Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1) Page 7

by G N Wright

  “Just forget it,” she snaps, closing her eyes as if in pain.

  “If someone hurt you, I’ll - - “ I start but she cuts me off.

  “You’ll what, Caveman?”

  The crack in her voice and sadness in her eyes breaks the wall of hatred around my heart usually aimed towards her as I step closer. She looks vulnerable and tired.

  Without thinking I reach to cup her face with my hand.

  “I’ll fucking end them for you, little King,” I don't even know what made me say that but somehow I just know in this moment that no matter what she has done I won't let anyone hurt her.

  She releases a breathy laugh, “Some people are indestructible Riv, if you haven’t learned that in this town by now then you haven’t been paying attention.”

  She pushes my hand from her face and doesn’t even wait for a response before turning and pulling open the door to leave. I watch her walk down the hall still standing in the same spot, my arm still outstretched.

  “What the fuck, brother?” Lincoln speaks.

  I turn to them, “We’re missing something, and I need to know what.”

  We move to follow Elle as the bell sounds signaling the end of lessons. I need to ask her what happened between her and my dad because I am starting to think Elliot Donovan is a bigger prick than even I thought.

  We follow her through the halls until she exits the school and heads for her jeep. She climbs inside and puts her head down on the wheel. We all exchange a glance sensing how vulnerable she is right now. I nod to my brothers and they hang back as I approach alone. I tap the window and she doesn’t even startle like she knew I would come for her. She unlocks the door without even looking and I climb in next to her.

  “Elle,” I whisper.

  “Please River, just let it go,” she says, raising her head to look at me.

  “I need to know the truth.”

  “Like the truth matters, you decided your narrative about me years ago. I have neither the time or the desire to change that view for you.”

  “I think you owe me more than that,” I say tentatively.

  She laughs, “I owe you nothing. The only Riviera I owe anything too is buried six feet under and won’t get to enjoy the penance I deliver. Now get out.”

  I wince at the mention of my father, “Whatever happened with my dad I deserve to know.”

  “Michael didn’t want you involved then and I sure as hell won’t involve you now.”

  “Involved in what? I need to know what is going on.”

  “I need you to leave me alone.”

  Her words hurt more than if she would have punched me and I hate that she has this effect on me when five days ago I was happily pretending that I forgot she existed.

  I go to speak again when her ringtone fills the empty space of her jeep. She looks to it and breathes a sigh of pure relief. The silence allows me to hear who has had that effect on her.

  “Hey sweetheart, I got your message. What’s up?” A guy's voice is like an accelerant to the fire I feel inside my bones.

  “Z,” her voice cracks, “I need you,” she says to him while looking at me.

  “On my way.”

  “I’ll meet you at the house,” she replies and then hangs up.

  “Who the fuck was that?” I demand, not even attempting to hide my rage but all she replies with is “My savior.”

  She leans across me and opens the door for me signalling for me to get out.

  “This isn’t over,” I say as I climb out and the boys come up behind me.

  “It was over the last day we played in the woods, Marcus.”

  My name falling from her lips sounds so foreign and I loathe it almost as much as watching her drive away from me.

  I’m still thinking about everything that transpired between us the following night. I haven’t seen Elle since our confrontation. I am three quarters of my way into a bottle of jack and smoking my second joint when a girl in a North Prep uniform slides up next to me. The party here on Riverside always has a laid-back vibe and allows for the easy mix of students from both sides of the town letting us all kick back. Which means girls from the elite side of town like to try their hand at playing with the bad boys before they go back to fucking their preppy boyfriends.

  The north prep chick is attempting to talk to me, but I don’t even pretend I’m listening, even when she starts rubbing her hands up and down my body and kissing my neck.

  All I can think about is Elle and it’s fucking with my head. I’ve hated her with a fiery passion for years and she has just walked back into town like she never left. And worse than that I don’t have a clue where she’s been or why she bothered coming back, except for Asher fucking Donovan.

  I need to remember she’s a traitor and not the Elle I remember.

  A traitor who was at least part of the reason why my father was killed. Yet I can't help but replay the conversation I overheard yesterday. She defended my dad and referred to Elliot as the devil so why would she have helped him take down my dad.

  “Yoooo,” Jace throws himself on the other side of me and nudges the arm not being clung onto by the prissy north side chick.

  I look at him and he just gestures his head across the room as he says, “Your girl’s here,” I immediately snap my eyes to where he is looking and sure enough Elle is standing there looking like a fucking angel of darkness. She's got her hair slicked back into a pony with heavy eyeliner and a red lip. She's wearing a red leather skirt with a plain t-shirt tucked into it and a pair of sneakers. Effortless yet sexy as fuck and my dick is instantly hard.

  Jace looks at me and laughs, “You are so fucked.”

  Just as I think about standing, someone slides up next to her and hands her a red cup.

  Of course, she’s here with Asher fucking Donovan.

  Chapter 10


  I fucking hate parties and that is speaking from zero experience with them. But let’s face it, people are assholes and no one more so than high school kids who think they know everything. When in reality they don’t know shit about the real world and for most of them this will be the peak of their life. I used to love socializing and being the center of attention but that’s just another thing they took from me. Now I see past the bullshit filter everyone puts out there. I don’t care what jock scores the most touchdowns or who is hooking up with who. It’s all bullshit but for tonight it’s a necessity.

  The party is being held in an old warehouse on Riverside that is frequented most weekends by kids from both schools from what I hear. It’s run down but someone has decked it out with a dj set up, loads of black sofas and lights etc so it actually looks pretty cool. There is a bit off to the side where someone has made it into a drinks area filled with shelves, fridges and a large table that's piled with bottles and a few kegs.

  I’m only here because I need an in with some of the girls. I need intel on the clubs Donovan is using to pick up his elite targets. I could easily go and check them out alone, but I’d stand out by a mile. Easier to insert myself into a group of girls and blend in.

  I rode here with Asher so I plan on having a drink, just enough to give me a little buzz so I can tolerate dealing with people. Because you know, they suck. He has gone to grab me a drink while I check things out. I have only been here five minutes when I feel eyes on me.

  I turn around slowly swinging my gaze around until it lands on Marcus. He is sitting next to Jace on one side and has a girl from Hallows Prep draped across his other. The usual hatred I have become accustomed to seeing in his stare this week isn't there. He is looking at me like he is a starving man and I'm his next meal. I can’t take my eyes off him. It looks like he is about to get up and come over when he freezes.

  I feel Asher's presence next to me and it breaks whatever connection Marcus and I just had. I take the drink from him and look back at Marcus and am greeted with his usual disdain this time. Fuck my life.

  “So what's the plan, Hells Bells,” Asher leans in
so I can hear him over the music and I see Marcus tense from here and when Ash realizes I'm not paying attention to him he follows my stare.

  “Is there something going on with you two I should know about?” he asks.

  I finally pull my eyes away from Marcus to meet his, “What? No of course not,” I stammer.

  He rolls his eyes at me, “Well he looks like he is two minutes away from fucking you or killing you, or maybe both.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Sure it's not,” he deadpans. “Anyways, we don't have time for him. We’ve got work to do. Come on, let's go make you some new friends,” he laces his fingers with mine and pulls me into the crowd of people but not before I see Marcus slam the bottle he was drinking down and storm away, lost to the darkness of the warehouse and the girl follows.

  I shouldn’t care but fuck if I do.

  Ash pulls me over to a group of guys and girls and I see them judging me instantly and trying to work out who I am. I vaguely recognize a few of them from middle school but they changed enough that I can’t place their names. When they speak it's clear they don’t recognize me either.

  “Sup, Ash?” one of the guys nods to him.

  “Ronan,” he nods back and then looks at the other two, “Tyler, Matt,” he looks back at me gesturing to where I’m standing next to him, “This is Elle King.”

  “Damn, sup Elle?” the guy Ash called Ronan says to me.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it, Atkins,” Asher shoots him a look of pure evil and I have to give his arm a little squeeze to pull him back. He really can’t help how protective he is over me but after what he saw I don't blame him.

  There are four girls standing within the group and three of them are looking at me like I’ve stolen their favorite toy. I guess Ash is considered a very eligible bachelor even at eighteen.

  The one not looking at me with hatred seems familiar and she smiles at me, so I smile back.

  “Glad to see you haven’t changed too much, Smell,”

  The recognition is instant, “Tay?”

  “Knew you could never forget me, bitch” she barks a laugh.

  Taylor Kennedy, holy shit. Far from the little girl with glasses and braces that I remember. She’s fucking stunning. She's got a short sleek black bob and eyes as green as fresh spring grass, long lashes fanning against her face. Her makeup is low key, and her outfit is nothing like the three girls she is with. She's wearing docs with fitted checked pants that are belted at the waist with a plain black tank top tucked into them.

  “I can’t believe it’s really you, you look amazing,” I say as one of the bitches next to her snorts and in typical Elle fashion I don't hold my tongue.

  “Problem?” I glare at her, but she doesn’t answer.

  “Elle, this is Madison, Casey and Skyler,” Ash says, his voice cold and dripping with disdain. He leans into me adding the word, “Snakes,” low next to my ear just for me and I smile.

  “Asher where have you been? I’ve missed you,” the one called Madison says in a nasally tone. He doesn’t look at her as he answers with one word, “Around.”

  I can see all of them trying to work out the dynamic between us.

  Skyler speaks next, “So how do you two know each other?”

  Before I can answer the guy named Tyler speaks up, “Wait, Elle King? As in Jonathan King's daughter?” my answering nod changes their attention to me instantly. I have gone from a nobody to a somebody in their eyes now. They all appraise me differently now that they recognize me.

  Fucking pathetic and to think assholes like this are going to be given jobs in the future that help run this country. Fuck nepotism.

  “Wow, so you guys haven’t seen each other in three years then, that's how long ago you went off to boarding school, right?” Madison chimes in again and I have to squash down the laugh that threatens to escape. So that's the story the precious Kings came up with about their daughter’s sudden disappearance. So predictable.

  I don’t get a chance to answer as Ash does it for me as he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer.

  “Actually, we never stopped seeing each other, I visited Elle every month,” he tells them and technically he isn’t lying, he did visit me every month.

  A loud crash draws our attention as I see Marcus close enough to hear what Ash just said. Jace and Linc are standing next to him, all of their eyes are on us while everyone else’s are on the busted keg he just threw. He looks beyond furious as he turns and storms off.

  “Fucking south side scum,” the guy named Matt sneers and I dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from dick punching him.

  Taylor must sense something is off as she steps forwards and grabs me, “Come on, bitch. Let’s drink, catch up and show these boring fucks how to party,” and I sag in relief.

  “No wonder you never touch any of our girls when you've got that waiting for you,” I hear one of the guys say as we turn and walk away.

  “Speak about her like that again and I’ll insure you’ll need to have your jaw wired shut,” is the last thing I hear from Ash before I am out of earshot. My little psycho is always protecting my honor.

  I’m definitely buzzed for the first time ever and fuck if it doesn’t feel good. I’m lost in the music with Taylor as we sway and grind and I feel free. Free of trauma, grief, responsibilities, anger, revenge, just free. I open my eyes when I feel that prickly awareness coat my skin only to lock eyes with Marcus. He is leaning against the wall a few feet away and it's like the crowd has parted for just this moment. His stare is so intense it gives me goosebumps, having his attention on me like this makes me feel sexy and for once my appearance doesn’t feel like a burden.

  Taylor notices my attention and looks right at Marcus and then back to me.

  “You jumped on that yet?” she leans in and practically yells in my ear.

  “What no of course not and don’t you think Ash and I --”

  “Please,” she snorts. “In the Elle, Marcus, Asher triangle it was always Marcus,” and I have no words because she’s right. “Besides we both know Asher doesn’t look at you like that.”

  “What makes you say that?” I question her.

  “Because I have eyeballs,” she laughs, clearly as tipsy as I am and with that, she offers no further comment and continues to dance again.

  I look back to Marcus and his burning gaze is still on me, I can’t take the heat. Being an eighteen-year-old virgin really doesn’t equip you to handle attention from any guys. And yes, virgin because I don’t count rape as me losing my virginity. As far as I’m concerned, I will be a virgin until I choose to consent to have sex for the first time.

  Marcus’ eyes track my every move, and it makes me feel tingles deep down in my stomach and mixed with the alcohol it all becomes too much.

  I turn and flee. I’m out the doors and down the side street before I can even think about it and I find myself having to hold onto the wall to get my breath back. What the fuck was that? I barely have time to think before I am being gripped and pushed against the wall.

  Considering I’m definitely drunk my reactions are quick and my knife is in my hand and against the assailant's throat before I can even blink.

  “Are you always armed?” Marcus' velvety voice breathes against me as he flicks his eyes to the knife at his throat and then back to me.

  I don’t think before I reply “In this town? Yes.”

  We just stare at one another for the lord knows how long, could be a second, could be an hour. He has got one hand on my hip and another on my collarbone and fuck if I can feel how strong his grip is and without thinking I lean into it and it breaks the spell.

  He slams against me pushing me further into the wall and closing the gap between our bodies. I’m instantly aware of his hard on pressing against my stomach. What the fuck?

  My eyes widen and I let a gasp leave me and his stare hardens.

  “Fuck you doing here, King?” he spits the words at me.

“Party?” I barely choke out the word and it comes out sounding like a question.

  “No, not tonight. I mean here, back in this fucking town, my town.”

  “Please,” I snort, “this town currently belongs to one man and it isn’t you.”

  He answers by sliding the hand on my collar bone to grip my throat and before I can stop it I’m hit with a flashback. Seeing Greg and his minions with their hands on me and I can't prevent the panic attack from hitting me.

  I feel out of it and barely aware of my surroundings when I hear new voices clashing with each other. I can barely choke out a breath and my heart feels like it is going to burst from my chest. I try to take a deep inhale to bring myself back, but I feel too far gone. Even though I know its Marcus hands on me it still has triggered that dark usually dormant place in my mind, and I can't shut it down.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Ash roars at him.

  “What the fuck, Marcus?” Jace shouts.

  “Brother,” Linc says cautiously.

  I feel Marcus' grip leave me and I only focus again when hands tentatively reach out and touch my face and my vision returns fully and I lock eyes with Asher.

  “Ash,” I sigh, letting the tension leave my body.

  “Yeah, it’s me, baby girl. You’re okay. I’m here.”

  He puts his arm around me and lifts me up and that's when I realize I slumped down the wall onto my knees. I look up and all three Rebels are staring at us. I hate that they saw me in such a vulnerable way and I just want to get out of here quickly.

  “Elle,” Marcus’ voice is firm but confused.

  “Touch her again and I will fucking end you, Riviera,” Asher snaps at him, pulling me into him more like he can protect me with his body from all the bad in the world. If only it were that easy.

  “I just want --” he tries again.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you want. Wake up and realize the world doesn’t revolve around the fucking south side king and his precious Rebels.” He laughs mocking him, “You’re fucking pathetic, if only you knew what hap--”

  “Ash,” I yell in a panic at the thought of him revealing something but of course Marcus doesn’t miss it.


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