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Den of Iniquity

Page 35

by J G Jerome

  Jack says, “You gave him the same look you give Viktorija. Are you going to deny you love her, too?”

  Bernadette says, “You’re imagining things.”

  Jack says, “Don’t lie to me, Bernadette.” He kisses her cheek. “I won’t be coming to your bed again.”

  Bernadette gives him a somber look.

  Jack adds, “I didn’t know you want that. I won’t compete for you, but you will always be my friend, Bernadette.”

  Bernadette moans, “I don’t want to love anyone, Jack. I am a whore who feeds on lust.”

  Jack responds, “And yet….”

  Bernadette looks in the direction Will left. Slowly she begins to nod. “And yet…”

  She shakes herself and kisses Jack’s cheek. “Goodnight, Jack. Take care of your ladies.”

  I knock on Jonathan Copeland’s door and open it. Josie stands in the doorway behind me. Inside Ilara’en is rolling soiled sheets into a ball on the king-sized bed. She is wearing a simple housekeeping uniform on her tiny frame, and her glamour makes her look like a small, mildly attractive human with chestnut hair.

  There is an old man in the doorway. He would be fairly tall if he wasn’t stooped over. He’s not wearing a stitch, and I can see feces staining the inside of his left leg. By the way the skin on his neck, chest, and limbs hang, I’m guessing he was a strong imposing man before the ravages of aging and dementia took hold of him. He sees the door open and makes a dash for it.

  As he approaches me, I snag his throat in my left hand and pull his soul out. His body collapses, but it’s so light that I hold it up easily with one hand as I address his soul.

  I tell the soul, “Hello John. I’m William. You can call me Will. Please take a minute to orient yourself. I’ve pulled you out of your body.”

  John says, “Thank you. That was a prison. You can call me ‘JC,’ Will.”

  Rather than the decrepit old body, his ghost is a still robust sixty-year-old man. He is tall and still has some muscle definition. He’s also wearing pale blue pyjamas.

  I turn the corpse in my hand and scribe my binding glyph into the base of the brain. Once I’m satisfied with the glyph, I push just enough life into it to reanimate it, then I fill it with life.

  I order the zombie, “You will answer to the name John from this point forward.”

  The zombie mutters, “John. Yes. I am John.”

  “John, I am your master.”

  The zombie replies immediately. “Yes, master.”

  I tell him, “John go into the shower and turn on warm water. Wash all the filth from your body with soap. Don’t stop scrubbing until there is no more shit or dirt on your body or in your hair. Then rinse until there is no more soap on your body.” I doubt that this zombie will be able to hold a fourth command. “Call me when you are done with that.”

  I address the old man’s soul, “JC, my friend Bernadette arranged for your family to receive some money to take care of all your medical bills and hopefully have some left over. I asked her to do that because I need you for an experiment. Currently you are dead. If everything goes well, tomorrow you will be alive, but not in that body. My goal is to put you in a body that is more like your younger self. You will look like you did in your mid-sixties, and your organs will hopefully be as they were when you were about fifty. Your brain will be healthy and fully functional. You will then be sent back to your family. They will be told that you underwent an experimental treatment, and then you will go on to live your life.”

  JC asks, “What if it doesn’t work?”

  I shrug, “Then you’re still free of that prison, and you move into the afterlife.”

  JC shrugs and gives a considering frown like my grandfather used to do. “Okay. Being dead is better than being stuck in that.” He points to the corpse bathing in the bathroom.

  I tell them, “I’m going to put you in a repository for safekeeping. I would like you to try to get caught up on your sleep. I know when my grandfather suffered from Alzheimers, he didn’t sleep well at all until he was ready to die. Your soul could probably use some solid rest. I’ll come get you in about twenty hours. Try to rest the whole time.”

  JC asks, “I won’t go into the light, or whatever comes next?”

  I shake my head. “That’s part of why I want to tuck you away - so an angel of death doesn’t come to cart you off if I get distracted. This way, I can carry you around with me to keep you safe until it’s time to wake you up.” I reach into my left pocket and pull out Sidney’s bolt.

  Josie says, “Hello, JC. My name is Josie, and I’m Will’s assistant. Once Will has secured you, you will find a nice full-size bed in the room. Crawl in and enjoy.”

  I remove the nut from the bolt. “Goodnight, JC. We’ll see you soon.” At that point I push him into the bolt with my will and put the nut onto it. I return it to my pocket. I look at Josie. “You have the other two nearby?”

  She nods. “Yes, Will.”

  I direct my attention to the housekeeper. “Hello Ilara’en. How are you doing?” She is putting a fresh moisture barrier pad on the mattress. Josie pushes past me to give her a hand.

  Ilara’en looks up at Josie for a moment. “Thank you.” When they’re done, she stands and addresses my question. “I used to be a body maid for the Duchess of House Valeran. Now I’m constantly cleaning up shit and piss from a brain-dead, old human,” she sobs. “My life sucks.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask. “Has anyone beat you, cut you, or raped you?”

  “No, sir,” she pouts.

  “Do you get fed enough?” I ask.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispers.

  “Is it good, healthy food?” I ask.

  She whispers, “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you have your own room and a nice bed?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you have enough clothes that you don’t have to wear soiled ones?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you get time to yourself to relax?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Is anyone mean to you?”

  “No, sir.” Her response is quieter.

  “Has anyone even looked at you harshly?”

  “No, sir.”

  I smile gently. “It sounds like you’re doing pretty well, Ilara’en. How is your wound?”

  “All healed, sir. It hasn’t even ached since about a day after you treated me.”

  “I bet you’re still absolutely beautiful under that glamour, aren’t you?” I wink at her.

  She drops her head with a shy smile. “Maybe, sir. Opinions vary.”

  I call over my shoulder as I turn to the bathroom. “I may ask you to show me one day, Ilara’en.”

  I walk into the bathroom to check on John the zombie. As I walk into the bathroom, John calls out. “I’m done, master.”

  I grab a clean towel and hand it to him. “Turn off the water and dry yourself with this towel, John.” He takes it and gets right to it. Apparently I forgot to tell him to put the bath mat down and close the glass door before turning on the shower. I grab a second towel and wipe up the little bit of water on the floor before throwing the bath mat down.

  “John, stand on the bathmat to dry your legs and feet.” He comes out of the shower, and it looks like he did a good job getting clean. I tell him, “Come out to the bedroom when your whole body is dry. Your hair will still be damp.”

  I walk out to the bedroom. Josie is helping Ilara’en put the sheets on the bed.

  “Hey, Ilara’en? Do you have a clean pair of pyjama’s for Mr. Copeland?” I ask.

  She looks up. “Yes, sir. I just put three pair in the bureau. Top drawer.”

  I go pull a pair of plaid pyjamas out of the top of the drawer, and take them in the bedroom to John.

  I tell him, “Get dressed in these, John. Then go to bed. Do not pee or poop until I tell you it is okay.”

  John the zombie says, “Yes, master.”

  I walk back out in time to see Ilara’en stuff the soiled laundry
into a garbage bag and walk out the door. Josie calls, “Goodnight, Ilara’en.”

  I hear the little elf call back, “Thanks again, Josie. Goodnight. And goodnight, sir!”

  I step out the door into the hallway. “Goodnight, Ilara’en. Sleep well.”

  She turns around and grins. “You too, sir. Don’t stay up too late with all those pretty ladies in your bed.”

  Josie pulls the door closed as she responds, “No promises, Ilara’en.”

  Josie and I enter our suite to find four naked ladies cuddling each other. I’m surprised they are not more actively loving each other. I lock the door and pull off my weapons.

  “What’s going on, my lovelies? I thought we’d find you well underway,” I tell them.

  Rebecca, sandwiched between Audrey and Marissa, answers. “We tried, but we just couldn’t get into it with all the drama.”

  I hold up a finger in the air and then cup a hand around my ear. “I know what you mean, baby.” I answer while waving my hand around the room. They all nod. “Let me wash up, and I’ll join you.”

  Josie says, “Me too. Those sheets were nasty.” She walks toward the bathroom, and comments, “I can’t believe he shits and pisses his bed. I thought only children do that.”

  “That’s just one more aspect of the horror of dementia and Alzheimer’s. My grandfather went through that when he was in the nursing home.” Josie turns in the doorway of the bathroom as I plug in my phone to charge and set the alarm for seven in the morning. “I remember him soiling himself like that once when we brought him home for a family gathering. I had to clean him up.” Josie turns toward the shower with a thoughtful look, and I strip down and toss my clothes into a laundry bag.

  Josie is already in the shower before I get there. She smiles as I step into the shower. Josie has always had a nice body, but the last few months of regular workouts and a healthy diet have made her leaner and more toned. Her large breasts defy gravity. She looks hot, and I can’t believe how lucky I am she loves me.

  We soap each other up with lots of lingering caresses and wet kisses. Once we’re done rinsing off, I push her against the tiled back wall and devour her mouth. She wraps her leg around my waist and guides me in. I press into her channel, and we moan in each other’s mouths as I drive in until I’m hilted. I grab the leg around my waist and cup her plump, heavy breast. I set a slow, steady pace of long strokes.

  Josie moans, “Just like that, Will.” I suckle her neck as she moans. “Oh! Yes! More, Will! Harder! Fuck me harder, my love! Use me hard, William. Please!” I pick up my pace, slamming into my big girl.

  Afterward, I dry Josie off and then myself. I go to the loo, wash my hands, and then we join the ladies in bed. Audrey drawls, “Somebody got fucked.”

  I confirm, “Yes I did.”

  Josie say, “Yep. Make some room bitches. My pussy is full of William juice. Anyone want a snack?”

  Four hands go up with a chorus of “Me” responses.

  I walk to the foot of the bed and crawl up to lie in the middle between Rebecca and Marissa. Rebecca crawls up on top of me, and Josie takes her place laying on my left shoulder. Audrey crawls between Josie’s legs. Carla hands my pistol to me. I stuff it under my pillow and then grab Marissa and Carla with my right.

  I fall asleep as the ladies rotate through getting a treat from Josie.

  My alarm goes off at seven o’clock. I find Rebecca on my left with Josie tucked up behind. Carla is tucked up tight on my right with Marissa behind her. Carla’s hand is lightly holding Rebecca’s on my chest. Audrey is lying on my abdomen. I shimmy my hips and Audrey lifts her head to smile at me groggily.

  Audrey slides under the duvet, and I follow to slide slowly toward the foot of the bed. Carla fusses, but I think she goes back to sleep. Audrey and I pull the duvet up over our sleeping lovers.

  Audrey dashes to beat me to the loo, but I just use one of the other commodes.

  I wash my hands and face and Audrey uses the next vanity. Suddenly I see Carla’s reflection trotting into the bathroom right before she wraps her arms around my waist. She squeezes me tight and murmurs, “Please don’t leave me, William.”

  I dry my hands and turn to hold the nude, slender, firm loveliness that is Carla Jackson. I kiss her forehead. “What’s the matter, Carla?” I ask.

  Audrey kisses Carla’s cheek and mine before walking back to the bedroom.

  Carla murmurs into my chest. “I dreamt that you all kicked me out of the club, and I was all alone again.”

  “Are you in the club, Carla? I kind of got the impression you’re just hanging out with the members to have fun.”

  She looks up at me suddenly. “No, Will.” She cups my face and pulls me into a desperate kiss.

  “I have been alone for so long, Will. Before Marissa there was no one of consequence. Occasional sex to get something I wanted, even a two month time period once where I put out constantly to this rich guy to get enough money to pay off my school loans. Then Marissa showed up, moved in, and took over my life. I struggled with that mightily, but I found comfort in no longer being alone. Then she left.”

  Carla wraps her arms around my shoulders and squeezes her delightful body to mine. I squeeze her back. She says, “I had no frame of reference for what was going on, and I didn’t have the emotional framework to deal with it. I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t grieve. Life seemed wrong because she wasn’t there, and the only thing I could think to do was beg her to come back. But she wouldn’t come back, and she stopped taking my calls. I got angry. I screamed and broke things in frustration.” She rubs her face against my chest and continues to squeeze me tightly.

  “I would go where I knew I could find her and beg her to come back. That’s how I met you. I wanted to run away from you, but you took me in and explained things to me. You were kind, even knowing I wanted to kill you or flee.”

  I kiss her forehead. She adds, “When Cyrus showed up at my house, I didn’t know what to do when the police said they couldn’t be there quickly. Marissa and I had been talking on the phone for a little over a week at that point and even met for coffee once. She was the only person I felt I could trust. She sent you to me, and you showed me that the scary power emanating from you could be used to help people. You helped me, and honestly you saved Cyrus’ family. You befriended me even though I was broken.”

  She looks up to survey my reaction. I kiss her nose, and she smiles gently. “Then you saved Sidney and Carla in one swift stroke. We are melding quickly, but it will take a while to sort all of our memories and emotions. It’s scary and exhilarating at the same time. Marissa and I are together again despite her devotion to you. I am becoming a different person than I was before, but I’m happy with where I’m going. I am surrounded by a loving family, and I don’t want to lose it. There’s one member I haven’t made love to, and I think that needs to wait until both of my personalities are better integrated. Both sides of me want it. We both love how you treat me, your family, your friends, even the bastard who killed, Sidney me, not Carla me. Marissa told me about all that. Regardless, we both crave the inclusion of being in your family.”

  “You are, Carla.” I reassure her, “You have been from the moment I took you into the apartment. I worried when we didn’t hear from you. I’m glad that both of you are happy. I’m glad that you and Marissa are working things out.”

  She grins at me, “I feel like part of the family, but more like the second cousin you fuck at family reunions.” She turns serious. “I want to be a sister-wife with Marissa, Rebecca, Audrey, Erica, and Josie.”

  I chuckle, “I think Erica is more third cousin at the moment, but yes, she’s still family.”

  Carla says, “She wants full membership, too - including rights to the semi-erect little man poking my thigh.” She smirks at me.

  I lift her chin and kiss her like I own her. She sighs into my mouth. I release her, “That little man desperately wants to walk through the gate down there where all my ladies have been eat
ing. Sadly, we have a schedule today.”

  “Yes,” she agrees. “I will probably be ready before Erica. She knows her soul has to grow into the person she is. It seems kind of backward, but she says sometimes she feels like a baby. I personally think she wasn’t as broken as I was - she managed to feel something akin to love for Audrey. She says it feels different now - stronger, more exhilarating.” She shrugs. “I just need to wait until my two halves feel like a whole.”

  “Okay,” I tell her. “Sounds like a plan, Carla. You’ll tell me when. I need to get dressed.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.” She captures my mouth with her own for a lingering, playful kiss. After she releases me, she smiles at me. “Better than coffee to start the day!” She releases me and walks to the loo.


  Houston, we have a problem

  I grab clothes and get dressed. Josie is sitting on the edge of the bed. I kiss her before walking around to the nightstand on the other side. My pistol is next to my phone, probably thanks to Carla. I go sit on the fainting couch with my cleaning kit. I clear the weapon and break it down to give it a quick cleaning. Once I’m done and everything is back in order, I put the kit in my bag in the closet. Carla is there in a sexy black lace boy short and black cross-strap sports bra. She steps into a pair of yoga pants as I admire the view.

  She doesn’t even turn as she says, “Don’t you have things to do, Mr. James?”

  I respond, “Nothing so important that I can’t stop to enjoy the natural beauty before me.”

  She blushes slightly.

  Audrey wraps her arms around me as she says, “Yeah, she’s hot. I’d fuck her.”

  Josie walks in. She adds, “You did. So did I. It was wonderful.” She leans in to quickly kiss Carla, and then grabs her own clothes.

  I kiss Audrey before she releases me. She teases the other two. “Was it wonderful enough to use your mouth, Josie?”

  I lose the conversation as I drift to the bed. “Rebecca. Marissa. Time to get up, my loves.”

  Marissa sits up quickly, pauses to survey the room, and stretches languidly. Rebecca grouses. “Need a kiss. Too early otherwise.” I lean in and kiss her quickly. She smiles and looks me in the eye. “Now that’s much better! Good morning, William.”


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