to Marcus.

  “Look I’ve got to head into the office for a while, so I’ll catch you after school okay?”

  I offer him a wave over my head lost to my thoughts and the plate of pancakes and bacon, “Yeah, catch you later, Z.”

  I inhale my breakfast and two cups of coffee and rush to get ready. Taking zero effort I grab a crop sweater and throw on some high waist cut off jean shorts and my favorite boots. Piling my curls into a messy bun on top of my head, a dab of moisturizer on my cheeks and a slick of gloss on my lips is as far as my effort goes today. I have no time for anything else.

  I am running late and dragging my ass hard by the time I get to school and heave myself from my jeep.

  I groan as I enter the room of my first class and notice the three Rebels have already situated themselves around the only remaining seat. God, can’t a girl catch a break around here.

  I squeeze past Jace and throw myself into the chair without even apologizing to the teacher as she continues her lesson. I try an
d fail to stifle a yawn.

  “Tired, princess?” Jace asks in a quiet, snarky tone but I am in no mood for his jokes today.

  “Yep,” I say popping the p, “it was a long, hard night,” I smile sweetly at him without missing a beat and I feel Marcus tense on my other side. Boom first point for Team Elle.

  The class continues and just as I'm about to start taking notes a firm hand grips my thigh. Thanks to my cut offs the touch is skin to skin and it makes me jump. A touch like this would normally have me reaching for the blade tucked into my boot, but this isn’t just anyones touch, and it feels the opposite of threatening. I glance down and see Marcus' firm grip caressed around the tattoo on my thigh.

  I turn slightly to look at the owner of the hand and Marcus is taking notes like everything is normal. It’s like he isn’t even aware of my existence until he moves his hand slightly higher and I can’t help the squeal that leaves me causing Jace to look, he glances down, sees Marcus' grip on my thigh and smiles. I look back to Marcus and he is smirking. Bastard.

  I try to quickly think of a plan, but I am saved when an office aid enters the room.

  “Miss King,” she looks directly at me, “your presence is required at the office.”

  “For what?” I ask in no mood to be dealing with any shit right now especially given Marcus' grip on me, I can barely think straight.

  “Your parents are here for you,” she says.

  I blanch, okay now I’m fully awake. What the fuck are my parents doing here? I knew they would hear of my return at some point, but I didn't expect to be ambushed at school. Marcus’ grip falls from my thigh at her statement and Jace leans in on my other side.

  "Better not keep Daddy King waiting, princess."

  All three of the Rebels are glaring at me and it’s clear these stupid fucks have no clue what is happening here. Guess it’s time to show a slither of my cards and reveal some of my secrets.

  “That’s funny considering I have been emancipated for three years. I’m eighteen and regardless they aren’t my guardians. So, you can kindly tell them to fuck off.”

  All three guys exchange a loaded look at the new information I have just released as the teacher calls me out for my language, but she is cut off when Graham pops his head in the room. Fuck not Graham, Principle Lock, that shit is hard to get used too.

  “Elle, a word?” he nods his head for me to follow him.

  I gather my stuff and follow him out into the hall but not before I notice Marcus’ sharp glare on me. He's looking at me like he wants to rip me open and read my every thought. I pull my eyes from his and leave the room.

  “Are my parents really here?” I ask Principle Lock in an annoyed tone.

  “Yes, they heard you are back, and they aren’t happy,” he smiles.

  “Well I’m not happy that their DNA runs through my veins but life’s a bitch, ey?”

  He barks a laugh as we near his office “Don’t let them take that fire, Elle.”

  I smirk and lean in for a quick hug, “Never.”

  My parents have hardly changed in just over the three years since I've seen them.

  Jonathan is still wearing a three-piece suit wherever he goes. His hair has slightly greyed since I last saw him, and he's foregone his contacts for glasses. His eyes are still fierce, and his mouth is in the same flat line it always was.

  My mother looks ever the perfect Stepford wife. Hair perfectly done and nails manicured to perfection. She's wearing fitted trousers with a sleek blouse paired with heeled pumps no doubt all from a fashion collection not even available in stores yet.

  Their appearance would never give away the fact they were blackmailed into selling their own daughter.

  “Thank you, Graham,” my father nods at him, brushing him off completely with a no-nonsense tone before locking his gaze on me. I see his distaste as he takes in my appearance.

  “Mr. and Mrs. King, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I draw out slowly letting them know I'd rather be anywhere else but here.

  “Elle,” he tries in his warning tone that used to make me obey his every command.

  "Jonathan," I reply, and he sneers at my harsh tone and use of his name.

  He was always daddy but that was before I knew what a sick bastard he was, my mother tries next.

  "We didn't expect you, sweetheart," my mother tries in her “people” voice. You know that fake tone people use when talking to others they want to impress. Gag.

  "Yeah, I’ll bet," I snort in response.

  "You should really be in Hallows Prep, their education system is just so much more elite, no offense, Graham," she says in the most patronizing tone I’ve ever heard.

  "None taken, Sarah," Lock smiles, looking like he is genuinely enjoying this shit show.

  "It will be a cold day in hell before I willingly step foot in a place funded by you two and the devil himself," I say, letting the words penetrate the air with so much force I practically spit them.

  “Elliot Donovan is an upstanding member of this town; you really shouldn’t have believed the lies that degenerate Michael told you.”

  I see red instantly. How dare she. How dare they. Are they really going to stand here and act like I fucking imagined being taken and raped by the spawn of Satan. Fuck them to the fiery pits of hell and back.

  “You don’t get to say his name,” I yell, “don’t even think it. Michael Riviera was ten times the person either of you will ever be. He saved me from a fate worse than death and then paid the ultimate price for helping me. I have to live with that guilt every day, so you don’t dare say his fucking name to me. In fact, don't say anything to me. I needed you when I was a scared fourteen-year-old little girl. I don’t need you now. Stay the fuck away from me.”

  I turn to leave when my mother calls out my name one last time, desperately trying to get my attention, but I know it's because she wants something other than my daughterly love.

  “No, Sarah. We were done the moment you let them touch me. I won’t tell you again,” I seethe at her. Fuck her for thinking this would go any other way and fuck them both for even daring to try.

  I don't cry. Ever. But fuck if I don't feel the tears burning at the back of my eyes at having to defend Michael to those assholes. I am on autopilot as I rush to get to my jeep before I have a breakdown when I feel firm hands grip me tight.

  Chapter 9


  The blood in my body turns to ice. Emancipated. What the fuck? How is that even possible and how didn't I know this?

  I see Jace look to me just as confused as I am and Linc is as silent and reserved as always. Hell, the attention of the whole class was on her. I had Lincoln look into her, but he couldn’t find anything for the last three years from when she left until she enrolled here at Hallows, it’s just a big empty void.

  I presumed Daddy King kept her hidden at whatever fucking boarding school they said they sent her too but if what she is saying is true then where the fuck has she been the last few years?

  I turn to the guys, “Let’s go - NOW,” I say as we turn to follow them. The teacher doesn’t even bother trying to stop us, she knows better.

  “What’s going on?” Jace asks as we enter the hallway.

  “I don’t know,” I answer honestly, “but I think we might be about to find out.”

  We follow close behind Elle and Lock but not too close that they notice us. I watch them round the corner and enter the double doors to Lock’s office which he thankfully leaves open.

  Jonathan and Sarah King haven’t changed. They still reek of wealth and power which looks out of place in the grubby little office. The sneer on Jonathan’s face tells me that just being here feels beneath him. I never liked that prick.

  I listen intently to their interaction planning on staying hidden but at the mention of my dad’s name I move to go to them, but my boys grab me tight by the arms holding me back as Elle snaps.

  “You don’t get to say his name,” she yells, “Don’t even think it. Micha
el Riviera was ten times the person either of you will ever be. He saved me from a fate worse than death and then paid the ultimate price for helping me. I have to live with that guilt every day, so you don’t dare say his fucking name to me. In fact, don’t say anything to me. I needed you when I was a scared fourteen-year-old little girl. I don’t need you now. Stay the fuck away from me.”

  “Elle,” Sarah tries.

  “No Sarah. We were done the moment you let them touch me. I won’t tell you again.”

  Her sentence makes my blood boil. Let who touch her? What the fuck am I missing?

  She turns to leave, heading right our way and as soon as she clears the corner, I grip her tightly and drag her into an empty room before she can even register we are there. The boys follow behind me and shut the door.

  She is shaking and on the verge of tears but still attempts to defend herself until she realizes it’s me holding her and she sags in relief slightly before shoving me off her.

  “What the fuck was that about, Elle?” I shout in her face with a sharp tone, but it doesn't even faze her.

  “Just catching up with the folks,” she replies, her voice dripping in sarcasm and sadness. “How much did you hear?” she adds, looking up at me warily as I reply.

  “All of it,” I state coldly.

  “Fuck,” she practically whispers, “I can’t do this right now.” She tries to leave but I grab her, and she flinches away from me.

  She pulls her arm from me and in a quick motion grabs a knife from her boot and throws it out in front of her forcing me back. Fuck me, I know I should be serious right now but seeing her face all fierce and brandishing a beautiful black blade my way makes me hard as fuck.

  “No one touches me without permission and gets away with it, not anymore,” she says coldly.

  My blood turns to ice at her statement and I feel the boys tense at the same time I do and Jace speaks first.

  “What the fuck you mean not anymore, princess?” he asks tentatively as he takes a step towards us.


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