Book Read Free

United Dragons

Page 5

by Calista Lambrechts

  “N-No. I mean how long have you been standing here?”

  “Oh!” He gave a little chuckle. “The moment I noticed you leaning in too close.”

  He shot his gaze at the hieroglyphics behind me, trying to find another few words to prove his point.

  “I-” He raised his hand, somewhat gesturing at the glyphs, before letting go again, trying to help me see his point. “I’m sorry. Those are…”

  I noticed me standing too close again, just now realizing his gesture.

  “Ah!” I quickly gave a step away.

  “…sacred,” finished Latham with a slight, hesitant smile. It was the smile of a man who tried to stay pleasant while trying to show you the wrongs without offending.

  Latham was undoubtedly on the verge of giving Justin a heart attack, I could tell, but it seemed he managed to calm himself, now used to Latham’s sudden appearance.

  “Latham, what’s going on here?” asked another voice behind me. I yelped and instantaneously swung around only to see yet another face – a tall man with a French-like accent. He literally must have appeared from nowhere. His hair was smooth, uneven and blond – a comb over. Not to mention that his eyes were as clear as the very waters that flowed through this not-so-deserted paradise.

  I could see a small pointy soul patch beard on the bottom of his lip. His clothes were of nothing but some trousers, boots and a loose white shirt like these of any rogue. Two katanas hung strapped by his sides.

  “And who is zis lovely lady?” he said the moment he laid his wandering blue eyes on me.

  “I am Fendril, ze one and only.”

  No doubt this man was your typical charmer. I noticed that the soon as he gave a slight bow and a gentle kiss to my hand.

  “Charmed, I’m sure,” I said, for it seemed the most fitting response. I managed a warm, yet hesitant, grin.

  “I don’t like the elf!” Another voice abruptly said in a special Scottish accent. It was a buff man sitting on the brim of the broad platform up ahead, his one leg dangling freely.

  Nice pose.

  He really presented the image of a barbarian quite well. He was rather… hairy, as I can put it. His hair was thick and dark with tousled fringes, shabbily sagging over his face. He wore strong fur armour alongside a cloak of bear fur. A massive and unnerving battle-axe stuck out from the back.

  “He makes mah bones twitch!”

  Justin was back at his panicked state, but somehow managed to look more or less unruffled, somewhat confident. Either way, he kept his pose pretty well.

  “E-Excuse me?” Justin asked unsteadily, but received no direct response.

  “Tha name’s Kilmore! Try anythin’ and ya might find mah battle axe lodged into yer skull!”

  With that he laughed a joyful and fruity laugh, particularly at Justin’s flustered expression. Somehow I couldn’t help but think of Borin – a crazed dwarven prince who led the great attack to reclaim Suntaria.

  A rapid splash in one of the distant puddles caught our attentions. It appeared to be yet another one of them. This man looked as though he was busy sneaking onwards, but was quickly interrupted as he accidentally stepped in one of the puddles, creating a sudden noise that was rather hard to miss.

  He wore the typical tight clothes of a squire from the olden days. His hair was a textures of a light brown, cut in a highly smooth, bop and geeky style.

  “And tha’s Roberts!” Kilmore exclaimed happily, “Youngest of the lo’.” He quickly paused to examine Roberts with pursed lips. “Hmm, doesn’t speak much so don’t try yer luck.”

  I’ll keep that in mind.

  “How many more of you are there?” I asked breathlessly, worked up by their sudden appearances. The true question was:

  Where are they all coming from?!

  “Just us five,” said another as he walked out of the large stony door beyond the platform.

  “They call me Ulric.”

  Finally! A man with an explainable entrance!

  His hair was brown and short, accompanied by a slight goatee of stubble. His silver armour was of high quality and reflected the shafts of light with a glint. It was clear that this man was of high authority and his attire clearly to be identified as the armour of a true valiant knight. He kept his posture tall and proud. He seemed like an experienced man.


  As all were introduced and done playing the strings on my nerves like a harp, I realised something. My mind dwelled on the past and the names of the present, all coming together to form one bitter memory.

  “Ulric, Fendril… Kilmore, Roberts and-” I shot my gaze at sweet Latham.

  “By Tarauntis! You are the king’s five knights! But… how? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?!”

  Kilmore gave a single chuckle of doubt and rejection.

  “No surprise, love. We’re still dead!” Justin’s skin turned seven shades whiter, his eyes as big as never before.

  Guess who looks like a fish now...

  “G-G-GHOSTS!” Justin exclaimed.

  Kilmore narrowed his eyes and leaned forward in Justin’s direction.

  “Aye! And wha’s so bad about that? I can easily help ya join us!”

  Justin gave a little yelp. Poor fellow. As though the necromancer and the tiger wasn’t enough. Now he had two unearthly spirits on his case!

  “N-No thank you. I have a strict don’t-get-turned-into-a-ghost policy.”

  Kilmore gave but only a mere careless shrug. “If ya say so.”

  As history made its way into my thoughts once more, an image of my youth flashed in my head. I recalled the day this bunch of strange fellows was after me, trying to kill me when I was but only a little girl. If it wasn’t for Millicent, my aunt, I could’ve been long dead by now, but her sacrifice led to an unforgiving demise. These bloats killed her in cold blood, in front of my very eyes.

  I gave a step backwards, solemnly whispering, “Don’t kill me.”

  My eyes glinted with fear.

  My emotions came mixing all together, fear and anger reigning.

  “What? Why would we want to do that?” Ulric asked gently with his head slightly cocked, staring inquiringly at me. I withdrew my sword in anger, raising my free hand to start a small flame.

  A warning, might I say.

  “You killed Millicent! I thought you met the same fate that same night, but I guess I was wrong. It’s about time I finish this!”

  I enhanced towards Ulric, my blade held at a ready and the flame growing larger. I was engulfed by everlasting fury. It wasn’t until Ulric raised both his hands in submission and taking a few steps back that when I realised that I might have been a bit too threatening of their earlier hospitality.

  In fact, Ulric even looked rather startled.

  “Whoa! Before we get irrational…” I sighed in conquest and sheathed my weapon and extinguished the flame. “I’m sorry. I get all worked up whenever I think of my past.”

  Kilmore gave a loud sigh, his eyes facing the remains of the ceiling.

  “Well, then don’t think of yer past! This is a place of amity. Keep yer anger to yerself!”

  I gave a slight nod in understanding, my gaze fallen to the ground.

  “Perhaps you are right.”

  All the knights tried to recall that same fateful day, but it seemed to turn into quite the struggle. It all seemed to be a blur to each and every one of them. No one seemed to remember, but it wasn’t until Ulric’s expression suddenly turned grim that when the tension was finally released. It wasn’t long until he interrupted the silence.

  “That poor defenceless woman? That night in Hadrian?”

  I narrowed my eyes into an earnest stare and softly replied with, “Yes.”

  Fendril gave a sigh of grief, finally remembering that one abysmal day.

  “We had no actions of our own.”

  I frowned, my gaze following him as he strolled away towards Ulric.

  “What do you mean you had no actions of your own?”

bsp; “We were possessed,” Ulric started, “We don’t know how, when or why, but I assure you that we never intended to kill an innocent that night.”

  I remained silent as I thoroughly listened to what he had to say.

  “When a sharp blade pierced my body it was as though all intruding darkness escaped and left me to witness the final moments of what I had done, memories of the past few hours rushing into my head like an open flood. My vision was clear once again and I saw Rowan, our companion, on the ground, clutching a large gaping wound in his stomach, blood welling from the cut and pooling around his body.”

  He shot a blaming stare at Latham who gave only a shy and somewhat guilty grin, quickly raising his hand ever so slightly to take the culpability.

  “Sorry, that might have been me.”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Ulric said, his tone displaying signs of secrecy.

  “Anyways, we still regret what we have done, even though our minds were not there.”

  I do believe that this was a worthy explanation, for as far as I knew, these guys would never kill for pleasure or for acts of darkness. They were patriotic to their duties and for some reason it felt like I could trust them.

  In summary: They were nice guys!

  Ulric suddenly met my eyes with a deep stare. His thumb and index finger were clutching his chin, his lips pursed as he was lost deep in thought and memory.

  “Wait, I know you.”




  THE AIR OUTSIDE WAS RATHER REFRESHING, but I didn’t even bother to revel in the moment.

  Well, the loneliness did quite suit me. I paced around aimlessly as I awaited Carlaylin and Justin’s return, but no such luck.

  “What is taking those two?” I murmured impatiently, approaching the ruins, careful not to make the same mistake as those two simpletons as I leaned in closer to the edge. I tried to see if I could spot anything useful, but was careful to keep my distance and treaded cautiously.

  “Ah, who am I kidding? I couldn’t care less if they were dead.”

  Before fate could get me back for all I have done in my past, I stepped back. Yet my gaze remained on the ruined structure, but an abrupt and unfavourable growl had my eyes broadening.

  Almost instantly I swung around, but gave a menacing smile the soon as my eyes caught sight of Ramses, leisurely approaching me with half a deer leg bitten between his teeth.

  I gave a step towards the massive beast with one hand behind my back. “Oh, why aren’t you lovely?” I said, obviously referring to the fresh deer leg.

  My eyes met Ramses’.

  “I think you’ve had quite enough for one day.” Ramses kept staring at me most unsettlingly with those emerald eyes of his. He responded with a snarl of rejection to my desires. That was rather unwanted. No one keeps Nemtris Darkblood from what she wants!

  I took another few steps closer with a forced grin.

  “Surely you do not need it anymore?” It was clear that Ramses was no closer to submission.

  “Please, I beg of you. Just give me that leg!”

  My anger was starting to work up and the more Ramses refused, the more I felt willing to stand up against him and get it into my own possession. Ramses gave a step back, bearing his teeth even more so. It was undoubted that my desire to experiment on this amusing specimen would be postponed.

  “Oh, forget this! I have had enough of this sick kindness!” I snapped, surrendering this fake personality I’ve been trying to pull.

  “Give me that!” I demanded as I went for the leg. I grasped the hoof and pulled it towards me, but the damned tiger just wouldn’t let go! With each pull the tiger gave a livid growl, not daring to fail and lose what’s left of its prey.

  “Let go!” I ordered whilst I put all the effort I could muster into the struggle.

  I knew there was trouble the soon as a glint of trickery appeared in his left eye. Ramses instantaneously let go of the leg without warning and sent me stumbling backwards, tripping and falling into that same ruined gap as the others. I swore vengeance and a curse upon him, but I was too busy crashing and falling to properly think about it.

  To be honest, I found this rather offensive, but decided to ignore it for the time being. The pain and the constant hitting made it fairly easy to forget. I rolled down the rocky slope, getting soaked by the icy waters of the stream. I tumbled continuously. I was starting to think that there was no end to this ordeal, yet all I could think of was my glorious victory over the leg.

  As I was getting used to the constant hits, I was shot forward and fell with my back on a wet earthen surface. I slowly opened my eyes and witnessed a stunning sight. It looked like an open skylight, overgrown with vegetation. The skylight was created of ruined stone that collapsed to the ground long ago, leaving wooden rafters exposed and the gloom of the forest beyond. Warm rays of bright sunlight pierced through the forest-gloom and rained down on me, making it possible to see the bits of ancient dust floating around in mid-air. The rafters were completely overtaken by ancient vines – so unique, so fragile. A blue bird suddenly perched itself on one of the rafters, joining its several friends. A single feather gradually rained down from above.

  I noticed that I was still clutching the deer leg tightly to my chest.


  “Am I in heaven or in a paradise in this hell of a world?” I asked myself, my gaze still focused intently on this amazing sight, my eyebrows knitted with slight apprehension.

  “You’re still in hell, Nemtris,” said a fairly familiar voice. I frowned in question of whom, but soon recognised it to be Carlaylin. I failed to fight back a loud and miserable sigh.

  I stood without another moment’s hesitation, facing the direction of Carlaylin’s solemn voice. She stood near a pavilion, facing me with bewildered eyes. As I got a better bearing of my surroundings, I noted it to be of an old ruined… castle? What made it stranger was that there stood five peculiar men spread out across the entire area, all staring at me.

  “Am I interrupting something?” I asked hesitantly, somewhat muttering. I guess no one heard me, or most likely paid no attention to it.

  “Finally! Someone who shares mah point of view!” one of them said, probably referring to my theory of Ysellian being a living hell. He sat on the edge of the platform.

  “What the…?” No doubt I was quite confused. Just imagine the anger I was trying to keep hidden. They have a little tea party down here whilst I waited outside for what seemed like ages!

  “Nemtris?” asked Justin, shocked by my sudden appearance.

  “What are you doing here?” Might I not have been wanted around here? I am touched!

  “I prefer you not to ask!” I answered lividly, raising my hand to show him my snakelet as a quick warning. No doubt it worked. Justin was immediately petrified and took a few steps back.

  “Now tha’s mah kinda woman!” The same man called out. I shot him an infuriated scowl in dire hope that he would stay out of this. He absolutely repels me!

  “Oh, shut it, Harry!” This man was hairier than a baboon wrapped in a bear pelt during the winter solstice!

  Carlaylin sighed. It was clear that I might’ve disturbed her little chitchat… I congratulate myself on a job well done then. Frankly I couldn’t care less.

  “I thought you said you would wait outside?” Carlaylin asked, sounding a little annoyed. I’m surprised she heeded my words during her fall.

  “What? Am I not allowed to slip and fall nowadays?”

  She only shook her head but slightly, absolutely exasperated.

  Carlaylin knew better than to leave the introductions. “Nemtris, this is Ulric, Fendril, Kilmore, Latham and Roberts.” She indicated who they were as she continued. “Ulric, Fendril, Kilmore, Latham and Roberts, meet Nemtris.”

  With the introductions underhand, perhaps I could finally attain the answers I was so desperately looking for…

  I folded my a
rms. “Mind you telling me where these bloats all came from? You can’t expect me to believe that they have been living down here or this might have been some mere coincidence…”

  Fendril stepped forward.

  “Ah, why, mademoiselle, we come from ze Realm of ze Void.” I couldn’t help but frown.

  “The Realm of the Void? But that would mean you’re all-”

  “Aye! Dead, love. None else!” Kilmore cut in. I slowly nodded in understanding, feeling the cold presence of the usual undead all of a sudden.

  “It’s our prison for our past actions,” Ulric said, “We are doomed to this godforsaken ruin, so called Elimor, until we have paid the price and the prophecy has been fulfilled.”

  Both my eyebrows knitted at the thought. I rested both my hands on my hips and failed to fight back a sigh and a doubted – somewhat tired – stare.

  “There is always a prophecy, isn’t there? Fine. Let’s hear it and get it over with then.”

  Fendril was the one to step forward this time. He must love poetry for he didn’t hesitate to volunteer for this.

  “To ze rising of a threat, zere iz only one. As blood spill, zere is none to be done. Enemy to ally, ally to foe. No strife to be won. Guided by ze star. Aid by a key. To stop ze rising hell, she must sacrifice all through a dying soul.”

  “Interesting,” I said, actually at a loss for words for a change.

  “It’s really disheartening, actually,” Latham added. I noticed Roberts to be nodding along at his statement.

  “Then I won’t discourage you in asking for much detail.” To be honest, I looked at the prophecy with no heed. Let it be others’ problem. Frankly I would only be interested in it if it mentioned something about Merlin and I. I noted my struggle to fight back a loving grin. I just pray that Kilmore didn’t misinterpret it…

  A thought suddenly rushed into my head as I recalled on their actual forms… ethereal. Opportunity struck me.

  “Err, if you are dead, then where are your cadavers?” Kilmore leaned in closer with an untrusting frown.


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