Book Read Free


Page 21

by Marilee Brothers

  I finally connect the dots. You’re an idiot, Mel. I struggle to find the right words. “You’re talking about your, um…”

  “Sexual preference,” he finishes.

  I avert my eyes. My cheeks grow hot. After all, he is my dad. “Yeah, that.”

  I struggle to find the right words. “Have you seen the dark shape in other people’s souls?”

  “Yes, in the souls of people who are struggling with a life-changing decision. Once the dark shape stays in a fixed position, it indicates the decision has been made.”

  “So, it’s a good thing.”

  He rises and pats my cheek. Before he slips through the door, he says, “Yes, mi hija, it is a very good thing. I’ll be in touch.”


  Kendra and I sit on a park bench while little Aaron plays in the sand box. He uses a plastic shovel to load sand in the back of his toy dump truck, pushes it a few feet, dumps it out and starts over again. This is accompanied by Aaron’s special mantra: beep beep beep screech ruuuump-pa-dump. The baby, parked in his stroller next to the sandbox, claps his chubby hands and squeals with delight each time Aaron dumps the load.

  Kendra looks pale but determined. “Okay, what’s the plan?”

  “First, we have to get her out of the house. Aida doesn’t want to leave Destiny, so we’ll have to come up with something so compelling, so downright captivating, she won’t be able to resist. And, it has to be in the middle of the night when the Rockwells are sleeping. That way, the baby won’t be alone in the house.”

  “Sounds risky. They probably have an alarm system.”

  “I’m sure they do. I’ll check and see if Aida knows the code.”

  “So, what’s so compelling it will make Aida sneak out of Rockwell’s house in the middle of the night?”

  “I’m considering my options.”

  She rolls her eyes. “In other words, you don’t have a clue.”

  “I’ll come up with something.”

  Kendra stays quiet for a while. Finally, she asks, “Have you talked to Billy?”

  “Not since he stormed out of my place in a snit.”

  “I don’t think he should get involved in this. If something goes wrong, it might screw up his job opportunities.”

  “I agree. That’s why we need Uncle Paco.”

  Kendra smiles. “Now things are getting interesting.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  It’s two forty in the a.m. and we’re parked in the darkest place we can find adjacent to the Rockwell house. Kendra’s behind the wheel of her minivan. I’m riding shotgun. Paco is directly behind us, his breath warm on our necks.

  He says, “Remember, private security comes around every thirty minutes, on the top of the hour and thirty minutes later. Just like clockwork. I checked last night. If they see us parked here, they’ll be on us like white on rice.”

  I glance at the clock again. “That gives us twenty minutes if Aida shows up on time.”

  Kendra shoots me a quick glance. “If.”

  “She’ll be here. Maybe on time. Maybe not. If Destiny’s fussy or the Rockwells are up for some reason, she’ll have to wait. I told her to try and keep Destiny awake longer than usual so she’s sleeping soundly when Aida leaves.”

  Kendra says, “Are you serious?”

  She doesn’t wait for an answer. “You don’t know jack about babies, Mel. If they’re tired, they sleep. Good luck trying to keep them awake.”

  I mutter, “It’s worth a try.”

  Paco reaches over the seat back and massages my shoulders. “You’re tight as a tick. Try to relax. We’ll get her outta that house one way or another.”

  “Okay,” Kendra says. “What exactly did you tell Aida that is so compelling, she’ll come trotting out of Rockwell’s house and jump into my car.”

  I’m getting a little ticked off. “Hey, I told you if you had a good idea, speak up.”

  Paco squeezes the back of my neck, hard enough to get my attention. When he speaks, it sounds like he’s talking to a couple of two-year-olds. “Now, ladies. Let’s not get hostile. Mel, I believe you should answer Kendra’s question.”

  I take a big breath and begin. “I figured the only way to get Aida out of Rockwell’s house was to tell her I had information about Larissa’s baby.”

  I pause and glance over at Kendra. Her eyes are narrow with suspicion.

  “So,” I continue. “That’s what I told her. I said I’d tell her where the baby is.”

  “Does she think you’re taking her to the baby?”

  “I may have given her that impression.”

  “Oh, she’ll really like that. Especially when she finds out the kid is in San Francisco.”

  I say. “Once we get her into the car, hit the gas. She’ll have no choice but to go with us.”

  Kendra shoots me a look. “That’s your plan? Lie to the poor girl, get her into the car and then, speed away.”


  “What happens after that?”

  “We take her to your house where you calm her down. Tell her you need her to help take care of the baby. Whatever. And, I’ll explain about going to the authorities in the morning, so they can arrest the Rockwells and get Destiny.”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” Kendra moans. “We’re doomed.”

  Paco comes to my rescue. “It could work. A lot of it depends on you, Kendra. Mel said this chick, Aida, is nuts about babies. So, she’ll be going through baby withdrawal when she doesn’t have Destiny. You’ve got a kid, right?”

  I can tell Kendra is listening to Paco whereas; she was blowing me off. So I keep my lip zipped.

  “Yes, I’ve got a couple of them.”

  “And one of them is a rug rat?”

  “Six months old.”

  “Perfect,” Paco declares. “Like Mel says, tell her you need help, big time. Without it, you might just have to go to the booby hatch and your hubby won’t be able to cope without you.”

  Kendra thinks it over. “Yeah, I guess that might work.”

  While Paco is mesmerizing Kendra, I dash off a text to Aida. R U coming?

  The answer comes quickly. Baby fussy.

  I text back. We’ll wait.

  A few minutes before the hour, Paco says, “Better move the car.”

  I reach for the door handle. “I’m staying here in case she comes out and the car’s gone.” Before Paco can grab me, I slip out the door and scoot behind the trunk of a massive pine tree bordering the Rockwell property. I hear the car window zip down and Paco’s hoarse whisper, “Damn it, Mel. Get your butt back in here.”

  “No way,” I hiss. “I see headlights coming. Get going.”

  Kendra punches the accelerator before Paco can come after me. My phone buzzes. Text from Aida. Now I come.

  The security guy, driving a white pick-up, approaches the Rockwell’s house. My hands are shaking as I fumble with my phone. No, no. Wait 5 min. Security guy out front. Geez, I had no idea kidnapping someone was so difficult.

  The white truck stops a few yards away from my hiding place. The beam of a spotlight dances across the trees and shrubs. I pull the hood of my sweatshirt over my head and crouch at the base of the tree. I hold my breath, listen to my heart thudding in my chest and pray Aida sees my text. Finally, the truck pulls forward and I gasp for air. When I stand, my head swims and I see shooting stars behind my eyes. I brace my hands against my knees and take a couple of deep breaths until my vision clears.

  I text Aida again. He’s gone, come now.

  I take a step away from the tree and see headlights again. Kendra or someone else? I duck back behind the tree until the minivan stops in the shadows.

  I hurry over to the car. “She’s coming. Get ready.”

  Kendra presses a button and the passenger door in the back slides open. I step away from the car and move to where I can see the front door, fully illuminated by a porch light. Suddenly, the light goes off and I think, smart girl, Aida. I peer through the darkness and see movement as Aida d
arts through sheltering trees, well away from the massive front lawn. She’s almost to the car when I notice she’s carrying something. Something wrapped in a blanket. Something making a mewling sound, I swear, my heart stops, just for a moment.

  “Oh, shit.” I cry. “She brought the baby. We can’t take the baby.”

  Yes, I panicked. Kidnapping an illegal immigrant is one thing, but the baby? Federal prison, here we come. I see shooting stars again and slump against the side of the car.

  When Kendra speaks, her voice is calm and authoritative. “Don’t panic. Get her in the car. We’ll think of something.”

  I hear her but the words don’t penetrate. “Aida,” I whisper as she approaches. “Why did you bring the baby? We can’t take her…we can’t.”

  Aida narrows her eyes at me. “Baby fussy, so I bring.”

  “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God,” I moan.

  Kendra appears by my side. “Hi Aida. I’m Mel’s friend, Kendra. Why don’t you get in the car and we’ll get everything sorted out.”

  Kendra guides her into the back seat. Aida gives a little squeal of alarm when she sees Paco. He rumbles, “Hello, you sweet thing. I know I look like a big, mean Mexican, but actually, I’m really a nice guy. Just ask Mel. I’m her Uncle Paco.”

  Kendra grabs my arm. “Get a grip. We have to get Destiny back into Rockwell’s house.” She shoves me into the car, slams the door and trots around to the driver’s side. Once inside, she turns to the back seat and coos, “I haven’t seen Destiny forever. Can I hold her?”

  Aida thinks it over for a moment and then hands her over. Kendra drops a kiss on the baby’s forehead and bounces her until she stops fussing. Aida hands her the pacifier. “She likes her binky, too.”

  Kendra pops the binky into Destiny’s mouth. “So, Aida, how did you get out of the house? Did you turn the alarm off?’

  “Yes, I know code. I turn it off.”

  “So,” Kendra says. “Is it still off? Can you get back in?”

  “Yes, I turn it on when I go back inside. Door not locked.”

  Kendra thrusts Destiny into my arms and whispers, “Go. We’ll drive around for a few minutes. If we’re not here, wait behind the tree.”

  I tuck Destiny in the crook of my left arm and jump out of the van. As I shut the door, I hear Kendra engage the child locks and Aida wailing, “Noooo.”

  Kendra peels out. I’m filled with dread as I watch her taillights disappear around a corner. I glance down at the baby. She stops sucking on the pacifier and smiles up at me. I murmur, “I’m sorry, baby. I wish I didn’t have to take you back.” One of my tears plops down on her cheek and her eyes widen in surprise.

  It takes every bit of will power I possess to re-trace Aida’s path through the trees. First, I have to convince my feet to walk toward the house, not run in the opposite direction. I creep onto the darkened front porch and try the door. As promised, it is unlocked.

  My next big hurdle is to actually enter the house. I make sure Destiny is still latched onto her pacifier before I step into the cavernous foyer. I shut the door behind me and wait a beat before heading for the stairs. My right foot is on the bottom step when I hear a toilet flush. I freeze. Frightening scenarios race through my mind. What if the Mister has the munchies and is heading downstairs for Cheese Doodles and a nightcap? What if the Missus needs a Perrier? Should I hide? Take the baby and run? What?

  Apparently my panic translates to a tighter grip on Destiny. She squeaks in alarm. I loosen my grip and rock her back and forth. “Shhh, baby, it’s okay.”

  The sound of receding footsteps emboldens me and I creep up the stairs, my heart pounding in my ears. I pause to listen when I reach the top and glance to the left where the Rockwell’s bedroom is located. The door is ajar. Not good. Gripped by a sense of urgency, I turn right and creep down the hall to the nursery. A dim glow leaks from beneath the closed door. I open it carefully and slip through, closing it behind me. Five steps to the crib, Mel, and you’re outta here. I’m so focused on the crib, I don’t see the teddy bear lying on the floor. I step on it. The teddy bear emits a loud squeak. I stumble, almost fall and Destiny screams in fright. Aw, shit.

  No time to panic. I plop Destiny into her crib and pat her back. She screams louder. I need to get out of here. Now. When I turn toward the door, I hear footsteps approaching the nursery. Out of options, I dash into Aida’s darkened room, climb into her bed and pull the covers over my head.

  The nursery door opens. I sense her presence before she speaks. When she does, her voice is sharp with anger. “Aida. For Christ’s sake, get up and take care of Addison. Can’t you hear her screaming her head off?”

  I pray she won’t flip on the overhead light. I peek out from beneath the blanket, making sure my hair is covered. In my best Aida imitation, I say, “So sorry, Missus. You go back to bed. I take care of baby. Coming right now.” I fake a yawn, rustle the covers and plant one foot on the floor. She waits a beat, huffs her disgust, turns and stomps away.

  Acutely aware of time passing, I do my best to comfort Destiny. I need to get out before Paco comes barreling into the house. When the baby’s outraged screams subside to an occasional hiccup, I whisper my apology again. “Sorry to leave you, Destiny, but it won’t be for long. I promise.”

  I make sure the pacifier is lodged firmly in her mouth before tiptoeing from the room. I have to force myself not to race down the stairs like a woman possessed. With my luck I’d probably miss a step, cartwheel to the bottom, break an ankle and get caught by the evil one. With this in mind, I make my stealthy exit from the Rockwell house without incident. Once outside, I pick up speed, praying the minivan will be parked in the shadows.

  It’s not. Of course it isn’t. Could anything else go wrong with this royally fucked-up kidnapping? I duck behind my tree and wait.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  I soon find out why the troops are missing. Five minutes later—seems like an hour—the minivan cruises into the shadows and stops. I sprint to the car and jump into the front seat.

  “Sorry, Mel,” Kendra punches the accelerator. She leans close and whispers, “Aida was hysterical and screeching so loud I was afraid somebody would hear.”

  I turn and check out the back seat. Paco, crooning in Spanish, holds Aida against his chest, his free hand gently massaging her pregnant belly. She’s whimpering and snuffling, but clings to Paco like he’s the lone life raft in a tossing sea.

  Kendra says, “What happened in there? Paco was about go in after you.”

  I fill her in on operation baby insertion. When I describe the teddy bear incident, she gasps.

  Paco switches to English. “You were lucky, chicka. Never do that again. Promise Uncle Paco.”

  I nod vigorously.

  Aida draws a hitching breath. “Addison is okay?”

  “Yes. She was sleeping when I left. When she wakes up, the Missus will have to act like a mother for a change.”

  Oh, how I’d love to be a fly on the wall when she finds out Aida is gone.

  “You take me to Larissa’s baby now?”

  Through gritted teeth, I whisper to Kendra. “You didn’t tell her?”

  Kendra flashes me a cheesy smile. “We decided to let you do the honors.”

  “Thanks a bunch.”

  I turn in my seat and reach for Aida’s hand. She looks up at Paco. He nods and keeps patting her tummy.

  I grip her hand and tell her Larissa’s baby has now been sold to the Krugers and is living in California. I see shock register on her face. She makes a sound so mournful, so full of misery; I feel hot tears spring to my eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Aida. I didn’t want to lie to you, but we had to get you away from the Rockwells or the same thing will happen to your baby. She will be taken from you and sold for a lot of money. And, what’s worse, you’ll end up in Portland, forced into prostitution.”

  She stops moaning. “What does this word mean? Prostitution?”

  Paco defines the word, using gra
phic terms.

  Aida gasps. “Oh, I cannot do that. It is for bad girls. I am a good girl.”

  “Exactly why we had to kidnap you tonight,” I say.

  “Kidnap?” she asks.

  Paco explains.

  “Now, what we do?”

  Kendra says, “Now, you stay with me and help with my children. Would you do that for me?”

  Aida thinks it over. She pats Paco’s cheek. “Will big Mexican man be there?”

  “As long as you need me, Sweet Cheeks.”

  “What are these cheeks you speak of?”

  Paco tells her. She giggles.

  I’m thinking, thank God for Uncle Paco.

  It’s an hour before dawn when we pull into Kendra’s driveway. The house is lit up like a Christmas tree. Billy’s Harley is parked next to the garage.

  “Boyfriend alert. Get ready,” Kendra says.

  We pile out of the van, Aida still clinging to Paco.

  Craig and Billy are in the kitchen, drinking coffee. Both look grim.

  Craig strides to Kendra and pulls her into a hug. “What took you so long? I was getting worried.”

  She wraps her arms around his neck nuzzles his cheek. “Complications. Everything is okay.” With a quick glance at Billy, she grabs Craig’s hand. “Let’s get Aida settled.”

  She drags him from the room, leaving me alone with Billy. His soul burns bright with fury and frustration.

  He stands, arms folded across his chest, staring down at me. “What the hell, Minnie? Why didn’t you tell me? We could have figured out a better way. Damn, girl, you just orchestrated a kidnapping. What if the Rockwells go to the cops?”

  “They won’t. They’ll think Aida ran away. What are they going to do? Tell the world their illegal, pregnant nanny is missing? Trust me, they don’t want to draw attention to themselves. Not with what’s at stake.”

  I take a step toward him. Lift my hands in supplication. “Kendra and I thought it best not to involve you in case, you know, if…”

  “Exactly.” Billy says. “In case it went belly up and you got arrested. And that could have happened. Quite easily.”

  “We didn’t want to jeopardize your future.”


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