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Den of Iniquity

Page 14

by J G Jerome

  “I’m not healed,” Allie states.

  “No, Allie. You’re not, but you are healing,” I answer honestly. “We need to come back at least a couple of times. Rebecca has shown you how to make the tonics. What I can teach you is simply this - meditate on your body. Imagine the tumors as bright lights. Concentrate on sucking the light out of them with your willpower.”

  She chuckles. “You think that will help?”

  I tell her, “We inherited this ability from Remy St. Jacques. I probably got it from both sides, which means that you might have gotten it from Mom, or maybe gotten nothing at all. Even if that is true, the mind is a potent weapon for health. Magic may not be necessary as long as you believe that you can control your own body.”

  She says, “They teach meditation classes at the clinic. I went once, and got fed up. Maybe I should resume those.”

  I nod. Rebecca says, “And push yourself to be active. Walk every day - a little bit more each day. When you are stronger, take up yoga or taiji. You and Roger could do it together. It would be good for him, too. Moving activates the body’s healing response. After you have been doing that for about six months, then you could start to do that 18-minute workout we did with him yesterday.”

  Roger grimaces. “I am going to need a couple of recovery days after that.”

  “Probably,” Rebecca agrees. “However, after three-to-five times, you’ll be able to do it every other day. Do it three times each week and push yourself harder each time. There’s a phone app for it.”

  I look at Roger. “We just created more questions rather than fewer, didn’t we?”

  He shrugs. “I’m afraid so. I want to understand. This is so esoteric. I don’t understand how it works. I want to understand the cause and effect. I want to know the wavelengths of the energy. I want to know how to observe it, target it, and replicate it.” He looks at me imploringly. “There are so many people suffering in her support group.”

  “I can’t help everyone, Roger. Word will get out,” I tell him. “It’s heartrending, but that’s the truth.”

  He removes his glasses and wipes tears from his eyes. “You should see them, Will. They suffer so much.”

  “We can discuss individual cases, Roger. I may have an idea of how we could go about it, but there would be a lot of background work to do before I’m ready to start that project. I’ll let you know if I get it worked out,” I tell him.

  “Come here, Will.” Allison holds her arms out to me. I sit next to her and hug her tightly. “Thank you for helping. I’d rather die than go through chemo again, but I don’t want to abandon Roger, either. Thank you.”

  “Any time, Sissi. Any time.”


  Meeting Aunt Judith

  Rebecca and I leave for Phoenix early the next morning. We arrive in Phoenix a little before one o’clock. Josie, Marissa, Audrey, and Erica meet us at the security greeting area. We collect hugs and kisses all around. Even Erica screws up her courage to collect a hug.

  We lunch at Pappadeaux on I-17, and we share hugs and kisses in the parking lot afterward. Audrey and Erica leave for their apartment. Marissa let’s Josie drive Marissa’s Audi home to Prescott.

  Monday after we return from North Carolina, I spend most of the day on a conference call with Susan Rey, my boss in Chicago. She actually does get on video, so I get to see her pretty smile. I keep it professional based on her discomfort after I tied her up at the last conference, but she smiles when she logs on to see the shadowbox she gifted me with her rope gauntlet mounted on my kitchen wall. There are nine other people on the call, and Susan is all business after the initial hellos.

  Rebecca is studying her driver’s license guide and GED study materials on the kitchen table wearing short workout shorts, and a ‘flashdance’ style sweatshirt. I get some queries from the group about ‘who is that.’ I explain she’s my girlfriend, and I call Rebecca over to meet the group. She leans over my shoulder to say hello to everyone, and she tells Susan it’s nice to see her again. She waves goodbye before she turns my chin towards her and claims my mouth wetly to mark her territory. Susan does let a ghost of a smile escape at that.

  The meeting is all about dry stuff that makes up the regular activities of businesses. The morning is a monthly operations review where we discuss project progress from all Susan’s project and program managers. In the afternoon, Chicago time, we discuss the various projects for the next fiscal year - when we can start organizing them, who will lead them, stakeholders, risks, etcetera. Rebecca gives me a bowl of stew and a slice of bread with butter and liverwurst. She starts mixing up fresh bread in the afternoon. A couple of the old lechers on the video are glued to her every move. I don’t blame them. She is filling out nicely, and looks stronger and more fit every day.

  Susan calls my phone from her cell after the meeting to catch up. It’s about four p.m. here, so it’s nearly quitting time in Chicago. Her first question is the obvious one. “So how did Rebecca recognize me?”

  I explain that I showed her picture to my ladies. I also tell her that Audrey is back in the fold. She seems happy about that. I also tell her that all four of my ladies think I should have just fucked her senseless and held her all night long. She says she wants to agree with them, but thinks it’s best that I stayed strong. She asks about coming to Chicago the week before Thanksgiving to teach my workshop again. I tell her I’ll check with the ladies and get back to her - I’ll probably bring at least two of them with me. I tell her Josie is desperate to ride an airplane. Susan laughs at that. She offers to take us all out to dinner. I agree, and we sign off.

  I also set an appointment with Delores Aguilar, my real estate agent, to purchase the hotel. I plan to meet her Wednesday afternoon to finalize an offer.

  I start Tuesday early with a quick workout with Rebecca and Josie followed by an early start to work. I break at 11:30 to take Rebecca to the Pioneer Home. Josie stays at the apartment to study for her GED.

  We get to the reception desk inside the grand entrance to the old retirement home. We ask the receptionist for Judy Neumann, the name Viktorija found, and explain that we think she may be Rebecca’s long-lost aunt.

  The receptionist, a sweet, chunky matron with dark hair going grey, smiles delightedly. She says, “Even if it doesn’t work out, Judy hasn’t had a visitor as far back as she can remember. Come with me.” She takes off at a brisk walk, talking over her shoulder. “She is catching the sun on the north patio. We had to limit her to that location because she would go on unsupervised walks when we let her sun on the front porch.”

  The receptionist escorts us through the corridor to exit onto an expansive balcony looking down the hill to Montezuma street towards the courthouse. Mary, the receptionist, calls out, “Judy, you have visitors” before leaving to return to her station. I thought that was a little lax, but I’m sure leaving the front desk unmanned isn’t a brilliant idea either. A spritely old lady in a long jacket and longer dress stands. Her hair is iron grey, done up in an intricate updo from the beginning of the 20th Century.

  The ancient woman looks at me and points a finger at me as her bright, intelligent eyes squint. I look at her with my second sight and see a normal human soul corona. Her mouth puckers, and I feel her power collecting as her corona grows larger and brighter. I point my finger to Rebecca. Rebecca steps forward as the old woman turns her attention. They scrutinize each other for a short moment before Rebecca gasps and nods.

  Rebecca exclaims in a whisper, ‘Tante Judith!’ It sounds like German with a ‘y’ sound for the ‘J’ and a ‘t’ sound on the end rather than the English ‘th’ sound.

  Judith gasps in return and tears flow. “Becca! Liebchen!” Rebecca launches forward to wrap her ancient aunt in a hug. The two murmur to each other. I can hear the words clearly, but I only understand about every third or fourth word. My German is good enough to get by living there if I ask for clarification periodically, so I assume they are speaking some dialect of Yiddish.

becca turns to me and switches to English. “Tante Judith, this handsome man is my beloved, William James.”

  Judith looks at me shrewdly for a moment before she reaches out and takes my hand. “Mr. James, thank you for bringing my Becca back to me.”

  I squeeze her hand gently. “Ms. Neumann, it is my pleasure to reunite you and my honor to call Rebecca my family. I’m hoping you will be my family, too. Please call me, Will.”

  Judith grins at me, “I really don’t think you want an old woman for ‘family,’ do you?” She actually air-quotes ‘family.’

  I chuckle. “Ms. Neumann, family comes in all shapes and sizes. I don’t think it would be appropriate to have you in my life in the same capacity Rebecca is, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my family. My parents are long gone, and my sister lives far away.”

  She grins as she looks at Rebecca. “Becca, Liebchen, you have a live one here.”

  Rebecca grins back to her and then to me. “Oh do I ever. You have no idea, Tante Judith.”

  Judith scoffs, “I bet I have a better idea than you think. I have known men like him in my youth. You would be appalled if you knew how I behaved.” She has a lascivious grin on her face.

  Rebecca tries to play innocent. She responds in a heavily accented voice “I haff no idea of vat yoo speak, Tante Judith.” She actually clasps her fingers together and twists back and forth like a little girl while looking up at the sky.

  Judith cackles with joy. “I am happy for you, Becca. When I last saw you, you had no suitors, and I swore you would end up an old maid.”

  Rebecca wraps an arm around her aunt and murmurs in her ear. “Please don’t call me ‘Becca’ anymore, Tante Judith. Papa called me that when know.”

  Judith turns ferocious. “I’m sorry. I made him pay, Liebchen! He paid dearly!” The old woman calms herself. “Do you go by ‘Reba’ now like your great-great- grandmother?”

  Rebecca shakes her head. “Nope. Just plain old ‘Rebecca.’” She whispers scandalously as she leans her head in. “In moments of passion my lover, Marissa, sometimes says it more like ‘Rrrrbecca,’ but all of my family know about Papa. Will says that saying my name properly is no burden.”

  Judith steps forward and pulls my head down to her. She whispers in my ear, “When you come into your power, you may try to bring him back. You will fail. I destroyed his soul.” She steps back to a more ‘appropriate’ distance and nods seriously at me. She adds. “It didn’t matter that he was my baby brother. That particular family tradition had to stop!”

  Rebecca asks, “Tante Judith, are there any other crafters here?”

  Judith shakes her head. “None in any of the surrounding homes either. I felt a great power a few weeks back moving around downtown - mostly centered over there.” She points in the general direction of my apartment. “Too bad you lost your powers, or you would have felt it too. It was one of my craft. It disappeared a couple weeks ago, showed up over there...” she points to the Prescott Station restaurant “... and then disappeared again. I’ve not sensed it since.”

  Rebecca drops her hold on her power to let it radiate, and Judith gasps. She whispers in awe, “You have your powers.”

  Rebecca nods, “Show her, William.”

  I cock an eyebrow, and Rebecca gives it right back to me. I drop my hold and let my powers radiate. Judith gasps again, “Lieber Gott! It’s you!”

  I nod. “Yes ma’am.” Then I exert my control to ensure the power is no longer radiating from my well. Judith is watching what I do.

  She exclaims, “Gott im Himmel! How do you do that? Who taught you?”

  I bow my head, “I’m self-taught, Ms. Neumann. I only discovered I had this ability after I brought Rebecca back.” I raise my gaze to Judith’s. “I managed that through a happy accident. Later Rebecca explained how she thought it worked. When she was completely restored with her powers intact, she was able to use her sight to confirm her assumptions. I used a different method to bring Josie back. Rebecca, Josie, Audrey, Steven, and Bernadette have all been explaining and teaching me what they can. Apparently I have some master-level skills without any of the knowledge or control associated with being a master.” I shrug.

  Rebecca lays a hand gently on my shoulder and runs it up into my hair. “Honestly William, you have more control than anyone I’ve ever heard of. This whole idea of caching our power to keep it from radiating out - that is a new and novel concept as far as I know.”

  Judith nods, “I would like to know how you do that. I manage to hide by keeping only enough power in me to keep me alive. When I switched identities, I flooded myself with life energy for about six months to rejuvenate myself. My legend at the time was one hundred twelve years old, so I disappeared, moved to Phoenix for a time to emerge as a thirty-five year old woman in 1968.”

  She leans forward with a conspiratorial smile. “The whole free love movement never really took off in Phoenix, but there was an underground party and porn scene. I was more on the ‘party side’ of things - hosting parties, traveling the scene so-to-speak.” She has a sad smile. Then she brightens, “However, I heard they found a film with me in it in Bob Crane’s collection when he died.” She fans her face with her hand. “Oh, he was such a fun man.”

  Rebecca says, “So you are officially eighty-six now?” I’m still working on the math.

  Judith nods, “Yes. I thought I would just ride this one out as long as I can, and then see what comes next.” She looks at Rebecca. “I may have to rethink that now.”

  Rebecca says, “I wish you would, liebe Tante! I can’t believe my journey to get to you, but I want to spend many years enjoying your company.

  Judith cups Rebecca’s face as the two women shed happy tears. Judith says, “I think you should call me ‘Aunt Judy’ or ‘Aunt Judith.’ Yiddish is rarely spoken here, and everyone will know we’re a couple of old biddies if we keep it up.”

  “Okay, Aunt Judith,” Rebecca giggles her agreement after using the English pronunciation.

  Judith gives me another lascivious grin. “You may change your mind about my role in your family once I rejuvenate. You know that sexual congress helps strengthen our connection to life. It’s true for everyone, but especially those that practice our craft!” She waggles her eyebrows at me.

  I laugh uproariously. Once I catch my breath, I try to pull together a cogent response. “Well Ms. Neumann, I have four now, and at least one in the wings.” Rebecca interrupts me.

  “Three, William. Maybe as many as five or six. We’ll talk,” she says before waving at me to continue.

  I try to do the math and fail, so I wipe the gobsmacked expression from my face. “Regardless, Ms. Neumann…” This time it’s Judith that interrupts me.

  “Either ‘Aunt,’ ‘Judy,’ or ‘Judith - or a combination thereof,” she instructs.

  I smile. “Do you have a preference?”

  She shrugs, “I go by Judy now, but I think it may be time to return to Judith soon. You may call me ‘Judith,’ Will.” She smiles at me, and I start again.

  “Regardless, Judith. I don’t believe I’m in the market, but then again...I wasn’t in the market when Rebecca and Josie came into my life. Viktorija is likely going to show up despite my lack of shopping.”

  Judith looks around to see if anyone is listening before leaning in conspiratorially. “With the size of your power endowment, you need to get a house about the size of this one.” She points back at the huge building of the Pioneer Home. She adds, “You don’t have to shop. You will draw them to you. With the short exception of the years of 1968-1985, I never actively pursued men to play with. They were drawn to me. You will have the same issue. You may choose to love some and then send them on their way. Others you will keep for years or for life.”

  Rebecca follows her aunt’s example to check who might be listening. She leans in and murmurs, “Will is our only man, Judith. His ladies make love to each other, too. The energy when we’re together drives you to it.”

/>   Judith pats Rebecca’s shoulders. “Don’t look scandalized, dear. Sappho has been around for centuries. I’ve experimented with it myself; although, I can’t say that I’m particularly wired that way. I need a pair of strong male arms around me while my partner or partners drive me to ecstasy. I’ve done as many as five at once; although, I find two is really perfect. I’ve gotta be in the mood for where the third one would go.”

  Rebecca gasps. “Right? I haven’t worked up the courage to do that. Marissa and Josie each gave that to Will. I think Audrey, too…” She looks at me, but I stand there stoically. “...I just can’t get my head wrapped around it.”

  I quickly assure her, “You don’t have to, my love.”

  Judith says, “You should try it at least once in your life. You can train yourself to make it less of an ordeal, depending on the size of your lover.” She looks at me, apparently speculating what I might be packing.

  Rebecca says, “Marissa uses the term ‘horse.’ Josie is a big woman, and she says he stretches her enough to let her know that someone is there and serious about it. Apparently her previous lover didn’t manage that. Regardless, he’s the only man I’ve had, and I am ve-ery satisfied.

  “TMI, Rebecca,” I scold.

  Judith is looking at me like I’m a steak, and she hasn’t eaten in years. Rebecca just cocks an eyebrow at me. ‘Where did she learn that? Oh right, from me!’

  I shake my head. “Judith, if you would like to visit us, we could have you to my apartment - coffee, dinner, or whatever works for you. It’s a tiny place to hold us over until we move into our new house. You will have a room in the new house if you wish to overnight.”

  She assesses me for a bit before nodding. “I would like to visit, Will, but I think I will stay here. There are a couple of gentlemen that stop by to visit me when they visit their parents. Don’t tell the staff.”

  Rebecca and I chuckle. My lover asks, “Tomorrow night? I’ll make a Boeuf Bourguignon. Oh, by the way...I don’t eat kosher or practice any longer.”


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