Book Read Free

A New Beginning

Page 1

by Dennis Miller

  A New Beginning

  Written by

  Dennis Miller

  Copyright © 2016 by Dennis Miller.

  ISBN: Softcover 978-1-5245-6824-5

  eBook 978-1-5245-6823-8

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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  Rev. date: 12/07/2016






  First Impressions

  The Trees

  Old and New

  A New Beginning

  What I Think

  Working Together


  Now we’re here


  Listen close






  End of the line


  The little things


  Another poem

  Don’t give up


  The End

  A compilation of thoughts bouncing around in my head.

  While writing this book, it more or less told me how it wanted to be written. I would start an idea and run with it and if I got stuck I would just step back for a while then come back later. I would also start poems and not finish them, so before I knew it; I would have a lot of half written poems. When I started typing the book out on the computer however; the poems started finishing themselves. Another important part of my writing process is music. Once I turn up some of my music and I have my writing journal in front of me, I know that I am going to write something worthwhile.

  This book is dedicated to my family.

  Thank you for staying with me through all the tough times I have been through while growing up.


  This is the intro

  I hope you like it

  Don’t worry about other things

  Take it easy



  I promise

  You won’t regret it

  First Impressions

  What do I do?

  How am I supposed to dress?

  Can’t stop trying to fix my stubborn hair.

  This isn’t acceptable, I need to impress.

  I grab my coat and fly out the door.

  Keeping my hands steady, maintaining my rapid heartbeat.

  I can shed this stress and do better than before.

  The nerves of an anxious animal now set in place with no retreat.

  Time to call them back.

  Brush off the self-doubt.

  This time, mention your skills,

  and what your all about.

  The Trees

  I was as tall as a Redwood

  Or as tall as one should be anyway

  100 feet to be exact

  But never mind where I now lay

  I may be in Florida

  Or I may be in Baltimore

  But don’t look too hard

  Because I may be as close as your front door

  I was once a home for animals

  And I provided shade

  But this is when I was alive

  And before “they” started to invade

  They are smaller than us

  And they have to use tools

  We can just take their tools away

  These humans are just a bunch of fools

  The humans think they are strong

  But intelligence is what they lack

  Mother Nature is stronger

  She will always get them back.

  Old and New

  Take something old

  And use it to make something new

  I write these words

  On the same belief window that I look through

  It’s a cycle

  One that you can trust

  Even when you doubt it

  And your faith begins to rust

  I can’t tell

  If you are listening or not

  But I can teach my teachings

  And you can tell me what you thought

  A New Beginning

  There is a journey

  That comes with every road

  But it is up to you

  To determine the weight of your load

  It’s important to know where you’re going

  And to compare yesterday with today

  Don’t worry about not having a map

  Because a true friend will lead the way

  I will focus on my own journey

  And you focus on yours

  But if your road ever becomes dark

  I will light the torch that guides you.

  What I Think

  What I think

  Is what I know

  But it could take awhile

  For me to let it show

  You have to gain my trust

  Before you can understand

  Why I felt so insignificant

  Like the smallest grain of sand

  I am speaking clearly

  A man of a thousand voices

  But still, I can’t be heard

  Because none are loud enough to be noises

  Working Together

  Working together

  To make things clear

  Working together

  At least we have made it here

  Working together

  Don’t wait for me

  Separated forever

  This is the way it has to be

  We worked together

  Through the storm

  We made a good team

  Until our teamwork was torn


  Where are you?

  You said you would be here

  You made the promise

  Yet I don’t see you anywhere

  Did you forget?

  It’s not the first time

  I have gotten used to it

  This unforgivable crime

  You brought me pain

  And the thought is inconceivable

  My love for you

  Is now irretrievable

  Now we’re here

  Now we’re here

  In this labyrinth of defeat

  The walls of reality

  Set in concrete

  I thought it would never happen

  But I was consumed

  I planted my tree of hope

  Yet nothing bloomed

  So here we are now

  Taking it one step at a time

  I thought you’d want to hear the story

  So I wrote you this rhyme


  Where others see one thing

  I see another

  My family has been the same

  All through my sisters and brothers

  The chains of false hope

  Have rusted aw

  Then they are replaced

  By the fear of Sunday

  It took awhile

  But I’m an adult now

  And I didn’t need religion

  To show me how

  Listen close

  You entered the race

  But you’re stuck in dead last

  Held in the shadows

  A perfect outcast

  Some things are easier

  Then another

  But if you just try

  Maybe we can get along with each other

  Just keep this in mind

  Before you make the choice

  It’s Important for others

  To hear your voice



  They come and go

  Sometimes they appear

  Without letting you know

  You have two settings

  Two modes

  Two choices

  You can accept

  Or you can deny





  You can take the opportunity

  Or you can take the next bus home

  It is up to you

  But either way

  There is a result to your actions

  Take your ideas

  Crumple them into a plan

  And take action



  They are here

  They are there

  They are everywhere

  Choices all around

  It’s hard to decide

  I thought I wanted this one

  But then I changed my mind

  Choices can make you

  Or they can break you

  Sometimes the bike trail of choices can get rough

  But stay strong

  Even when you’ve had enough

  Trust me

  It’ll get better

  Just make the right choices

  And enjoy the weather


  Is the world transparent?

  Maybe to you

  But I know better

  You don’t even have a clue

  You look at the world through a window

  So do I

  So does he

  So does she

  I’m afraid your window is dirty

  But don’t worry

  You can clean it

  You think your situation is special?

  Well trust me

  I’ve seen it

  Think you’re the only one with problems?

  Well your wrong

  We all got em

  And we’re all stuck with em

  Until we decide to get up and clean our window

  Life is nothing but a never ending Ferris wheel of hate and confusion


  I have mine

  Just like you have yours

  Our feelings toward some things may be different

  But no harm intended right

  We can get along

  It’s not that hard

  Or is it?

  Were you trying to offend me


  Don’t talk

  You haven’t earned the right to speak

  You must first cross the labyrinth of swamps and tornadoes

  Aka, my life story


  So now your judging me?

  Well I can tell you

  I’m doing just fine complaining without your help

  No, but seriously

  If you are interested in helping me

  I will be playing the victim stance later

  Its ok if you don’t catch on the first time

  I will be more than happy to run you through my roller coaster of emotions again


  It may not be first

  But it’s better than last

  Unless of course you are in a one on one race

  Then, unfortunately

  My poems cannot generate enough sympathy for you

  Or can they

  Well ill certainly try if you do

  End of the line

  Wait just a second

  Stop right there

  Don’t go any further

  For this is the end of the line

  The finish line that is

  Or is it more

  Like a message

  Or a sign

  Or better yet

  The end of the line for you


  It’s none of those things

  Tomorrow it may be different

  But today it was a distraction

  While you were buying my end of the line speech

  You were passed

  And therefore lost the race


  I never said you had to listen to me

  That was your choice


  Is that it?

  You see and you know

  Or is there another aspect?

  Maybe you should talk with a therapist

  Or a help group

  Cause these thought are obviously not yours

  You must be sick

  Feeling under the weather?

  Well don’t worry

  Doctor Miller will put your rambling mind back together

  Or maybe on the contrary

  You should just go to the library

  The little things

  There’s big things

  And there’s little things

  And it’s the little thigs that matter

  You can’t build a house with a house

  That would take away all the learning experience

  Plus, you would be stealing

  You can’t build a big thing without the little things

  Work hard

  And the little things will follow


  This is my conclusion

  I hope you liked the book

  This is no illusion

  Just take a look

  I have a life

  And so do you

  You have to decide

  Whether it is old or new

  You’re the star of your life

  Others are just observers

  You control your destiny

  Just like everyone else

  And what’s left of me

  Another poem

  This is another poem

  By Dennis Miller in fact

  Will you be the judge?

  Can you tell me what my poem lacked?

  I suppose you can’t judge a poem without a poem

  Or a book without pages

  This has been true

  Throughout the ages

  It’s just another poem

  It’s nothing new

  But while I’m reading

  Remember that I wrote this one for you

  Don’t give up

  Don’t give up

  Your half way there

  It’s not that hard

  Just stop, record, and compare

  You’ve been kicked

  And you’ve been scolded

  But that’s no excuse

  Move past the abuse

  Look forward to life

  Look forward to living

  Just talk to someone

  It’s time for some visiting

  Don’t be afraid

  You’re not the first

  It’s hard t
o talk

  And your far from the worst

  Just put on a smile

  And learn from yesterday


  You know

  I was thinking

  Why some poems are blue

  If your into that

  I could change this one as I read it to you

  Or would that be cheating

  Sorry, I’m new

  Or would it simply be repeating

  The feelings I feel each day through

  When you get the answer

  You know where to find me

  I will be sitting here thinking

  Writing poems and rhyming

  The End

  The end is near

  About 2 stanzas away

  Even when you reach that point

  I will still have more to say

  My poems may be short

  But the thought is what counts

  No intentions of lying

  Not even an ounce

  Now comes the time

  To bring things to a close

  Some things must come to an end

  That is just how it goes


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