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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

Page 16

by G N Wright

  “You need to tell him,” Linc says firmly.

  “Should she have done that before or after he blew up her fucking jeep?” Ash snaps at him bitterly and I see Linc flinch slightly before he frowns. I want to laugh and roll my eyes at the same time, like he was literally just saying the same thing to me before Linc barged in here. Ash does not know how to play nice with others.

  “Marcus isn’t ready,” I reply simply ignoring the tension between the two of them.

  “He won’t ever be ready for this,” Linc admits solemnly. He knows Marcus as much as I do, we both know what this will do to him.

  “Then he won’t know,” I reply simply. “I love Marcus, I always have,” I admit aloud before even thinking about it, “but that doesn’t mean I will ever put him or his feelings first. Cass will always be the most important thing to me, and I will protect her with everything I have no matter what the sacrifice.”

  “Even if it means breaking your own heart and his?” He questions and I can feel the sadness in his voice.

  “My heart was shattered beyond repair and the only thing that makes it work now is my daughter,” I reply honestly, and I can see he understands.

  I may want revenge; I may be in love with someone I may never have but they won’t ever interfere with Cassie. She is the only thing I can’t live without.

  Eager to change the subject, I stand and pick up the discarded file from the floor and flip it open to read as I speak, “Now how about we get back to work?”

  I read over the emails that are inside and see an exchange between Elliot and my father talking about an eighteen-year-old scotch that has been distilled in a king casket. God do they really think they are covering their tracks well with this bullshit? They even refer to it as being the one that Greg tasted once. Sick fucking bastards. The words don’t do anything but fuel my anger and encourage my need for revenge.

  My gaze flicks to Linc first, this is why he came here and doesn’t seem too surprised about Cassie or fazed about Asher. Clearly, he has been watching and picking up on things and why he knew to ask about who Cass’ dad really is, he suspected something bad had happened. Zack was right, he really is smart.

  I look to Ash now because he is the loose cannon of this current room.

  “Ash,” I say tentatively, trying to keep him calm but it doesn’t work.

  “No, Hells Bells. Don’t give me that tone, I can’t let him get to you.”

  “Ash,” I repeat, “I know but we need to be smart.”

  “Smart would have been gutting them all the night they hurt you,” he spits angrily but I know it’s not aimed at me. “I am going to murder every last one of them Elle. Make them bleed until I am standing in a fucking river of their pain.”

  “We will do that together, Ash,” I crouch in front of him and look up into his eyes. “But we will be smart about it because I won’t lose anyone else I love to those sick fucks, okay?”

  He doesn’t respond so I push him, “Okay, Ash? Always?”

  He releases some of the tension and gives me a slight smile, “Always, Hells,” he says quietly.

  I turn to Linc who is watching our exchange quietly, “You’re in this now which means we stick together and have each other’s backs.”

  “You’re gonna need protection detail on you,” he starts but I hold up my hand.


  “No?” they both roar at me in unison and I grimace. Fuck’s sake, I have far too much testosterone to deal with, I need some girl friends around.

  “I said we need to be smart, having guards around me would just draw more attention to me. We need to be staying under the radar.”

  Linc nods, “Well, I’ve got you at school, we share most classes,” he says simply.

  “No driving yourself, get Zack to accompany you to school or one of his drivers if need be, they are always armed,” Ash adds.

  “So am I,” I smirk at him and he just shakes his head at me.

  It’s clear we have a lot to work out but at least we are working together on this. Time to make some serious plans.

  Chapter 25


  We spent a couple of hours with Lincoln, all of us being completely open and honest about what we know and putting all our information together to plan what we should do next. We decide with Elliot putting a bounty on my head that we really have no time to waste and it’s time to ramp up on fucking his shit up. They want me alive and submissive but that is never going to happen.

  We decide on our next mission and agree to meet later tonight after Cass has gone to bed to do some recon work.

  We have a few hours to kill so I decide to take Ash to The Shack so we can refuel before our evening activities. I introduce him to Pam who fusses over him like she does me and we both enjoy a platter each with burgers, fries, onions rings and salad.

  Halfway through the meal Ash interrupts my eating, “Remember what I said about Marcus?” he asks suddenly, “About letting him in or letting him go?” he confirms, and I nod.

  “Good, because here he comes,” he says calmly, and I choke on the burger in my mouth as Jace's voice cuts across the diner.

  “Is that my favorite royal?” he bellows at us.

  I turn and see him walking smoothly towards us, a huge grin on his face. Marcus is following slowly behind him and I can feel his fiery gaze locked on me from here.

  Ash and I are sitting in a booth opposite each other leaving both seats next to us open. Jace isn’t fazed by Ash’s presence as he throws himself into the booth next to me.

  “Princess,” he says, pulling me into his side in a one-armed hug before kissing my head. He nods his head at Ash, “Donovan.”

  Marcus is now standing awkwardly next to the table and Jace laughs.

  “Sit down you fucking ape,” he scolds him as he points to the open seat next to Asher. Marcus looks at it, grunts and then drags a chair from another table so he can sit at the end of ours.

  They both order and then an awkward silence descends on the table before Jace breaks it.

  “Sooooo what are you two love birds up to this weekend?” he asks, and I see Ash look to me straight away to see if I have decided what to do yet.

  Before I can answer Marcus cuts in, “Yes, please share with us your weekend plans,” he says with a cruel smirk on his face. “What did you do last night, Ells?”

  “Marcus, don’t start,” I try to engage with him, but he cuts me off.

  “What? Surely your boyfriend should know you spent your Friday night with three guys that weren’t him,” he turns to Asher.

  “You should keep better tabs on your girl, man.”

  Asher just laughs, causing Marcus’ anger to increase as he looks back to me.

  “How’s your new friend, Linc?” I try not to react when he speaks but his words throw me off slightly. Clearly, he knows something is up after last night so I try to think of something quick that will help cover our tracks.

  “I hired Lincoln to do some work for me,” I reply coolly thinking it gives the best explanation as to why we would have been together.

  “What kind of work?” he snaps, and I see Ash tense at his tone but I give him a look that indicates he needs to chill.

  “The kind that’s none of your business,” I reply in a bored tone. “He is being paid a lot of money to keep the work private,” I state with a smile.

  He doesn’t smile back, “Yet, somehow I imagine I’m the only one who is being kept in the dark,” he replies dismally.

  “Stop acting like a whiny little bitch. It really is beneath you,” Asher snaps at him in a sinister yet chirpy voice like he really is enjoying this cluster fuck of a conversation. I can see the psycho side of him is really enjoying having one up on Marcus.

  I really need to end this conversation and get out of here before things get any worse. I shove the last bite of my burger in my mouth and look at Ash in the hope he is on the same page as I am, but he is still glaring at Marcus.

  Jace cuts in befo
re Marcus can respond, “Ignore him man. He is just jealous that he’s not getting a taste of that elite King pussy,” I choke on my food for a second time and Jace laughs.

  “Watch your fucking mouth, Conrad” Ash barks, finally breaking his gaze from Marcus to give the death glare to Jace now.

  Jace holds his hands up, “Hey no disrespect, man. Princess here knows I’m only playing,” he states as he winks at me.

  “I don’t give a fuck, speak about her like that again and I will rip your fucking tongue out,” Ash replies calmly and I notice Marcus has become deathly silent during their exchange with his eyes locked on me in a unwavering stare.

  “Woah, Princess. Your boyfriend always this touchy?” Jace laughs, not even one bit fazed by Asher or his psycho.

  I go to reply but Ash cuts me off, “I’m not her fucking boyfriend,” he snaps loudly enough that a few other tables look over but my only focus is on Marcus as he whips his head towards Asher as he continues. “I never have been. We aren’t fucking nor will we ever. She is my family, and you will treat her with the fucking respect she deserves.”

  He is holding on to his temper by a thread so I reach out and squeeze his arm and Marcus focuses on that before he looks back up to me and I can see the confusion in his eyes as clear as day.

  The four of us are now at an impasse as no one knows what to say to ease the tension Ash’s last statement has just left us in.

  “Well shit,” Jace exclaims after a couple of minutes of silence. The break in the quiet causes Marcus to jump from the table, knocking his chair over and storming outside. Jace goes to stand but I stop him, “I’ll go.” I climb across his lap to get out.

  I follow after Marcus outside and find him leaning against Jace’s Dodge smoking a cigarette.

  “Well?” he asks as soon as I get to him like he knew I would come.

  “Well what?” I reply trying to gauge where his head is at, I don’t know him as well as I used to.

  He laughs a mocking laugh as he repeats my words back to me.

  “I want to know why, Ells?” he says, throwing his half-finished cigarette to the ground.

  “Why did you leave this shitty town? Why did you come back? Why since being back have you let me think that you chose Asher fucking Donovan over me?”

  He stalks towards me as he throws the questions at me until I am backed against the wall of the diner and his arms crowd me on either side. Why does he always get me in this position? I don’t feel the same anxiety as the previous times he has done this. I know he won’t hurt me.

  I don’t know how to answer him. How to tell him it would never be a choice. He thinks it's been a choice between him and Asher, if only. If my choice were that easy then my answer would be simple. It would be Marcus every damn time. But even if I could choose him, then I would have to bring him into my world, a world of secrets and lies, a world of deceit and danger. A world where I was raped and became a mom because of it.

  Being a Mom is my biggest achievement but also my biggest secret. I would lay down my life for few people, but Cassie's name is at the top of that list and when it comes down to choices, I choose her every time.

  “I already told you,” I say, trying to hold back the emotions I am feeling. “I didn’t come back for you.”

  “See, I barely believed you the first time you said that. Now I definitely don’t. Stop lying, Ells.”

  He is so close to me now that I can taste the nicotine on his breath as he speaks to me, I can barely think when he is this near to me.

  “I can’t,” I say simply, hoping he will accept that and leave us be.

  He pushes his body against mine as he brings his mouth to my ear, “What you have seen so far was me holding back because I thought there was someone in my way,” his voice is like velvet and it wraps around me, making desire pool in the bottom of my stomach.

  “And now?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper but he is so close he hears it anyway.

  “Now?” he says, “Now, I know the only thing in my way is you, little King he pulls back and turns to leave before throwing over his shoulder.

  “Watch your back, baby.”

  I stand dumbfounded as he stalks away, leaving Jace’s car and Jace behind as he walks into town alone.

  “You were always insufferable to be around,” Asher’s voice cuts through the air and I turn to see both him and Jace standing there, clearly having been witness to what just went down.

  “They were always like this?” Jace questions him.

  “It's gotten worse,” Asher confirms, and I don’t like the fact they seem to be forming some sort of alliance together. Jace looks at me and for the first time he looks serious, the playful side of him is nowhere to be seen.

  “I don’t know what is going on here, princess, but don’t break his heart. He’s lost enough.” His words hit me right in the gut as Ash also stares at me.

  “That’s the last thing I want,” I reply as I look back at Marcus still in sight, “but it's too late for that. When he finds out the reason I left there won’t be anything left to break.”

  I look back to Jace with a sad smile on my face and step towards him before he can answer me and pull him into a hug squeezing him tight.

  “You’re a good friend, pretty boy. I’m glad Marcus has you.”

  I pull back and nod to Ash and then towards his car, signaling it’s time for us to go. Just as I am about to pull the door open Jace responds, “It would be better if he had you.”

  I look at him and offer him another small smile. Jace Conrad is probably one of the purest people I have ever met, always looking for the good even when there is none to be found. I hope for his sake he never loses it. I nod to him and give him a little wave as I get into the car and we drive away.

  Chapter 26


  Today has been a lot to take in and it’s far from finished. I’m awaiting Lincoln's arrival and still reeling from the day's confrontations. The fact that Linc is now aware of Cassie's existence has me on edge, Ash too, but what’s done is done and I just have to trust in his alliance until he proves otherwise. Add that to Ash blurting out that we are not romantically involved in front of Marcus, well he may as well have offered me up on a platter for him to take.

  Marcus was always a dominant personality even as a kid and now a man, he will for sure go after what he wants. How can I take on Elliot Donovan and his North Side kingdom while pushing away the South Side King?

  None of which is relevant now, tonight is all about Jonathan and Sarah King. The plans I have for them all extensive but in order to be put in motion I need to familiarize myself with their lives more. Where they go, who they associate with and what they do.

  Ash is lying on my bed shirtless in his sweats. We agreed right at the start of this he could never be directly involved with the missions as it would mean losing our inside man. He knows that is the best course of action, but he is still sulking about not being able to join us tonight but with Cassie snuggled under his arm sleeping softly he seems content enough. He would be by her side 24/7 if he could be, there is no one in this world he loves more. She is his salvation.

  “I should be coming with you, not him,” he huffs out.

  I gesture to the earpieces on the side next to his headset and laptop.

  “Technically you will be coming with us,” I smile trying to lighten his mood.

  “It’s not the same. I can’t protect you through a fucking computer.”

  “No, that’s what Lincoln is for,” I say, and he just scoffs at me.

  “Ash, you know it would be game over if you were caught doing this with us,” he sighs at my statement. “Besides the way I see it you have the best night out of the two of us,” I nod my head at Cass, and he smiles.

  “She is my shining light in a world of dark,” he says as he looks down at her and strokes her cheek lightly causing her to turn and snuggle closer to him.

  I look at them and my heart bursts, my favorite sight in the entire world
is watching these two together. He was dealt a shitty hand in life and to be able to see him looking after our daughter with some care and attention, it really does make my heart soar.

  A knock at my door breaks us both out of the moment and I can feel Ash tense from here. I move over to open it and pull it back to reveal Lincoln, he looks slightly uncomfortable being here, but I guess we both need to get used to him being part of this so closely.

  “Ready,” he asks tentatively as he looks behind me at Asher. I see him take in Ash’s lack of shirt as he looks him over from head to toe before looking back at me with a tight glare.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I say, taking a deep breath. Leaving to do these missions is always hard but even more so now as I take in Cassie's small frame curled up in my bed. I have to remind myself that I am doing this for her just as much as me. If the Donovan’s found out about her they would want her just to spite me. I will die before I let them have her.

  Ash gently pulls himself from Cassie as I make my way over to them. I lean down and drop a kiss to her head whispering in her ear even though I know she is asleep and can’t hear me. I stand and turn to Ash who is watching me closely before he pulls me over to where the earpieces lay on my desk.

  He hands it to me, and I place it in my ear, and then he slips a small microphone device into my bra and I can feel Lincs glare on us as he does so. Ash actively ignores him and then hands me a little remote with a small button on.

  “Any issues whatsoever and you press this button and help will be there,” it’s the same stuff I use on every mission since what happened with the octopus but he still feels the need to go through the motions with me. I would roll my eyes, but I know it's just his need to keep me safe.

  He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head, “Be safe, Hells Bells,” he whispers in my ear.


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