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Den of Iniquity

Page 26

by J G Jerome

  He says to Audrey, “Your dad is Steven Cheung.”

  She nods. “Yes, Mr. Montgomery. I…” he attacks, and she pokes him hard in the ribs. “...remember you from tournaments when I…” he bats her blade away with his and charges. Audrey slides across his line of attack, striking the top of his thighs hard enough to elicit a wheeze. “...was a kid.” She reverses the blade and strikes his leg in the back of the knee. He stumbles. “You always were…” She brings her blade up over her shoulder as she continues to maneuver around the back of him. “...tricky.” She brings the blade down into his trapezius in a diagonal cut.

  He shouts, “Damn!” as the wooden blade hits him hard enough to leave a large bruise. He falls to the floor, and Audrey maneuvers to stand between Sergeant Major Montgomery and her family with her sword at the ready.

  Master Hiromatsu looks at Audrey. “You are more skilled with a sword than I thought.” Her attacker gets to his feet and stands at attention

  Audrey bows her head slightly. “You are too kind, sir.” Then she bows deeply to her opponent and backs away.

  I pull all the girls back, and we share observations and learnings. I emphasize that the attitude of a sword or a stick is offensive. Taking the offense is completely appropriate.

  They take another turn each. As expected, the attackers are less forgiving this time. They face their opponents again - Josie, Rebecca, Audrey, Marissa. Three of them get cut this time. Audrey loses the use of an arm and has to finish one-handed. That allows her attacker to get around her, and he cuts her throat with the shock blade. Rebecca also gets circled and gets her throat cut. Marissa gets her sword tied up. She punches her opponent, but he still opens her stomach. Josie survives, but she lets her attacker turn her. He turns to attack us. Audrey, Rebecca, and Marissa all three jump on him and smack the crap out of him, but Josie still lost.

  We circle as the attackers get themselves organized again. I ask, “What did you learn?”

  Rebecca says, “Offense doesn’t mean headlong attack.”

  Josie answers, “Position is important.”

  Marissa chips in, “Just because I have a bigger weapon doesn’t mean I have the advantage. Also, don’t forget your other weapons.”

  I tell them, “Good. You learned good lessons. Now, don’t let it get you down. Keep your battle focus, ladies. You are protecting your family. Remember how you felt while I was in battle yesterday and nearly died. You are fighting to save me and your sisters.”

  I can see the fire light up again in their eyes.

  The third round goes better for all four of them; although, Josie and Rebecca were defeated.

  After a quick break, I tell them, “Now you’re going to work in teams of two against an opponent with a sword.” They nod.

  They pair off. Marissa and Rebecca step up first. Their training at working together in Prescott shows dividends. Rebecca covers Marissa’s left flank. They end up holding off for nearly a full minute before the attacker scores a mortal blow on Marissa. Rebecca chops his sword arm and right leg, and ends up surviving.

  Josie and Audrey struggle more, but they make up for it by talking to each other. Josie’s size is an advantage - she is as tall as their opponent. The attacker uses similar tactics as the previous guy did to Rebecca and Marissa, but Josie counterstrikes his downward blow at Audrey. Audrey steps up the circle and eviscerates him as he looks at Josie’s blade in surprise. Audrey takes the opening to deliver a finishing blow to the back of his head. Both ladies take up ready stances until the Master calls a halt. They bow to their opponent.

  Then all four ladies face two attackers. All four ladies are taken out at the end of it, but only Ken Watanabe is still standing at the end - with only one functioning hand.

  I ask the ladies, “Whaddya think about a real challenge?”

  Marissa’s eyes light with fire. “Battle,” she whispers fiercely.

  I address the Master, “Sir, I would like to join in. Might we have more attackers?”

  He nods and points to Master Nakamura and Gus ‘Monty’ Montgomery.

  I huddle the ladies. “We can’t match up to them one on one, so maneuver to stay in support of each other. Master Nakamura is masterful with a sword. Monty is proficient, but Audrey’s better. I’ve never beaten the other two one-on-one. This will be tough. But we’re all together fighting to protect each other. Take a moment to find your inner warrior, and bring her out. People will be hurt this time. Playtime is over.”

  They all nod, and we take a seat to do deep breathing.

  I find my center and stand. Audrey and Marissa follow shortly after me; Rebecca is only a moment behind them. Josie takes her time. We have it to take, so I let her. Just as I’m about to call her she opens her eyes with a fierce look of determination and stands.

  I tell the Master, “We are ready, sir.”

  Master Nakamura stays back and lets the other three attack. He directs them and assesses where he can do the most good. Gus Montgomery lines up in the center with Ken Watanabe and Cory Ito taking his flanks. The battle is brutal. Ken takes out Rebecca, but Marissa gets him as I dispatch Gus. Master Nakamura cuts Marissa across her torso and backs out again. Cory guts me, but Josie and Audrey double-team him. Cory manages to knick Josie’s throat with his bokken as she guts him, leaving Audrey and Shiro Nakamura. Audrey changes her tactics to deal with the situation, relying on the low postures of Kuk Sul Won to cut Master Nakamura’s legs from under him.

  At the end, only my Kitten is standing.

  Marissa stands and exclaims, “Damn! Now that was as a workout!”

  I tell her, “You sound like your dad.” She grins before we trade bows with our opponents.

  After whispering my plan to Josie, I invite everyone to sit in a circle. Josie sits across from me. We all sit in a loose half-lotus posture, holding our hands out to our neighbor - left palm-up, right palm-down.

  I direct everyone to inhale deeply for a four count, then exhale for four. Master Hiromatsu sits in the center with beads in his hand and hums a slow steady cadence. Josie and I send growth energy to our right - pushing the energy around the circle.

  After one hundred circles, I nod to Master Hiromatsu. He stops humming and claps his hands before barking, “Seiza!” We all move to the Japanese seated posture. Rebecca and Josie follow the example of those around them.

  The Master commands, “Re-e!” We all bow to the ground.

  Master Hiromatsu sits up, and we all return to seiza. He addresses the class. “Good training session today. I think we all learned and challenged ourselves. Mr. Montgomery, your sword work was better today than I have ever seen from you. Keep working with Master Nakamura. His tutelage is paying off.”

  He turns to George Kim. “Mr. Kim, you seem to have recovered from your injury. You were nearly back to your normal high standard. Good work today.”

  Akio McCormick is next. “Mr. McCormick, your acting skills need work; however, your creative problem solving when attacking the young ladies was entertaining regardless. I don’t recommend you try that again with one of these ladies. You either, Mr. Montgomery.”

  The Master turns to Cory. “Mr. Ito, you are still telegraphing your attacks with a weapon. Even Mr. James picked up on it. He’s never defeated you before, so either he is getting better or you are telegraphing more. Probably both. I recommend slow practice.”

  Ken is next. “Mr. Watanabe, you seemed distracted all day today until ‘bull in the ring.’ I’m glad you found training cathartic, but please do not bring your troubles from outside into the dojo. It distracts from your learning, but it also means you don’t challenge your fellow students as much as you can. That distracts from their learning, too.” Ken bows to our teacher.

  Then it’s my turn. “Mr. James, we do not see you often enough. Please continue to train as much as you can while you are out of town. Whatever you are doing is causing you to improve. Your lady friends are welcome to return whenever they like.”

  Audrey asks, “Master Hir
omatsu, may I bring my roommate to regular classes? She has no training, but perhaps we could join your new student class?”

  The Master says, “You won’t be in the same group as your friend, Ms. Cheung. However you are both welcome to join us here on Tuesdays and Thursdays at seven in the evening.”

  We all bow again before Master Hiromatsu says “Class dismissed.”


  Back to North Carolina

  We put away training weapons and visit. The ladies all introduce themselves to the seniors with a bow, a smile, and a handshake.

  I pull Cory Ito aside, and discuss taiji training with him. He’s reluctant to try another art, but I try to sell him on it. “It will help staying relaxed and moving with intention. There are sword forms there, too. You might find it helpful. Master Hiromatsu got me into it to help me relax as I move.”

  Cory says, “I’ll consider it. Thanks, Will.”

  Ken Watanabe pulls me aside. He’s Chief Financial Officer at one of the IT consulting firms in town. He asks about me doing a side job writing some test automation. He says it may require a couple of days in the office to get oriented, but then could be done as available remotely. I give him a card with my personal contact info, and I tell him I would be thrilled for the opportunity.

  Gus Montgomery comes over and stares down his nose at me. The guy is noticeably taller than me, and I know he’s a bad-ass - Ranger, Special Forces, Combat Infantry, former drill sergeant, and retired Sergeant-Major. He's at least ten years older than me, but looks like he could gear up and go kick ass in the sandbox at a moment’s notice. He is good at looking intimidating. I just grin at him.

  I ask him, “What’s on your mind, Sergeant-Major?”

  He looks around as he ushers me off the mat before standing in front of me to stare me down. Finally he says, “How did a puny little punk like you manage to get all that fine pussy following you around?”

  I’m dumbstruck. I don’t know whether to kill him or laugh. Before I can respond, my ladies drape arms over his shoulders. Audrey hooks one elbow while Marissa does the same.

  Marissa says, “He has a horse dick and knows how to use it,”

  Audrey says, “He ties me up and sticks that big cock into all my holes to make me squirt.”

  Rebecca adds, “Squirt across the room.”

  Josie grins. “Screaming loud enough to wake the dead.”

  Rebecca whispers, “All. Night. Long.”

  Marissa murmurs, “With all of us.”

  Rebecca wraps up. “At the same time.”

  Needless to say it, but he’s gobsmacked.

  I ask, “Any more questions, Monty?”

  He scratches his scalp, “Uh...nope. I think that about covers it.”

  I start to turn away when he adds, “Well maybe one more question, Studley Doright.” I cock eyebrow. “What’s the threat?” he asks.

  I get serious and shake my head. “Sadly, I don’t know yet. We were attacked last night, and I’m lucky to be alive, let alone functional. I have at least two other groups I’m worried about.”

  Gus asks, “Have you trained them on firearms?”

  I shake my head again. “Not much. Marissa’s dad is a retired cop and security consultant in Prescott. He got us some range time once. I showed Rebecca and Josie the basics with a pistol. At close range aiming center of mass, they hit the target most of the time. Audrey’s dad taught her. I’d like to get them all trained on pistols, shotguns, and maybe rifles eventually.”

  Gus gets a faraway look. “I remember you on the range in Kitzingen and Grafenwöhr. You were a good instructor, but it’s been a long time since then.” He looks me in the eye. “I teach gun safety and marksmanship for a couple of the gun clubs in the valley in addition to doing some security work. I’m free tomorrow morning. I could meet you and your ladies at Ben Avery range - for just the cost of ammo.” He grins. “At least this first time.”

  I chuckle. “Sadly, I fly out tomorrow morning for a week. Raincheck, Monty?”

  He nods, “Sure. I’ve got enough weapons. Just let me know. When are you thinking?”

  “How does next Sunday sound?” I ask. “I’ll fly back into town on Saturday afternoon.”

  Monty say, “Works for me. The range opens at seven. We can spend a couple of hours. You’ll be done early enough to beat the brunch crowd.”

  I check with the wives. “Early on next Sunday ladies. All good?”

  They all agree. I shake Monty’s hand, and the ladies all give him hugs before we head over to our gear. The ladies and I strip out of our soaked gear and pull on sweats. The male students try not to ogle them, but I don’t blame them for staring - the scenery is very eye-catching!

  We hurry back to Bernadette’s for showers. We are very actively involved in cleaning each other, but Marissa ends up getting the bonus plan - pressed up against the wall of the shower while I make love to her gently. Our intensity builds, and the force and speed I employ slowly increases. Her ridged inner muscles let me know she’s missed me, and she orgasms while I’m still at a medium tempo. I kick it up into overdrive as she moans intensify. She hits a second orgasm, and I join her. At that point Audrey, Josie, and Rebecca all pile on and everyone gets caresses, hugs, kisses, and licks.

  Once we are all satisfied that we have taken enough of the edge off, we dress. I’m in jeans and a polo with my blazer. The ladies all dress in lightweight knit dresses that drape their figures enticingly.

  I thought about ordering in for dinner, but Clarice threw a fit when I asked about which door I should have the delivery sent. She had Bernadette scold us, so we are now having a delightful Mediterranean dinner in the big dining room. I saw Bernadette entertaining guests in the salon with various members of the staff as we came down the stairs, but the Mistress of the house joins us at the table as Ilara’en is clearing it.

  Bernadette asks her to bring more wine.

  I ask Bernadette, “What can you share about life in the other dimensions? What you told us about Ilara’en’s people this morning was fascinating.”

  Bernadette taps her lips. “Well, there are a handful of planets in my home dimension that are populated with humans, human-like beings, and humanoid people. They are generally feeding grounds for the traveler races. In many cases we feed off the energies of each other. There is a lot of competition and politics surrounding access to those feeding grounds. Getting summoned here by a sorcerer is a privilege - there is so little competition for feeding.”

  Audrey, “I knew some of that because it’s part of the base curriculum, but someone had to be first. Any idea who that was.”

  Bernadette says, “It was the Angels. They have supposedly been here since before humans became sentient. They may actually be the reason humans became sentient. Humans on some planets never evolve much past their animal origins. Honestly, I see a lot of evidence of human animal behavior here,” she says with a smirk.

  “True,” I agree.

  The ladies share their experiences this afternoon with Bernadette as we finish the wine bottles. We all thank Ilara’en and Candice for taking care of us - handing out hugs and kisses.

  Bernadette acts like she doesn’t want to let me go, but she does eventually release my mouth.

  I ask, “Do you want to come with us, lover?”

  Bernadette says, “I do. Sadly I have commitments. Think of me, my darling,” she demands as she looks deep into my eyes. She turns to the ladies, “All of you, my darlings. Think of me. I would rather spend the evening loving all of you.”

  Bernadette returns to her guests, and we retire to the bedroom.

  Once the door of the suite is closed, I pull Rebecca into a kiss. I make love to each of the ladies individually. I start with Rebecca; our coupling is gentle yet passionate. After she erupts in climax, I join her.

  Marissa walks to the bathroom as I tie Audrey’s hands together to the spindle in the middle of the headboard and fuck her brutally. She starts to orgasm almost immediately as I suckle her
breast and mark her flesh with my mouth - all while pummeling her tight, hot, pussy. Audrey never stops climaxing, she just keeps spiraling higher and higher. She progresses from quiet mewling with the beginnings of her climax, through yowling moans in the middle, until she is screaming repeatedly. After a couple of screams, I join her in a climax of my own as she squirts around me.

  I lay Josie back on the bed and kiss my way from her luscious lips, down her neck, all over her big breasts, down her abdomen, through the beginning of stubble of her muff, until I am suckling her petals. I lave and suck on every individual part of her pussy as my left hand pulls and twists her nipples. I keep at it until she has her first orgasm.

  I pull her towards me until her ass hangs off the edge. I line up my cock to the opening of her channel and push inside her. She is still tight from her orgasm, so I only make it about half-way in. Josie raises her knees. I grab her heels and straighten her legs - pushing right up to the end of her easy motion barrier. I squeeze her legs together with my left arm and stroke my cock in and out of her wet pussy. I reach my right hand forward to pinch and twist her nipples. She starts bucking heavily.

  I pull out and roll Josie over onto her face as she gasps. I lift her hips and fight my way back into her tight, spasming channel. Josie’s spasms quicken as I ram my painfully hard cock into her gasping channel. Thankfully, she is sopping wet, but it feels like her pussy is sucking me like her mouth does. Josie arches her back, allowing me to grasp a handful of her hair. I ride her hard until she gasps her release. The sensations of her milking me are too much, so I join her. She clamps down on me harder as I shoot my seed deep inside her. I collapse forward onto her back, which nearly causes me to pop out of her.

  I notice Audrey, Marissa, and Rebecca writhing on the bed as I help Josie up. We sit next to them and cuddle while enjoying the show. Audrey is laying on her back with her hands still tied to the bedpost. She has her ‘anatomically correct’ double dildo strapped in, and Marissa is impaling herself on the other shaft. Rebecca is seated on Audrey’s mouth, leaning forward to use her mouth on Marissa’s neck and her hands on her breasts.


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