Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 17

by Tey Holden

  Later that night, Karen commented about the change in Addy’s attitude. “How come you are all of a sudden calling yourself ‘family’?”

  “Why not? Whether I am or not a lesbian, the truth of the matter is that we are in a lesbian relationship. I really don’t want Alex to grow up confused about that. I mean the poor kid will have enough to deal with to also worry about whether one of her mother’s is, or is not a lesbian! Don’t you think so?”

  Karen remained quiet, grinning, as she kissed her behind the ear.


  “Yes, I agree.” Karen replied thinking that, sometimes, it was better not to comment on Addy’s silly responses. She just cuddled to the woman she adored and smiled silently. Of all the things on earth that Alex could contemplate, or have to deal with in her life, what could possibly make Addy think that her mother’s sexuality would rank high, or even matter at all in the whole scheme of things?

  Karen thought that the bigger issue for Alex would be that she was the daughter of a lesbian couple. Then, she smiled wondering if Addy would ever talk to Alex about her sexual uncertainties? Oh God! She might! She could just imagine the conversation where Addy used her own uncertainty to make a point and demonstrate the oddities of life. Karen continued to smile in the dark. She kissed her adorable brunette under her ear and thought that only God knew what she would ever do. Or did He? She chuckled again. Whatever she did, would happen, and there’d be no stopping it. She snuggled to her and kissed her again holding her tighter.

  “You love me, Blondie. You think I’m crazy, but you love me.”

  “With all my heart, love. I thought you were asleep.”

  “Nope. Your thoughts are keeping me awake.”

  Karen laughed. “My thoughts are keeping you awake?”


  “Are you sure, it’s just my thoughts?”

  Addy smiled and snuggled more to her. “Would you like me to tell you what else is keeping me awake?”

  Karen kissed her. “No need, Ms. Addy. I think I can figure that out on my own.” She kissed her on the head and continued to talk. “Sometimes I think that if I lived a million years it wouldn’t be long enough to love you.” Addy looked up and Karen combed a strand of her short brown hair back and kissed her.

  “I like it when you get mushy on me. Do you know that you never talk when we make love?”

  “That is not true!”

  “Okay, no. I’m sorry, my mistake, you do talk. Let me see if I can recreate your talk.”

  Karen grinned. She knew exactly what was coming. This wasn’t the first time this subject had come up.

  “It goes something like this, Addy! Addyyy? Aaaddy.” She was saying this in different tones and pitches. “Adriana, my Adriana. Addyyy ADDY!”

  “Okay, okay! I get it! You’ve made your point.” She paused for a moment. “I never knew you wanted me to talk more? I didn’t know I was doing something wrong.” She looked disappointed, almost sad.

  Addy pulled out of the embrace and combed her hair back. “You are not doing anything wrong, baby. I love the way we make love. I don’t think there are any words in the world that could substitute for what you do to me, even by just looking at me. Besides I love how you pronounce my name, even in different pitches.” Addy chuckled making Karen smile shyly.

  “So, no complaints?”

  “Nope, you are perfect. I told you that many years ago and I stand by my word. And you know me! If I had a complaint, you would know. I keep nothing from you. Ever.” She kissed her nose and then her lips.

  “So, what were you saying about living a million years for me?”

  Karen kissed her neck and up behind her ear. “Umm!”

  “There’s a reason why I don’t talk, you know?”

  Addy smiled. “What’s that?”

  “You take all of me.” Karen was the one combing her hair back now. Addy was very quiet listening.

  “It’s hard to explain. There’s so much I could say, but instead I become what I want to say instead.”

  Addy was quiet but smiling contently. “Then you do say a lot. At times I’ve wondered if I am the only living woman who has actually been to heaven.”

  Karen chuckled. Addy always made her feel special. “No, you are not the only one. I’m right there with you all the time.” Karen smiled. “I know one thing for sure. I couldn’t live a day without you. I wouldn’t want to.” She was serious now, her eyes turning to the intense dark color of green Addy loved.

  Addy could hardly speak. She let out some air, and spoke in an overwhelmed tone. “Ker, I need—.”

  “I know what you need, love.”

  Karen kissed her tenderly on each eye, her mouth and neck and continued kissing her. Addy laced her fingers into Karen’s hair, and moaned as Karen continued her southbound path. She came back up to kiss her lips, as their bodies became intertwined. “Is this it?”


  Karen ran her hands all the way along Addy’s back to where her hands could not reach further down. Just the pleasure of holding Addy in her arms and caressing her body was subliminal to her. “No, a million years wouldn’t be enough, Addy, I’d need eternity.”


  Melanie and Victoria became inseparable during Melanie’s visit. Melanie confirmed that the doctor did in fact bat for their team and that although nothing had happened physically between them, there was an undeniable attraction. Melanie even extended her stay, but there came a point where she couldn’t stay any longer because of her work at the hospital.

  “I hate to see you go, Melanie. You know I like you, but you are all the way in DC. You know, I was afraid to talk to you after I found out that you were a psychiatrist.”


  “I was afraid that you would start to psychoanalyze me.”

  “Why would I do that? Do you think you need psychoanalysis?”

  “No. I was afraid that as a psychiatrist you would do such a thing anyways.”

  “No. I only do that when I get paid, and believe me, I don’t come cheap! And, by the way, I came here to get away from work, and to have some fun with my friends.” She smiled as she finished her sentence.

  “Will you be coming back any time soon?”

  “I come, at least once a year. I love to spend time with Karen, Addy and Alex. They are my favorite people. But now I won’t be coming for a while. Do you think you may be visiting Washington any time soon?

  “I wasn’t planning on it. I don’t get out much. My work keeps me here. I recently bought some land and a house, and there’s a lot to do there. It’s about an hour south from here. I would like to build stables, board horses, and open a clinic. I have no greater aspirations.”

  Melanie wondered why Victoria was telling her all that. It was as if she needed to explain herself. Melanie decided to go in a little deeper now that the door to Victoria’s personal life had been cracked open. “What about love? You never mentioned anyone.”

  “No. There’s no one. How about you?” Victoria was short on words and quick not to miss any opportunity to dig into Melanie’s privacy as well.

  “No, no one either. Always been too busy, and the truth is that I’ve never met anyone I wasn’t scared of.”

  “What do you mean by that? What are you scared of?”

  “Well, when I was younger, I was always too busy studying and working, I was never really the party type. Then, one day I woke up and realized that at my age there were two types of women in the world. One, the Addy-Karen type with solid relationships, and the player type looking for the next conquest. I’m not a home breaker and certainly didn’t want to tangle myself with any player, so here I am, spending my vacation visiting my best friends and adoptive niece. Pathetic!”

  Victoria smiled. Melanie made it very clear that she was a lesbian. Victoria immediately grasped the opportunity. “I don’t think it’s pathetic. Since I’m not in a solid relationship like Addy and Karen, would you categorize me as a player?”

sp; Melanie smiled. Things were becoming very clear. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  “How would you categorize me then?”

  “Are you asking me as a doctor, or as a friend?”

  Victoria looked troubled. “As a friend?”

  “I’d say that you’ve had your share of play and you are looking for something real. You love your horses and cows, but you would like to find the part of you that is missing. So in that regard, you are checking out the psycho friend to see what’s going on there.”

  Victoria laughed out loud. She then looked to her feet and smoothed out the dirt with the tip of her boot. “I think I might like to visit Washington after all. But I would like to know that you have more than Addy, Karen and Alex as an interest around here.”

  “I see. Maybe I should buy a horse.” She smiled and Victoria cracked up laughing again. When they stopped laughing, Victoria came closer and kissed her. Melanie returned the kiss. Victoria’s hazel eyes were full of life. “Change your flight to Monday. Come with me.”


  “My place. I’d like to show it to you. I’d also let you psychoanalyze me. I might even pay you!”

  “And just why would you do that? And for that matter, what makes you think I would like to psychoanalyze you?” Melanie regretted her comment and tone the minute she finished making it.

  Victoria replied somewhat unsure. “In answer to your first question, because I want you to know more about me. In answer to your second question, because I thought you might want to.”

  Melanie looked at her. Victoria needed to talk and it looked like the talk could be promising. “Okay, I won’t lie. I want to. I need to pack my things. Would you take me to the airport on Monday?”

  “Yes, of course.”


  When Melanie entered the cottage to pack her things, she told Addy and Karen what had transpired. Karen was shocked. “And you are going to what? Are you crazy? We don’t know much about the doctor. We just met her the other day when you met her. How could you go off with her like that?”

  Melanie looked at Addy who was trying not to grin as she watched and listened to the conversation between the friends. Melanie spoke to Addy. “Is she for real?” Then she spoke to Karen.

  “Karen, for God’s sake! I’m a grown woman.” She paused and talked to Addy. “This is why we stopped being roommates many years ago.” Melanie turned to talk to Addy. “She used to go around doing whatever, but if I was ever going to do something it was the Spanish Inquisition all over again. I don’t know how you put up with this wacko person you have for a wife!”

  Addy continued to smile, enjoying Melanie’s rebuttal to Karen’s words of caution. “For your information, I do not waste any opportunity to get laid when I find a good looking, nice woman. There! And this doctor is good looking and appears to be very nice. She also happens to like me, and there’s something about her that is very intriguing, and that I find very interesting and enticing.” She came over to Karen and poked her with her finger on the shoulder. “She has sparked something in me! And that is very rare, my friend. So, I’m going for it!”

  “Okay, okay, fine. Go! Is she picking you up or do we take you there?”

  “She’s outside waiting for me. And I just hope she didn’t hear mama bear’s protective streak!”

  Addy chuckled. “I think this is all very romantic.”

  “Oh! Here we go! This is all we need now! Ms. Romantic! Addy, she’s getting laid! There’s no romance in that!”

  “Good for her! I happen to agree with Mel on this one. The doctor seems like a very nice person. I think she will be fine and who knows, maybe Mel will end up here as our neighbor!”

  Karen threw her arms in the air and collapsed on the sofa. “Why do I even bother? Am I the only voice of reason in this house?”

  “Addy thanks for your blessing, but let’s not rush things. Good luck taming mama bear tonight!”

  “Don’t you worry about mama bear, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of tonight.” Melanie laughed and went up to pack.

  “I’m always amazed at how cool headed she is. I mean, not wanting to rush things and all that. I’m sure glad, I was never a single lesbian. Don’t know that I could have done that kind of thing.” Addy commented once Melanie left the room. Karen looked at her, smiled, and then chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m trying to picture you as a single lesbian, and I honestly can’t.”

  “Ha! That is because I would have never been single for too long. I would have managed to always have some company.”

  Karen hugged her and said nothing. She thought it best to keep quiet. The idea of discussing the possibility of Addy with someone else was unnerving to her, and the idea that she would have had her heart broken was even worse. All of a sudden Karen felt great content. She had always thought that she was fortunate to have found Addy, but just now she felt fortunate that Addy had found her as well. Suddenly realizing that no one in the world would love her and take care of her like she did. She’d never let anyone hurt her. Yes, they were both perfect for each other and glad that neither of them was doing the dating game anymore. Life was perfect.

  Five minutes later, Mel came back downstairs. As they walked her out, Alex was coming back from the stables with Marshall. Marshall waved from the truck and left.

  “Are you leaving, Aunt Mel? I thought you were staying until Monday.”

  Melanie crouched to talk to her. “Yes, I’m still leaving on Monday, sweetie, but Dr. O’Brian would like to show me her house, and then she will take me to the airport. I’ll see you soon, okay? And call me and tell me all about Alejandro, okay.”

  The explanation seemed good enough for Alex. She hugged Melanie and agreed to all her requests, placing a big kiss on her cheek to Melanie’s delight. “I love you, little girl.”

  “I love you too, Aunt Mel.” Melanie got up, ruffled her hair and walked towards Victoria, who was talking to Addy and Karen.

  Dr. O’Brian was smiling watching the scene between Melanie and Alex. She walked over to Karen and talked to her. “I’ll make sure she gets to the airport on time on Monday.”

  Karen looked at her straight in the eyes. “She’s as good as they come.” Karen replied, as if warning the doctor not to mess with her. Victoria said nothing and looked at Addy. Addy winked and Victoria smiled back.

  They hugged and bid Melanie farewell. As she hugged Melanie, Addy whispered in her ear. “Would you, please call us Monday from the airport? I need to bring the wacko one back to her senses, remember?”

  Melanie chuckled then spoke out loud for Karen to hear. “You are the best thing that ever happened to that woman, you know? You are her miracle, and she knows it. Just look at her, all smiles!” They both looked at Karen who was displaying her perpetual grin.

  “Bye, Mel! Call us.” Karen came close to Addy, and wrapped her arm around Addy’s waist while Alex waived good-bye.


  On the way to Victoria’s house, Melanie complemented the beautiful scenery, and Victoria explained how she had come across the property. When Melanie saw the beautiful cottage, she was excited. “Victoria it’s beautiful! I love it!”

  “Come on, let me show you inside.” They went inside and came back out to the porch. The house sat on a meadow. There were wildflowers everywhere. In the distance all that was visible were trees and birds flying about. There were bushes and plants and the smell of fresh grass and honeysuckle lingered in the air.

  “Victoria, this place is beautiful, so unlike DC, there’s peace here, and look at you! You go to work in jeans and boots. You look relaxed. I wish I could do that!

  “Why don’t you? What are you doing in DC?”

  “I work there.”

  “You can work anywhere.”

  “I have a practice, patients.”

  “Do you have family there?”


  “If you get sick, or have a problem, do you call your patients for hel

  “Of course not.”

  “So, who do you have there who would help you if you needed care?”

  Melanie was quiet, realizing the gravity of her only response. “Are you suggesting that I move to Scotland?”

  “No, all I’m asking is what’s keeping you in DC.”

  Melanie was a bit disappointed. She was hoping that the previous answer had been a yes. Victoria knew her answer was disappointing, but she felt like she was treading on thin ice. They had just met and she was reluctant to move too fast, her head overruling the feelings Mel evoked in her.

  “What I’m saying is that if you had a reason to come here, would you come?”

  Melanie looked at her straight in the eyes. “Yes, I would. It would have to be a very good reason, though.”

  “It should be. Come on let’s sit on the patio, and have some wine.”

  Melanie sipped her wine and remained quiet. She was trained to listen to people and silence always prompted conversation from those not trained to listen. She also had a lot of patience. She sat on one of the reclining chairs on the patio and closed her eyes enjoying the serenity and the warm evening breeze.

  “Mel.” she paused and Melanie looked at her. Victoria seemed thoughtful and troubled. Melanie inwardly smiled. She knew Victoria was about to spill her guts. She did want her psychoanalysis after all, a personal one. She didn’t invite her over to hop in bed with her, sure she wanted that but she wanted to talk about personal stuff.

  “I came to this area a couple of years ago. I actually bought this property a few months ago. I had a practice in Surrey. Working at Epsom Downs with thoroughbreds, they are my passion and my specialty. That’s why when Dr. Ferst mentioned Alejandro I was there immediately. You don’t get to see a horse like that everyday around here. He’s quite a specimen.” She took a moment to gather herself and go back to the main topic of conversation. “While I lived there I was in a relationship.”

  She looked at Melanie for a reaction but found none from the trained professional. Victoria was pleased. “We were together for a couple of years. I thought I was in love and thought she was too. But she wasn’t. She fell for the money and charm of one of the racehorse owners. She was not a scientist like me, or as grounded as I am. She was a dreamer and read a lot about the life of the rich and famous and when this woman showed up with all her money and glamour Pam fell for all of it. I had nothing to offer but love, but apparently love wasn’t enough. So, she left me for her.”


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