Book Read Free

Den of Iniquity

Page 20

by J G Jerome

  Marissa is fastening the two buttons at the back of Josie’s dress. Josie is wearing a shimmering mid-grey evening dress. Rather than sleeves, there is a tiny halter that forms armholes and clasps behind Josie’s neck. Otherwise, the back of the dress is non-existent between the buttons until just above Josie’s strong, round ass.

  She turns to reveal the front of the dress. I would describe it as an oversized sleeveless cowl neck that clings into the cleft of her breasts. Those generous breasts are obviously unbound, but gravity has no hold on them. The bodice hugs her torso and drapes down loosely over her generous hips and firm round ass - draping slightly into the crack of her ass. Knowing she doesn’t like thongs, that means my amazon beauty is commando.

  I sneak up on her and squeeze her ass. “Oo! William!”

  I tell her, “You look beautiful, Josie.”

  Viktorija cups and heft’s Josie’s generous breasts and let’s them drop. Nods with a “Perfect.”

  Josie looks at me with glistening eyes. I tell her, “Josie, I have to agree with Viktorija. You look perfect.”

  Audrey joins our little cluster to kiss Josie’s cheek. “You look fabulous, wife.”

  Josie replies shyly, “Thank you, wife.” I hand her a handkerchief, and she carefully dabs her eyes.

  Rebecca tells her, “You’re learning, Josie” She grins at our amazon.

  Josie sighs and tries not to let the tears fall. “I never learned anything about being a lady growing up. I learned how to survive in the rough, and that’s about it.”

  Viktorija steps around and looks at the fit of Marissa’s dress. She shakes her head. “Bra needs to go, Marissa.”

  Marissa reaches behind her neck to untie the halter and let’s it drop. Viktorija catches it at Marissa’s hips and holds it while Marissa unbuckles the front latch of the bra. Her plump breasts bounce into the open air as I sit on the bed and pull on my oxfords.

  Viktorija pulls the garment up and steps behind Marissa to retie the halter. Once the dress is secured Marissa puts her hands on her head. Viktorija slides her hands along Marissa’s torso inside her dress. She adjusts Marissa’s breasts in the dress and then pulls her hands out to walk around to inspect the drape. She nods. “Lovely.”

  I agree. “Very!” Marissa blushes slightly.

  Viktorija snags Marissa’s hand and drags her to a dressing table in the ensuite. She orders me, “Go comb your hair, William. You look like a ruffian.”

  I smirk. “Not a loveable rogue?” I quip as I follow.

  Viktorija doesn’t even look up as she responds. “I didn’t say you weren’t loveable, William. Just unkempt.” Her face is painted with a grin, but she keeps focused on her work.

  Audrey says, “I’m glad we got ready this afternoon, but I love watching you work, Tori.”

  Viktorija smiles as she combs and twists Marissa’s shoulder-length dirty blond locks into an up-do with artfully arranged tendrils framing her face.

  Rebecca stands in front of the mirror next to Viktorija with a slight frown. “These clasps don’t work, Tori. My hair is too short.”

  Viktorija pauses and considers for a moment. She nods. “We’ll adorn your hair when it’s longer.” She pauses. “Unless you would do a tiara. As ‘mother’ of the family?”

  Rebecca shakes head. “I don’t think so. We’ll just go unbound tonight. Let me get my shoes on.”

  Viktorija returns to doing Marissa’s hair. “Sorry about the brassiere, Rebecca. I didn’t get the fit quite right. I planned for a B cup, but I didn’t take the circumference of your ribcage into account. A 32B is really a standard cup A. However, the brassiere isn’t breaking the line of the garment, and a little peak of red over the top of your dress will draw attention to your décolletage.”

  Rebecca slides her feet into silver open-toe sandals. She responds, “Such as it is.”

  Viktorija assures her, “You are beautiful, Rebecca. Regardless, I’m just saying any peak of red will accentuate rather than detract. I need to keep that in mind for future designs.”

  Rebecca stands and dons a pink silk shawl over her shoulders. I wrap her in a hug and kiss my beautiful, slender witch.

  Rebecca slides under my right arm. I tell her, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with your décolletage, baby.” She grins at me.

  Josie steps into silver shoes and dons a silver loose-knit shawl.

  Viktorija looks at Marissa critically. “Your makeup looks nearly perfect, Marissa. Not too much, just a touch. I think a hint of russet on your lips and that’s it.”

  Viktorija opens a drawer and hands a tube to Marissa. Marissa applies the color, and I have to admit she looks perfect.

  Viktorija steps back, and Marissa stands to slide her feet into russet open toe heels that nearly match her lips.

  Viktorija grabs two more tubes and applies a deep red to Rebecca’s lips that matches her bra.

  Marissa hugs me close. “I want you to kiss me, but it will ruin my lipstick. This slinky fabric just slides over my skin constantly. Makeup is a waste. We’re all going to be flushed with arousal.”

  Since I can’t kiss her, I suckle her neck under her ear. She moans enough that everyone stops to look. “Oh! Yes, Will!”

  Viktorija smacks my ass. “Don’t make a mess, William! And did I tell you about your hair?”

  “Yes, dear,” I quip. I grab the brush off the dressing table and run it through my hair as Viktorija turns back to Rebecca to check out her charge. She nods and moves on to Josie.

  Josie gets a large bib around her neck. Viktorija tells her, “Hold it to protect your dress, sweetie.”

  Viktorija gives Josie a light dusting of powder under her eyes and a lighter brush over the rest of her face. She lightly brushes just a hint of rouge on Josie’s cheekbones. The result is that Josie looks like she has perfect skin and a slight flush.

  Viktorija gives her a brush of brilliant harlot red lipstick.

  Viktorija whips off the bib and commands, “Last check, ladies!”

  Audrey lines up with Marissa, Rebecca, and Josie. Viktorija nods her approval.

  Rebecca asks, “Tori, may I?” She reaches for Viktoria’s chest and hesitates. Viktorija looks down and frowns. She folds up the towel and starts to brush her dress off, then she stops. She hands it to Rebecca with a smile. “Please, Rebecca.”

  Rebecca brushes away the slight dust of makeup on Viktorija’s bodice and checks from different perspectives to ensure the available light catches any lingering traces.

  “I think we’re good,” Rebecca declares.

  Viktorija kisses her cheek. “Thanks, Mom.”

  I stand there drinking in the beauty of the five women. I exclaim, “Damn! How did I ever get so lucky?” Despite all the estrogen in the room, I definitely feel like the ‘Big Man on Campus.’ I have a beautiful, strong warrior businesswoman, a beautiful towering amazon thaumaturge-necromancer, an athletic Asian sorceress beauty, and a slender beautiful semitic witch all on my arm. Plus there is a talented, blond Latvian beauty standing in the wings thinking about joining us. I don’t know what I did right since Melanie kicked me to the curb, but I damn well better keep doing it.

  I open the door and usher the ladies out. Audrey and Viktorija lead the way. Josie is on my left arm, Rebecca is on my right with Marissa holding her right arm.

  I think to myself, ‘Watch out world, here we come!’


  Dinner party at the Den of Iniquity

  We head down the stairs and back to the salon, where Luis and Chantelle are tending bar while Cindy, Rosalie, and Rachel take turns around the floor with trays of champagne and small hors d’oevres.

  Bernadette is laughing with an older gentleman and his much younger escort. Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes, she looks almost predatory. I’ve seen the guy on television. I think he’s the county attorney or Phoenix city attorney.

  I also see the well-known female Chief Meterologist from one of the local television stations talking to a local radio personal
ity. The anchor from another network with his trademark cheesy moustache is also in attendance.

  There is a knot of six individuals chatting quietly, ignoring everyone else. There are three males and three females. They all have very sharp facial features, slender figures, and superior attitudes. All have silvery or ash blond hair. The males hair ranges in length from touching the collar to shoulder length. They are all wearing tailored tuxedos, which display their v-shaped torsos and narrow hips. The pants are all English cut - very narrow legs. The tallest is maybe 5’ 2” tall, the ladies are all under 5’.

  The ladies all have hair past their shoulders - one all the way down to her ass. All of them are wearing fitted, silken, beaded gowns with spaghetti straps. One is wearing golden fabric, one is in a midnight blue gown, and the last is in silver - the hair-to-the-ass one. It looks like she has a tiara, too. Their arms and shoulders are sculpted, but the curves of their asses and hips are rather conservative.

  I also see the Hunter from our adventure with Shryl. He is wearing a classic cut tux, standing with his lady in the corner. Darcie is wearing a slinky, maxi dress in a lightweight navy silk with silver filigree. It’s interesting because it has a long sleeve on one side and a bare arm on the other. The hem on the long sleeve side is split nearly to her hip. She makes it look good. Jack’s head swivels in my direction like a large reptile searching for prey.

  I wave to him as I usher my ladies to the bar.

  I see a local music producer who thinks he’s the shit. I met him years ago, and I think he is ‘a shit,’ just not ‘the shit.’ I haven’t changed my mind based on anything I’ve seen or heard since.

  I guide my ladies toward the bar, but Viktoria stops me with a hand against my chest. She beckons Rosalie who brings a tray of champagne flutes. I’m handing a flute to Rebecca when I sense someone approaching quickly just before a firm grasp clamps onto my forearm.

  A silken tenor voice says, “My lady requires that tray.” The pressure increases on my forearm quickly. The dude has one hell of a grip!

  I step back with my left side, keeping my left arm at my side. As my weight settles, I hammer the palm of my hand into his wrist. That forces his hand off my forearm, but just barely. This skinny little fucker is stronger than he appears. My hand slides around his wrist to get a lock on his wrist, but his arm retracts quickly! He steps back; he is FAST! I do a quick inventory; I only have a pocket knife and one collapsible baton. I bring my hands up to shoulder height, palms out.

  I ask, “Is there a problem, sir?”

  He looks at me with a blank expression. “No problem. My lady requires a new flute.”

  Rosalie purrs, “Not to worry, sir. I have plenty. I’ll follow you over.”

  A flute appears before my face. I hear Viktorija’s voice. “Here you go, sir.”

  I grasp the flute gently from her grasp. “Thank you, Viktorija.” I salute my antagonist with the flute. “Good evening, sir.”

  He sniffs and leads Rosalie over to his little cluster. Audrey slides under my left arm, and Marissa hooks her left arm in the crook of my right arm. Josie drapes over my left shoulder, and Rebecca steps in front of me and brushes her lips lightly across mine. “Saving my lipstick,” she murmurs to me with a wink.

  I kiss the cheek of Marissa, Josie, and Audrey. “I don’t deserve you, ladies.”

  Marissa says, “I don’t know, Will. We all have our foibles and strengths. I think we’re a perfect match for each other.”

  The ladies all nod, and Viktorija smiles behind her flute as she sips her drink.

  Rosalie and her guide arrive at their destination, and everyone swaps their empty flutes for full ones. Then my new friend makes an emphatic motion with his right hand and hooks a thumb back in my direction. Everyone in the knot turns to look at me as Rosalie turns to move on.

  The lady in silver with the tiara looks at me and cocks an eyebrow at me. She says a word, and Rosalie aborts her attempt to leave. The ‘princess’ tilts her head back and pours the champagne into her mouth without touching her lips. She locks eyes with me and swallows. The insinuation is clear. She swaps out her newly empty flute with the remaining full one before sauntering over.

  Her voice chimes like bells and laughter. Her eyes are dancing, “You, sir. You upset Reddy rather thoroughly.”

  “If that was the gentleman that decided to manhandle me, he seemed to be quite fine when he left,” I respond. “He did seem rather shocked I didn’t just acquiesce to his whims. Since there was no shortage of refills for your party, I think a little courtesy and patience would have served him better.”

  She tilts her head to sniff the bouquet of the champagne before looking up under her eyelashes. It’s reminiscent of how Marissa looks at me when my cock is in her mouth. I cock an eyebrow at her and smirk.

  She murmurs, “Are you thinking about an upgrade about now?”

  I scoff, “Not possible, gentle lady. The most amazing women on the planet have agreed to be my lovers. I have no desire to do anything that might make them think I don’t realize how good I have it.”

  She doesn’t look impressed as she takes in my beautiful ladies. “Hm!” she exclaims with a cute little frown before spinning and sashaying away.

  I correct my earlier assessment - there is a round little tushy in there. She stops and looks over her shoulder. I think, ‘Can you hear me, little lady?’ She winks at me and sashays back to the center of her group.

  I turn to Audrey. “Shall we go visit your Uncle Jack, Kitten?”

  She murmurs, “Yes, Master. Please.”

  Viktorija says, “I need to check on some things, Mr. James.” She slides between Rebecca and Marissa to press a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll return to your party shortly, sir.” She winks at me and saunters off.

  “Not soon enough,” Rebecca says as she watches the talented beauty saunter away. “I like her, Will. Not only is she gorgeous, but she is so talented and confident.”

  I nod as we start moving our own little knot across the salon. The music producer looks at me before getting distracted by the ladies surrounding me. I ignore him. The news anchor looks up as we pass - I nod, and he smiles and salutes with his glass. An earnest, middle-aged Hispanic man steps back into our path as he passionately holds forth about immigration reform to the three folks in his little clique.

  I speak up before he decks one of us with one of his animated gesticulating hands. “Excuse me, sir.”

  He turns to look at me with surprise. “Oh! I’m sorry. Pardon me.” He leans in a bit. “I think the champagne is loosening my inhabitions a little more than I would like.” He looks at me and then begins to ogle my ladies. Marissa walks around behind me and hooks Josie’s arm on one side and Audrey’s on the other.

  Before he can do something unfortunate, I pat him on the shoulder. “Understood, sir. Enjoy your evening.”

  Rebecca follows the other three ladies for about three steps before stopping to wait for me. I join her, and she slides her arm through my left arm as we follow the rest of our family.

  The meteorologist steps up to us. I raise my flute to her and smile. “Good evening. I must say that I never feel like I know what to expect from the weather unless I hear it from you.”

  The attractive MILF throws her head back and laughs. She places her hand on my arm. “Why thank you, sir. I love to meet fans.” She slides a little closer and murmurs. “Do you know where I might find Viktorija? I saw her talking to you just before she disappeared.”

  I shake my head slightly. “No, ma’am. She just said she had to check on some things, but she said she would return before too long to escort our party.”

  She frowns at that. I’m guessing she’s a fan of Viktorija. She replies, “Thank you. Please tell her I’m sorry I missed her.”

  “We will let her know,” Rebecca assures her as the local celebrity waves at us and turns back to her companion.

  Audrey is just releasing Jack from a hug as Marissa releases Darcie and turns her over to Josie.
  Marissa gives Jack a hug. He looks a little uncomfortable, but returns the hug. Audrey swaps with Josie, who takes over with Jack. It’s funny to watch him. Rebecca kisses my cheek and then steps in to hug Darcie as I step in to shake Jack’s hand.

  “Hello, Jack.”

  “Hello, Will.” He waves me to Darcie as Rebecca steps in to give him a hug.

  I gently hug the sexy auburn-haired woman to me. She actually squeezes harder than I anticipated.

  I step back and look at her. “Darcie, that is an awesome dress. Both classic and chic.” That’s when I notice the small clutch in her hand.

  Marissa grabs my arm and caresses Darcie’s bare shoulder. “Is that another Viktorija original?”

  Darcie gushes. “It is!” She steps a little closer. “Master had Bernadette select my wardrobe. We did a little fashion show, and Viktorija rolled out a bunch of her creations and selected other garments. Master spoiled me terribly.”

  “Isn’t it lovely to have a man love you like that?” Marissa is glowing at me when she says it, so I don’t think she catches Darcie biting her lip at Marissa’s use of the ‘L - word.’

  Jack says, “I haven’t heard anything about this next project. Have you?”

  I shake my head gently. “No, Jack. I haven’t. I’m going to spend tomorrow in town before flying out. Maybe I’ll be able to track down some details. I’d like that taken care of before too long.”

  He points at his chin at the group of short, skinny folks. “Yeah. I’m guessing they are up to something. Finishing our other project sooner rather than later might be a good idea.” He looks at me, and I cock an eyebrow at him. I turn to look at the group in question. “Try to blank your mind at the dinner table. If that doesn’t work, think about sex.”

  At that point, Manuel enters the room and approaches Bernadette. She nods and caresses his shoulder lightly with a genuine smile. Manuel stands at the exit that leads back to the stairs.

  I give Jack an inquisitive look. “The tiara is an artifact. She can read your mind.”


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