Book Read Free

The Dating Game

Page 33

by Sandy Barker

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  For this special ‘Where are they now?’ recap, I sent my spies to the corners of not only Britain, but Australia and they found some particularly juicy titbits about the cast and crew. And, of course, I consider it my civic duty to pass those along to you.

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  Let’s start with a season favourite, the delightful Kaz. Our feisty redhead returned to Perth well rested after her holiday she was booted off the show, and on her very first day at a new building site, met the affable Carl―foreperson, single father, and a damned nice fellow to boot. They have been dating ever since, and Kaz gets along famously with his two littlies, twins Carla and Darla, or as she calls them, Carls and Darls.

  * * *

  Wannabe actress Justine got her much hoped for ratings boost from appearing on The Stag and signed with a mid-sized talent agency in Sydney. She was last seen draped across a rather luxurious sports car at the annual Sydney Car Show, saying that the gig was a steppingstone to something grander―no doubt she’s on track to replace Cate Blanchett in Medea. Her relationship with camera operator, Tim, burned brightly for approximately three-and-a-half weeks before they realised that the only thing they had in common was a strong physical attraction to the other.

  * * *

  Daphne, British blue blood and thawed ice queen, returned to England more determined than ever to escape the stifling clutches of her family and their failing fortune. She has recently taken on a role at a not-for-profit that supports girls’ education in developing nations, putting all that volunteering experience (literally) to work. She’s just moved into a modest flat in Crouch End and Daphne 2.0 has been known to leave the flat wearing jeans (imagine that!) and sans her (formerly) ubiquitous string of pearls.

  * * *

  Our Stevie landed in Adelaide just in time to (generously) collect her girlfriends from the airport post their trip to Thailand and, though she still regrets the decision to forego the holiday to appear on The Stag, she remains close to Abby, Daphne, Becca, and Kaz, catching up with them regularly on WhatsApp. She remains single but hopeful that she will meet someone special when ‘the universe decides she’s ready’. I hope so, as the universe certainly wasn’t playing fair when it shoved Daniel in her path. Still, it’s a testament to her strength of character that she wasn’t permanently ruined for love by her time spent with Staggy.

  * * *

  Speaking of …

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  It’s rumoured―and my spies had to dig deep into the muck to find this juicy gossip―that Daniel has become a frequenter of nightclubs where he’s amassed a bevvy of hangers on beauties, average age 21.3. No longer on the search for a wife―being turned down by both Abby and Becca must have dented his ego irreparably―Daniel has instead opted to relive his salad days, jumping from one (brief) affair to the next. I wonder where that leaves his plans for the wildlife sanctuary he seemed so keen on. Not to worry, Daniel. No doubt lavishing the young women of London’s club scene with tawdry trinkets is just as worthy a cause as saving endangered animals from poachers.

  * * *

  Beautiful Becca is wrapping up her final year of studies and about to head into the world of Data Science (whatever that may be, as even after having it explained to me, it still sounds like a made up profession). After she awakened from a weeks’ long stupor, realising during the show’s finale that she was not in love with Daniel the Dick (as Kaz so eloquently called him) after all, she shifted her amorous attentions onto the show’s director, Handsome Harry. Harry, being one of those men who is oblivious when a woman is (quite obviously) attracted to him took a while to twig. But eventually it occurred to him that frequent flirtatious texts from a beautiful woman were, in fact, a clue that she might actually like him. He asked her out and they have now been dating for some time. He even introduced her to his parents recently, proving that good things do come to those who wait (and persist).

  I smile to myself as I write that last part. Harry really was so dim. I finally had to ask Jack to tell him to stop being such an idiot and ask Becca out. They are so adorable together, and it has been one of the loveliest parts of the last few months―the four of us spending time together. That’s right. I not only have a boyfriend and a new girlfriend, but a (sort-of) brother too.

  It’s been a bit manic, though, all this back and forth. I spent an extra couple of weeks in Sydney after the show finished filming, getting to know ‘Jack’s Sydney’ as well as the man himself, and then I flew home to see Mum, Lisa, and Aunty Lo. I’d missed them so much.

  Jack wasn’t far behind me, as he wanted to meet Mum face to face and see my little corner of the world. It’s funny how what I thought was an incredibly small existence turned out to be so much more when there was someone to share it with.

  And Jack was (as expected) a hit with my family. Aunty Lo took one look at him and said in an incredibly loud stage whisper, ‘Ooh, he’s bit of all right.’ I would have died of embarrassment on the spot if Jack hadn’t handled it like a pro. ‘Now, now, Lois, I know you’re the naughty one in the family and as tempting as that may be, I only have eyes for Abby.’ She swatted him and giggled like a schoolgirl. Lise pulled me aside later that evening. ‘Oh, Abs, he’s just brilliant. I’m so happy for you.’

  And most importantly, Mum absolutely loves him. When I got home, she went on and on about how lovely he was to her when she was filming her part as Doe Abby’s mum. ‘You should have seen the enormous flower arrangement he sent as a thank you, Abigail. It was so large, I couldn’t see your Aunty Lo on the other side of the kitchen table!’ Meeting him in person and spending time with him really sealed the deal. I almost suspect Mum would trade me for Jack if she were forced to choose between us.

  Tomorrow I fly out to Sydney―this time for three months, as I’ve teed up a job at a women’s magazine. Actually, it was Prue who set it up―pushing that little bird out of the nest, as promised. I’ll be a guest feature writer and if the stint goes well, it could become permanent. Me―a staff writer at a proper magazine! Though, I think I might miss writing as Anastasia. She really is a fun part to play.

  That’s why I’ve written this recap. It’s just for me, of course―it could never see the light of day.

  My phone chimes with a message alert and seeing Jack’s name on the screen, I smile.

  Fly safe gorgeous. I can’t wait to see you. J xxxxx

  Likewise, Mr Freeman. Likewise.

  Oh, and just one more thing―an end cap to my final recap.

  And what about everyone’s favourite Dark Horse, Abby?

  * * *

  Well, first off, she should be applauded and lauded for managing to leave Stag Manor with her secret identity intact―huzzah! I am in awe that she pulled it off, as there were more than a few nerve-wracking moments that had this recapper biting her proverbials.

  * * *

  But best of all … not only did Abby find life-long friendship amongst the cast and crew and her Happily Ever After with the lovely (and gorgeous) Jack, she found one with herself. I can only imagine what incredible things she will do next.

  Cast of Characters


  Abigail ‘Abby’ Jones (a.k.a. Anastasia Blabbergasted), our heroine

  Lisa, Abby’s best friend since college

  Mum, Abby’s mother

  Prue, Abby’s editor at Feed Your Mind

  Jack, producer of The Stag

  Roberta, executive producer of The Stag

  Nadia, beauty therapist and makeup artist (makeover team)

  Günter, hair stylist (makeover team)

  Caitriona, clothing stylist (makeover team)

  Aunty Lo, Abby’s mum’s best friend and Abby’s unofficial aunty

  Ian, Lisa’s running partner and crush

  Angus, Abby’s ex-boyfriend


  Harry, Jack’s younger brother and director of The Stag in Sydney

  Carlie, crewmember on The Stag in Sydney

  Tim, camera operator for Th
e Stag in Sydney

  Silvia, editor of The Stag in Sydney

  Cast of The Stag in Sydney

  Gordo, the host

  Daniel, the Stag – a British banker (wanker)

  The Australian Does

  Becca (potential Bride) – from Sydney, Abby’s best friend in the Manor

  Kaz (Dark Horse) – from Perth, has a shock of red hair, friends with Abby and Becca

  Justine (potential Bride) – from Sydney, a wannabe actress

  Kylie (Villain) – from Queensland, has platinum-blonde hair, one half of the ‘Cruella Sisters’

  Merrin (Miscellaneous) – a cat lover from Tasmania

  Laura (Filler) – loves all things country music, from Tamworth

  Stevie (Interloper) – from Adelaide, a psychologist, resembles Karlie Kloss

  The British Does

  Daphne (potential Bride) – titled, posh, and snobby

  Tabitha (Filler)

  Ellie (Dark Horse) – brought a ventriloquist’s dummy of herself to the Manor

  Tara (Villain) – from the East End of London, has jet-black hair, one half of the ‘Cruella Sisters’

  Elizabeth (Miscellaneous) – a shy and quiet Reception teacher from Devon, friends with Abby

  Abby (Dark Horse) – a.k.a. our heroine and ‘Doe Abby’


  As we all know, 2020 was an incredibly trying year across the world (and 2021 has already had its challenges too), but something that came from that difficult time―when my home city of Melbourne was strictly locked down for the better part of the year―was this book.

  The idea came from a sweepstake at work. The Bachelor (or Bacchie, as we call it in Australia) was starting and for some mid-pandemic light relief, my colleagues created a sweepstake, with the pot going to whoever drew the winning Bachelorette. To add to the experience, I started writing recaps of each episode―snarky, funny recaps―which I would post in our group chat the morning after each episode aired.

  I mentioned the recaps to a close author friend, Andie Newton, one of my fellow Renegades. She asked to read one and immediately replied with, ‘This needs to be a book.’ I couldn’t imagine how a recap could turn into a book, but she came back with, ‘Write the story about the woman who writes the recaps.’ Genius. I bounced ideas off her and the other Renegades, Nina Kaye and Fiona Leitch, sent a sample chapter to my agent, Lina Langlee, and we pitched it to my editor at One More Chapter. Once I had the ‘thumbs up’ from my publisher, I researched, researched, researched―meaning I watched every episode of The Bachelor and continued to write my recaps. When the season was over, I sat down and wrote this book.

  An enormous thank you, Andie, for sparking the original idea and for being a brilliant sounding board in the planning stages. For a historical fiction author, you certainly have excellent ideas for romcoms. Thank you also to Nina and Fi, who have been right there with me throughout the entire authoring process and particularly for answering my endless ‘Does this sound British enough?’ questions. And thank you to Fi and Andie for being early readers and giving me (incredibly) helpful feedback.

  Thank you also to my lovely colleagues (and work friends) who ran the sweepstake, LOLed at my recaps (which spurred me on), and encouraged me, especially Carla, Natalie, Amanda, Dee, Shileen, Sam, and Keely.

  A huge shout out to my wonderful editors. Hannah Todd was still at One More Chapter when we pitched this book. Hannah, thank you for advocating for me and The Dating Game―I so appreciate it―and thank you for all I learnt from you while working on my first four books.

  To Jennie Rothwell, although you are new to One More Chapter, I already know that we are going to be a great team. Your inciteful feedback and your vision for this book have elevated my writing and I so look forward to working with you on my next books with One More Chapter. And speaking of … thank you so much to the incredibly hard-working team at One More Chapter, especially Charlotte Ledger and Bethan Morgan for being champions of my writing and for working so hard through the toughest of times.

  A big thank you to my (fabulous, talented, and dedicated) agent, Lina Langlee of The North Literary Agency. I so appreciate the leap of faith you took with me on this book, and your early feedback was instrumental in setting me up for success. And another big thank you to Julie Fergusson, also of The North, who stepped in while Lina was on maternity leave. Thank you for your expert guidance and unwavering support to help me get this book across the line.

  As always, I am grateful to my fellow authors for their support, their empathy, their trust, and their inspiring work. It is an honour and a privilege to be part of your community and I am constantly in awe of how generous you are and of your incredible work. A special mention and thank you to the volunteers who run our associations, the Romance Novelists Association (UK) and the Romance Writers Association (AU) for continuing to support and elevate the Romance genre. And thank you to my fellow #AusWrites-ers and #6amAusWrites-ers―I love our catchups on the socials and sometimes even in person!

  A special thank you to Julie Houston, who provided the cover quote for this book. Julie, I admire you as a writer, but also as a person―you are so generous, thoughtful, and talented. Thank you for taking time out of your incredibly busy schedule to read my book. It means the world to me that you loved it.

  And when I cheekily asked some other fellow romance authors if they’d like to do an early read, they all said yes! Thank you, Jessica Redland, Katie Ginger, Lucy Knott (and Kelly too), Rachael Stewart, Kiley Dunbar, and debut novelist and writing community maven, Anita Faulkner. I am also grateful to belong to the incredibly supportive (and aptly named) Author Support Network.

  Thank you also to the reading and reviewing community―the bloggers, podcasters, and reviewers who generously share their thoughts on reading and books―especially to the community of Chick Lit and Prosecco (particularly for supporting my cover reveal and the lead up to publication day); the Australian Romance Readers Association (particularly you, Debbie, for all your incredible work); Australian Book Lovers (Darren and Veronica) who have generously hosted me on their podcast twice; Kim the Bookworm (Kim Nash) for inviting me on Book Chat with Kim―you are not only a wonderful author in your own right, but a terrific supporter of our community; and to the Australian Writers Centre for hosting me on their podcast, ‘So You Want to Be a Writer?’ (thank you, Valerie and Allison). And I have worked with the wonderful Rachel Gilbey several times―Rachel, it is a pleasure to work with you and thank you for all you do to organise such incredible book blog tours.

  I always rely heavily on the support of my close friends and family, and my partner, Ben, to get through each stage of launching a book―from conception to publication and beyond. Ben, thank you for understanding that even minor milestones should be celebrated (and usually with bubbles). Thank you to my sis, Victoria, my mum, Lee, and dear friends, Lindsey, Jen, and Kate, for being early readers of this book and supporting and encouraging me. Thank you to the best, most supportive and loving parents and family a woman could ask for―your unwavering support is such a large part of why I get to do this wondrous thing, be an author. A special shout out to my Aunties, Linda, Candyce, Fran, Carmel, Karen, and Jenny. I am so fortunate to have such incredible role models in my life.

  And lastly, thank you, dear reader, for coming on this fun and fabulous journey with me, Abby, and the gang. I hope you had a blast!

  Thank you for reading…

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  You can also delve into all her previous books by just clicking on the covers below!

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  Happy reading!

  Sandy Barker is an Australian writer, traveller and hopeful romantic with a lengthy bucket list and a cheeky sense of humour.


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